Last bit of looksmax advice for you all, palate expander. You can get a custom one from bracesshop. Benefits I've notices.

The first one is that I have a better eye area, better harmony, and cheekbones. When the palate expander forces yur palate apart from a lateral standpoint, your bones will become more prominent over night.

I got two different palate expanders from bracesshop. The last one was a couple years ago, but I havent used it yet. Just set it into my pallate and in a couple days my palate now fits the expander, Front tooth gap is present, cheekbones are wider, face has better harmony, and eyes are really better looking. The attention I got in the past few days is a lot more. Girls actually think I am chadlite or something. Btw, I went from a narrow horseface to widr cheekbones, jaw, and stronger nose bridge and brow ridge from bonesmashing. I just added the palate expander into the equation, wow this thing is really good.

I highly reccomend you all get a palate expander. You can get one for a few hundred bucks from braceshop, you make your palate/teeth mold(be very careful, high iqcels only otherwise the mold will be fucked up), send it to their lab, and they make you a palate expander. That way you can just use the expander and forget about mewing. You would think pure bonesmashing would expand the bones, but palate size really has a lot to contribute to a healthy looking face.
I already have fine palate.
Over for non believers, your life is supposed to be miserable and you'll wage slave all your life just to get a botched surgery in the end after which you'll realise you cheated yourself with not believing in natural expansion as nothing beats the harmony and dimorphism of natural results. Surgery copers on sui watch, i hope all these surgery copers die and castrate themselves, or else they'll keep on producing low IQ humans
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The first one is that I have a better eye area, better harmony, and cheekbones. When the palate expander forces yur palate apart from a lateral standpoint, your bones will become more prominent over night.

I got two different palate expanders from bracesshop. The last one was a couple years ago, but I havent used it yet. Just set it into my pallate and in a couple days my palate now fits the expander, Front tooth gap is present, cheekbones are wider, face has better harmony, and eyes are really better looking. The attention I got in the past few days is a lot more. Girls actually think I am chadlite or something. Btw, I went from a narrow horseface to widr cheekbones, jaw, and stronger nose bridge and brow ridge from bonesmashing. I just added the palate expander into the equation, wow this thing is really good.

I highly reccomend you all get a palate expander. You can get one for a few hundred bucks from braceshop, you make your palate/teeth mold(be very careful, high iqcels only otherwise the mold will be fucked up), send it to their lab, and they make you a palate expander. That way you can just use the expander and forget about mewing. You would think pure bonesmashing would expand the bones, but palate size really has a lot to contribute to a healthy looking face.
Is there a way to do this or a specific palate expander to buy so you don’t develop a front teeth gap?
Then why did you recommend I get a palate expander?
When did I reccomend you get a palate expander? This forum was not build for people to write messages to you and only you
Is there a way to do this or a specific palate expander to buy so you don’t develop a front teeth gap?
not really man, you can always get braces after, but the expander is the only thing you can get custom made.
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What about thumbpulling?

I m 30 and doing it 13 minutes a day and notice nice subtle change in my upper maxilla, without teeth gaps as strength goes to the maxilla.

My cheekbones are a bit wider and my infraorbitals improved. I feel the pressure in my upper maxilla around nasion each time i did it. And no break of harmony as progress are slow and very moderate.

I ve seen countless MSE results looking bad and uncanny for adults, breaking harmony.
Thumb pulling will create a gap 100% also do it twice a day for 15 minutes each time and also do another type of thumb pulling where u put ur thumbs behind ur farthest back molars and pull the bone and gum forwards and upwards

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