Japan is the best place on earth for LTRs


Deleted member 11126

Dec 4, 2020
Its so depressing that it would be bad for the kids. For every good woman in the West Japan has like 10.

40% of Japanese women at 21 are virgins. This study is pretty true most girls in college have had like 1-2 relationships. Any guy 5'7+ is tall enough if they are White and not ugly ugly. Its not like SEA where you have to filter for gold diggers Japan is a 1st world country so its more genuine then the Philipines not to mention they are smarter then those girls. 95% are in shape fat girls do not exist. As long as you aren't a complete genetic failure and White most women treat you with the same respect as a chadlite
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You will be childless.
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Reactions: zura and Deleted member 11126
Literally every time I talked to one they were so nice to me SEA is good too but they aren't as good looking or smart and a lot of the attraction is money related
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They’ll give you low t robotic children
  • +1
  • So Sad
  • JFL
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  • JFL
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Only moral thing to do would be to move to Japan I think most Hapas whose mothers are 1st gen immigrants are SEA. A Japanese girl already lives in a 1st world country so its less boomers or complete loser genes.
Have you ever been to Japan yourself?

On paper raising a child there seems horrible, given how they won't have anybody around to socialize with. That, and the infrastructre for childcare is also probably shit and not subsidized, given how there are so few kids to begin with.

  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 11126
Have you ever been to Japan yourself?

On paper raising a child there seems horrible, given how they won't have anybody around to socialize with. That, and the infrastructre for childcare is also probably shit and not subsidized, given how there are so few kids to begin with.

View attachment 2314326
Just move to younger areas. There will always be clusters of people forming Japan is a huge place America is full of old people too but you can move to young cities as well.
  • +1
Reactions: bishōnenmaxxer
Its so depressing that it would be bad for the kids. For every good woman in the West Japan has like 10.

40% of Japanese women at 21 are virgins. This study is pretty true most girls in college have had like 1-2 relationships. Any guy 5'7+ is tall enough if they are White and not ugly ugly. Its not like SEA where you have to filter for gold diggers Japan is a 1st world country so its more genuine then the Philipines not to mention they are smarter then those girls. 95% are in shape fat girls do not exist. As long as you aren't a complete genetic failure and White most women treat you with the same respect as a chadlite
if i wasnt racist id have an asian wife tomorrow tbh ngl no cap frfr
  • +1
Reactions: based_pakichad421 and Deleted member 11126
cheating in japanese culture is rampant.

stop idealizing japan when it's the worst place on earth for non-nt subhumans. also, white halo doesn't exist there.
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  • Hmm...
  • Ugh..
Reactions: based_pakichad421, Deleted member 32973, Deleted member 28541 and 1 other person
cheating in japanese culture is rampant.

stop idealizing japan when it's the worst place on earth for non-nt subhumans. also, white halo doesn't exist there.
BS man got good results with Japanese girls. Also being NT is less important across cultures since being weird is semi expected
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Reactions: LampPostPrime and Deleted member 28541
Don't get used to it, China's going to nuke Japan to oblivion and do a Rape of Tokyo on Japanese and you don't want to be caught in the crossfire

  • +1
Reactions: retrudedmaxilla
Don't get used to it, China's going to nuke Japan to oblivion and do a Rape of Tokyo on Japanese and you don't want to be caught in the crossfire

Chances are the Three Gorges Dam goes down first
Chances are the Three Gorges Dam goes down first

Niggas been saying that about the Three Gorges Dam for over a decade. Average SFcel coping:


The reality of the situation, as agreed upon by government officials, intelligence officials, Pentagon scientists, US defense experts, world leaders, the richest billionaires, etc. shown here:

China's going to take Taiwan and rape Japan no matter how much collapse clickbait videos you search for on the internet lil bra
Don't get used to it, China's going to nuke Japan to oblivion and do a Rape of Tokyo on Japanese and you don't want to be caught in the crossfire

Japan could have nukes in 1 months time they already have enriched uranium and ballistic missile tech
The reality of the situation, as agreed upon by government officials, intelligence officials, Pentagon scientists, US defense experts, world leaders, the richest billionaires, etc. shown here
This is meant to raise caution and increase funding—accuracy is not even the main concern here.
Same people said that Kyiv would fall in 72 hrs—today Ukraine has more operational tanks than RF.
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 32973 and bishōnenmaxxer
Japan could have nukes in 1 months time they already have enriched uranium and ballistic missile tech

Japan is a small island, China is a massive country. China already has 410 nuclear warheads and is making even more. China has top tier ICBMs and has recently surpassed the US in the amount of them, and is still making more. China could destroy Japan in less than an hour if it wanted to. Japan either stays out of the Taiwan conflict or Tokyo gets raped hundreds of times as hard as Nanking.

