jesus christ, i want to kill myself.

my pretty ex who i pulled because of my looks left me after we dated for 2 years and i continued to push her away after she wanted to help me. she’s bad asf g and now she’s with some guy whose way more attractive than me now but i used to mog him a year ago. going to give all of herself to him now literally we dated for 2 years and she’s pretty as fuck and still a virgin.
Ok, that’s fine
No need to kys over it
U wanted to marry her ? Get her back then
Don’t worry ab that dude wtf u have bigger issues to worry about
Everything will be okay
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Ok, that’s fine
No need to kys over it
U wanted to marry her ? Get her back then
Don’t worry ab that dude wtf u have bigger issues to worry about
Everything will be okay
can’t get her back lmao she’s gone gang
There's nothing to worry about, what changes did you notice ??
U just became a bloated palecel that's it, just tan and lose weight/debloat and stop going into a psychosis for nothing

edit : u still look pretty good, at least above average even in the after picture
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There's nothing to worry about, what changes did you notice ??
U just became a bloated palecel that's it, just tan and lose weight/debloat and stop going into a psychosis for nothing

edit : u still look pretty good, at least above average even in the after picture
in the before and after x-rays the difference is pretty substantial.
View attachment 3003225View attachment 3003227holy shit. could i not have at least had 1mm of forward growth? HGH had to completely recess me even more and just down grow my jaw completely? Holy shit. RIP any harmony I ever had.
HGH seems to have made ur jaws taller and grew ur soft tissues. Ur under eyes look discolored. Try fixing that. Also I don’t think it’s over. Frankly it’s probably going to be better now when ur in your 20s. More dimorphism etc. u just need to improve soft tissues
  • +1
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nigga stop being schizo, you barely changed retard
you're just depressed, delusional and fat
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Different lighting, higher bodyfat, and less collagen. Your actual bones didn't change much at all...
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It looks better now, even though him bf is higher.
mentalcel fuck off
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i don’t think u read my post. I do not look like the far right pics anymore. I am the far left. HGH messed up my face.
you are gl and white, just get a latina
you are gl and white, just get a latina
I am not GL anymore. once again the far left pic is me now, the shirtless pic and the one on the far right in green sweatshirt is no longer mez
Your face just matured bro
bro, please. I could grow a full beard. i’m 17. Like i can show you before pics of me with a literal full beard. orthodontist even confirmed it was unatural and not supposed to happen and even suspected i did something to myself, you can see the exact point on my x-rays where the bone becomes weak and recently grown.
mirin how my Ramus stayed completely the same. It’s funny because that’s supposed to be the main thing that grows in acromegaly
If your ramus didn’t change then nothing else changed. It is the main thing. Your face has done developing HGH won’t change your bones. Not even tooth extracts recess the face in that amount of time. Stop having body dysmorphia
bro, please. I could grow a full beard. i’m 17. Like i can show you before pics of me with a literal full beard. orthodontist even confirmed it was unatural and not supposed to happen and even suspected i did something to myself, you can see the exact point on my x-rays where the bone becomes weak and recently grown.
You literally just need a rhino stop whining bro
I am not GL anymore. once again the far left pic is me now, the shirtless pic and the one on the far right in green sweatshirt is no longer mez
4216036 IMG 9667

this is you now?
If your ramus didn’t change then nothing else changed. It is the main thing. Your face has done developing HGH won’t change your bones. Not even tooth extracts recess the face in that amount of time. Stop having body dysmorphia
bro, i had an orthodontist confirm it. It was just downward vertical growth completely and seriously look at the chin height, I have whole ass before and after x-rays. Come on bro this isn’t placeboo this is real shit, i’m sure my ramus did change, but it didn’t lengthen to compensate for the other vertical growth its why my goinal angle is so different. HGH did change my bones and facial structure, it just did it in an abnormal way that isn’t like acromegaly, it’s like nobody knows why it happened it just did. I asked an endo and he couldn’t even tell me why it happened. His theory was that even if my plates were open i wasn’t growing so all the extra IGF1 had to go somewhere. He said all the extra IGF1 triggered bone remodelling in my body and due to my current oral posture or my current cranial growth pattern even though it was completely done developing it just kept growing it in the same pattern leading to even more downwards growth and a worsened deep bite, and a downswing mandible. He said it was unnatural and he felt bad for me lmao. because he’s never seen it before in any kid who ran gh. It doesn’t make sense that’s the whole point on why it’s hard not to be stuck on it because something like this doesn’t exist in any literature ever, even in kids with closed wrist growth plates who run gh and ai at 15.5 in a study for 15 months at 10ius a day never had any facial changes.
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Did u at least gain height?
there is literally

I take 6 units and there is literally no change in my body.

Even in height
also btw for the first 5 months i did this shit there was barely any changes. it happened rapidly after i turned 17. Maybe not using ai as consistently caused it. Osie begs to differ and said nothing here was caused by GH because it makes no sense. we will never know.
Dude you need to get some help. You're like obsessed with this. There is literally no difference besides some bloat. I don't feel like telling you this anymore tho, is there a way to block threads from particular people? Not trying to be a jerk, it's just I dont think this is helping. Here's the cycle

You come on, post some picture and compare it to a picture from another time, different angle, and probably different lighting /camera.

You go on about how different you look

Some Incels come on here and agree with you , probably because they want to mess with you, or are just as mentally ill as you

Then you repeat this

Srs bro just delete ur account . U look fine
Dude you need to get some help. You're like obsessed with this. There is literally no difference besides some bloat. I don't feel like telling you this anymore tho, is there a way to block threads from particular people? Not trying to be a jerk, it's just I dont think this is helping. Here's the cycle

You come on, post some picture and compare it to a picture from another time, different angle, and probably different lighting /camera.

You go on about how different you look

Some Incels come on here and agree with you , probably because they want to mess with you, or are just as mentally ill as you

Then you repeat this

Srs bro just delete ur account . U look fine
i look noticeable worse. then my ex left me and shit who was rly pretty and idk man we were tg for so long and i just descended the entire time
Dude you need to get some help. You're like obsessed with this. There is literally no difference besides some bloat. I don't feel like telling you this anymore tho, is there a way to block threads from particular people? Not trying to be a jerk, it's just I dont think this is helping. Here's the cycle

You come on, post some picture and compare it to a picture from another time, different angle, and probably different lighting /camera.

You go on about how different you look

Some Incels come on here and agree with you , probably because they want to mess with you, or are just as mentally ill as you

Then you repeat this

Srs bro just delete ur account . U look fine
do u have discord. there was actually a lot of change on x-rays and things in just now finding out. I’d like to show you some thing.

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