just get a hairtransplant bro

You have it completely backwards. If I say "angels exist", then the burden of proof would be on ME. This is logic 101. You have tried to flip the burden of proof.

you asking me to proof the negativ - my example is not "angels exists" but "angels dont exists"

you ask me to proof that (multiple) haitransplants with a density 400 hairs per cm^2 DONT exist

keep dreaming of angels, santa claus and multiple hairtransplants that give you a density of 400 hairs per cm^2
been saying it for ages

you take dutasteride or you get got by the reaper

you asking me to proof the negativ - my example is not "angels exists" but "angels dont exists"

you ask me to proof that (multiple) haitransplants with a 400 hairs per cm^2 DONT exist

So burden of proof is on you lmfao. You. made. the. claim. Just change my example above from "girls are stronger than boys" to "boys aren't stronger than girls" and thats how your'e trying to justify yourself now lmao. If you stated "boys aren't stronger than girls" you have the burden of proof.

And thats not what I'm asking you to prove. You claimed it COULD'NT exist even with unlimited grafts, not that it DOESN'T exist. Ofcourse it doesn't exist now because unlimited grafts don't exist

Srs, are you a lowiqcel?
So burden of proof is on you lmfao. You. made. the. claim. Just change my example above from "girls are stronger than boys" to "boys aren't stronger than girls" and thats how your'e trying to justify yourself now lmao. If you stated "boys aren't stronger than girls" you have the burden of proof.

okay i cant proof that angels DONT exist, i cant proof that santa claus DONT exist and i cant proof that hairtransplants with 400 hairs per cm^2 DONT exist

got me buddy

ofc everyone with a healthy mind and over 10 years would assume neither angles nor santa claus nor transplanted areas with 400 hairs per cm^2 exist but you cant be 100% sure because you cant proof the negativ

maybe we should start writing wishing letters to santa asking for a good maxilla
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okay i cant proof that angels DONT exist, i cant proof that santa claus DONT exist and i cant proof that hairtransplants with 400 hairs per cm^2 DONT exist

got me buddy

ofc everyone with a healthy mind and over 10 years would assume neither angles nor santa claus nor transplanted areas with 400 hairs per cm^2 exist but you cant be 100% sure because you cant proof the negativ

Imagine making this false equivalency. There is no reason to think that you couldn't get good density assuming unlimited grafts and multiple sessions. There are plenty of reasons to think that santa claus doesn't exist.

You have been using problems regarding achieving density in SINGLE sessions and applying it to MULTIPLE sessions. Your posted links even say necrosis and other problems occur when transplanting too much density in SINGLE sessions.

Using your own logic, I can't transplant a hair somewhere that already has good density. You believe that?
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Imagine making this false equivalency. There is no reason to think that you couldn't get good density assuming unlimited grafts and multiple sessions. There are plenty of reasons to think that santa claus doesn't exist.

You have been using problems regarding achieving density in SINGLE sessions and applying it to MULTIPLE sessions. Your posted links even say necrosis and other problems occur when transplanting too much density in SINGLE sessions.

and yet you wont find a single example.

which is odd - why wouldnt 1 - just 1 - single guy go for natural density?

i mean they are people who put implants in their face to look like cats or lizards but there isnt a single guy with a transplanted area of 400 hairs per cm^2
LMAO you keep ignoring the points I'm making and asking me for proof when you made the assertion It could not be done using unlimited grafts and multiple sessions. And you don't have a reason why, just equalizing it to believing in santa claus.

I would not be surprised if doctors don't currently give natural density. This is due to: 1. limited grafts 2. You can't with a single session.

It seems logical it would be easier to find a professional saying "you can't get natural density even with multiple sessions and unlimited grafts".

Using your own logic, I can't transplant a hair somewhere that already has good density. Because it already has too high of density. You believe that? I couldn't transplant a hair from the back of my head to the side of my head?

Your'e own link, and a quote from a SURGEON: "Hair transplantation can hide the baldness in SINGLE sitting, but it cannot provide the natural density in ONE session."

Again, from your link: "This is because hair transplants would permit a maximum of 3000 to 3500 graft transplantation in ONE session." "a maximum of 4500 to 5000 graft transplantation would be possible in ONE hair transplant session. "

weird how they keep mentioning SINGLE session
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LMAO you keep ignoring the points I'm making and asking me for proof when you made the assertion It could not be done using unlimited grafts and multiple sessions. And you don't have a reason why, just equalizing it to believing in santa claus.

I would not be surprised if doctors don't currently give natural density. This is due to: 1. limited grafts 2. You can't with a single session.

It seems logical it would be easier to find a professional saying "you can't get natural density even with multiple sessions and unlimited grafts".

Using your own logic, I can't transplant a hair somewhere that already has good density. You believe that?

Your'e own link, and a quote from a SURGEON: "Hair transplantation can hide the baldness in SINGLE sitting, but it cannot provide the natural density in ONE session."

keep dreaming for santa claus and natural density.
keep dreaming for santa claus and natural density.

