[JFL] Today in english class



The forum just went down baby, down
Aug 21, 2018
The teacher had us move around the class, like "feminists this side, non-feminists this side" and so forth.
JFL at current males, every fucking feminist was a girl (except for 1 who says otherwise (just trying to get attention) and another one that was like "I don't give a damm, I don't wanna move my ass") and some males were feminists too (WTF), it was like 7 non and the rest (24 or so) were feminists

There were males who also believed in male priviledge (kill me already) and that they though that if they were women their lives would be HARDER while a considerable amount of girls though that being male would make their live easier (JFL at that, like their live is just existing and getting shit4free, they wouldn't be able to exist as male for 24h even)

Now the final question was "Are you racist?", now everyone obviously moved to the "no" side except for me (I am racist both by modern standards and because I'm racially aware), people in my grade already know me so for them it wasn't that much of a surprise (throughout the years I have made myself the fame of racist, mysogynist, homophobic, etc, this year however I'm not getting into debates or crap, when some people then asked me "why you there" I was like "fuck off") but I know some pople who said "no" were indeed racist (like if you see a fucking dindu across the street you get nervous ffs) but this just shows how brainwashed and ideologically castrated this society is.

Also the teacher made us watch both this videos
(My IQ dropped after watching this crap, RIP)
(WTF is this debate even)

We are living in an absurd reality
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  • JFL
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u should blend not stand out
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Its hood to stand out
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Jfl I would have just walked out and say I was sick. It was the only alpha low inhib response to this shit
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u should blend not stand out
I don't give a fuck to stand out in my grade, I lost all hope of a better reputation and it's too late to change it (last year)
Jfl I would have just walked out and say I was sick. It was the only alpha low inhib response to this shit
The thing is I was literally sick kek
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You did the right thing dude there's no doubt about that.
throughout the years I have made myself the fame of racist, mysogynist, homophobic, etc, this year however I'm not getting into debates or crap, when some people then asked me "why you there" I was like "fuck off"
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  • JFL
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OP, are you a race realist? If so, don't they advocate for their members to avoid labeling themselves as racist?
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OP, are you a race realist? If so, don't they advocate for their members to avoid labeling themselves as racist?
Well I don't know about that, but I mean if you are a race realist and you see a dindu you obv aren't going to think anything good and by definiton that's racist (due to the fact that you are thinking bad of a person due to his skin color even if the reason is justified)
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Aboriginal Australians have an average IQ in the 60-70 range; some gorillas are actually smarter than that. Black students in the US who come from families that make over 200 000 $ a year perform almost the same academically as white students whose families make 20 000 $ a year. Whites are rated as the most attractive race on dating apps.

Pointing out these facts is seen as morally repugnant because of the Western society's infatuation with Enlightenment ideals, which were formed before the aforementioned facts could be proven.

@averageblokecel It's good that you don't give a fuck about what other people think. Unfortunately, an overwhelming majority of people think that racism is bloodthirst for non-whites.
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Well I don't know about that, but I mean if you are a race realist and you see a dindu you obv aren't going to think anything good and by definiton that's racist (due to the fact that you are thinking bad of a person due to his skin color even if the reason is justified)

I'm not going to defend race realists, but that isn't entirely true. They defend their beliefs by saying that race is a biological reality that only modern liberals choose to not accept.
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@averageblokecel It's good that you don't give a fuck about what other people think. Unfortunately, an overwhelming majority of people think that racism is bloodthirst for non-whites.
I am used to people in my grade condemming me, but for what exterior people refers I try to blend so I can effectively manipulate them, I'm not stupid enough to ruin my social opportunities just because I wanted to sperg out "wymyn are stupider so are blacks", even then this just shows how mentally castrated our society is
I'm not going to defend race realists, but that isn't entirely true. They defend their beliefs by saying that race is a biological reality that only modern liberals choose to not accept.
Not only modern liberals but everyone really, people are so cucked on the race question
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the fuck?
We have so many similar experiences (wristcel, IBcel, sleepcel)... and now this as well
Something very similar happened to me in grade 11
It's good that you stood for what you believe in
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What is that?
An incel Who studies the IB program instead of the national one, but I am no longer one, I got the opportunity to change to the national program which is way easier @extreme-overthinker
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An incel Who studies the IB program instead of the national one, but I am no longer one, I got the opportunity to change to the national program which is way easier @extreme-overthinker
Ah I see. I've talked to some people that have done this
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Ah I see. I've talked to some people that have done this
It's hard as fuck and 100% not worth It except for specific reasons (and even then It may be not worth It)
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It's hard as fuck and 100% not worth It except for specific reasons (and even then It may be not worth It)
Yeah TBH I talked to two girls who had taken it for chem and I know way more than they did when we started the college chem class class jfl
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Yeah TBH I talked to two girls who had taken it for chem and I know way more than they did when we started the college chem class class jfl
The IB is a Big fucking scamm
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An incel Who studies the IB program instead of the national one, but I am no longer one, I got the opportunity to change to the national program which is way easier @extreme-overthinker
You know how much stress and bullshit you just saved on yourself???
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You know how much stress and bullshit you just saved on yourself???
I perfectly know, that's why I changed without a blink of a doubt. JFL @ my peers staying voluntarily in the IB because "muh I did 50% of It already"
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I perfectly know, that's why I changed without a blink of a doubt. JFL @ my peers staying voluntarily in the IB because "muh I did 50% of It already"
The only reason I did IB is because the national program was an even shittier option
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You know you live in a hellhole when sandnigger national program<IB program
One of the most corrupt and dysfunctional countries on the face of the planet
how can it be even shittier than IB shill class
it's just mindless rote memorization. (((IB))) at least required some higher thinking
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One of the most corrupt and dysfunctional countries on the face of the planet

it's just mindless rote memorization. (((IB))) at least required some higher thinking
lmao ((((they)))) want you to think that goy
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lmao ((((they)))) want you to think that goy
ur the goy.
IB is globalist propaganda but it's also very rigorous and challenging. American HS students look like retards in comparison
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ur the goy.
IB is globalist propaganda but it's also very rigorous and challenging. American HS students look like retards in comparison
yeah most us high schools are a joke jfl
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