King Solomon

I know its happening im questioning what you said about compassion when its more like bending over backwards

I live in the West and you wouldn't belive how cucked the average white is and by your requirements I can easily say 80%+ are going to gell
It's bit of both but people can't help who they're since they're becoming extremely autistic now


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becoming extremely autistic now
how does autism impact what is fundamentally wrong with the West

autism impacts sociability in fact if that many people were unable to function in social situations degeneracy would be this rampant
how does autism impact what is fundamentally wrong with the West

autism impacts sociability in fact if that many people were unable to function in social situations degeneracy would be this rampant
Yea but they still think what they're doing is good like they mean well but they're retarded
And yea duh wtf everyone knows LGBT people are the more autistic
Yes and the original Ethiopians were described as the fairest of them all. Ethiopia was originally white. Do you think one random black group would receive the gospel yet the rest went to Europeans only? It's because there were white people there originally and they blacks adopted this religion over time.

No, just like the commandments didn't become null in void just because the Massiah was crucified. The main thing that changes due to the sacrifice of Christ is no more animal sacrifices are required for the forgiveness of sins.

Not sure you're right at all but thanks for your perspective
LGBT people are the more autistic
lgbt likes to larp autism for quirkiness

if they were actually autistic they would be high inhib not parading like the fags they are
lgbt likes to larp autism for quirkiness

if they were actually autistic they would be high inhib not parading like the fags they are
No like they do have autism hold on
Not sure you're right at all but thanks for your perspective
Its bias no pastor preacher sermon leader or really anybody outside of niche spaces like this confirms anything he's saying

might as well call this his own interpretation of the bible
lgbt likes to larp autism for quirkiness

if they were actually autistic they would be high inhib not parading like the fags they are
Gay retards that's what they're


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Its bias no pastor preacher sermon leader or really anybody outside of niche spaces like this confirms anything he's saying

might as well call this his own interpretation of the bible
Are you white or jew
Or the its
It has to be self reported cause how fags act vs non NT people act are different
Mate look at these LGBT people they're clearly very very ill mentally
Aka autistic with identity crisis
Mate look at these LGBT people they're clearly very very ill mentally
Aka autistic with identity crisis
mentally ill for sure but not autism

autistic people don't act like low inhib fags wearing drag and trying to indoctrinate people into faggotry
mentally ill for sure but not autism

autistic people don't act like low inhib fags wearing drag and trying to indoctrinate people into faggotry
Autistic people tend to have no rhythm you should see how these LGBT people dance it's fucking odd theres like no connection to them
Autistic people tend to have no rhythm you should see how these LGBT people dance it's fucking odd theres like no connection to them
Even if they are autistic I know plenty autistic people that don't result to faggogtry and only flaw being social awareness

autism is not why westerners act like degenerates its influence
Even if they are autistic I know plenty autistic people that don't result to faggogtry and only flaw being social awareness

autism is not why westerners act like degenerates its influence
Yea theres plenty of autistic people here to what do you think people mean when they say it's over if you're not nt
They mean nurotypical
Instead people are nurodivergen
Can't spell today

But watch this short video look at the mannerisms of them and how there facial expressions are they're just off and ill
Not sure you're right at all but thanks for your perspective
I can only appeal to logic and use the scriptures because I no longer have the source I found quoting an ancient Greek historian pre dating Jesus saying the Ethiopians are the fairest (whitest) of all. I'll see if I can dig up that source.

1.) The bible in the book of revelation within the first 10 chapters talks about the 12 gates to heaven qith 12 angels and the 12 apostles names on the gates. It talks about the 12 tribes being sealed into the Kingdom. The 12 represents the 12 tribes. There's nothing absolutely nothing that suggest heaven is for anyone else but the sheep.

2.) As stated before YASHUA said he only came for the lost sheep and directed his disciples to preach the gospel to only the lost sheep of Israel. They went to Asia Mintor and Europe qhere only the Israelites aka Caucasians resided at that time. The one south African country they did go to was Ethiopia but no other Nation on earth NOTHING. It would make 0 logical sense for them to randomly select some black tribe and disobey Yashua's instructions for no reason. Ethiopia has amazing Christian architecture still standing today that's thousands of years old. There is nothing like this ever built by any black tribe ever. Not only due to the complexity and it's durability but it being Christian because the Caucasians had to train them on Christianity as it was unheard of by all the black tribes other than the Ethiopians. Israelites are white in accordance to the scriptures and further more are Caucasian according to the Apocrypha that was removed in the 17th century. Ethiopians have 0 genetic connections to the Israelites. They can sear the shoes but they'll never fill them essentially. They're along the same lines as the fake black Israelites but have been brainwashed for thousands of years. They received none of the promises and rewards of YAH and do not match any of the physical descriptions of the Israelites (white as snow, ruddy as rubies, etc etc etc)..
I can only appeal to logic and use the scriptures because I no longer have the source I found quoting an ancient Greek historian pre dating Jesus saying the Ethiopians are the fairest (whitest) of all. I'll see if I can dig up that source.

