Jesus moggs allah to oblivion


Many will be surprised to learn that Allah actually prays. The Quran not only admits that Allah prays but it also reveals the very objective of his prayers. It reveals that Allah prays on the Prophet. In other words, Allah prays for Muhammad. And the Angels join him in praying for Muhammad. We encourage our readers, especially Muslims, to digest the information provided here carefully. Let us begin by first reading this vital Quranic verse:

Surah 33:56: Surely Allah and His Angels shower Serenity (Literally: shower prayers) on the Prophet. O you who have believed, pray for benediction on him, and submit in full submission. (Muhammad Ghali)

The Arabic word used here in Surah 33:56 is “yusalloona.” The above Muslim translator is fully aware of the true meaning of this Arabic word. He knows that it should be translated literally as “shower prayers.” Therefore, Surah 33:56 should be correctly translated as: “Surely Allah and His Angels shower prayers on the Prophet.” Since he understands the accurate meaning of this Arabic term, why does he not translate it correctly right away? Why does he choose to reveal the correct meaning only in parenthesis?

This is because Muslim translators such as the above and many others like him are horrified by the implications of this Quranic verse. Therefore, they deliberately mistranslate this Quranic verse. Most of them translate this verse to mean: “Allah and his angels shower blessings on the prophet.” The problem is that the Arabic word for “blessings” is “baarika.” And this word does not appear anywhere in this Quranic verse. The Arabic word used in Surah 33:56 is “yusalloona” which is a verbal form of the word “salah” or “salat.” The meaning of “salah” or “salat” is prayer or worship. The plural of “salat” is “salatwat.” Compare now the following translation:

Surah 33:56: Allah sends His Salat on the Prophet and also His angels too. O you who believe! Send your Salat on him and greet him with the Islamic way of greeting. (Hilali-Khan) Personal commentary of the Translator in parenthesis omitted.

Therefore, the correct translation of Surah 33:56 involves the prayer of Allah for Muhammad. This Quranic verse is absolutely damaging for Islam. To whom is Allah praying to? Is there another deity above him to whom he supplicates? The very suggestion that God prays is totally absurd. In fact, we are told in the Quran that not only does Allah pray for Muhammad but he also prays for his worshippers. In view of their importance, we have provided three different translations of the following Quranic verses:

Surah 2:156-157: Who, when an affliction afflicts them, say, “Surely we belong to Allah, and surely to Him we are returning.” Upon those are the prayers from their Lord, and mercy; and those are they who are the right-guided. (Muhammad Ghali)

Who, in adversity say: “We belong to Allah and to Him we shall return.” On those will be prayers and mercy from their Lord, those are guided. (Hasan Al-Fatih Qaribullah)

Those who if a disaster or any other thing hated struck them they said: “We are to God, and we are to Him returning.” Those, on them are prayers from their Lord and a mercy, and those are the guided. (Samira)

The Arabic word for “prayers” in the above Quranic verses is “salawatun.” These verses clearly testify that Allah’s prayers are upon those who return to him in faith. This proves that Allah prays. In concurrence with the teachings of the Quran, both the Hadiths and the Tafsirs also confirm that Allah prays. Let us consider now the Hadith of a renowned Muslim scholar.

The “Meadows of the Righteous” (Arabic: Riyadh as-Salihin) is a compilation of important verses from the Quran by renowned Muslim scholar, Al-Nawawi (1233–1277). The “Meadows of the Righteous” is a collection of vital Quranic with commentary from authentic Hadiths to clarify their true meaning. Al-Nawawi documented the following details under the heading, Book of Knowledge, 241. Chapter: The Excellence of Knowledge:

1387. Abu Umama reported that the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said, “Allah and His angels and the people of the heavens and the earth, even the ants in their rocks and the fish, pray for blessings on those who teach people good.” (At-Tirmidhi)


2685. Abu Umamah al-Bahili narrated: “Two men were mentioned before the Messenger of Allah. One of them a worshipper, and the other a scholar. So the Messenger of Allah said: ‘The superiority of the scholar over the worshipper is like my superiority over the least of you.’ Then the Messenger of Allah said: ‘Indeed Allah, His Angels, the inhabitants of the heavens and the earths – even the ant in his hole, even the fish – say Salat upon the one who teaches the people to do good. (Hasan) — English Translation of Jami’ At-Tirmidhi, Compiled by Imam Hafiz ‘Eisa Mohammad Ibn ‘Eisa At-Tirmidhi, From Hadith no. 2606 to 3290, translated by Abu Khaliyl

The above Hadith is categorized as “Hasan” which means it is recognized as authentic by Muslim scholars. Read carefully the words of Muhammad in the above Hadith once again. He is clearly testifying that Allah, like the rest of the creations, “say Salat (prayer) upon the one who teaches the people to do good.” We will now consider the Tafsir of another renowned Muslim scholar.