Lmao. Okay. Maybe someday they will have an IQ transplant for you. You definitely addressed my arguments
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My doctor said he can’t transplant a hair to the side of my head because the density is too high
the higher denisty of the area where you are about to transplant the hair the higher risk of necrosis and shockloss - even if you dont dense pack

keep crying for natural hair density of 150- 200 hairs per cm^2 leave alone 400 cm^2
OK - I got a HT. Just a single one, from a cheap clinic in Turkey. IIRC the surgeon said they can pack at up to 50 grafts per cm2 (so I definetely didnt get over this as I've only had one HT on the area).

Just took these photos now. I honestly cant tell the difference between the temples and the hairline compared to the hair behind it. And I'm specifically looking for it with my hair unnaturally pulled back in the first pic. In the real world a normie will have no chance at all of noticing something like this.

View attachment 89930

View attachment 89931

Proof I got it done:

View attachment 89932
Do you have pics of your hairline before the procedure?
a lot of hollywood actors actually go that route

smp is often easily spotable. more easily then a hairpiecd

White men should stay the fook away from SMP. Looks like absolute shite.

Here's a white guy DIY attaching his hair system on top of his SMP. Just look at how shitty the SMP looks compared to the hair system at the end of clip.

Do you have pics of your hairline before the procedure?


20171214 201407

20171214 151342

20171214 201359

No one can seriously suggest a HT - even just a single session at a cheap clinic - doesnt mog being visibly NW2.

True, it doesnt work as good past NW3 as then you start to lack the grafts to get a NW1 hairline back. But for NW2/3cels, I highly recommend.
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View attachment 90457

View attachment 90458

View attachment 90459

No one can seriously suggest a HT - even just a single session at a cheap clinic - doesnt mog being visibly NW2.

True, it doesnt work as good past NW3 as then you start to lack the grafts to get a NW1 hairline back. But for NW2/3cels, I highly recommend.
Fuck man a good hairline is so important. Boosted your looks tenfold. Im running cover up game at the moment which works but need this done ASAP.
Do you actually need to use propecia / finasteride when getting a hair transplant? Can't you just get multiple hair transplants?

Recently came across this guy on youtube, he apparently stopped taking fin. He mention that he has had 3 hair transplants so most of the hair on his head is transplanted, so fin won't change whether he will be keeping that hair or not. (since it's literally transplanted). Is this true? Will you keep transplanted hair for ever? However, if you've only had 1 hair transplant for your hairline, then you stop taking fin, then the section behind the hairline, the middle part of the head and the crown is eventually gonna go away, but couldn't you just get another transplant to fix that again?

Here's a video:

And this is his current hairline. Video above is from 2015, and this one is from 2019, so idk if he started taking fin again or not, either way, it looks really good. (I think he's had 4+ hair transplants at this point):

Going to a cheap clinic in Turkey for that price of like 2000 euro one could be considered lucky with that turnout. Many of these clinics uses technicians or inexperienced doc that screws up the growth direction, multiple grafts in the fronts, wierd hairlines or just a bad yield, thats why one should never fall for these shitty pakage prices and get deluded by fancy pics of models and interior and stuff like that.
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Where'd you go, @itsOVER ? (what clinic)
I'm looking to get one done in Turkey soon myself and am speaking with 2 orr 3 clinics at the mo
Where'd you go, @itsOVER ? (what clinic)
I'm looking to get one done in Turkey soon myself and am speaking with 2 orr 3 clinics at the mo

I went here:

Price was 2100 eurobux. Dunno if it's still the same now.
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Going to a cheap clinic in Turkey for that price of like 2000 euro one could be considered lucky with that turnout. Many of these clinics uses technicians or inexperienced doc that screws up the growth direction, multiple grafts in the fronts, wierd hairlines or just a bad yield, thats why one should never fall for these shitty pakage prices and get deluded by fancy pics of models and interior and stuff like that.

It's true that the technicians will actually place the grafts in. The doctor draws the hairline. YOU have to know what you want though, since the one that pays the piper calls the tune in Turkey - they'll do whatever you ask, providing it's actually possible. That has the positive of not having to wade through a bunch of cucks bluepilling you, but it also gives you free reign to fuck yourself up if you're a brainlet - make sure you're very clear about what you want, and make sure the hairline drawn is to your satisfaction.

If you want endless hand holding and the doctor to make the choices on your behalf, Turkey ain't for you. Do your research, know what you want, know the surgery limitations (I.e dont try and go for a NW1 if you're NW4, your coverage will be shit) and you can, in my experience, get a good result.

Of course if you have money to burn do whatever you like, but just because a place is cheap doesnt mean you cant get a decent result.
before and after?

