Kushite Egyptian foids fog all other women.

Dude I don’t care anymore

How can you say these people

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Are the same race as these people
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Do you see how phenotypically different they are????

So much so you would probably say they are a different race🤔🤔
Those are Eritreans they have considerable outside admixture of around 30-40% in some cases they are not even real cushitics they are referred to as “Semetio-Cushitics” because of this.

Your example has fallen flat on its head 😉

They are phenotypically different though but that’s just Africans for you no suprise there they are the most diverse people on earth but are the same race be it Nilote or Bantu or Khoi same shit
  • +1
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The gulf is outside of Africa though. I'm pretty sure all the admixture is from Basal Eurasians and they lived in the gulf and Levant region. They'd have to cross through the Levant and Sinai Penninsula to migrate to Africa.
View attachment 1658173

Somalis are a more recent offshoot of Ethiopians though. Besides it's funny you talk about resisting colonialism when you literally have slave blood and only exist today because your ancestors were brutally enslaved.
As I said those migrators were not modern “menas” they would have looked identical to the Africans that lived in the region at that time that’s the point I was making.
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  • JFL
Reactions: fauxfox
Also @PrinceLuenLeoncur aee people from mauritana black because they also don’t have the traditional subsaharan African phenotype.
No because Mauritanian’s are mix with Berber and arab you low IQ joke
Those are Eritreans they have considerable outside admixture of around 30-40% in some cases they are not even real cushitics they are referred to as “Semetio-Cushitics” because of this.

Your example has fallen flat on its head 😉

They are phenotypically different though but that’s just Africans for you no suprise there they are the most diverse people on earth but are the same race be it Nilote or Bantu or Khoi same shit
Nigga you are a fucking retard and it shows in every way holyshit.

Yes dude totally race is determined through physical characteristics: hair texture, skin tone, facial features etc.

White people look different from black people, black people look different from East Asians, East Asian look different from Polynesians. They are not the same race

North Ethiopians look different from west africans, dude it’s just African diversity bro :soy::soy:

Just tell me you are one of those fake woke pan africanist now and I won’t be mad.
The gulf is outside of Africa though. I'm pretty sure all the admixture is from Basal Eurasians and they lived in the gulf and Levant region. They'd have to cross through the Levant and Sinai Penninsula to migrate to Africa.
View attachment 1658173

Somalis are a more recent offshoot of Ethiopians though. Besides it's funny you talk about resisting colonialism when you literally have slave blood and only exist today because your ancestors were brutally enslaved.
Lol dude instead of making assumptions about shit you don’t know anything about why don’t you stop trying to claim people that are not even the same race as you. I know my phenotype and I know my lineage clearly you are confused about your own if you were not you wouldn’t be saying the dumb shit you do.
Nigga you are a fucking retard and it shows in every way holyshit.

Yes dude totally race is determined through physical characteristics: hair texture, skin tone, facial features etc.

White people look different from black people, black people look different from East Asians, East Asian look different from Polynesians. They are not the same race

North Ethiopians look different from west africans, dude it’s just African diversity bro :soy::soy:

Just tell me you are one of those fake woke pan africanist now and I won’t be mad.
Ethiopians say they are black, west Africans say they see blck. Both can grow afroS haplogroup share same land mass have bred and traded and are all African wIth simular cultural overlap. Yes they are the same race they jar have diff phenotypes because of different environmental pressures

Your the type of nigga to say Spanish people are not white
Lol dude instead of making assumptions about shit you don’t know anything about why don’t you stop trying to claim people that are not even the same race as you. I know my phenotype and I know my lineage clearly you are confused about your own if you were not you wouldn’t be saying the dumb shit you do.
This whole discussion you haven't even bothered to be good faith with me.
Not once did I ever "claim" Blacks I just know that I am viewed to be in the Black category and treated as such. I have no loyalty to being "black" my loyalty goes to my ethnicity and to a much lesser extent the ethnicties closest to mine (ethiopian, afar). I've already said Pan-Africanism and Black Nationalism is retarded.
Ethiopians say they are black, west Africans say they see blck. Both can grow afroS haplogroup share same land mass have bred and traded and are all African wIth simular cultural overlap. Yes they are the same race they jar have diff phenotypes because of different environmental pressures

Your the type of nigga to say Spanish people are not white
Lol who cares wtf they say???

I could say I am Asian byt that wouldn’t change the fact that im not Asian so why care.

