jfl if you're studying some bullshit major in college

tying to compete with other people in the rat race makes you a cuck, no two ways about it. you need to exit the system, not go deeper into it with furthering muh education(so you can make money for jews)
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tying to compete with other people in the rat race makes you a cuck, no two ways about it. you need to exit the system, not go deeper into it with furthering muh education(so you can make money for jews)
Muh exist the system, go be broke thinking you are making a difference because I know for a fact 99% of the people who say this will amount to absolutely nothing. 0 nobility in poverty
Why would I gamble someone in a million chance to try to make it with no degree in a field where 99% of people have a degree? You;re strategy isn't supior for this simple fact

If I was studying comp sci or doing a trade, then yes fuck the degree, id go get a certification and some bootcamps and be good to go but for the corporate world good luck with your strategy
Its not one in a million, you can graduate with your little degree and the first thing they'll always ask is job experience. So I'm saying to shadow someone in the field, and learn from the ground up. Thats a lot smarter

See this

You can also just do some sales jobs instead, make a lot more money then basically all degrees, except programming but even then top tier sales man for companies ( called account executives ) can make 200K+. Its a difficult role to get into though
Its not one in a million, you can graduate with your little degree and the first thing they'll always ask is job experience. So I'm saying to shadow someone in the field, and learn from the ground up. Thats a lot smarter
They want both thats why internships and co-ops exist. Go to any fortune 500 and tell them you "shadowed" somebody but have no degree, they wont even meet with you

and how exactly are you going to shadow anyone worth shadowing in a field where people with degrees arent even getting this privilege? This honestly delusional bro and wont work for 99% of fields. Exceptions to the rule mean nothing to me
You can also just do some sales jobs instead
So fuck a degree that mogs 99% of the useless ones and go for a generic sales job which every other lazy normie who thinks he can bypass the system is also going for? You say this like its so easy when its extremely nauced.
So fuck a degree that mogs 99% of the useless ones and go for a generic sales job which every other lazy normie who thinks he can bypass the system is also going for? You say this like its so easy when its extremely nauced.
Doesn't hurt to try, and I'm not saying your gonna get the first company you approach. It might be 5 or 10 . Its a better idea then spending 4 years on a degree only to get rejected for lack of experience.

Where do you think the student debt crisis came from. Its because college degrees were not enough. And why would a 3 month internship be as good as a year in the actual job

You heard the meme about entry level jobs wanting several years of experience. A fresh college graduate with 2 internships has none of that. Only a actual worker has that

And a lot of normies are not doing this. Hardly anyone is doing this cause their so stuck in their path that they think a degree is a requirement, when its value is basically worthless these days.
Doesn't hurt to try, and I'm not saying your gonna get the first company you approach. It might be 5 or 10 . Its a better idea then spending 4 years on a degree only to get rejected for lack of experience.

Where do you think the student debt crisis came from. Its because college degrees were not enough. And why would a 3 month internship be as good as a year in the actual job
Crisis came from retards studying the useless degrees I warned about in this thread and not being able to pay them off because they have an average salary of 38k after degree instead of nearly 2x that studying something worthwhile

And yes it dose hurt to try if your goal is a field where littarly nobody that has succeded has done this. The average person will be raped trying to do this, and if you're above average IQ then a high income field with lots of upwards potential is law, and surprise surprise those include high finance, law, Computer/IT , medical field which all need degrees
If you're on this forum you have already lost in life / are behind normies

why rape your life further studying some shit that won't land you a high-paying career

I don't give a shit if you don't "muh enjoy it" Would you rather study some useless fucking course while not having a social life?
(main reason why these bs course takers go to college)

study something difficult and worthwhile, you can afford to go all in, I suggest watching this video

Trades are also a good path, so are some 2-year certificates with some added boot camps on top


"Muh wagie, muh escape matrix" stfu loser, you're on this forum which already indicates your below average in some category, do you think you will suddenly become apart of the top 0.01% of normies that can "escape" and actually make a living?

"Muh college is a scam" Its a scam if you don't do what I said and go into some useless fucking degree meant for women to think they are actually achieving something. If you study STEM, or finance, law or something known and credible your starting salary should easily already be above average

"Idc about money" Good luck bro, we'll see if you feel the same in 10 years when you're not only below average socially, you are broke as well

"I already do Insert random side hustle" Unless you've made enough to last you another lifetime id hedge my bets and still study something worth it, the degree could maybe even help this side hustle

Please change the black text
  • JFL
Reactions: 0S4MA
If you're on this forum you have already lost in life / are behind normies

why rape your life further studying some shit that won't land you a high-paying career

I don't give a shit if you don't "muh enjoy it" Would you rather study some useless fucking course while not having a social life?
(main reason why these bs course takers go to college)

study something difficult and worthwhile, you can afford to go all in, I suggest watching this video

Trades are also a good path, so are some 2-year certificates with some added boot camps on top


"Muh wagie, muh escape matrix" stfu loser, you're on this forum which already indicates your below average in some category, do you think you will suddenly become apart of the top 0.01% of normies that can "escape" and actually make a living?

