Just took edibles for the first time

Weed is an aphrodisiac so u should jack off qand feel the most euphoric experience of ur life while youre still at the peak of your high
Should i nut or just keep edging
Weed is an aphrodisiac so u should jack off qand feel the most euphoric experience of ur life while youre still at the peak of your high
Oh my god my penis is so hard it hurts i cant stop moaning and cant breathing when i touch it
  • JFL
Reactions: TechnoBoss, cancercell and slavicpsycho
Should i nut or just keep edging
You're asking someone on an incel forum if you should nut or keep edging? Do whatever you want brodie 💀

  • JFL
Reactions: slavicpsycho
Enjoy it while u can i cant do weed anymore without getting full blown psychosis
Only like once a week but then i started highschool and developed incel tier neurotransmitters
u were probably doing way too much at a time
u were probably doing way too much at a time
No I just became an abused dog and got anxiety from brutal treatment in school
Now every time i smoke i get anxiety feeling and see demons n shit
No I just became an abused dog and got anxiety from brutal treatment in school
Now every time i smoke i get anxiety feeling and see demons n shit
u were legit hallucinating? u def smoked too much at once
u were legit hallucinating? u def smoked too much at once
Nigga ima rape you its called psychosis look it up
My body cant tolerate weed anymore due to fucked brain chemistry
Nigga ima rape you its called psychosis look it up
My body cant tolerate weed anymore due to fucked brain chemistry
ikwym my brother went into full blown psychosis when he smoked. hes a chill nigga regularly but started screaming and crying his first (and only) time
  • Woah
Reactions: slavicpsycho
ikwym my brother went into full blown psychosis when he smoked. hes a chill nigga regularly but started screaming and crying his first (and only) time
yeah mines not from smoking too much i tried like 5 times already to smoke weed every time i get a panic attack followed by psychosis
yeah mines not from smoking too much i tried like 5 times already to smoke weed every time i get a panic attack followed by psychosis
ive only had one shitty experience when i took too much. my body felt extremely strange and i was hyperfocused on every little detail of this one random yt video i was watching. my short term memory became sub-goldfish as well. but i just reassured myself that its gonna wear off in an hour

what's psychosis like?
ive only had one shitty experience when i took too much. my body felt extremely strange and i was hyperfocused on every little detail of this one random yt video i was watching. my short term memory became sub-goldfish as well. but i just reassured myself that its gonna wear off in an hour

what's psychosis like?
Dissasociation when things dont feel real also repetitve noises sometimes its just chirps or whispers other times its people saying they are gonna kill me
  • Woah
Reactions: cancercell
Dissasociation when things dont feel real also repetitve noises sometimes its just chirps or whispers other times its people saying they are gonna kill me
yea stay away from that shit dog. btw if u were using a pen they can get you high very easily so i hope u weren't using it like you would with a vape
ive only had one shitty experience when i took too much. my body felt extremely strange and i was hyperfocused on every little detail of this one random yt video i was watching. my short term memory became sub-goldfish as well. but i just reassured myself that its gonna wear off in an hour
Is that bad experience? I experience that rn i hyperfocus on every detaol in the music om soing
bruh stupid lol steroids at young age have fun cucking ur hormoes
Muh but muh daddy clavicular s-said to muh take steroids at age 12 for muh bideltoid

Holy shit i’m reading these back im laughing mad hard i type like an idiot
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  • JFL
Reactions: JustNeedHeight, TechnoBoss and ChadL1te
Oh my god im about to cry sadness ans laufhter from penis feeling so good
Bro the thing is i knew i was typing like an idiot but not when i was writing it

Like i would type up the sentence and know it sounds stupid after but then i wouldnt care
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Reactions: ChadL1te
brutal, no edibles where I live

Holy shit i’m reading these back im laughing mad hard i type like an idiot
Lmfao bro glad you’re okay, did you jerk off? And would you do it again?
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Reactions: TechnoBoss and ShawarmaFilth
Lmfao bro glad you’re okay, did you jerk off? And would you do it again?
While i was high i didnt “enjoy” it but i didnt dislike it

Afterwards though i kinda want to do it again

Also while i was getting eased into the high i kinda had anxiety cause i randomly would laugh hella hard and wouldnt be able to breath + first time

Yeah i jerked off it literally shot above my nipple

N my body would be like twitching to beats and shit
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Reactions: TechnoBoss and ChadL1te
I once shoved edibles inside a vagina and eat them out. I was tripping my balls off. Well, those balls were inside her mouth at the time. Js.
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Holy shit i'm reading these back im laughing mad hard i type like an idiot
lmaoooo glad you didn't have a bad experience bro
  • +1
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