Tafsir Ibn Kathir on Surah 33:56:

The people of Israel said to Moses: “Does your Lord pray?” His Lord called him saying: “O Moses, they asked you if your Lord prays. Say to them: ‘Yes, I do pray, and my angels pray upon my prophets and my messengers,’” and Allah then sent down on his messenger: “Allah and His angels pray . . .” (Tafsir Ibn Kathir, Q. 33:56; translated from the Arabic online edition)

Of course, the true “Lord” of Moses does not pray. Since God is Almighty, it is impossible for Him to pray. Allah the impostor who prays is claiming to be the God of Moses. This clearly proves that Allah is not the true God. The Quran reveals that Allah is a fellow-worshipper along with the rest of the angels. This is clearly polytheism. Sadly for Muslims, they pray to a god who prays. And they follow a prophet who has the authority to interrupt their prayers to Allah. And this authority comes at a great cost to Muslims because it empowers Muhammad to prevent Allah from listening to the prayers of those whom he interrupts. Muhammad has to be greater or equal in authority with Allah to prevent him from listening to your prayers. When Muhammad calls, Muslims must stop whatever they are doing and respond to his call. And this includes their prayers. Muslims, we are not the ones saying this but your Prophet:

Surah 8:24: “O you who believe! Answer the call of Allah and His Apostle when he calls you to that which gives you life; and know that Allah intervenes between man and his heart, and that to Him you shall be gathered.” (Shakir)

Carefully consider now how the Prophet of Islam clarified both the meaning and the application of the above Quranic verse.

Sahih Bukhari, Volume 6, Book 60, Number 226:

Narrated Abu Said Al-Mualla: While I was praying, the Prophet passed by and called me, but I did not go to him till I had finished my prayer. When I went to him, he said, “What prevented you from coming?” I said, “I was praying.” He said, “Didn’t Allah say” “O you who believe Give your response to Allah and to His Apostle.” (Surah 8:24)

Sahih Bukhari, Volume 6, Book 60, Number 1:

Narrated Abu Said bin Al-Mu’alla: While I was praying in the Mosque, Allah’s Apostle called me but I did not respond to him. Later I said, “O Allah’s Apostle! I was praying.” He said, “Didn’t Allah say – Give your response to Allah (by obeying Him) and to His Apostle when he calls you.” (Surah 8:24)

This proves that Muslims must respond to the call of Muhammad even while they are praying. They are required to honor Muhammad above Allah. Why do we say that? On the surface it may appear that Muhammad was only demanding the Muslims to recognize his right to interrupt their prayers. However, there is more to this. It is important to note that each time Muhammad interrupts the prayer of a Muslim, he simultaneously interrupts Allah from receiving the prayer of that Muslim. This means that Muhammad has the authority to even interrupt Allah from receiving the prayers of his worshippers. Does not this exalt Muhammad to a position equal or even greater than Allah? Is this not polytheism? Can you then deny that in reality Islam has two gods?

The true God is identified by this divine name in the Holy Bible. His divine name is Jehovah. He is God Almighty. As such, it is impossible for Him to pray. On the other hand, Allah prays. This clearly proves that he is not the true God. He is but an impostor.

Before we conclude this article, we want to clarify an important fact. We want our Muslim readers to understand that true Christians do not worship Jesus. The Holy Bible does allow for this. However, we firmly believe that Jesus is the unique Son of God. And we sincerely obey all the teachings of Jesus Christ which are recorded in the Holy Bible. One such teaching is the profound statement of Jesus in the Gospel of Matthew. Jesus clearly stated:

Matthew 4:10: For it is written: “It is Jehovah your God you must worship, and it is to him alone you must render sacred service.”

This teaching of Jesus Christ rules out the worship of anyone else besides Jehovah. In obedience to his teaching, we worship Jehovah alone. He is the only true God.

Dr. Max Shimba for Max Shimba Ministries Org.
Dnrd, written by a man-worshipper. Allah doesnt pray. Re-read 33:56.
Lol, JFL at bringing weak hadiths again

The hadeeth that you referred to in the question was cited by Al-Bayhaqi on the authority of Ibn ‘Abbaas, and the scholars ruled that it is an objectionable hadeeth (Munkar) and that it is not authentic.