"Muh college is a scam" Its a scam if you don't do what I said and go into some useless fucking degree meant for women to think they are actually achieving something. If you study STEM, or finance, law or something known and credible your starting salary should easily already be above average

"Idc about money" Good luck bro, we'll see if you feel the same in 10 years when you're not only below average socially, you are broke as well

"I already do Insert random side hustle" Unless you've made enough to last you another lifetime id hedge my bets and still study something worth it, the degree could maybe even help this side hustle

Not in colly yet but next year I'm starting with dentistry
  • +1
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I am too smart for studying
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You’ll never make enough to live a good life in this Jewish economy no matter what you major in. Might as well just study what you like unironically.
  • +1
  • Hmm...
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You’ll never make enough to live a good life in this Jewish economy no matter what you major in. Might as well just study what you like unironically.
might as well fuck around in your college years, doing some bullshit major, but partying hard, making friends for life, having a girlfriend/slaying, etc.

you never know what will happen in the future, have to make the best of it in the present.

imagine having the best time of your life ever during college/university, but then dying at 30yo from cancer. Life well lived.

Now imagine being a study-cel truecel nerd with shit life in his twenties, 'i will make so much money in the future!!' mindset. And then u die at 30yo and JFL ur whole life is a joke.
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: looksmaxxed, watah, Nick.Harte and 1 other person
might as well fuck around in your college years, doing some bullshit major, but partying hard, making friends for life, having a girlfriend/slaying, etc.
Only works if you’re 6’5 / 6’7 Chad or Tyrone. You’re not gonna have a good college experience if you’re not above average.Heck, no one should go to college if he is below 6’3 and average looking unless he is masochistic and gets off to this shit every night.

“ Oh bro, I’m gonna to to that party tonight so that I get cucked by 6’6 Tyrone from the Football team. Oh yess Ahhhhh.”

“ I’m gonna socialise with everyone and show them how much of a fucking loser I am.”

“ I’m going to talk to that girl and get brutally rejected in front of all the 6’4 pretty boys. It must be fun, right ? At least I will have a story to tell my kids in the future. I’m better than the incel nerd, and got out of my comfort zone.”
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  • +1
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Only works if you’re 6’5 / 6’7 Chad or Tyrone. You’re not gonna have a good college experience if you’re not above average.Heck, no one should go to college if he is below 6’3 and average looking unless he is masochistic and gets off to this shit every night.

“ Oh bro, I’m gonna to to that party tonight so that I get cucked by 6’6 Tyrone from the Football team. Oh yess Ahhhhh.”

“ I’m gonna socialise with everyone and show them how much of a fucking loser I am.”
you are blackpill overdosed buddy.
of course life is always better then you are tall and attractive.

But stop thinking you necessarily have to be a truecel rotting nerd in your college years just because you are 5'10 MTN. Complete cope.

In fact, being a 5'10 MTN gives you access to 80% of the college/university life experience tbh. It's a good life if you know how to play it.
  • +1
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you are blackpill overdosed buddy.
of course life is always better then you are tall and attractive.

But stop thinking you necessarily have to be a truecel rotting nerd in your college years just because you are 5'10 MTN. Complete cope.

In fact, being a 5'10 MTN gives you access to 80% of the college/university life experience tbh. It's a good life if you know how to play it.
Yeah but if u pick a shit major ur gonna end up poor unless ur parents are loaded
  • +1
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It's over if it's "gender studies". 🤣
  • +1
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you are blackpill overdosed buddy.
of course life is always better then you are tall and attractive.

But stop thinking you necessarily have to be a truecel rotting nerd in your college years just because you are 5'10 MTN. Complete cope.

In fact, being a 5'10 MTN gives you access to 80% of the college/university life experience tbh. It's a good life if you know how to play it.
It’s Reality and not bp overdose different. Life is Brootal when you get mogged by everyone out there. It’s not a good feeling. Of course, there will always be people better than you but when youre at the bottom, you’re a nobody and wil have to sit in the sidelines and watch others win.
  • +1
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Yeah but if u pick a shit major ur gonna end up poor unless ur parents are loaded
Those who pick up shit majors are rich af. They go to college to have fun and then end up working at their dads’ companies.
  • +1
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Those who pick up shit majors are rich af. They go to college to have fun and then end up working at their dads’ companies.
Not always, some women genuinely think psychology is a good degree.
  • +1
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might as well fuck around in your college years, doing some bullshit major, but partying hard, making friends for life, having a girlfriend/slaying, etc.

you never know what will happen in the future, have to make the best of it in the present.

imagine having the best time of your life ever during college/university, but then dying at 30yo from cancer. Life well lived.