1.) The bible in the book of revelation within the first 10 chapters talks about the 12 gates to heaven qith 12 angels and the 12 apostles names on the gates. It talks about the 12 tribes being sealed into the Kingdom. The 12 represents the 12 tribes. There's nothing absolutely nothing that suggest heaven is for anyone else but the sheep.

2.) As stated before YASHUA said he only came for the lost sheep and directed his disciples to preach the gospel to only the lost sheep of Israel. They went to Asia Mintor and Europe qhere only the Israelites aka Caucasians resided at that time. The one south African country they did go to was Ethiopia but no other Nation on earth NOTHING. It would make 0 logical sense for them to randomly select some black tribe and disobey Yashua's instructions for no reason. Ethiopia has amazing Christian architecture still standing today that's thousands of years old. There is nothing like this ever built by any black tribe ever. Not only due to the complexity and it's durability but it being Christian because the Caucasians had to train them on Christianity as it was unheard of by all the black tribes other than the Ethiopians. Israelites are white in accordance to the scriptures and further more are Caucasian according to the Apocrypha that was removed in the 17th century. Ethiopians have 0 genetic connections to the Israelites. They can sear the shoes but they'll never fill them essentially. They're along the same lines as the fake black Israelites but have been brainwashed for thousands of years. They received none of the promises and rewards of YAH and do not match any of the physical descriptions of the Israelites (white as snow, ruddy as rubies, etc etc etc)..
A bastard shall not enter into the congregation of the LORD; even to his tenth generation shall he not enter into the congregation of the LORD. (Deut 23:2).

YAH gave the Israelites the 10 commandments and all the promises and Kingdom for them and to nobody else.

Yashua said he only came for the lost sheep

The disciples preached the Gospel to Europe and Asia minor where the Israelites/Caucasians were located at that time.

To race mix is to kill your bloodline. YAH even killed David's offspring due to his sin of race mixing. The Israelites and YAH didn't force them to remain pure up until Jesus just to include everyone in the Kingdom and everyone to magically become an Israelite by faith and everyone gets a car like Oprah because of Yashua's sacrifice. The Chapter 304 government-controlled Churches teach this false doctrine.

Jesus is the bridegroom and Israel committed adultery by race mixing with the Canaanites. YAH punished them for hundreds of years and eventually Yashua's sacrifice forgave their PAST sins and made it so they didn't have to get a divorce because of his sacrifice. If he didn't do this then Israel is cut off forever.

Can you answer these? They challenge much of what you're preaching and relying on
Its bias no pastor preacher sermon leader or really anybody outside of niche spaces like this confirms anything he's saying

might as well call this his own interpretation of the bible

That's the issue with Sola Scriptura, everytime someone reads the Bible they can create a new denomination out of it. Brutal interpretationpill.
Can you answer these? They challenge much of what you're preaching and relying on

1.) The legitimate scriptures support the Kingdom is for the Sheep only.
2.) Logic supports the Kingdom is for Israelites only.

As for this article here's my quick response:
1.) They cite the false doctrines of Saulus/Paulus 5 times and lack the understanding of the definitions of Jeq (Edomite Judaism convert and Gentile (same house family or tribe) which is automatically not counted and lowers my respect for the writer. Therefore this excludes the following arguments: 1.) Son of the prostitute listed in the hall of faith. 2.) Blessing of Abraham going to the gentiles (
2.) Irrelevant if the sin qas the child's or the parents as it's a promise YAH makes if you race mix.
3.) Race mixing changes the DNA of the offspring and they're no longer part of YAH's people. These writers are fighting windmills like don quixote as this is a fallacious argument or strawman argument. The forgiveness of sins or even if the restrictions are removed it doesn't change the fact that YAH and Yashua only allow the sheep into the Kingdom. This is the parable of separating the wheat from the tares or sheep from the Goats. The Sheep are the Israelites and the goats are non Israelites.
4.) They say every child is created and fashioned by YAH in the qomb.


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5.) Yes there was still a Canaanite female alive in the NT because the Israelites were to scared to attack them because the numerous Giants and made them feel as though they were grasshoppers in the book of Numbers 14:30-35. Jesus called her a dog and made her beg to receive any help unlike the Israelites who received instant assistance. This faith doesn't buy her a or her child a ticket into the Kingdom but a brief moment of mercy by Yashua as he's perfect.
6.) They say Yashua is going to bless the gentiles. Again, Gentile means the same tribe or house so in context it includes the tribes of all Israel not just Judah the tribe Jesus belongs to.
7.) Then they proceed to show proof that YAH saves sinners and use mostly the false doctrine of Saulus Paulus. Sure the parents are the sinners and can be saved but not the children as their DNA is not of YAH and the same thing happened in the pre flood earth when the Angels mixed with female Adamites to create genetic offspring that's not made in YAH's image. He killed them all and cast them to hell. Also, yes the sins can be potentially forgiven if you meet the other requirements (being an Israelite, forgive others for their sins against you, being remorseful for your sins and repent, and not walk in your sin.