Also now answer these verses of the Bible clearly saying that Jesus (Peace and Blessings be upon him) is not God

Mark 10: 18
"And Jesus said unto him, “Why callest thou Me good? There is none good but One, that is, God."

Matthew 27: 46
And about the ninth hour Jesus cried out with a loud voice, saying, “Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani?” that is to say, “My God, My God, why hast Thou forsaken Me?”

Matthew 24: 36
“But about that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father."

Numbers 23:19
"God is not a man, that he should lie; neither the son of man, that he should repent: hath he said, and shall he not do it? or hath he spoken, and shall he not make it good?"

It’s Sahih grade Hadith and this nigga is saying it’s weak bahahahahahahaa
Yeah he does
What? No. The father is the more abstract form of God that Jews for example traditionally think of.

This is a good description of the father:

"God both is and is said to be the nature of all things, in so far as all things partake of him and subsist by means of this participation...In this sense he is the Being of all beings, the Form that is in all forms as the Author of form, the Wisdom of the wise and, simply, the All of all things. Yet he is not nature, because he transcends every nature; he is not a being because he transcends every being; and he is not nor does he possess a form, because he transcends every form...He is everywhere and nowhere; he has many names and he cannot be named; he is ever-moving and he is unmoved and, in short, he is everything and no-thing." - St Gregory Palamas (14th cent.)[6]

The son (Jesus) is still just God but in human form.
u muslim?
Happy Antonio Banderas GIF

unexpected tbh
u christian?

unexpected tbh
Dnrd, written by a man-worshipper. Allah doesnt pray. Re-read 33:56.
Nigga doesn't wanna read it cuz he's gonna lose his faith
  • +1
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It’s Sahih grade Hadith and this nigga is saying it’s weak bahahahahahahaa
JFL. Even Al Albani says it is weak. The vast majority of scholars agree that it is weak.

Al-Albaani said in As-Silsilah Adh-Dha'eefah, “As for the Marfoo’ (directly attributed to the Prophet, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wasallam) hadeeth by Hammaad ibn Salamah, from Qataadah, from ‘Ikrimah, from Ibn ‘Abbaas, with the wording “I saw my Lord, curly-haired and beardless, wearing a green robe”; then it is an objectionable report, as stated by Ath-Thahabi in As-Siyar.”

Ibn Al-Jawzi said in Al-‘Ilal Al-Mutanaahiyah, “This hadeeth is not proven, and all its narrations are from Hammaad ibn Salamah. Ibn ‘Adiyy said, ‘It was said that Ibn Abu Al-Awjaa’ was the stepson of Hammaad, and he used to insert these ahaadeeth into his books.”

Ash-Shawkaani said in Al-Fawaa’id Al-Majmoo‘ah fee Al-Ahaadeeth Al-Mawdhoo‘ah, “It was narrated by Al-Khateeb from Umm At-Tufayl, the wife of Abu Ka‘b, and it is a fabricated hadeeth, and its chain of narrators includes a fabricator, a liar, and an unknown reporter.”

Also why don't you answer once and for all like a man the Bible verses?? You are such a coward.
  • JFL
Reactions: Eternal_
JFL. Even Al Albani says it is weak. The vast majority of scholars agree that it is weak.

Al-Albaani said in As-Silsilah Adh-Dha'eefah, “As for the Marfoo’ (directly attributed to the Prophet, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wasallam) hadeeth by Hammaad ibn Salamah, from Qataadah, from ‘Ikrimah, from Ibn ‘Abbaas, with the wording “I saw my Lord, curly-haired and beardless, wearing a green robe”; then it is an objectionable report, as stated by Ath-Thahabi in As-Siyar.”

Ibn Al-Jawzi said in Al-‘Ilal Al-Mutanaahiyah, “This hadeeth is not proven, and all its narrations are from Hammaad ibn Salamah. Ibn ‘Adiyy said, ‘It was said that Ibn Abu Al-Awjaa’ was the stepson of Hammaad, and he used to insert these ahaadeeth into his books.”

Ash-Shawkaani said in Al-Fawaa’id Al-Majmoo‘ah fee Al-Ahaadeeth Al-Mawdhoo‘ah, “It was narrated by Al-Khateeb from Umm At-Tufayl, the wife of Abu Ka‘b, and it is a fabricated hadeeth, and its chain of narrators includes a fabricator, a liar, and an unknown reporter.”