And why are you moving the goal post you fucking dingus. Trade, culture, sharing a landmass wtf does this have to do with phenotype???
Jfl if you think ancient Egyptians looked like that
I'm sure white people know better how ancient Egyptians looked

Nigga go and talk about your own ancestors who lived in huts
This whole discussion you haven't even bothered to be good faith with me.
Not once did I ever "claim" Blacks I just know that I am viewed to be in the Black category and treated as such. I have no loyalty to being "black" my loyalty goes to my ethnicity and to a much lesser extent the ethnicties closest to mine (ethiopian, afar). I've already said Pan-Africanism and Black Nationalism is retarded.
I never seen you say the last part. Also what do you mean by treated as a black

Elaborate on that for me.
  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 16384
I never seen you say the last part. Also what do you mean by treated as a black

Elaborate on that for me.
My skin is dark. I can grow a curly afro or dreads. So when people see me they will think "Black". Most won't care about my leptorrhine nose or caucasian bone structure. I am seen as Black. African Americans will dap me up and consider me black. I am treated as black.
  • JFL
Reactions: maxxedfalloutdweller
My skin is dark. I can grow a curly afro or dreads. So when people see me they will think "Black". Most won't care about my leptorrhine nose or caucasian bone structure. I am seen as Black. African Americans will dap me up and consider me black. I am treated as black.
African Americans literally consider everyone black, they even consider half breeds black. For fucks sakes they would probably consider inbreed pasty abominations like @PrinceLuenLeoncur black if he told them his great-great-great grandfather was a negro.

That means less than nothing at this point.
African Americans literally consider everyone black, they even consider half breeds black. For fucks sakes they would probably consider inbreed pasty abominations like @PrinceLuenLeoncur black if he told them his great-great-great grandfather was a negro.

That means less than nothing at this point.
So what's your argument at this point? You just conceded that I am considered black.
African Americans literally consider everyone black, they even consider half breeds black. For fucks sakes they would probably consider inbreed pasty abominations like @PrinceLuenLeoncur black if he told them his great-great-great grandfather was a negro.

That means less than nothing at this point.
Blacks all around the world consider Ethiopians, nilotes pygmies and Khoi black…

Americans are regarded and consider eveybody blsck White or Asians even Arabs are white in america fucking stupid nation
My skin is dark. I can grow a curly afro or dreads. So when people see me they will think "Black". Most won't care about my leptorrhine nose or caucasian bone structure. I am seen as Black. African Americans will dap me up and consider me black. I am treated as black.
You sound so delusional im telling you this right now we are not a like, I am an mgm man from west african and north Western European descent. My family is not connected those degenerate American negros that you like to mingle with. My ancestors have never seen a slave plantation. You can try to straw man as much as you want. Just know that you are below me you fucking surf.
Blacks all around the world consider Ethiopians, nilotes pygmies and Khoi black…

Americans are regarded and consider eveybody blsck White or Asians even Arabs are white in america fucking stupid nation
Ethiopians don’t consider themselves black until them come to America, how the fuck can some one that looks like the photos that I showed you before ever consider themselves to be the same as black African s

I swear just say it prince you are s fucking racist. You white devils won’t fool me maybe degenerate ass coons like @fauxfox but not me. You guys see all brown people as the same and it shows just say that I am an uneducated fool that can’t make s fucking distinction and i see all people in africa as “niggas” :feelstastyman::feelstastyman:

Racist bitch
Ethiopians don’t consider themselves black until them come to America, how the fuck can some one that looks like the photos that I showed you before ever consider themselves to be the same as black African s

I swear just say it prince you are s fucking racist. You white devils won’t fool me maybe degenerate ass coons like @fauxfox but not me. You guys see all brown people as the same and it shows just say that I am an uneducated fool that can’t make s fucking distinction and i see all people in africa as “niggas” :feelstastyman::feelstastyman:

Racist bitch
I’m in Europe every Ethiopian I know claims black and said they were black and identified as such even back home they jsut don’t see themslevs as the exact same as Somalis or bantus but they recognise that they are SSA blacks. Continue to chat shit once again america isn’t the world and Americans have a very simplistic view on race calling eveybody black and white in that shithole

All SSA are black and thus niggas as you put it. That doesn’t mean all “Niggas” are the same however. Besides your a mongrel why do you care so much lmfao
Im not joking at all

@fauxfox was white people won’t stand with us lightskinned mgms because you still got fags like prince that can’t make a fucking distinction between one and the other.
You sound so delusional im telling you this right now we are not a like, I am an mgm man from west african and north Western European descent. My family is not connected those degenerate American negros that you like to mingle with. My ancestors have never seen a slave plantation. You can try to straw man as much as you want. Just know that you are below me you fucking surf.
Im not joking at all

@fauxfox was white people won’t stand with us lightskinned mgms because you still got fags like prince that can’t make a fucking distinction between one and the other.
How many times do you need to be told "black" is more of a social distinction than a genetic-based distinction, it's based on how you are PERCEIVED. If you posted a picture of yourself I guarantee you have prominent african features and look like a lightskin black. Anyways it's not that deep, idk why this shit makes u seethe. I forget I'm Somali/black sometimes, ethnicity/race just aren't that important to me.
I’m in Europe every Ethiopian I know claims black and said they were black and identified as such even back home they jsut don’t see themslevs as the exact same as Somalis or bantus but they recognise that they are SSA blacks. Continue to chat shit once again america isn’t the world and Americans have a very simplistic view on race calling eveybody black and white in that shithole

All SSA are black and thus niggas as you put it. That doesn’t mean all “Niggas” are the same however.
We don’t
Also prince what is the difference between chris brown and a “mutt” some one that is from an interacial relationship. What I mean is that would you actually be able to make a distinction from there looks alone? If not why is chris brown considered “black” but someone that is biracial not????

