Jfl at ethnics moving to the west

Muslims in the west are fooling themselves
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The average white ‘man’ is a skinny fat subhuman or a Lanklet with 0 muscle mass. They age like shit and go bald at 15. Terrible eyesight and get cancer from staying in the sun too long
View attachment 1183237
Never forget whiteboy. You are the product of Neanderthal subhumans and are predisposed to being evil. No other race on earth is as callous or physcopathic as white ‘people’
Correct, just another basement dweller cum skin coper who lives in some fantasy land.
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White people travelled the world genociding, pillaging, murdering and raping like their Neanderthal subhuman ancestors. The Chinese called the white people barbarians. The Arabs called you people filthy and unhygienic, the moors of North Africa knew you were uncivilised. Europe for the past 1000 years were busy dying of the disease and fighting constant civil wars
High IQ intellectual understanding.
Cum skins are also responsible for feminism and the promiscuous western culture which is responsible for inceldom and most of our sufferings.
But of course cum skins will cope by blaming joos and ethnics.

These cum skins want ethnic foids who are conservative and traditional, cum skins are SEAmaxxing like a clown :soy:.

They should fix their western countries instead of trying to get ethnic foids.

Jooish and ethnic culture is and was always superior to that of cum skins.
  • JFL
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I can’t get a fucking job because of them now

so many fucking ethnics work cheap I can’t find a job they even take local jobs at pizza shops like dominos

litterslly can’t find a job coz of them

Don’t have anything against them but it’s annoying
Blame the capitalists employing them, not them.

Jfl It is a problem when your own country is replaced with a foreign population that doesn't have the same upbringing as the native culture . The statistics support this change in Europe. It takes good smart people to build a solid first world country with low crime rates. Look at places like Detriot which is run down when your replace a native successful population with a worse one. Look at the rise of terrorist attacks in Europe as of late now that they have more muslims flooding in.

I srsly don't get how whites can cope with their population and cities being flooded by low life ethnics. It's not about muh SMV it's about pride it's about losing your own country, your own identity, your own culture and your own phenotype. I don't think many people would be happy if Africa became solid white over the next 50 years.

It's happening even in India. Brutal.
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  • JFL
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Your literally making so easy for white men, when your brown shitskin Muslim girls come here they will worship all white men like all other women and provide us with fuck toys and I don’t give a fuck about feminist and left women fucking the brown cunts that come here there men aren’t a threat I don’t give a fuck if my women fuck them the white race is gonna be gone soon but I’ll be dead by then

I don’t see women as anything other then sex meat and I find any race but Asian women attractive

I say let muslims come I want fuck meat and let the muslims fuck our women I honestly don’t give a fuck it’s just raising white smv worldwide

Keep breeding like animals
Its reduce hypergamy, the more subhuman the easier the game
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@Shrek2OnDvD Stop stating garbage and lack luster arguments, ethnics like you only know how to cope about "muh evil cumskin!!!!!".
good thing we’re north indian @nastynas

super power 2022.
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@Shrek2OnDvD Stop stating garbage and lack luster arguments, ethnics like you only know how to cope about "muh evil cumskin!!!!!".
Fuck off
Jfl It is a problem when your own country is replaced with a foreign population that doesn't have the same upbringing as the native culture . The statistics support this change in Europe. It takes good smart people to build a solid first world country with low crime rates. Look at places like Detriot which is run down when your replace a native successful population with a worse one. Look at the rise of terrorist attacks in Europe as of late now that they have more muslims flooding in.

I srsly don't get how whites can cope with their population and cities being flooded by low life ethnics. It's not about muh SMV it's about pride it's about losing your own country, your own identity, your own culture and your own phenotype. I don't think many people would be happy if Africa became solid white over the next 50 years.

I dunno how people can still believe this dumb low IQ SF shit. EVERY single first world nation had the exact same problems that they have now way before large scale immigration happened. Crime syndicates existed, gangs existed, pimps existed, murderers existed etc. etc. It is true that immigrants usually take these roles from the natives when they arrive, which is because they are even more willing to resort to extreme violence to claim their spot. Who can blame them tough? They come from severely shitty backgrounds so of course they are even more motivated to improve their situation by all means necessary. They are basically just replacing the local low class.

"Muh white phenotype is disappearing". Every European population except certain groups of Swedes is already mixed race and has been for thousands of years. The vast majority of Europeans has dark hair, which is an ethnic trait, no matter how you twist it and turn it. Eastern Euros are all hapas, Southern and Western Euros have Arab admixture and even many Northern Euros have foreign admixture due to Sami immigration and their past history of taking Celtic and Slavic slaves to their countries. The only group worth saving is purebred Swedes.

"I don't think many people would be happy if Africa became solid white over the next 50 years." Africa is already extremely mixed, more than you dumb SFers could ever imagine. Africa has received a ton of Arab, Euro and Abo admixture over the millenia and is the most genetically diverse place in the world. You will find an extremely wide range of skin tones in Africa and yes they are all "black", but they hardly can be considered the same when one is beige and the other is pitch black.

As I said, crime and violence have always been there, no matter if immigrants were present or not. Here's some fun facts about your "peaceful white nations".

England has been systematically oppressing, killing and raping the Irish for thousands of years, fellow "white people". This situation has lead to many local wars, the most recent one ending only 30 years ago.
The United Kingdom has also been full of native crime gangs for hundreds of years, ever since it's society has been studied and recorded.
Denmark has one of the highest concentrations of native outlaw motorcycle club members in Europe and, along with the other Nordic nations, saw the emergence of a full scale war between these clubs.
Eastern Europe is a breeding ground for drug trade, human trafficking, corruption and arms smuggling and has also seen the Balkan war, a violent conflict between natives which lasted as long as the 2000s in certain areas.
Germany needs no explanation.
Italy gave birth to the most famous and feared mafia the world has ever seen.
Not to mentioned the thousands of wars that were fought on European soil between native people.

"Being proud of muh culture and muh ethnicity" is something for people who have achieved absolutely nothing in their lives and need some cope to cling onto. People who do make it big don't give a fuck about that nonsense because it is completely meaningless.

And before I go I might remind you that life in first world nations right now is better than it has ever been. 150 years ago you would have been a peasant with zero opportunities who gets treated like absolute scum by the ruling monarch.
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White people travelled the world genociding, pillaging, murdering and raping like their Neanderthal subhuman ancestors. The Chinese called the white people barbarians. The Arabs called you people filthy and unhygienic, the moors of North Africa knew you were uncivilised. Europe for the past 1000 years were busy dying of the disease and fighting constant civil wars
yeah moors literally came in post-roman collapse and came into a barbarian empire that was unstable and in constant collapse, think European civilization wasn't/isn't superior is pure cope. Colonialism had nothing to do with white working-class but Jewish Usury and an arms race

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