Left wing > right wing

Attacking abortion and LGBT rights while failing to actually raise the fertility-rate. Especially american conservatives constantly attack trans people (especially trans female) for no good reason while cis females prioritize their careers over making babies.
Both Hungary and Poland have tried raising the fertility-rate with rather aggressive policies meant to be pro-natal but so far that has failed because females are not going to make more babies because you pay them to do so in a modern economy where they don't really need that money in the first place. Of course anti-abortion legislation is often more motivated by christianity than to actually raise the fertility rate.

Cuckservatives tend to be overly defensive of the police and legal system as it failed to actually keep people safe. As we see in the united states creating a police-state and giving out harch sentences isn't going to make crime go away, at least not unless you execute it well.

View attachment 1755927

Sweden has much more lenient sentences and also a much lower murder-rate. Why is that?

There are multiple potential explanations for this failure:

0. Failing to provide people with a sense of community with other citizens.
1. Failing to enact proper gun-control.
2. Not providing people with a good education.
3. Not giving the poor enough welfare causing them to resort to crimes.
4. Racial differences (Sweden also has many immigrants though).
5. Problematic pro-crime culture developing.

Having a bigger government that take a bigger role in peoples lives (before they reach the point where they resort to crimes) is one approach in reducing the incidence of criminality. If sending people to jail is your only method of social control you are going to have to resort to that is the only tool of your disposal. For example you might want to use compulsory schooling to push people away from crime. You might want to send staff to observe people who are in danger to themselves or others.

Cuckservatives also failed at protecting people against diseases like AIDS and COVID-19 in large part due to their belief in limited government rather than doing what it takes to stop the spread. Them not doing more to stop the aids epedemic might also be due to them hating LGBT people.

View attachment 1755935

If this is not the depopulation of your own nation, what is it?

Nobody is reading any of this.

stop trying to push your leftist fag shit here because literally nobody cares
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Nobody is reading any of this.

stop trying to push your leftist fag shit here because literally nobody cares
"I can't answer logically"

Last edited:
  • JFL
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I used to be a technocratic communist, its my most favoured ideology still.

But nowadays I've become more of a fascist libertarian as it's more realistic to achieve.
Just lol at dumb niggers being muh left wing muh right wing. They are literally the same thing u faggots. Look at the hsitory of them both. Both of them were created by freemasons to keep the people divided. All the major right left wing politican were related to freemasonry.
Che Guevara, Fidel Castro, Ho Chi Minh, John Wayne, Edmund Burke, Voltaire, Rousseau, Hume, Proudhan, Mikhail Bukanin, Denis Thatcher(husband of Margaret Thacther) i can go on and on.

The fact the left wingers care for workers right is utter bullshit. 90% of the left wing are larpers. There is only a minority of them who cares about workers right and they have basically no say in policy.

And right wingers are utter retards who supports elites who work hand in hand with people they are against. Jfl :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
  • +1
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Attacking abortion and LGBT rights while failing to actually raise the fertility-rate. Especially american conservatives constantly attack trans people (especially trans female) for no good reason while cis females prioritize their careers over making babies.
Both Hungary and Poland have tried raising the fertility-rate with rather aggressive policies meant to be pro-natal but so far that has failed because females are not going to make more babies because you pay them to do so in a modern economy where they don't really need that money in the first place. Of course anti-abortion legislation is often more motivated by christianity than to actually raise the fertility rate.

Cuckservatives tend to be overly defensive of the police and legal system as it failed to actually keep people safe. As we see in the united states creating a police-state and giving out harch sentences isn't going to make crime go away, at least not unless you execute it well.

View attachment 1755927

Sweden has much more lenient sentences and also a much lower murder-rate. Why is that?

There are multiple potential explanations for this failure:

0. Failing to provide people with a sense of community with other citizens.
1. Failing to enact proper gun-control.
2. Not providing people with a good education.
3. Not giving the poor enough welfare causing them to resort to crimes.
4. Racial differences (Sweden also has many immigrants though).
5. Problematic pro-crime culture developing.

Having a bigger government that take a bigger role in peoples lives (before they reach the point where they resort to crimes) is one approach in reducing the incidence of criminality. If sending people to jail is your only method of social control you are going to have to resort to that is the only tool of your disposal. For example you might want to use compulsory schooling to push people away from crime. You might want to send staff to observe people who are in danger to themselves or others.

Cuckservatives also failed at protecting people against diseases like AIDS and COVID-19 in large part due to their belief in limited government rather than doing what it takes to stop the spread. Them not doing more to stop the aids epedemic might also be due to them hating LGBT people.

View attachment 1755935

If this is not the depopulation of your own nation, what is it?

I challenge the right-wing people here - debunk it, don't run away from it. You say you are "smarter" and you have many arguments. Show me that I am wrong.
left wing is mostly adopted by feeble twinks because right wing ideology requires them to have masculinity, testosterone, and competence. :lul::lul::lul::lul::lul:
I challenge the right-wing people here - debunk it, don't run away from it. You say you are "smarter" and you have many arguments. Show me that I am wrong.
literally everything you mentioned is the result of libtard politices. right wingers would have every criminal strung up on a light pole if they had their way. most people are not right wing. hitler and mussolini approaches right wing.
  • +1
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> Sexual communism

> Patriarchy

Pick one.