This is meant to raise caution and increase funding—accuracy is not even the main concern here.
Same people said that Kyiv would fall in 72 hrs—today Ukraine has more operational tanks than RF.

"Same people" one person saying it doesn't mean shit lmao, the links I've showed have shown multiple important people. Leaders and officials who aren't on the US's side are saying the exact same things. The richest billionaires too. Keep snorting copium
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I've posted two Aznidentity links total in my whole account and they both relate to height from me searching up average Asian height lmao. These sources are all 100% valid and provide solid evidence of their claims. Meanwhile you're a 5'6 basement rotting KHHV white SFcel LARPing as an Asian tranny on incel forums preaching white supremacy and seething for your ethnic masters

  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 28691 and LampPostPrime
I've posted two Aznidentity links total in my whole account and they both relate to height from me searching up average Asian height lmao. These sources are all 100% valid and provide solid evidence of their claims. Meanwhile you're a 5'6 basement rotting KHHV white SFcel LARPing as an Asian tranny on incel forums preaching white supremacy and seething for your ethnic masters

Take meds. I'm not white and nothing about my posts is trannyesque, you're thinking of someone else.
If people want to see gay content they could just pull up your posts fantasizing about mongol rapes or something.
grass is greener on the other side logic+gooks
Take meds. I'm not white and nothing about my posts is trannyesque, you're thinking of someone else.
If people want to see gay content they could just pull up your posts fantasizing about mongol rapes or something.

"I'm not white bro"






And did you forget the deleted racebait thread of @Pixie Dust (aka clouder) who literally asked "any other Asian trannies in here" and you responded? Both of the two Asian LARP accounts before you were exposed of being white LARPers' alts after being accused of it. Give it up already lmao, hide it better on your next alt
Its so depressing that it would be bad for the kids. For every good woman in the West Japan has like 10.

40% of Japanese women at 21 are virgins. This study is pretty true most girls in college have had like 1-2 relationships. Any guy 5'7+ is tall enough if they are White and not ugly ugly. Its not like SEA where you have to filter for gold diggers Japan is a 1st world country so its more genuine then the Philipines not to mention they are smarter then those girls. 95% are in shape fat girls do not exist. As long as you aren't a complete genetic failure and White most women treat you with the same respect as a chadlite
Would you move to Japan to find a loyal virgin wife if you end up an oldcel? @Matthias8272
I've posted two Aznidentity links total in my whole account and they both relate to height from me searching up average Asian height lmao. These sources are all 100% valid and provide solid evidence of their claims. Meanwhile you're a 5'6 basement rotting KHHV white SFcel LARPing as an Asian tranny on incel forums preaching white supremacy and seething for your ethnic masters

Coping chink cel detected
Would you move to Japan to find a loyal virgin wife if you end up an oldcel? @Matthias8272
Japan has to be one of the shittiest place to move to of all time imo. Unattractive, unfriendly people, expensive in a major city, very dull, isolating
  • WTF
Reactions: LampPostPrime
Japan has to be one of the shittiest place to move to of all time imo. Unattractive, unfriendly people, expensive in a major city, very dull, isolating
Dull? Half the coolest stuff in the world is from there lmao. Godzilla. Samurai, anime. Hyper cope . And they're friendly to foreigners. But apparently they wont truly let you in the group as one, just be friendly superficially, which tbf is why theyre so awesome so i cant fault them. They were insular so long and made such a unique and vibrant culture because of it
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Reactions: Deleted member 32973 and DrKlinefelterPhdMd
Dull? Half the coolest stuff in the world is from there lmao. Godzilla. Samurai, anime. Hyper cope . And they're friendly to foreigners. But apparently they wont truly let you in the group as one, just be friendly superficially, which tbf is why theyre so awesome so i cant fault them. They were insular so long and made such a unique and vibrant culture because of it
Friendly to foreigners and developing a social group are very different, and it'd be far less likely for someone in japan (especially people from here). It'd only be fun if you went there with your friends

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