kettlebell swings burn fat like crazy. 82 kg in both pics, recomped with bigger legs ( 3 DAYS! )



Jul 17, 2019

eating whatever i want ( mostly bread with peanut butter )
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Lose weight you’re borderline fat even if you have muscles.
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Reactions: likenesss, R1PPer and anon55555
You did not lose any fat, just better lighting and maybe you did some exercise before the pic
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Reactions: likenesss, ryuken and MA_ascender
With that face no gym will help you. By the way there is literally no difference between those pictures, cope more.
With that face no gym will help you. By the way there is literally no difference between those pictures, cope more.
469636237 606538388697947 5617118224075854742 n

heres my selfie, post your face and body
only if ur 20+ ofc, want to see who mugs who ( mugs not mogs)
With that face no gym will help you. By the way there is literally no difference between those pictures, cope more.
i think both my face and body looks good
its just the autism and schizophrenia is getting in the way a bit :(
Yes but you did not lose anything in that short period, do it for month then compare results
i will
by the way guys it says everywhere on youtube that kettlebell swings are the best fat loss exercise
View attachment 3344857

heres my selfie, post your face and body
only if ur 20+ ofc, want to see who mugs who ( mugs not mogs)
That's literally your problem. You post your face here while being ugly with low iq and high ego. I can see you are autistic by your inbred face only.
i will
by the way guys it says everywhere on youtube that kettlebell swings are the best fat loss exercise
Idk, I just starve myself when I need to lose fat
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That's literally your problem. You post your face here while being ugly with low iq and high ego. I can see you are autistic by your inbred face only.
my iq is pretty high and im pretty sure i look better then you, judging from your personality its impossible for you to be attractive in the face. unless you are young ofc then the nastyness doenst show yet. im nearly 30, wait till your 30 and you life will show on your face and you will look like the piece of shit you are.
judging from your personality its impossible for you to be attractive in the face.
Go back to reddit. I mean you should be in mental asylum with your autism but I bet you sit alone in your house with your mom and you didn't realized how fucked up you are. I hope you will soon.
Go back to reddit. I mean you should be in mental asylum with your autism but I bet you sit alone in your house with your mom and you didn't realized how fucked up you are. I hope you will soon.
Just know that I automatically reflect bad intentions.
Post your face
And you look fucking sleep deprived, rest more...
Yeah I'm always sleep deprived. Don't like going to bed. I sleep every 2 days and have bad nightmares from trauma in psychotic episodes.
Post your face
Once again autist, your mistake was posting your face here. No point in discussion. In yout head you did any progress by using kettlebell swings in 3 days, you are good looking etc. Reality is you are ugly, dumb and your ego or low IQ is in the way to you realizing it. Good luck.
Once again autist, your mistake was posting your face here. No point in discussion. In yout head you did any progress by using kettlebell swings in 3 days, you are good looking etc. Reality is you are ugly, dumb and your ego or low IQ is in the way to you realizing it. Good luck.
Your words not mine:

I'm living as sub5 for 30 years already. I was bluepilled till I was 19 and then redpilled till 22-23 and I was much happier than now. When my GL friends were getting sex with decent women I was coping with more meditation, no fap, more books about influencing people etc. Now I know that I can do nothing other than surgeries which are expensive as fuck and will boost me to 5/10 at most which isn't enough still.
Are you a happy person? Because I am. You don't seem to be very happy bro.
Your words not mine:

I'm living as sub5 for 30 years already. I was bluepilled till I was 19 and then redpilled till 22-23 and I was much happier than now. When my GL friends were getting sex with decent women I was coping with more meditation, no fap, more books about influencing people etc. Now I know that I can do nothing other than surgeries which are expensive as fuck and will boost me to 5/10 at most which isn't enough still.
So what? I can have 4-5/10 woman any day while you are autistic ugly loser still. You digging shit which I posted is just a prove you are mentally ill. Spend the time you were using kettlebells to go to psychic ward - it is much better option for your sad life.
So what? I can have 4-5/10 woman any day while you are autistic ugly loser still. You digging shit which I posted is just a prove you are mentally ill. Spend the time you were using kettlebells to go to psychic ward - it is much better option for your sad life.
Lmao. You can have 4-5/10 woman. Good for you. I don't want them.
Yeah I'm always sleep deprived. Don't like going to bed. I sleep every 2 days and have bad nightmares from trauma in psychotic episodes.
Your problem is that you think people will be sorry about you, no one gives a fuck really. Man up before it's too late and get to work
Your problem is that you think people will be sorry about you, no one gives a fuck really. Man up before it's too late and get to work
Did I think that? Do you think you can read my thoughts? Because I definitely wasn't thinking that.
Your problem is that you think people will be sorry about you, no one gives a fuck really. Man up before it's too late and get to work
He doesn't know that he looks like inbred autist. He thinks he did progress by using kettlebells in 3 days. Over for him.
Did I think that? Do you think you can read my thoughts? Because I definitely wasn't thinking that.
Yes I can read it, you are here talking about your trauma and your mental sickness but the truth is no one cares
Yes I can read it, you are here talking about your trauma and your mental sickness but the truth is no one cares
I'm just speaking my mind. I do not want people to feel sorry for me. Your assumption was wrong.
I was addressing the reason for the sleep deprivation.
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4398095 jan2024

how wuz ma face in january
sori i threw ma pillz away now i typ like diz
2022 2

i need more weed to be even cooler then i am right now
im ghost
I see some changes on stomach and on forearms but the difference is barely visible you need to lose a lot more with food not with some ass ketbelts
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looks the exact fucking same
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try double/triple jump ropes or jumping squat jump rope

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