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Crazy how people like you are so Oblivious to nutrition, it’s so simple. It’s not even about calories honestly but eating anything at 2000 per day is starving, even if it’s all carbs you’re still not giving your body enough fuel.
So if I'm a 6 ft 14 year old and I need to eat 1500 to lose a pound a week what do I do.

That assuming I don't do any activity
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So if I'm a 6 ft 14 year old and I need to eat 1500 to lose a pound a week what do I do.

That assuming I don't do any activity
If you're still 14 don't cut weight like that, it might stunt your growth. Better to keep eating well, at least at maintenance and doing callisthenics and other physical activities.
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If you're still 14 don't cut weight like that, it might stunt your growth. Better to keep eating well, at least at maintenance and doing callisthenics and other physical activities.
yeah but my face is bloated and I look like shit jfl
Crazy how much of a retard you are that keeps trying to cope that someone who actually did and does this in real life doesn’t have energy (i have energy, i have more energy and stamina than anybody I’ve played sports with)

crazy how you keep trying to throw out words like starving (objectively not starving if you’re anywhere remotely close to 2000 calories per day) and then when multiple people call you a retard for that you try and fail to backtrack onto some shit about “u dont got ENERGY!!!!” even though we all fuckin’ do lmfao

just stop bro, you got scammed, the little articles you read were bullshit, whichever instagrammer you bought a specialized diet from just wanted your money
Get over it
I haven’t bought any diet plan. You fell for the mainstream low carber nonsense. Pretty bluepilled honestly.
I haven’t bought any diet plan. You fell for the mainstream low carber nonsense. Pretty bluepilled honestly.
Low calories retard
Calories in calories out, period
Carbs etc all that shit is unnecessary to worry about for the average person

like I told you, I’ve done this shit in real life, no muscle loss no energy loss
It’s over, stop trying
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Low calories retard
Calories in calories out, period
Carbs etc all that shit is unnecessary to worry about for the average person

like I told you, I’ve done this shit in real life, no muscle loss no energy loss
It’s over, stop trying
Calories in calories out is another mainstream trend. You’ll realize some day
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Calories in calories out is another mainstream trend. You’ll realize some day
You’d think I would’ve realized that BEFORE losing more than 100 pounds using nothing but calories in calories out you absolute retard

a mainstream trend? You mean the absolute basis for weight loss bro? The only scientific part of weight loss? I really don’t understand what you’re not understanding here. “Calories in calories out is a trend” is the single most retarded thing I’ve ever seen on this website, to the point that I think you must be shitposting and doing this on purpose. No one could be that much of a babbling retard irl.

calories in calories out is the foundation of ANY and EVERY weight loss program. Yes that includes whatever instagram trend you follow. It has to be, because you can’t lose weight without following that basic ass principle.

interesting that the only one who agrees with you is a literal mouthbreather jfl
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couldnt survive on it

reminder, insulin is key in hunger
only way to do a cut is going low carb
eating normal meals at 1400kcals is going to be impossible after some time, the hunger is gonna be too overwhelming
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on some days my metabolism is great and I can eat a lot and not get fat, in other times I eat very little as of rn and I dont really loose any fat
not gonna lie if i had to guess who made this comment i would have guessed you, as you are the only low iq retarded moron to be stupid enough to spew horseshit out like that

absolutely 0 knowledge on the topic, educate yourself fattie and then come back for discussion
not gonna lie if i had to guess who made this comment i would have guessed you, as you are the only low iq retarded moron to be stupid enough to spew horseshit out like that

absolutely 0 knowledge on the topic, educate yourself fattie and then come back for discussion
you can feel superior with your 300iq and your emasciated looks all you want, fact is, I have a 200kg deadlift while being single digit bf rn. What are you? Weight 60kg and have the strength of a little girl? Clearly your diet isn't working then jfl As I said every pro bodybuilder cuts with low fat, carbs are getting adjusted by looking at the scale, if you loose too much weight, you increase carbs again (shouldnt happen) or if you loose weight slowly, you decrease carbs. Keto doesnt work if you want to preserve muscle mass.
all of you are so retarded "but muh caloric deficit"
you understand that there is also a mental part? you will be very hungry with pizza only
if it was so simple then 95% of diets wouldn't fail and majority of people won't gain their weight back after 1-5 years
Bro i never advocated for only eating pizza. My only point was to prove that calories are what causes fat burn.
Going on a pizza diet would be horrible and retarded. Pizza has almost no protein and is probably the worst food you can choose.
If you wanna have a true cheat meal, hamburgers are much better because of the macro nutrient ratios.

#1 find the foods that you like that are somewhat healthy.
In my opinion something like salmon makes me extremely hungry. I can only eat this at rare occasions.
Going ultra clean and boring food just makes you crash eventually and go on a binge.
It has never worked for me or anyone that i know of.

My main meal has been this when cutting. I also use other meals with similar concepts
Lean red meat 350 grams roughly 400+ calories with insane amount of protein
Some potato croquettes 220 grams, around 400+ calories. You can replace with any other type of potato variation
bearnaise sauce 30 grams 200 calories +

Gives me around a 1000-1200 calorie delicious meal with 100 grams of protein. The thing is it satisfies my urges and allow me to stick to the diet. If i ate something too "clean" i would most likely be craving and eventually cheat and binge.
You’d think I would’ve realized that BEFORE losing more than 100 pounds using nothing but calories in calories out you absolute retard

a mainstream trend? You mean the absolute basis for weight loss bro? The only scientific part of weight loss? I really don’t understand what you’re not understanding here. “Calories in calories out is a trend” is the single most retarded thing I’ve ever seen on this website, to the point that I think you must be shitposting and doing this on purpose. No one could be that much of a babbling retard irl.