Also why don't you answer once and for all like a man the Bible verses?? You are such a coward.
If you want answers to those verses just Google them and add answering islam
  • +1
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Christians are worshipping a man that had to take shits, pee, fart.
Hey don't disrespect!! Their Jesus pissed holy water!! He prolly got horny and beat his meat a couple times I wonder which hand did he wipe with
  • JFL
Reactions: Autismcel and kebab
Nigga doesn't wanna read it cuz he's gonna lose his faith
Nop. Stopped reading at this clear misinterpretation:
Surah 33:56: Surely Allah and His Angels shower Serenity (Literally: shower prayers) on the Prophet. O you who have believed, pray for benediction on him, and submit in full submission. (Muhammad Ghali)
IMG 6905

4 traductions, all of them are talking about blessings.
JFL. Even Al Albani says it is weak. The vast majority of scholars agree that it is weak.

Al-Albaani said in As-Silsilah Adh-Dha'eefah, “As for the Marfoo’ (directly attributed to the Prophet, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wasallam) hadeeth by Hammaad ibn Salamah, from Qataadah, from ‘Ikrimah, from Ibn ‘Abbaas, with the wording “I saw my Lord, curly-haired and beardless, wearing a green robe”; then it is an objectionable report, as stated by Ath-Thahabi in As-Siyar.”

Ibn Al-Jawzi said in Al-‘Ilal Al-Mutanaahiyah, “This hadeeth is not proven, and all its narrations are from Hammaad ibn Salamah. Ibn ‘Adiyy said, ‘It was said that Ibn Abu Al-Awjaa’ was the stepson of Hammaad, and he used to insert these ahaadeeth into his books.”

Ash-Shawkaani said in Al-Fawaa’id Al-Majmoo‘ah fee Al-Ahaadeeth Al-Mawdhoo‘ah, “It was narrated by Al-Khateeb from Umm At-Tufayl, the wife of Abu Ka‘b, and it is a fabricated hadeeth, and its chain of narrators includes a fabricator, a liar, and an unknown reporter.”

Also why don't you answer once and for all like a man the Bible verses?? You are such a coward.
“Every Hadith I don’t like is WEAK 😤
If you want answers to those verses just Google them and add answering islam
Lol. I know all those places since 2017 or so.

I have written essays about every claim they make, and even have refutations and the refutations of the refutations.

While you were playing hide and seek by acting as if the Bible didn't exist i was playing chess.
  • JFL
  • +1
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no im not but if some day i genuinely plan to become religious im pretty sure i will become christian
good luck on your journey then bud
Pedo detected


“Every Hadith I don’t like is WEAK 😤
No lol. Every hadith that has a weak narrator in the chain of narration or someone that was known for lying is weak period.

But i understand you can't comprehend this since we don't even know who wrote the Bible to begin with, and who are the main writers.

Also still waiting to adress the verses i posted. Trying to mock Islam will not save your clearly weak and heavily unstable faith in Christianity.
  • +1
Reactions: Autismcel and kebab
No lol. Every hadith that has a weak narrator in the chain of narration or someone that was known for lying is weak period.

But i understand you can't comprehend this since we don't even know who wrote the Bible to begin with, and who are the main writers.

Also still waiting to adress the verses i posted. Trying to mock Islam will not save your clearly weak and heavily unstable faith in Christianity.
Why do you endorse pedophilia? Why would you hand over your 6 year old daughter to a Muhammad-esque 54 year old pious Muslim man?

How are you not ashamed?

My faith is founded on bedrock. I will never in a million years abandon Christianity LOL
Hey don't disrespect!! Their Jesus pissed holy water!! He prolly got horny and beat his meat a couple times I wonder which hand did he wipe with
You Muslim niggas aren’t even supposed to be insulting your prophets are you? Isn’t this a grave offense?

Also, this dumbass comment of yours can clearly be dispelled because Jesus is the one and only person to never have sinned and Islam even reaffirms his sinless life.
Why do you endorse pedophilia? Why would you hand over your 6 year old daughter to a Muhammad-esque 54 year old pious Muslim man?
Already answered the Aisha claim hundreds of time here
How are you not ashamed?
Said the dumbass who believes God (Whom he believes to be Jesus) sent Moses and his people to do this

Numbers 31: 17-18
"Now therefore kill every male among the little ones, and kill every woman that hath known man by lying with him. But all the women-children, that have not known man by lying with him, keep alive for yourselves."