Overall, using proper context, the legitimate scriptures of the bible, proper definitions of terms, biblical historical context, we can clearly see that race mixing deletes your offspring from the book of life (even if no longer considered a restriction according to the new covenant), YAH/Yashua says the Kingdom is only for the house of Israel, and Caucasians are the Israelites.

Are you planning on race mixing?
5.) Yes there was still a Canaanite female alive in the NT because the Israelites were to scared to attack them because the numerous Giants and made them feel as though they were grasshoppers in the book of Numbers 14:30-35. Jesus called her a dog and made her beg to receive any help unlike the Israelites who received instant assistance. This faith doesn't buy her a or her child a ticket into the Kingdom but a brief moment of mercy by Yashua as he's perfect.
6.) They say Yashua is going to bless the gentiles. Again, Gentile means the same tribe or house so in context it includes the tribes of all Israel not just Judah the tribe Jesus belongs to.
7.) Then they proceed to show proof that YAH saves sinners and use mostly the false doctrine of Saulus Paulus. Sure the parents are the sinners and can be saved but not the children as their DNA is not of YAH and the same thing happened in the pre flood earth when the Angels mixed with female Adamites to create genetic offspring that's not made in YAH's image. He killed them all and cast them to hell. Also, yes the sins can be potentially forgiven if you meet the other requirements (being an Israelite, forgive others for their sins against you, being remorseful for your sins and repent, and not walk in your sin.

Overall, using proper context, the legitimate scriptures of the bible, proper definitions of terms, biblical historical context, we can clearly see that race mixing deletes your offspring from the book of life (even if no longer considered a restriction according to the new covenant), YAH/Yashua says the Kingdom is only for the house of Israel, and Caucasians are the Israelites.

Are you planning on race mixing?
What's actually going to be in the new life
Though is music going to be there like football like what's going to go on
So the initial biblical scripture I provided is substantiated by many other biblical references as it appears you're married to the person you first have sex with and that's y the female must be a virgin. If you have sex with any other people after that it's considering adultery. The only way to legally divorce is if your partner commits adultery or the partner dies then you can have another partner.

As for kissing and other things I'd say that's tempting to go the entire distance and I'd consider it similar to a gateway drug.

My parents and church never really taught this to me and going to college is just the opening for pure degeneracy so it took a ton of changes, reading, prayer breaking bad habits and creating new good habits to change from the degenerate I was 15 years ago.
Odd tangent but is having sex with someone you plan on marrying before marrying her a sin?
Odd tangent but is having sex with someone you plan on marrying before marrying her a sin?
So the actual religious and governmental marriage by contractual agreement is a man made concept as the marriage is actually official once sexual intercourse has been done. So basically the act of having sex with your first girlfriend would create a marriage and any sex with any other female after that is considered to be adultery unless your wife dies or cheats on you first.
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So the actual religious and governmental marriage by contractual agreement is a man made concept as the marriage is actually official once sexual intercourse has been done. So basically the act of having sex with your first girlfriend would create a marriage and any sex with any other female after that is considered to be adultery unless your wife dies or cheats on you first.
Interesting, in the same vein should all copulation result in a child or the attempt of a child at the very least? Or is pulling out/ contraception devices allowed. I know in the bible Onan was killed for 'pulling out' but the common interpretation is because he didn't fulfill his responsibility to his brothers wife and disobeyed God.
Interesting, in the same vein should all copulation result in a child or the attempt of a child at the very least? Or is pulling out/ contraception devices allowed. I know in the bible Onan was killed for 'pulling out' but the common interpretation is because he didn't fulfill his responsibility to his brothers wife and disobeyed God.
Like come on there is such thing as pair bonding
Doesn't it make sense when you pair it up that marriage is sex and not a fucking ring
Interesting, in the same vein should all copulation result in a child or the attempt of a child at the very least? Or is pulling out/ contraception devices allowed. I know in the bible Onan was killed for 'pulling out' but the common interpretation is because he didn't fulfill his responsibility to his brothers wife and disobeyed God.
A valid question here. I'm not sure about the fine details and this could just be counted as sexual degeneracy or fornication and not technically marriage. I didn't see any specific details on this exact question. Personally at this point, I don't rock the boat or even get in the boat due to all the females vaxxed, me too, crazy, feminazi's, etc. There's no reason to take this kind of a risk (in terms of one's physical life and salvation). Maybe 15 years ago but not today.
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A valid question here. I'm not sure about the fine details and this could just be counted as sexual degeneracy or fornication and not technically marriage. I didn't see any specific details on this exact question. Personally at this point, I don't rock the boat or even get in the boat due to all the females vaxxed, me too, crazy, feminazi's, etc. There's no reason to take this kind of a risk (in terms of one's physical life and salvation). Maybe 15 years ago but not today.
I agree about not getting in the boat anymore but as like Peter said marriage is for when celibacy is to hard. Most people who aren't married or have a girlfriend tend to masturbate accompanied with porn in copious amounts, which causes in my opinion a larger amount of sexual degeneracy. Even a shitty girl or a proisitute is a lesser of the two evils imo, but the problem arises if you must have the intention to procreate.
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