Leanmaxx tips please



Mar 6, 2019
I'm about 15% bf at most right now at 210 lbs at 6'2'' after bulking up.

Since my face is recessed and sub-optimal, my face looks way worse than my body.

So I pretty much have to drop down to 6% or something to look human.

Thing is - I don't want to lose the muscle I gained, since it gets me IOIs from ogremaxxed points.

How the fuck do I reduce fat and keep the muscle? How do I reduce water bloat?
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I'm about 15% bf at most right now at 210 lbs at 6'2'' after bulking up.

Since my face is recessed and sub-optimal, my face looks way worse than my body.

So I pretty much have to drop down to 6% or something to look human.

Thing is - I don't want to lose the muscle I again, since it gets me IOIs from ogremaxxed points.

How the fuck do I reduce fat and keep the muscle? How do I reduce water bloat?
Only way is to stop being addicted to food bro, 95% are addicted, its the only thing they look forward to in this life, make your life so interesting that u don't have to look to food for comfort like the 95% does (vast majority of people are above 20% bf) you have to completely shift away from enjoying food, just only eat when u feel noticely uncomfortably hungry. Do whatever you possibly can. Everytime you think of eating. Stop and think for 10 minutes about the cons. Don't think tomorrow I will eat less, eat less right now, don't even try to feel enjoyment from the food you are eating. NOT WORTH IT, seek long term pleasures that bring you forward. You'll thank yourself when a girl actually wants to kiss your clear skin face...
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It is almost imposible to maintain all the muscle gains you did, if your want to reduce your bodyfat percentage losing the minium amount of REAL MUSCLE.
Go on cyclemaxxing to cut clean your fats.
But if you are natty, the process comes by reducing your calorie intake, approximately I deduce you train 5 days a week 1 and a half hour. So my numbers are near 3000 calories you need to supply your body usually.
What comes next it is to clearify you should cut between 200-300 calories diary maximum to reduce your muscle loss.
Also go into a high protein diet this process, to help the body not to catabolize the muscle.
Whats more important its you need to find a way that substain your hungry state when it comes. Examples:
-Chewing gum, reduce mental hungry.
-Coffe or dark chocolate can reduce your mental hungry also (try them without sugar even if the main purpose its to fill that needs).
-Divide your meals times in 7 or 20, choose yours.
-Go and try fasting.
-Find a diet that dont takes problems for you to eat.
-Think: if you have two times meals be strict with it and think about next meal as a prize.
If its the contrary think that "okay its a small portion, but i got another meal soon"
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"How the fuck do I reduce fat and keep the muscle?"

You don't :lul:
Only way is to stop being addicted to food bro, 95% are addicted, its the only thing they look forward to in this life, make your life so interesting that u don't have to look to food for comfort like the 95% does (vast majority of people are above 20% bf) you have to completely shift away from enjoying food, just only eat when u feel noticely uncomfortably hungry. Do whatever you possibly can. Everytime you think of eating. Stop and think for 10 minutes about the cons. Don't think tomorrow I will eat less, eat less right now, don't even try to feel enjoyment from the food you are eating. NOT WORTH IT, seek long term pleasures that bring you forward. You'll thank yourself when a girl actually wants to kiss your clear skin face...
Good point, also one of the most important things is to eat as little sugar as possible as it fattens you, causes additional feelings of hunger and also happens to bloat you.
Only way is to stop being addicted to food bro, 95% are addicted, its the only thing they look forward to in this life, make your life so interesting that u don't have to look to food for comfort like the 95% does (vast majority of people are above 20% bf) you have to completely shift away from enjoying food, just only eat when u feel noticely uncomfortably hungry.
This is not my case AT ALL. I am NOT addicted to food. In fact, I HATE food. I actually prefer to eat very little and was super skinny, but since I went RTT route I HAD to force myself to eat 4000 calories per day. If I "stop eating" then I will lose muscle. I have to lose FAT only and KEEP muscle to be RTT.

Whats more important its you need to find a way that substain your hungry state when it comes. Examples:
-Chewing gum, reduce mental hungry.
-Coffe or dark chocolate can reduce your mental hungry also (try them without sugar even if the main purpose its to fill that needs).
-Divide your meals times in 7 or 20, choose yours.
-Go and try fasting.
-Find a diet that dont takes problems for you to eat.
-Think: if you have two times meals be strict with it and think about next meal as a prize.
If its the contrary think that "okay its a small portion, but i got another meal soon
I'm never hungry, I force myself to eat to maintain muscle.
Why would I thank you later? Your method will destroy my muscle. I told yu I need to lose fat and KEEP muscle. I'd get on trenbolone if it didn't nuke my hair.
Have you tried roiding with a topical anti-androgen?
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just cut 100-200 calories by your "0 calorie", 2.5g protein per 1kg of your bodyweight 1g fat rest carb, do hard training, hiit, add RAD-140 or test and here we go baby
Fasting while still training (at a high rep and low weight scheme) could work best. Keep in mind that whenever you lose weight it will SEEM like you are losing muscle very quickly because you are losing the glycogen from the muscle and you are also losing bloat, but this is an illusion.
At a certain point you're going to have to choose though, without roids it is very tough to be really lean and also have a good amount of muscle. But imo lean always looks better.
This will absolutely destroy your muscle. Standard caloric deficits are trash.

The best way to lose fat without breaking down as much muscle (according to science) is with fasting. Your body releases growth hormone when you fast that protects your muscles and only 10% of the weight you lose will be muscle vs 25% or more for calorie deficits.

Fast in 48 hour blocks and break it with a low carb high protein meal around 500-1000 calories. Try to hit your protein requirements.

When you get lean then switch to full sized meals with all the calories you need that day. You'll know when to start doing that by the change in how the hunger feels. It'll feel like starvation not fasting. Keep it to a small window 4-6 hours max but preferably 2 or less.

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