Just found out I'm more fucked than previously imagined

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Feb 29, 2020
So I got 2 premolars pulled right? Standard among fucking retards to (((fix))) overbites. That's fine I've gotten over it, probably surmountable. But when I was 16 they also pulled a front bottom incisor because it "didn't fit". I moved at that time and got a new ortho who wanted to pull it and even as a fucking 16 year old I knew it's fucked and the bitch throws a hissy fit. That was a red flag but not to my bluepilled mom who kept urging me to not anger the "professional" with questions :feelskek: So I go back to the previous one and of course now she says that yes it definitely has to be pulled :feelskek::forcedsmile: So I carry on my subhuman life after having been told by two (((experts))) what to do.

But I keep looking in the mirror today and notice that my occlusion is definitely fucked. I've just gotten used to it but after looking at gigachad occlusions today I couldn't help but get triggered. I can move my mandible a half bottom incisor to the left or right to properly occlude each side. I'm not sure what sort of fucked up occlusion they established but my bottom arch is a full bottom incisor narrower than it should be to even match my subhuman palate. I assumed that it doesn't fit due to the overbite that they also couldn't fix despite larping as if they could but they simply left the lower arch narrow, pulled a tooth and established a deeper bite :feelskek: Now I basically have a weird occlusion at the front with only the incisors touching. These incompetent vermin can't even do the one fucking thing they claim which is "fix" your occlusion at any cost :feelskek: over.

how the fuck are these dogs still alive :feelswhy::feelswhy::feelsohgod: jfl never, ever trust anyone
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you let them pull a molar?
  • +1
you let them pull a molar?
lower incisor. I really didn't want to I even went back to the previous city to ask the other ortho (otherwise I was just gonna get pulled then and there). none of this info was online back then tbh and they make you out to be an ignorant know it all for asking questions tbh. fuck them hope they get lung cancer

I couldn't quite put my finger on what's wrong since they pretend the occlusion is good but today I see. this is more or less what it looks like from the front. I predict this also shortens my lower third a few millimeters :Comfy:

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lower incisor. I really didn't want to I even went back to the previous city to ask the other ortho (otherwise I was just gonna get pulled then and there). none of this info was online back then tbh and they make you out to be an ignorant know it all for asking questions tbh. fuck them hope they get lung cancer

I couldn't quite put my finger on what's wrong since they pretend the occlusion is good but today I see. this is more or less what it looks like from the front. I predict this also shortens my lower third a few millimeters :Comfy:

View attachment 1192732
Are you from Eastern Europe?
u met them pull à fucking incisor wtf bro

Who is this surgeon sue him
how retarded is it to bite on one side, clench and force it together closer? or do I need to go back to the jews for some appliance? mew uses trombone but 99% nobody here has ever heard of it. thinking of making my own resin expander not sure how retarded that is. @nelson any tips? looking at it closer my bottom incisors are 6mm in width and I attribute ~3.5mm of that to a narrower bottom arch (confirmed by imw measurement) with the remaining 2.5mm taken up by my mild overbite
that shit is common in here
whoa didn't know that. what you had it too by any chance or how do you know? figures that this is the worst place to get treatment tbh considering how chernobyl went down this is no biggie. these cunts don't care how they fuck people up tbh why not pull a front teeth right :forcedsmile: might as well just take an axe to the face no more treatment required
u met them pull à fucking incisor wtf bro

Who is this surgeon sue him
11 years ago. I protested heavily but they assured me there is no other option to continue treatment :forcedsmile: made me think my bottom incisors are too wide or someshit. can't sue anybody tbh they don't care. it's 'standard practice'. the only thing that'd maybe wake these fucks up is getting mass erd
whoa didn't know that. what you had it too by any chance or how do you know? figures that this is the worst place to get treatment tbh considering how chernobyl went down this is no biggie. these cunts don't care how they fuck people up tbh why not pull a front teeth right :forcedsmile: might as well just take an axe to the face no more treatment required
I only had the premolars extracted it fucked me up anyways. I have heard about people who had their incisors or other random teeth taken out.
  • +1
how retarded is it to bite on one side, clench and force it together closer? or do I need to go back to the jews for some appliance? mew uses trombone but 99% nobody here has ever heard of it. thinking of making my own resin expander not sure how retarded that is. @nelson any tips? looking at it closer my bottom incisors are 6mm in width and I attribute ~3.5mm of that to a narrower bottom arch (confirmed by imw measurement) with the remaining 2.5mm taken up by my mild overbite

whoa didn't know that. what you had it too by any chance or how do you know? figures that this is the worst place to get treatment tbh considering how chernobyl went down this is no biggie. these cunts don't care how they fuck people up tbh why not pull a front teeth right :forcedsmile: might as well just take an axe to the face no more treatment required

11 years ago. I protested heavily but they assured me there is no other option to continue treatment :forcedsmile: made me think my bottom incisors are too wide or someshit. can't sue anybody tbh they don't care. it's 'standard practice'. the only thing that'd maybe wake these fucks up is getting mass erd
What the fuck is standard practice, i never saw an incisor pull

When incisor don't have place they extract molar to make space and wear brace

This ortho need to go to jail
What the fuck is standard practice, i never saw an incisor pull

When incisor don't have place they extract molar to make space and wear brace

This ortho need to go to jail
lower arch was narrower and I had overbite. two birds with one stone just pull the incisor :feelskek: both orthos recommended this :feelskek: jail? I'd do worse :Comfy:
Ngl 99% of orthos deserve death penalty not even shitposting rn
  • +1
can you benefit from jaw surgery now?
msdo or bimax? my chin/jaw have good width so msdo would probably ogre me. bimax I could benefit but I'm getting results from my autistic mewing routine so I'll keep at it. but I still need a good amount of forward growth and ccw rotation. I might need mse tbh there might be no way around that but nobody does mse anywhere near and mse brings msdo and braces with it which is giga aids tbh

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