Just another manlet coping thread

It just looks wrong and everyone will give you stares. I could not live like this. And I do believe the woman has some kind of mental disorder to not feel embarrassed constantly being with him.
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most of the slayers i know irl r either between 5 6 and 5 9 with god tier frames and good faces or r 6 footers with average faces and average frames. idk y, but a good looking tall guy is rare af
its because most tall guys have downward grown aka long faces as well. You need a good pheno and good growth patterns and features to still look good but it can happen. Most look low class moutbreathers but some are high class angelic looking
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Nah, just don't wanna believe that sometimes you can win with effort

What kind of effort does this require? Imo I mog that... Thing. So I should be able to do as well?
what's your height bro?

What kind of effort does this require? Imo I mog that... Thing. So I should be able to do as well?
Yes if you ask enough women out. In fact I know an asian guy my height who has a girl as her in the picture
It just looks wrong and everyone will give you stares. I could not live like this. And I do believe the woman has some kind of mental disorder to not feel embarrassed constantly being with him.
I don't give a fuck if I get stares, people will be jelly and mirin they can go fuck themselves
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  • WTF
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Yes if you ask enough women out. In fact I know an asian guy my height who has a girl as her in the picture
What if I already asked 100? And not a single one wanted anything to do with me? It's suicide fuel.
Numbers game... But I'm essentially going to get locationcelbanned if I were to do that.
I'd get highly negative psl in foreign country, besides sea, but sea doesn't count.
  • Hmm...
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What if I already asked 100? And not a single one wanted anything to do with me? It's suicide fuel.
Numbers game... But I'm essentially going to get locationcelbanned if I were to do that.
I'd get highly negative psl in foreign country, besides sea, but sea doesn't count.
Have you actually asked out more than 10 women in your life?
Have you actually asked out more than 10 women in your life?
If you were to consider tinder, then the numbers are much higher.
If you were to consider tinder, then the numbers are much higher.
Tinder does not count

How many women have you asked out irl
Tinder does not count

How many women have you asked out irl
Idk how to even count something as this. Seems like a lot to me, but it's over years and brains aren't good at evaluating such a thing.
Well 50 for sure imo, but might be more.
Even at school I asked out over 10 girls. Maybe 20
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Idk how to even count something as this. Seems like a lot to me, but it's over years and brains aren't good at evaluating such a thing.
Well 50 for sure imo, but might be more.
Even at school I asked out over 10 girls. Maybe 20
And not 1 of them accepted you?
  • WTF
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Mirin tall gf is hot
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Ever had a single date in my life. That was from tinder actually. Jfl
I am sorry bro, then you need to spend 10s of thousands on surgery in order to overcome your subhumanity

Just like I do. I ve also only fucked 4 foids in my life (not counting escorts)

  • WTF
Reactions: Deleted member 10536
I am sorry bro, then you need to spend 10s of thousands on surgery in order to overcome your subhumanity

Just like I do. I ve also only fucked 4 foids in my life (not counting escorts)

Wanna rate me? People give me 4~ now.
In the past I looked much worse.
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I m just saying if you seriously persist, it can happen

If you really want a taller wife to ensure a better height for your kids, even if it 1% yeah wtv, I ll just man up and ask 100 girls

I feel like with the information available in 2020 especially on this site, height as a decider in a mate choice (at least from a male perspective) is not a huge problem and will be even less of a problem decades from now. AI + GH and a few other things at 13-14 and bam.
height doesnt matter when you have hair.

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