calories in calories out is the foundation of ANY and EVERY weight loss program. Yes that includes whatever instagram trend you follow. It has to be, because you can’t lose weight without following that basic ass principle.

interesting that the only one who agrees with you is a literal mouthbreather jfl
Bingo. You literally cant lose weight without a calorie deficit
If you are not losing weight, you are not in a calorie deficit. I

Everyone has a maintenance calories. If you drop the calories by 300-500, you will lose weight, point blank period. If you're not, you are most likely tracking like a retarded fuck, or you are just temporarily holding onto water because your cortisol is high due to lack of sleep or too much excercise, or the calorie deficit in itself.
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You’d think I would’ve realized that BEFORE losing more than 100 pounds using nothing but calories in calories out you absolute retard

a mainstream trend? You mean the absolute basis for weight loss bro? The only scientific part of weight loss? I really don’t understand what you’re not understanding here. “Calories in calories out is a trend” is the single most retarded thing I’ve ever seen on this website, to the point that I think you must be shitposting and doing this on purpose. No one could be that much of a babbling retard irl.

calories in calories out is the foundation of ANY and EVERY weight loss program. Yes that includes whatever instagram trend you follow. It has to be, because you can’t lose weight without following that basic ass principle.

interesting that the only one who agrees with you is a literal mouthbreather jfl
Bro what bodyfat are you? I guarantee I’m more shredded than you and I eat 3-4k cals per day. 80-90% of calories from carbohydrates
I see people saying just be in caloric deficit while that is true, raised blood sugar and insulin levels even on a caloric deficient diet will make you fat. The body is designed to store excess glucose as fat so don't eat carbs that don't have fiber.
Bro what bodyfat are you? I guarantee I’m more shredded than you and I eat 3-4k cals per day. 80-90% of calories from carbohydrates
you have good genes for insulin and blood glucose maintenance then or just really good mitochondria efficiency, saw your ig pics shirtless and i can confirm you are leaner than 90% people here
Bro what bodyfat are you? I guarantee I’m more shredded than you and I eat 3-4k cals per day. 80-90% of calories from carbohydrates
also aren't you on gh still that increases fat burning alot
you have good genes for insulin and blood glucose maintenance then or just really good mitochondria efficiency, saw your ig pics shirtless and i can confirm you are leaner than 90% people here
Nah I got lean by cutting fat from my diet
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Bro what bodyfat are you? I guarantee I’m more shredded than you and I eat 3-4k cals per day. 80-90% of calories from carbohydrates
Doesn’t even slightly matter what bodyfat you or I am at, I’m like 15% and not finished yet. What actually matters is that I lost

100 pounds and you did not. If I had to guess I’d say you probably went from skinnyfat twink to non-natty and now you’re trying to lecture people on weight loss while clearly knowing nothing about it.

you are never ever ever EVER going to be in a caloric surplus and losing weight. Ever. I don’t give a shit what your little broscience peers have told you. You’re likely very active and you’re burning off those calories, you’re also likely embellishing the amount of calories you eat per day tbh. It’s calories in calories out no matter how you slice it, whether you make it that way via activity or via reducing the amounts you eat it’s the same basic principle and you’ll never escape that fact.

how much weight have you lost in your life at one time? My guess is 20 pounds dead maximum.
Nah I got lean by cutting fat from my diet
then your fat loss is because lack of fat in diet, fats are required for oil soluble vitamins transportation so your body breaks down already present fat to accomplish that
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@nelson wait ur not even natural??
then your fat loss is because lack of fat in diet, fats are required for oil soluble vitamins transportation so your body breaks down already present fat to accomplish that
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Doesn’t even slightly matter what bodyfat you or I am at, I’m like 15% and not finished yet. What actually matters is that I lost

100 pounds and you did not. If I had to guess I’d say you probably went from skinnyfat twink to non-natty and now you’re trying to lecture people on weight loss while clearly knowing nothing about it.

you are never ever ever EVER going to be in a caloric surplus and losing weight. Ever. I don’t give a shit what your little broscience peers have told you. You’re likely very active and you’re burning off those calories, you’re also likely embellishing the amount of calories you eat per day tbh. It’s calories in calories out no matter how you slice it, whether you make it that way via activity or via reducing the amounts you eat it’s the same basic principle and you’ll never escape that fact.

how much weight have you lost in your life at one time? My guess is 20 pounds dead maximum.
It doesn’t matter because I’ve never gotten to that point. I’ve gotten lean though and I know how to do it. And yes if you’re eating a “caloric surplus” of fruit refined sugar and white rice you will lose weight, you will shrink down in fact. It’s crazy how you think 1000 calories of fried chicken is the same as 1000 calories worth of watermelon. Fat makes you fat. Carbs make you lean.
It doesn’t matter because I’ve never gotten to that point. I’ve gotten lean though and I know how to do it. And yes if you’re eating a “caloric surplus” of fruit refined sugar and white rice you will lose weight, you will shrink down in fact. It’s crazy how you think 1000 calories of fried chicken is the same as 1000 calories worth of watermelon. Fat makes you fat. Carbs make you lean.
You fucking retard holy shit.

I’m going to explain this to you one single time, and you’re going to absorb it like a sponge and become slightly less of a waste of space.

you are leaning out not because m m muh fat muh carbs, but because you’re using enhancements, exercising and rapidly gaining muscle putting you in a deficit.

enough talk, if you actually believe that “carbs make u lean !!!” Then stop all exercise stop all weight lifting and just eat ridiculous amounts of carbs a day and let’s see if you still lose weight.

fucking moron holy shit, “FATS, they make ya fat, cause they’re called fat right???” Never thought I’d actually meet a mouth breather who genuinely thought something like that before
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Can confirm nelsons wrists got bigger after GH

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