Free is Allah, Free is Jesus and Free is Moses (Peace and Blessings be upon them) from that which you ascribe to him
My faith is founded on bedrock. I will never in a million years abandon Christianity LOL
Yeah that's why you can't answer any verse i posted and you act as if they didn't exist lol

It's like an incel trying to convince himself he is a volcel while acting as if his grandmother and the lady that cleans his building doorway don't spit on him everytime they see him.
  • JFL
Reactions: Autismcel
Already answered the Aisha claim hundreds of time here

Said the dumbass who believes God (Whom he believes to be Jesus) sent Moses and his people to do this

Numbers 31: 17-18
"Now therefore kill every male among the little ones, and kill every woman that hath known man by lying with him. But all the women-children, that have not known man by lying with him, keep alive for yourselves."

Free is Allah, Free is Jesus and Free is Moses (Peace and Blessings be upon them) from that which you ascribe to him

Yeah that's why you can't answer any verse i posted and you act as if they didn't exist lol

It's like an incel trying to convince himself he is a volcel while acting as if his grandmother and the lady that cleans his building doorway don't spit on him everytime they see him.

I’m simply extrapolating on Aisha’s situation into real life. Every single Muslim I have asked on here has said YES, that they would hand over their hypothetical 6 year old daughter to a 54 year old man for marriage. This is morally abhorrent

Regarding the Canaanite invasion, LOL nigga stop trying to cover up the depravities of Islam by throwing on an Old Testament verse about God being cruel.
like a lot of men at that time, whats your point?
the point is that muslims claim muhammad is the perfect example of a man through ALL ages. Meaning the ideal man of today according to islam should still be a pedophile.
  • +1
Reactions: Eternal_
the point is that muslims claim muhammad is the perfect example of a man through ALL ages. Meaning the ideal man of today according to islam should still be a pedophile.
So disgusting!

This is why all Muslim men idealize violence, fantasize about conquering Europe by the sword, and even agree to child brides! Very disgusting people

(Small caveat that a few Shia niggas are cool people. All Sunnis are animals)
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 52298, i_love_roosters and DildoFaggins
So disgusting!

This is why all Muslim men idealize violence, fantasize about conquering Europe by the sword, and even agree to child brides! Very disgusting people
Indeed, islam is spiritual cancer.
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 52298, i_love_roosters and Eternal_
Already answered the Aisha claim hundreds of time here

Said the dumbass who believes God (Whom he believes to be Jesus) sent Moses and his people to do this

Numbers 31: 17-18
"Now therefore kill every male among the little ones, and kill every woman that hath known man by lying with him. But all the women-children, that have not known man by lying with him, keep alive for yourselves."

Free is Allah, Free is Jesus and Free is Moses (Peace and Blessings be upon them) from that which you ascribe to him

Yeah that's why you can't answer any verse i posted and you act as if they didn't exist lol

It's like an incel trying to convince himself he is a volcel while acting as if his grandmother and the lady that cleans his building doorway don't spit on him everytime they see him.
Those were human/fallen angel hybrids they deserved it
  • +1
Reactions: Axii
Indeed, islam is spiritual cancer.
The ultimate litmus test is the 6 year old child bride. Bring that hypothetical up to any Muslim and watch 98-99% of them be clear in having no moral qualms with it.

Islam is a cancer and a plague to humanity.
  • +1
Reactions: DildoFaggins
Lol. I know all those places since 2017 or so.

I have written essays about every claim they make, and even have refutations and the refutations of the refutations.

While you were playing hide and seek by acting as if the Bible didn't exist i was playing chess.
Stop the larp
  • +1
Reactions: Axii and Eternal_
you know its over when scihzos on an indian website are comparing their faces with your "god"
You know it's over when your god is so powerful yet he can't get a second shin so he's stuck being a cripple
  • JFL
Reactions: Axii
jewish man vs pagan desert fanatasy
who mogs ?
You know it's over when your god is so powerful yet he can't get a second shin so he's stuck being a cripple
cripple meaning he wouldnt be able to function normally, if you had a normally functioning brain, you`d know that this makes no sense. and why would Allah need a second shin ? he isnt human unlike your "god".
cripple meaning he wouldnt be able to function normally, if you had a normally functioning brain, you`d know that this makes no sense. and why would Allah need a second shin ? he isnt human unlike your "god".
He can't function properly, he's retarded. My God is so great he can be a human too. He's humble and loving
  • +1
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I would hate if God refused to reveal Himself to us in the flesh. What type of cold, indifferent, and disinterested God is that?!

