
a scared ltn

a scared ltn

Jul 28, 2024
I read some post about jaw development and how or diet changes the way our face gets shaped. There were like images of people eating hard foods like just alot of meet and then the modern diet of soft woods and basically people whit the modern diet had malacusions crowded theeth unlike the one who ate hard foods they had very wide pallets straight theeth not crowded at all. And then he said something about that a more bad airway will result in a narrower jaw witch will ultimately lead you to malacusions and jaw problems. Also he was talking about how sleeping can change you face as well like if you put a hand under you pillow and kind of sleep on you hand it can lead you to theeth crowding. But basically the guy said that these problems can be fixed whit sleeping on your back whitout a pillow, chewing hard foods, mewing as well as exercises for enhancing your airway witch would make your face develop the right way. Something about your theeth that you shouldn't apply pressure whit your back molars but rather pre molars. I just wanted to know if this is actually achievable or not.

Sorry for long post
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I read some post about jaw development and how or diet changes the way our face gets shaped. There were like images of people eating hard foods like just alot of meet and then the modern diet of soft woods and basically people whit the modern diet had malacusions crowded theeth unlike the one who ate hard foods they had very wide pallets straight theeth not crowded at all. And then he said something about that a more bad airway will result in a narrower jaw witch will ultimately lead you to malacusions and jaw problems. Also he was talking about how sleeping can change you face as well like if you put a hand under you pillow and kind of sleep on you hand it can lead you to theeth crowding. But basically the guy said that these problems can be fixed whit sleeping on your back whitout a pillow, chewing hard foods, mewing as well as exercises for enhancing your airway witch would make your face develop the right way. Something about your theeth that you shouldn't apply pressure whit your back molars but rather pre molars. I just wanted to know if this is actually achievable or not.

Sorry for long post
I mean if doing these things would make your face look better after some time
I read some post about jaw development and how or diet changes the way our face gets shaped. There were like images of people eating hard foods like just alot of meet and then the modern diet of soft woods and basically people whit the modern diet had malacusions crowded theeth unlike the one who ate hard foods they had very wide pallets straight theeth not crowded at all. And then he said something about that a more bad airway will result in a narrower jaw witch will ultimately lead you to malacusions and jaw problems. Also he was talking about how sleeping can change you face as well like if you put a hand under you pillow and kind of sleep on you hand it can lead you to theeth crowding. But basically the guy said that these problems can be fixed whit sleeping on your back whitout a pillow, chewing hard foods, mewing as well as exercises for enhancing your airway witch would make your face develop the right way. Something about your theeth that you shouldn't apply pressure whit your back molars but rather pre molars. I just wanted to know if this is actually achievable or not.

Sorry for long post
work on your english
Its caused by malnutrition not by soft food
both. Tf?
Its caused by malnutrition, and lack of activation of jaw.

Thats why babies suck the titty, to activate mewing.
Old skulls gnawed and pulled on meat, also chewed for long times, they had much larger facial muscles and bones.
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I read some post about jaw development and how or diet changes the way our face gets shaped. There were like images of people eating hard foods like just alot of meet and then the modern diet of soft woods and basically people whit the modern diet had malacusions crowded theeth unlike the one who ate hard foods they had very wide pallets straight theeth not crowded at all. And then he said something about that a more bad airway will result in a narrower jaw witch will ultimately lead you to malacusions and jaw problems. Also he was talking about how sleeping can change you face as well like if you put a hand under you pillow and kind of sleep on you hand it can lead you to theeth crowding. But basically the guy said that these problems can be fixed whit sleeping on your back whitout a pillow, chewing hard foods, mewing as well as exercises for enhancing your airway witch would make your face develop the right way. Something about your theeth that you shouldn't apply pressure whit your back molars but rather pre molars. I just wanted to know if this is actually achievable or not.

Sorry for long post
you need to fix your malocclusion by other means, such as braces or mse
Hard food is cope. It's all about nutrients.
shut up, no it aint jfl.
its both.
Its about growing up with hard food.
not being mouth breather for 18 years then autistically chewing for 1 month and expecting results.
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shut up, no it aint jfl.
its both.
Its about growing up with hard food.
not being mouth breather for 18 years then autistically chewing for 1 month and expecting results.
do you believe in horoscopes too
do you believe in horoscopes too
do you believe in retardation too?
I am a living subject of this you fucking moronic chimpanzee.
i thumb sucked for too long, thus affecting my jaw in its DEVELOPMENTAL STAGE
im not talking about chew coping as an adult.
im talking as a baby, as a child.
it helps.

Theres a very very good reason excavated skulls have nearly perfect tooth structures,
and people who eat soft diet have worse skulls.

it's the same with grannies having no teeth and achieving bone loss.
by your logic they should stay the same due to nutrition.
BUT BONE LOSS IS CAUSED by lack off using the bones.
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shut up, no it aint jfl.
its both.
Its about growing up with hard food.
not being mouth breather for 18 years then autistically chewing for 1 month and expecting results.
Well yeah ik but I was just asking if being consistent for a long period of time change your face
do you believe in retardation too?
I am a living subject of this you fucking moronic chimpanzee.
i thumb sucked for too long, thus affecting my jaw in its DEVELOPMENTAL STAGE
im not talking about chew coping as an adult.
im talking as a baby, as a child.
it helps.

