Just found out that people at my job want me to approach my female co-worker in an attempt to date her, with no reason specified. Should I do it?


Deleted member 26448

Feb 12, 2023
Monday, my father, who works at the same place that I am a janitor at, told me that his co-workers have been trying to convince him to get me to approach my female co-worker in an attempt to date her, with no reason as to why they think that I should specified.

I've never uttered a word towards her, but she's spoken to me a few times, however they were only passing words, such as her thanking me for helping her with something, or her saying sorry for being in my way, with the latter happening today. She also asked me if she could use the restroom I was cleaning, which was weird, because there were multiple other bathrooms available that she could use that I wasn't cleaning, in fact, she was closer to another bathroom on the other side of the building before, she simply walked all the way over to mine to ask me. I catch her staring at me sometimes, whether it is across the floor of my workplace, or when she is entering or leaving the building and I am in the car with my parents. Two times she stared at me while I was in the back of my parents car, and one time while I was in the car, we made eye contact until my mom ruined it by making eye contact with her as well, causing her to look away. I also caught her staring at me while I was waiting for someone to leave the restroom I was about to clean, and she smiled at me when we made eye contact, but I looked away in embarrassment. I also feel as if there have been multiple times where she has almost seemed to get close to me when we pass, as if she wants to say something to me, but I have my earbuds in at all times listening to music, so it's not like I would ever actually hear her. There have also been times where she has directly looked me in the face while standing right in front of me, but I try not to make eye contact at such close proximity, because I am very nervous about coming across as a creep, and also because I was of the belief that she was doing this to mock my ugliness, which I've made multiple threads about.

Now, after I've said all of this, I have no idea why my dad's co-workers, whom I have never really even spoken with, actually think that I should approach this girl.

Not going to lie, I am actually really into this girl, she's got a great look and a great voice, and she seems very nice. But, I'm simply too afraid to say anything, mainly because I don't want to be weird, and also because I'm not sure of her age. All I know for certain is that she is older than me, because she does things in my job that I cannot do yet until May, because I am under eighteen right now. Age does not bother me that much, especially because I'm very confident that she's around my age, but I'm not sure if she would be interested in someone younger. And obviously, I'm extremely ugly, so that also is quite the downfall for me.

Regardless, should I attempt to have a conversation with her, and maybe attempt to build our work relationship?
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Too many words + idc
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No one’s about to read that but go ahead and do it
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