Just Be Rich theory - the only non-cope ascension

By ordering everything on the menu:

U get rich girls will fuck in the hope of LTR, they will still resent u and be disgusted by you
I don’t care how she feels about me, if I have enough money she’s mine to do whatever I want with.

And I have failos (big nose , big ears) so surgery will ascend me.
I don’t care how she feels about me, if I have enough money she’s mine to do whatever I want with.

And I have failos (big nose , big ears) so surgery will ascend me.
Focus on the surgery bhai

Get rich- and buy yourself a fun, comfortable, exciting, luxury lifestyle

Will boost up your smv more than any surgery
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Literally the only thing that would semi-ascend you that isn't cope

Call it betabuxxing or whatnot, but rich guys get laid. Not as much as chad, but enough to not be anywhere near deprived and lead a normal happy life

Feeling sad? Go buy a Ferrari and tell me that doesn't cheer you the hell up. Go visit France just to have breakfast near the Eiffel Tower, and drive down to London for dinner. Buy a motorcycle and ride it down the Great Wall of China. You think foids won't want to cling on a guy like that?

Surgery ascends 1 out of 100 (if not more) so good luck with that. There's a reason why post-opt suicidal rates are high (look at @Titbot, hope you're doing well man). Even if you ascend by a bit, it will never be enough

Most realistic ascension plan:
Focus on getting rich, and hope for CRISPR to evolve in your lifetime
(if it will ever)

Unless you have any major failos, surgery is cope and a luck roulette. Aside from bimax and septoplasty, which actually improve your breathing/health

You're either born chad, or not. Simple as that. If 1 surgery wont ascend you, don't bother you're just deluding yourself

Don't show me 1 person who ascended through several procedures and tell me it's possible. This is bluepill mentality. 1 tulip blooming doesn't make it spring

Gtfo this depressing site, find your passion, make it into a business, get rich

Coming from personal experience, I've started following my passion instead of following what sheep do, few more months I'm filing an Articles of Organization. Feels better than sex, I've never been happier. Coming onto this site, it only makes me self conscious and BDD

Take this how you will, otherwise enjoy your cope and ldar since most of you, including myself, won't ever be chad with our current technology - peace
Here's the thing about wealth. Rich guys don't even have to betabuxx when it comes to casual sex. Girls will sleep with them just for the small chance that they might end up spending large amounts of money on them the same way dudes will simp for a small chance at getting some mediocre p*ssy.
  • +1
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Here's the thing about wealth. Rich guys don't even have to betabuxx when it comes to casual sex. Girls will sleep with them just for the small chance that they might end up spending large amounts of money on them the same way dudes will simp for a small chance at getting some mediocre p*ssy.
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I want to get Rich for myself not foids
Based thread...

Moneymaxxing is legit
Ok thread but "using" CRISPR won't be able to change your looks after you've been born. That's a retarded thought.
Money is everything:coffee:
this is just beta buxxing to ultra limits

Literally the only thing that would semi-ascend you that isn't cope

Call it betabuxxing or whatnot, but rich guys get laid. Not as much as chad, but enough to not be anywhere near deprived and lead a normal happy life

Feeling sad? Go buy a Ferrari and tell me that doesn't cheer you the hell up. Go visit France just to have breakfast near the Eiffel Tower, and drive down to London for dinner. Buy a motorcycle and ride it down the Great Wall of China. You think foids won't want to cling on a guy like that?

Surgery ascends 1 out of 100 (if not more) so good luck with that. There's a reason why post-opt suicidal rates are high (look at @Titbot, hope you're doing well man). Even if you ascend by a bit, it will never be enough

Most realistic ascension plan:
Focus on getting rich, and hope for CRISPR to evolve in your lifetime
(if it will ever)

Unless you have any major failos, surgery is cope and a luck roulette. Aside from bimax and septoplasty, which actually improve your breathing/health

You're either born chad, or not. Simple as that. If 1 surgery wont ascend you, don't bother you're just deluding yourself

Don't show me 1 person who ascended through several procedures and tell me it's possible. This is bluepill mentality. 1 tulip blooming doesn't make it spring

Gtfo this depressing site, find your passion, make it into a business, get rich

Coming from personal experience, I've started following my passion instead of following what sheep do, few more months I'm filing an Articles of Organization. Feels better than sex, I've never been happier. Coming onto this site, it only makes me self conscious and BDD

Take this how you will, otherwise enjoy your cope and ldar since most of you, including myself, won't ever be chad with our current technology - peace
Yeah just spend all your life and money going under the knife and cross your fingers you don't look like a ken doll along with all your facial numbness

CRISPR is a better cope
What is CRISPR gonna do?
Isn't this for modifying babies when they are still in the womb?

Hm, i guess cripspr could modify muscle genes and get one more muscles
But crispr is not going to do anything for your jaw, is it?

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