Islam puts parameters on what God can and can’t do, which is insane. He can do anything and out of the love that He has for His creation, He chose to dwell among us and reveal Himself to the world as Jesus Christ. Not only that but He came down here to provide salvation to us all—to anyone that is willing to accept that free gift that NONE OF US deserve.

I love Jesus 😍
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Joined Aug 24, 2023
Last seen 1 minute ago · Viewing thread D1ckcels GTFIH
I'm not a dickcel I was just checking the new posts
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shia don't believe allah has a physical form for he is above space and time @GriffithMaxx its our time to shine
Associating body parts would be shirk
  • +1
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Christians are worshipping a man that had to take shits, pee, fart.
Meanwhile Muslims worship the delusions of some mentally Ill desert Arab scam artist

Oh and he was a pedophile as well let’s not forget that but apparently he is the “perfect man” in Islam LMFAO
  • +1
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That’s how you know your religion is TOTALLY VALID and NOT AT ALL fraudulent—when it plays to mans carnal desires!

“Abdullah, go and bomb those christians and Shias—Allah the most merciful will reward you with endless sex with virgins if you do”
There’s so much retarded shit in their religion JFL it’s honestly crazy lol when you investigate it.

I don’t know what moohamed was smoking when he came up with half that shit but the fact he got so many to buy into his scam is honestly impressive lol
  • +1
Reactions: Eternal_ and i_love_roosters
Be careful with these threads about supposed """christians""" that have never read the Bible yet somehow they know """everything""" that a preacher who is getting that good money from Israel and the UAE tells them about Islam

View attachment 2736916 View attachment 2736919

These people are all cut from the same scissors
I’ve read your Quran. It’s full of nonsense and inconsistencies.

Did you know that “allah” was a name that muhammed appropriated from hearing Christian’s and Jews saying god as in Elohim

Allah=El-llah or Yahweh who isn’t even acknowledged in the Quran as god’s name even tho you falsely claim to be an abrahamic religion
  • +1
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This is why islam is false because God made man in his image but allah is just a demon tricking sandniggers for satan
  • +1
Reactions: Researcher of Incel, Eternal_, NoReedemingFeature and 1 other person
I’ve read your Quran. It’s full of nonsense and inconsistencies.

Did you know that “allah” was a name that muhammed appropriated from hearing Christian’s and Jews saying god as in Elohim

Allah=El-llah or Yahweh who isn’t even acknowledged in the Quran as god’s name even tho you falsely claim to be an abrahamic religion
It takes some dedication to read such a shit book. I tried to read it so I can debate muzzies better but it was so awful and stupid that I just couldn't. It feels like it was generated by chatgpt
  • JFL
  • +1
Reactions: Axii, Researcher of Incel and NoReedemingFeature
It takes some dedication to read such a shit book. I tried to read it so I can debate muzzies better but it was so awful and stupid that I just couldn't. It feels like it was generated by chatgpt
I don’t blame you tbh it’s honestly full of shit. It’s full of their mentally Ill prophets delusions and scams while also appropriating the Torah and Bible and perverting them due to his sheer ignorance or malicious intent.

He also appropriated a lot of Arab pagan rituals that’s why they have all sorts of weird shit in Islam like praying to that black box in Mecca made by pagans

Muhammad all in all was clearly someone with delusions of grandeur who hated the current regime and got inspiration from Christianity and Jews to break the status quo
I don’t blame you tbh it’s honestly full of shit. It’s full of their mentally Ill prophets delusions and scams while also appropriating the Torah and Bible and perverting them due to his sheer ignorance or malicious intent.

He also appropriated a lot of Arab pagan rituals that’s why they have all sorts of weird shit in Islam like praying to that black box in Mecca made by pagans

Muhammad all in all was clearly someone with delusions of grandeur who hated the current regime and got inspiration from Christianity and Jews to break the status quo
His original name isn't even Muhammad, his original name was Qutham which means poop in Arabic. This stuff if just ridiculous at this point. Islam is just too retarded to believe
  • JFL
Reactions: Axii and NoReedemingFeature
Amen Bro Jesus is Our true Lord not muhammad and Allah .
  • +1
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Lol @ allahcels coping
The only thing in their religion I agree with is their treatment of foids :feelskek:
  • +1
  • Ugh..
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How about you bring the primary source stating that it occurred due to menstruating women?

The hadeeths you mentioned don't even contain what the image says.

It's the same regurgitated argument on and on again, quite boring especially since it's coming a Christian.



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