Leading experts: genes largely shape our personalities: genetic inheritance, not conditions of upbringing, makes the most difference.



not paulie_walnuts
Jul 30, 2019
"DNA isn’t all that matters but it matters more than everything else put together"

genetic heritability accounts for 50% of the psychological differences between us, from personality to mental abilities. But that leaves 50% that should be accounted for by the environment. However, Plomin argues, research shows that most of that 50% is not attributable to the type of environmental influences that can be planned for or readily affected – ie it’s made up of unpredictable events. And of the environmental influences that can be moderated, much of it, he argues, is really an expression of genetics.

We now know that DNA differences are the major systematic source of psychological differences between us. Environmental effects are important but what we have learned in recent years is that they are mostly random – unsystematic and unstable – which means that we cannot do much about them

Plomin has been waiting 30 years to write Blueprint. It has taken him that long to conduct the research – much of it based on long-term twin studies – necessary to prove his case. But there was another reason for the delay, he admits: “cowardice”. For a long time, he says, it was “dangerous” to study “the genetic origins of differences in people’s behaviour and to write about it in scientific journals”.

“Genetics articles – I mean it was verboten, really, in the 1970s. Everything was environmental. Even schizophrenia was thought to be due to what your mother did in the first few years of life. It seems ridiculous now, but that was the orthodoxy back then. And to mention genetics was just beyond the pale.”
Within the world of science and psychology, he says, there is no longer any problem. But if you move out into other disciplines – he cites education as an example – “genetics is still the devil”. That said, he says brightening, it’s been decades since he’s been called a Nazi.

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personality=bulge size
"In a new book likely to rekindle fierce controversy, psychologist Robert Plomin argues that genes largely shape our personalities and that the latest science is too compelling to ignore "

stopped reading after I saw this. Call me myopic if you like, but psychology is a field full of absolute morons with some of the most tenuous grasp on the scientific method you will ever witness among people who consider themselves scientists.
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Reactions: Deleted member 2621, ULTRATERAX63 and Demir
Personality is in the eye of the beholder
Consider the incel phenomena. Is anyone with any common sense whatsoever going to argue that the gene pool changed in the blink of an eye and produced two generations of listless and cowed men with more neuroses than a jewish commune, or do ya thiiiiink it might have more than a little something to do with readily observable social factors?
  • +1
Reactions: supercilious_knowall
Consider the incel phenomena. Is anyone with any common sense whatsoever going to argue that the gene pool changed in the blink of an eye and produced two generations of listless and cowed men with more neuroses than a jewish commune, or do ya thiiiiink it might have more than a little something to do with readily observable social factors?
We just didn't know about them before the internet

My uncle was incel. NW7 by the age of 20

I grew up in terror if being an incel, even though the word didn't exist yet
We just didn't know about them before the internet

My uncle was incel. NW7 by the age of 20

I grew up in terror if being an incel, even though the word didn't exist yet

Except the age and prevalence of male virginity has increased significantly in the last 20 years.
  • +1
Reactions: supercilious_knowall
Except the age and prevalence of male virginity has increased significantly in the last 20 years.
Now you're talking about the social end, for sure.

I'm just saying this shit is nothing new.

We just know more about it than we used to.
Consider the incel phenomena. Is anyone with any common sense whatsoever going to argue that the gene pool changed in the blink of an eye and produced two generations of listless and cowed men with more neuroses than a jewish commune, or do ya thiiiiink it might have more than a little something to do with readily observable social factors?

makes zero sense

a few years ago every turbo incel and aspie got a wife through enforced monogamy

the people are still the same. the times have just changed
"In a new book likely to rekindle fierce controversy, psychologist Robert Plomin argues that genes largely shape our personalities and that the latest science is too compelling to ignore "

stopped reading after I saw this. Call me myopic if you like, but psychology is a field full of absolute morons with some of the most tenuous grasp on the scientific method you will ever witness among people who consider themselves scientists.

Plomin earned a B.A. in psychology from DePaul University in 1970 and a Ph.D. in psychology in 1974 from the University of Texas at Austin under personality psychologist Arnold Buss. He then worked at the Institute for Behavioral Genetics at the University of Colorado at Boulder. From 1986 until 1994 he worked at Pennsylvania State University, studying elderly twins reared apart and twins reared together to study aging and is currently at the Institute of Psychiatry (King's College London). He has been president of the Behavior Genetics Association.

Plomin has shown the importance of non-shared environment, a term that he coined to refer to the environmental factors that reduce the similarity of individuals raised in the same family environment.[6] In addition, he has shown that many environmental measures in psychology show genetic influence and that genetic factors can mediate associations between environmental measures and developmental outcomes.

Plomin currently conducts the Twins Early Development Study of all twins born in England from 1994 to 1996, focusing on developmental delays in early childhood, their association with behavioural problems and educational attainment.[7]

In 1994 he was one of 52 signatories on "Mainstream Science on Intelligence",[8] an editorial written by Linda Gottfredson and published in the Wall Street Journal, which declared the consensus of the signing scholars on issues related to intelligence research following the publication of the book The Bell Curve.

he mogs you. just lol at thinking that you are more knowledgable then him in that subject.
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No shit sherlock
But we cant deny that genes will function different in different environment
I already own his book about genetics and it's full of blackpills. Just lol at social constructionism. And if he says genetics is only 50% it's probably fair to assume that they are even higher since he probably has to be at least a bit PC so that people don't instantly destroy him.

Actually, I wonder how long people like him will be tolerated before genetics research is simply declared evil and banned.

EDIT: Looks like it's already happening: https://blogs.bath.ac.uk/eric/2018/09/28/blueprint/

The funny part is that race isn't even mentioned in his book. The article author merely claims that since the book says people are different than that must indirectly imply the races are different which is bad. I am calling it now: Within 4-12 years biology and genetics research will be mostly illegal.

EDIT 2: Lawl at the butthurt this book has produced. Already all the leftists are going out of their way trying to deny it: https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-018-06784-5
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  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 1973 and Alexanderr
Personality is just your chemicles and hormones. Thankfully they can be maxed out but again some people have a natural higher limit.

only in the west. lets hope countries like china or russia wont get effected
  • +1
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Explains why i'm an Asipe Low IQ retard. i inherited it all from my Father.
So, genes aren’t everything but almost everything? Interesting.

only in the west. lets hope countries like china or russia wont get effected

China is probably already working on it's own secret super soldier program tbh.
Blackpill for those who want slayer sons but want virgin neurotic wife
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it is not
most things water touches becomes wet
nice misquote faggot.

i said 'water is'

an existential statement about the being of dihydrogen monoxide
I am a faggot.

i meant to say 'water is'

an existential statement about the being of dihydrogen monoxide
no problem bro

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