Now imagine being a study-cel truecel nerd with shit life in his twenties, 'i will make so much money in the future!!' mindset. And then u die at 30yo and JFL ur whole life is a joke.
It’s all nepotism anyways. I spent years keeping my grades at the top of my class in university only to have my resume thrown in the garbage for every job I applied to. Meanwhile Chad drinks and parties ever night and gets shit grades but lands a high paying job because his uncle works at the company.
  • JFL
Reactions: Nick.Harte
Not always, some women genuinely think psychology is a good degree.
It’s a good degree if ur actually smart and want to go to graduate school. Otherwise it’s useless.
  • +1
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It’s all nepotism anyways. I spent years keeping my grades at the top of my class in university only to have my resume thrown in the garbage for every job I applied to. Meanwhile Chad drinks and parties ever night and gets shit grades but lands a high paying job because his uncle works at the company.
What major?
I've gotten good offers despite no nepotism.
It is a good degree for foids
Nah it’s just way more female friendly. It’s among the bottom 10 least paid majors. But foids can still get a guy to provide for them so it doesn’t even matter
  • +1
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DNR. I study law & economy
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But foids can still get a guy to provide for them so it doesn’t even matter
I know a 6’4 Chad studying Psychology JFL. Bet he did that only to get chicks
  • +1
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Meanwhile Chad drinks and parties ever night and gets shit grades but lands a high paying job because his uncle works at the company.
Should’ve taken the blackpill earlier
  • +1
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It’s Reality and not bp overdose different. Life is Brootal when you get mogged by everyone out there. It’s not a good feeling. Of course, there will always be people better than you but when youre at the bottom, you’re a nobody and wil have to sit in the sidelines and watch others win.
you are speaking from when you are LTN/truecel in looks.

I am talking about the normie experience of college when you make the best of it. 5'10 MTN.

Not chad.
  • +1
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It’s all nepotism anyways. I spent years keeping my grades at the top of my class in university only to have my resume thrown in the garbage for every job I applied to. Meanwhile Chad drinks and parties ever night and gets shit grades but lands a high paying job because his uncle works at the company.
Yes true but not completely. Nepotism is a big part but of course your own actions still have some influence.

All I am trying to say it is never worth sacrificing your life-quality for some far-away goal unless you REALLY believe in what you are doing (the exception).

I doubt most stemcel truecel nerds truly believe their lives will suddenly become great, chicks can't wait to be with them, as long as they keep on studying and grinding JFL. You can't be this delusional deep down in your core.

Of course, it is a coping mechanism. It's a protection mechanism. Of studycels.
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@0S4MA it’s not letting me quote u for some reason

top .01% income isn’t hard to achieve, most of the people i know fall into this bracket

you don’t need to go to school to study shit, retard there’s plenty of lectures and books to study

u don’t have to be below average to be on this forum like .is
Looksmaxxing was huge money making opprtunities.
Mst people here were rotters
  • +1
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You’ll never make enough to live a good life in this Jewish economy no matter what you major in. Might as well just study what you like unironically.
You can though jfl, all the people I know working these high tier jobs are living well.
It’s all nepotism anyways. I spent years keeping my grades at the top of my class in university only to have my resume thrown in the garbage for every job I applied to. Meanwhile Chad drinks and parties ever night and gets shit grades but lands a high paying job because his uncle works at the company.
Jfl if you think this is even 1% of the case. Its not nepotism a lot of the time but connections which are kinda the same thing but at least its not family. Thinking chads can just fuck around and have some back up is delusional and you're just creating problems to be mad at
Jfl if you think this is even 1% of the case. Its not nepotism a lot of the time but connections which are kinda the same thing but at least its not family. Thinking chads can just fuck around and have some back up is delusional and you're just creating problems to be mad at
Ive witnessed it first hand, im one of them
Ive witnessed it first hand, im one of them
Connections are one thing, assuming they are all chads to further victimize yourself is another. Investment banking in particular has a lot of people like this but they arent chads by any means, and who cares if they fucked around in uni when the job itself isn't rocket science
you are speaking from when you are LTN/truecel in looks.

I am talking about the normie experience of college when you make the best of it. 5'10 MTN.

Not chad.
Normie is 6’1 and MTN.
What would you do if you didn't have youtube to tell you what to think?
What would you do if you didn't have youtube to tell you what to think?
The means of information dosent matter, any source would say the same shit about average salary of degree
You forgot to mention the normies/incels in denial who study some meme major just to ”form a social circle” who end up becoming loners

University is only worth it if you get a STEM degree
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The means of information dosent matter, any source would say the same shit about average salary of degree
the means of information is fairly important, and this is one of those things you learn with one of those useless degrees
the means of information is fairly important, and this is one of those things you learn with one of those useless degrees
the information in that video were stats collected elsewhere. Doesn't matter if I saw it on youtube if that's what he is going to reference.
the information in that video were stats collected elsewhere. Doesn't matter if I saw it on youtube if that's what he is going to reference.
Maybe "information" isn't some neutral thing that can be endlessly repackaged. Maybe information is a construction that can be framed many ways, so you need to be able analyze where it comes from and how it's being delivered.
  • Hmm...
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You can though jfl, all the people I know working these high tier jobs are living well.
Gen Z will never be able to afford a home, family, etc. Maybe a minority, but most won’t.

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