Posts 42 and 67 in this thread.
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It's true that the technicians will actually place the grafts in. The doctor draws the hairline. YOU have to know what you want though, since the one that pays the piper calls the tune in Turkey - they'll do whatever you ask, providing it's actually possible. That has the positive of not having to wade through a bunch of cucks bluepilling you, but it also gives you free reign to fuck yourself up if you're a brainlet - make sure you're very clear about what you want, and make sure the hairline drawn is to your satisfaction.

If you want endless hand holding and the doctor to make the choices on your behalf, Turkey ain't for you. Do your research, know what you want, know the surgery limitations (I.e dont try and go for a NW1 if you're NW4, your coverage will be shit) and you can, in my experience, get a good result.

Of course if you have money to burn do whatever you like, but just because a place is cheap doesnt mean you cant get a decent result.

Posts 42 and 67 in this thread.
Just to clear, most pple think its better to do an ht in the west like one would think of any operation. However ht is different, its one those things that one could benefit from doing in Turkey rather than Europe. Ofc no one should go to these worthless surgeons in England like the horrible Chris Kyle example. Its alway cheaper in Turkey but even in Turkey 2000 is very cheap compared to other surgeons in that country. Manual punch is always better for the patient, but it takes longer time, and the surgeons will earn less money. Thats why you can get cheap transplants when they use motorpunch. That doesnt mean motorpunch will be a shitty result but its not as safe bet as manual.
Just to clear, most pple think its better to do an ht in the west like one would think of any operation. However ht is different, its one those things that one could benefit from doing in Turkey rather than Europe. Ofc no one should go to these worthless surgeons in England like the horrible Chris Kyle example. Its alway cheaper in Turkey but even in Turkey 2000 is very cheap compared to other surgeons in that country. Manual punch is always better for the patient, but it takes longer time, and the surgeons will earn less money. Thats why you can get cheap transplants when they use motorpunch. That doesnt mean motorpunch will be a shitty result but its not as safe bet as manual.

2k is a pretty standard clinic price - there's plenty around those levels.

Ofc, there's doctors out there like Erdogan who charge 3x as much but do it all themselves and almost always achieve good results. I don't believe in always saving up to get 'the best' though. Time is even more valuable than money, and there's only a limited window you'll be sexually desirable to prime foids in your lifetime. It's better to get an average result at age 25, than a brilliant result at age 28 IMO - because that's 3 less years you'll actually be able to use the results, and the agepill comes for everyone eventually.

Essentially, one has to balance the tradeoffs between time and money. Unless you are born a richcel, that usually means you'll have to compromise and accept not getting the absolute best surgeons at some point.
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Lmfao. Ok.
"the higher denisty of the area where you are about to transplant the hair the higher risk of necrosis and shockloss "

This is true you arrogant cunt.
2k is a pretty standard clinic price - there's plenty around those levels.

Ofc, there's doctors out there like Erdogan who charge 3x as much but do it all themselves and almost always achieve good results. I don't believe in always saving up to get 'the best' though. Time is even more valuable than money, and there's only a limited window you'll be sexually desirable to prime foids in your lifetime. It's better to get an average result at age 25, than a brilliant result at age 28 IMO - because that's 3 less years you'll actually be able to use the results, and the agepill comes for everyone eventually.

Essentially, one has to balance the tradeoffs between time and money. Unless you are born a richcel, that usually means you'll have to compromise and accept not getting the absolute best surgeons at some point.
Do you post anywhere other than looksmax? Since you got banned from incels?
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"the higher denisty of the area where you are about to transplant the hair the higher risk of necrosis and shockloss "

This is true you arrogant cunt.

Do you post anywhere other than looksmax? Since you got banned from incels?

Nah, only here and discord.

More active on discord really.
2k is a pretty standard clinic price - there's plenty around those levels.

Ofc, there's doctors out there like Erdogan who charge 3x as much but do it all themselves and almost always achieve good results. I don't believe in always saving up to get 'the best' though. Time is even more valuable than money, and there's only a limited window you'll be sexually desirable to prime foids in your lifetime. It's better to get an average result at age 25, than a brilliant result at age 28 IMO - because that's 3 less years you'll actually be able to use the results, and the agepill comes for everyone eventually.

Essentially, one has to balance the tradeoffs between time and money. Unless you are born a richcel, that usually means you'll have to compromise and accept not getting the absolute best surgeons at some point.
It is prob is average, but I was refering to the known doctors who has good reputation. If pple could know forehand they would get that result for 2000, well then its a no brainer. However no one in their right mind would want a shitty ht or actually, most sane pple wouldnt want a ht wich one could tell is a ht. Or at least not the girls in the club, ie not a Chris Kyle result.
"the higher denisty of the area where you are about to transplant the hair the higher risk of necrosis and shockloss "

This is true you arrogant cunt.

Do you post anywhere other than looksmax? Since you got banned from incels?

For a singular transplant. As in you can’t have new grafts too close to one another. Did you even read the whole back and forth? The guy didn’t address anything you subhuman iq douchebag

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