I have a friend that is from the uk and he says it is weird because they don’t consider biracial black but they consider people that are mgm (people possibly from a long lineage of biracials black)

Even though there is close to no difference in appearance explain that for me.

How many times do you need to be told "black" is more of a social distinction than a genetic-based distinction, it's based on how you are PERCEIVED. If you posted a picture of yourself I guarantee you have prominent african features and look like a lightskin black. Anyways it's not that deep, idk why this shit makes u seethe. I forget I'm Somali/black sometimes, ethnicity/race just aren't that important to me.
Nigga cuz you sound like some fake ass woke pan africanist shut the fuck up.

You are like the nerfed version of dr. Umar

No one cares about your mud cake eat ship stealing lineage of inbreeds

@looksmaxxer234 come look at this somali abomination talking down on mulattos
  • JFL
Reactions: Looks234
Nigga cuz you sound like some fake ass woke pan africanist shut the fuck up.

You are like the nerfed version of dr. Umar

No one cares about your mud cake eat ship stealing lineage of inbreeds

@looksmaxxer234 come look at this somali abomination talking down on mulattos
This is the 3rd time I'm saying pan-africanism is retarded. I've literally lived in Somalia. When there's such deep division between clans within the same ethnicity there's no chance of there ever being unity between different ethnicities.
I guess you're just dumb, this was a waste of time and effort.

How many times do you need to be told "black" is more of a social distinction than a genetic-based distinction, it's based on how you are PERCEIVED. If you posted a picture of yourself I guarantee you have prominent african features and look like a lightskin black. Anyways it's not that deep, idk why this shit makes u seethe. I forget I'm Somali/black sometimes, ethnicity/race just aren't that important to me.
Also some Ethiopians are “racially ambiguous” they look closer to arab than the typical subsaharan African so why would they be perceived as black. Dude please stop you sound so delusional. The problem os you lived in 1st world countries for all your life and seen biracials identify as being black because of this stupid one drop rule and as a result you projected those ideas on to other parts of the world.

Also white people know the difference between a biracial person and a fully black person the only reason why they call them black is because that is convention, and most identify as that through social conditioning.
We don’t
Also prince what is the difference between chris brown and a “mutt” some one that is from an interacial relationship. What I mean is that would you actually be able to make a distinction from there looks alone? If not why is chris brown considered “black” but someone that is biracial not????

I have a friend that is from the uk and he says it is weird because they don’t consider biracial black but they consider people that are mgm (people possibly from a long lineage of biracials black)

Even though there is close to no difference in appearance explain that for me.
Nobody in the uk considers mongrelsnof any kind black because we are not retarded even if they are MGM. Chris brown is black because he looks black he doesn’t look mixed at all keep coping

The Ethiopians your refering to are the Habesha a specific ethnic group they are mixed but all other Ethiopians are full blooded
Nobody in the uk considers mongrelsnof any kind black because we are not retarded even if they are MGM. Chris brown is black because he looks black he doesn’t look mixed at all keep coping

The Ethiopians your refering to are the Habesha a specific ethnic group they are mixed but all other Ethiopians are full blooded
Dude chris brown doesn’t look mixed???????????



Chris brown next to drake(biracial)


And here is a similar photo of the sams type pf people. So you are telling me conpared to these groups of people (people that are mixed) chris brown looks blacker than them.

So chris brown is not mixed at all?????
I'm sure white people know better how ancient Egyptians looked

Nigga go and talk about your own ancestors who lived in huts
Jfl, where do you come from? Europeans historymog everyone and you know it you shitskin
Ancient Egyptians were Near-Easterners, they weren't fucking cushitic niggers you retard
Ethiopia is poor shithole and has one of the lowest IQs in Africa funny enough
Black is another name for the negro type. Meaning west african types.
Ok, East, North, and Southenrn Africas are all overwhelmingly black (African) genetically
Ok, East, North, and Southenrn Africas are all overwhelmingly black (African) genetically
Africa is the most diverse continent on the planet. More do than Asia. You simply can't clump so many groups into one category like you can with Europe,
Thread has sum strong SFcel energy :hnghn:

You can do split them into subgroups, but the umbrella is still black African.
The umbrella would just be a political term and not represent genetics because its too broad. That's like the term 'Eurasian'.

Its kind of retarded to classify people by 'black' 'white' etc anyways. That's literally a single trait, skin colour.

A better classification would be North European, Mediterranean, East Asian, Indian, Middle eastern, West african, East african and South African. There are more but you get my point.
The umbrella would just be a political term and not represent genetics because its too broad. That's like the term 'Eurasian'.

Its kind of retarded to classify people by 'black' 'white' etc anyways. That's literally a single trait, skin colour.

A better classification would be North European, Mediterranean, East Asian, Indian, Middle eastern, West african, East african and South African. There are more but you get my point.
That's a bit semantic in my opinion

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