Theres a very very good reason excavated skulls have nearly perfect tooth structures,
and people who eat soft diet have worse skulls.

it's the same with grannies having no teeth and achieving bone loss.
by your logic they should stay the same due to nutrition.
BUT BONE LOSS IS CAUSED by lack off using the bones.
Babies thumb suck as a compensation technique for skull underdevelopmennt (which is caused by malnutrition)
it s trauma, bonding w parents, muscles, posture, sleep physical fitness, nutrition, breastfeeding, stress etc etc. everything that impacts your health
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Chew. Fix your jaw by other means, chew to get bigger jaw muscles.
fix your tooth structure.
Is it true that chewing whit back molars lead to a downgrowth face? Since the pressure is pulling downwards
Babies thumb suck as a compensation technique for skull underdevelopmennt (which is caused by malnutrition)
its a mix and match, no shit you'll have a fucked jaw if you eat bread every day like a 1700's peasant jfl.
The jaw needs training, just as muscles. :feelshaha:
Is it true that chewing whit back molars lead to a downgrowth face? Since the pressure is pulling downwards
It will do 0 as an adult.
its about the food you eat,

if you eat soft brocolli as a child, you will ofcourse only use back molars.
but if you eat tough meat, you will use canines, and mostly all teeth, activating them all sorto speak.
Its nothing you can fix now, just practice good chewing normally.
and fix your jaw with braces and other appliances.
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(which is caused by malnutrition)
no it's overcompensation for having a weak tongue (breastfeeding is supposed to strenghten it)

Stop talking like a know it all when you know absolutely nothing pure cringe reading your replies to him
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if you grow up as a baby and you eat hard foods and get all your nutrition in and breathe properly you will have a good jaw
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no it's overcompensation for having a weak tongue (breastfeeding is supposed to strenghten it)

Stop talking like a know it all when you know absolutely nothing pure cringe reading your replies to him
i dont get how fucking retarded some people are, to only latch onto one cope.
its a mix.

i seriously doubt we will stumble on a starving african child who got 0 calcium and only ate bread, thus getting less bone density.
its about training the jaw bone, giving it apt pressure and training etc.
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no it's overcompensation for having a weak tongue (breastfeeding is supposed to strenghten it)

Stop talking like a know it all when you know absolutely nothing pure cringe reading your replies to him
It's ok to talk like know it all until it agrees with your opinions?
if you grow up as a baby and you eat hard foods and get all your nutrition in and breathe properly you will have a good jaw
we achieved common sense with this one :eek:
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no it's overcompensation for having a weak tongue (breastfeeding is supposed to strenghten it)

Stop talking like a know it all when you know absolutely nothing pure cringe reading your replies to him
Can I do some tounge exercises that would strengthen my tounge? Or should I just get a girlfriend
It's pretty bad I can barely see my upper theeth when I bite down
alright, do you live in a country that offers free surgery?
if its that bad.
Then get surgery,
i wouldve reccomended mse and face puller.
but due to the severity.
your main focus is surgery.
alright, do you live in a country that offers free surgery?
if its that bad.
Then get surgery,
i wouldve reccomended mse and face puller.
but due to the severity.
your main focus is surgery.
Well i was at the doctor and he said something that my lower jaw is growing very fast and strong and that it will lead to a underbite and braces wouldn't even work while it was growing so when I'm about 18 or 16 I Don't remember he said that the growing jaw will slow down or stop and then I can decide if I want a surgery that will bring the lower jaw backwards and behind the upper one and olny then I can wear braces.
alright, do you live in a country that offers free surgery?
if its that bad.
Then get surgery,
i wouldve reccomended mse and face puller.
but due to the severity.
your main focus is surgery.
What are the benefits of braces? Cuz I don't really know ig it makes your theeth straight and you have a nice smile but is there something more to it
Well i was at the doctor and he said something that my lower jaw is growing very fast and strong and that it will lead to a underbite and braces wouldn't even work while it was growing so when I'm about 18 or 16 I Don't remember he said that the growing jaw will slow down or stop and then I can decide if I want a surgery that will bring the lower jaw backwards and behind the upper one and olny then I can wear braces.
can you tell me, if you clench your lower jaw back, can you get rid of your under bite?
both. Tf?
Its caused by malnutrition, and lack of activation of jaw.

Thats why babies suck the titty, to activate mewing.
Old skulls gnawed and pulled on meat, also chewed for long times, they had much larger facial muscles and bones.
You telling me sucking titties will get me a fire jawline? Shit I need to find me a hooker…
What are the benefits of braces? Cuz I don't really know ig it makes your theeth straight and you have a nice smile but is there something more to it

They managed to fix underbite in an adult female using a Protraction Facemask

CRID2014 270257001


CRID2014 270257007



appliance used.

show this to your doctor :whistle:
i am getting trimax. i asked my maxillofacial surgeon what is the cause of recession. he basically replied with what you said. so you may be right. i thought mouth breathing caused it but he said no.
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They managed to fix underbite in an adult female using a Protraction Facemask

View attachment 3145883

View attachment 3145884

View attachment 3145886
appliance used.

show this to your doctor :whistle:
i am getting trimax. i asked my maxillofacial surgeon what is the cause of recession. he basically replied with what you said. so you may be right. i thought mouth breathing caused it but he said no.
this may interest you
i am getting trimax. i asked my maxillofacial surgeon what is the cause of recession. he basically replied with what you said. so you may be right. i thought mouth breathing caused it but he said no.
he said that modern diet is the cause of recession in the jaws to word it clearly
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