JFL if you’re not getting married



Aug 11, 2020
My parents have been happily married for years, all my cousins and almost all my friends parents are happily married too.

Divorce rape is a cope. In the USA 3.2 per 1000 married couples divorce.

Either way Chads with good personalities don’t get divorced.

Chad trait: Marriage
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getting married and having children is low T cuck trait , having girlfriend mogs
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. In the USA 3.2 per 1000 married couples divorce.

However, about 40 to 50 percent of married couples in the United States divorce. The divorce rate for subsequent marriages is even higher.
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However, about 40 to 50 percent of married couples in the United States divorce. The divorce rate for subsequent marriages is even higher.
Yea because most of the population are soy boy betabuxes
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Either way I’m fucking every girl then settling down
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My parents have been happily married for years, all my cousins and almost all my friends parents are happily married too.

Divorce rape is a cope. In the USA 3.2 per 1000 married couples divorce.

Either way Chads with good personalities don’t get divorced.

Keep crying while me and my wife are looking at the stars with our chad kids in our laps.

Chad trait: Marriage

View attachment 722239View attachment 722240
Just because Chico has a wife and kids doesn’t mean that every man in their 20’s should seek marriage. In fact it’s bad for him since is not the good time to settle down.
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marriage is mostly for financial reasons. You can still have a family and kids without needing to get married jfl
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im gonna marry except if i become a millionaire tbh
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  • Hmm...
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r/deadbedrooms is what will happen if most members try to marry. Jfl at marrying in the age of hypergamy. Women can fuck who they want when they want even if they are married.
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r/deadbedrooms is what will happen if most members try to marry. Jfl at marrying in the age of hypergamy. Women can fuck who they want when they want even if they are married.
Looksmax, slay then marry
Looksmax, slay then marry
I would rather just slay tbh. Problem with marriage is that it limits your freedom plus you got stuff like child support that can happen. If it was an older time sure marriage would be great but not in the 21st century. At the end of the day it’s your choice after all.
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Don't wanna get married ,don't wanna have kids. How else do I afford a RTX 3090?
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I would rather just slay tbh. Problem with marriage is that it limits your freedom plus you got stuff like child support that can happen. If it was an older time sure marriage would be great but not in the 21st century. At the end of the day it’s your choice after all.
That’s why you pick a good girl. At the end of the day pussy is pussy. At a point I won’t feel like going after a new girl every week
And then she became old and wrinkly have fun with that faggot and you waste all your money on dippers instead of going out clubbing and getting high

Have fun with that faggot
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And then she became old and wrinkly have fun with that faggot and you waste all your money on dippers instead of going out clubbing and getting high

Have fun with that faggot
I’ll be playing catch with my chad son. I don’t need clubs and drugs
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i want a stable girlfriend and start a family already tbh college is really bothering me
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just get a billionaire women to betabuxx for you like Meeks tbh
But yet you browse this website because your mom was selfish when she was choosing a proper mate
Nah. My mom is 5’7 and has a robust jaw and my dad is 6’1. I just need to leanmaxx and get better eyebrows
@PapiMew I didn’t stumble here because I was struggling with girls and getting bullied
I would get married with a young Stacy. Unfortunately the only thing I can get married to is postwall roasties in 2020.

no thanks
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Mariage is cope
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Divorce rape is a cope. In the USA 3.2 per 1000 married couples divorce.
The divorce rate is at least 30%,
"It is now clear that the divorce rate in first marriages probably peaked at about 40 percent for first marriages around 1980 and has been declining since to about 30 percent in the early 2000s."
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The divorce rate is at least 30%,
"It is now clear that the divorce rate in first marriages probably peaked at about 40 percent for first marriages around 1980 and has been declining since to about 30 percent in the early 2000s."
Regardless prenups exist and u have to settle at some point anyway. This hedonist life style isn't for everyone.
My parents have been happily married for years, all my cousins and almost all my friends parents are happily married too.

Divorce rape is a cope. In the USA 3.2 per 1000 married couples divorce.

Either way Chads with good personalities don’t get divorced.

Chad trait: MarriageView attachment 722251
damn, chico is such a flat faced boneless cuck,
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Regardless prenups exist and u have to settle at some point anyway. This hedonist life style isn't for everyone.
Yes, but divorce rate is not as low as 3.2 per 1000.
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marriage is far from a chad trait:feelskek:
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Yes, but divorce rate is not as low as 3.2 per 1000.
These seem exaggerated tbh. I rarely see divorced couples here but maybe it's just a third world country thing
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marriage is far from a chad trait:feelskek:
Well, most celebrities do marry, and many do it early. Chico, Bieber, many athletes who have kids in their 20s.

But they have money and status, it's easier for them to find a good woman and not get divorced.
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r/deadbedrooms is what will happen if most members try to marry. Jfl at marrying in the age of hypergamy. Women can fuck who they want when they want even if they are married.
Deleted Member Moment XD
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Well, most celebrities do marry, and many do it early. Chico, Bieber, many athletes who have kids in their 20s.

But they have money and status, it's easier for them to find a good woman and not get divorced.
good for them tbh but i personally can't see myself spending the rest of my life with just one person. ngl i suck at relationships so there's no point in even trying anymore
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i’m going to get married to a tall beautiful native women with good bones and put my son on hgh and a hard food diet and have a mogger family
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Do you still want to marry or are you now too blackpilled for it?
I only got with non-virgins. The logical blackpilled part of my mind statistically knew what I was getting into, but the romantic part of my mind, wanted to believe they were capable of loving me as much as I Ioved them. But it is what it is, only a real virgin I think may truly be capable of real love. Then again I did only try anglo women aswell. Different European females I think are primitive in different ways.

Germanic may hold some potential. If white women, particularly non-virgin white women don't work out, then perhaps i'll have to seek out a muslim woman. It may be the only hope if all hope is lost.
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what's the point of marriage?
i want to keep fucking new girls i'm gonna get tired sooner or later of being with the same girl
plus emotions are gay
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what a shit thread by a greycel cuck
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I only got with non-virgins. The logical blackpilled part of my mind statistically knew what I was getting into, but the romantic part of my mind, wanted to believe they were capable of loving me as much as I Ioved them. But it is what it is, only a real virgin I think may truly be capable of real love. Then again I did only try anglo women aswell. Different European females I think are primitive in different ways.

Germanic may hold some potential. If white women, particularly non-virgin white women don't work out, then perhaps i'll have to seek out a muslim woman. It may be the only hope if all hope is lost.
Germanic = Northwest Europe?

With muslim women, you have to provide for the whole family, at least if you marry someone who lives in a muslim country. Sounds like a bad deal ngl.
My parents are divorced

Marriage? No thanks
Do you want to have a LTR with a woman at some point or being a bachelor forever?
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