Sexual communism is something like free love. Which is basically an open relationship where there is no exclusivity. Your gf is allowed and morally should in the spirit of free love should fuck another men and women. :p:p

Perfect for your "chadlite" looks.
He probably thought a different definition of sexual communism. Like a forced "everyone must have a gf" thing. Meanwhile it would just be ugly straight males that would ask and benefit from this
Chin wing > *
left wing is mostly adopted by feeble twinks because right wing ideology requires them to have masculinity, testosterone, and competence. :lul::lul::lul::lul::lul:
@Lord-Arthur_17 is literally a 5’6 fag 😂
  • JFL
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Just lol at dumb niggers being muh left wing muh right wing. They are literally the same thing u faggots. Look at the hsitory of them both. Both of them were created by freemasons to keep the people divided. All the major right left wing politican were related to freemasonry.
Che Guevara, Fidel Castro, Ho Chi Minh, John Wayne, Edmund Burke, Voltaire, Rousseau, Hume, Proudhan, Mikhail Bukanin, Denis Thatcher(husband of Margaret Thacther) i can go on and on.
And who said Freemasonry is bad? Church? xD

The fact the left wingers care for workers right is utter bullshit. 90% of the left wing are larpers. There is only a minority of them who cares about workers right and they have basically no say in policy.

And right wingers are utter retards who supports elites who work hand in hand with people they are against. Jfl :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
Remember who supported the 8-hour working day, the right to join trade unions, the right to strike, the minimum wage, health and safety regulations and pensions.

left wing is mostly adopted by feeble twinks because right wing ideology requires them to have masculinity, testosterone, and competence. :lul::lul::lul::lul::lul:
You happen to be lacking a brain. There is no point in talking to you. You're fit for a labor camp.

literally everything you mentioned is the result of libtard politices. right wingers would have every criminal strung up on a light pole if they had their way. most people are not right wing. hitler and mussolini approaches right wing.
And you said you didn't read ... but you read. Make a little effort, because you're not convincing at all, sissy.
  • JFL
Reactions: n0rthface
lol at this twink retard getting triggered. left wingers are the most low iq people in existence. just look at their response to roe v wade or the bruen vs ny. emotionally driven cucks :lul::lul::lul::lul::lul:
And who said Freemasonry is bad? Church? xD

Remember who supported the 8-hour working day, the right to join trade unions, the right to strike, the minimum wage, health and safety regulations and pensions.

You happen to be lacking a brain. There is no point in talking to you. You're fit for a labor camp.

And you said you didn't read ... but you read. Make a little effort, because you're not convincing at all, sissy.
where did i say i didn't read, you illiterate moron?
How do chuds cope?


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Just lol at dumb niggers being muh left wing muh right wing. They are literally the same thing u faggots. Look at the hsitory of them both. Both of them were created by freemasons to keep the people divided. All the major right left wing politican were related to freemasonry.
Che Guevara, Fidel Castro, Ho Chi Minh, John Wayne, Edmund Burke, Voltaire, Rousseau, Hume, Proudhan, Mikhail Bukanin, Denis Thatcher(husband of Margaret Thacther) i can go on and on.

The fact the left wingers care for workers right is utter bullshit. 90% of the left wing are larpers. There is only a minority of them who cares about workers right and they have basically no say in policy.

And right wingers are utter retards who supports elites who work hand in hand with people they are against. Jfl :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:

We need a nationalist party that is socially conservative, supports popular sovereignty and the right to self determination. But also respects workers rights and protects workers from exploitation from tax dodging globohomo corporations
  • +1
Reactions: Kingcel32
left wing is mostly adopted by feeble twinks because right wing ideology requires them to have masculinity, testosterone, and competence. :lul::lul::lul::lul::lul:
Negroes = stronger than whites
Jews = smarter than whites
femboys = more attractive than ogres

  • JFL
  • Ugh..
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  • +1
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The leftist exposes himself as a weirdo cuckold, and these far leftist cucks wonder why normal people hate them 😂
What I am saying is a fact. Blacks are physically stronger than whites and it is not up to me.
I am against conservatism because it considers the life of utero-less people to be of less value. This is clearly seen in the example of Ukraine - women were allowed to evacuate, men were forced to fight. Someone will say that it is because men cannot get pregnant ... and I will say that it is a pointless argument, because never after the war in any country has anyone required women to bear children or return to their homeland, full of war devastation.
conservatism is more patriarchal and communism is inherently feminist and matriarchal
Ukraine is a former communist country and both russia and ukraine are matriarchies because of their communist past
We no longer live in the Stone Age, and our scientists are close to developing artificial womb technology. Hence, it makes no sense to consider mine or yours as a life of less value than that of any woman. Times have changed, so if there are to be equal rights, there should also be equal obligations. If someone wants to live in a traditional relationship or fight a war - it's your choice, I don't mind but don't expect everyone to do the same.
yet we still need women in order to make children
conservatism pushes treating women as more of a property used to get kids, while liberalism raises women to the same standard as men, and communism aims to give them equal rights, which wouldnt happen under a traditionalist government
Chad has sex, the beta male has the so-called dead bed - even if he proves that the child is not his, he has to pay alimony. When women are financially dependent on men, this is the worst possible situation for inferior men. It would be much better for them to masturbate, go to a prostitute or fuck some sex doll. There is no real feeling or desire in a relationship like this - so it's worth nothing. The man only loses on it. He keeps telling himself otherwise to protect his sense of masculinity.
thats why we need to sell women as property like in ultra conservative societies :fire:
dont give them any rights
Andrew DiKaiomata from Paul Elam's A Voice for Men wrote a lengthy post about how he thought tradcons were white knights, saying:

"This last one is probably the biggest point to show how feminism overlaps with traditional conservatism. It screams both at the same time. “Save the women!,” “Fight for women!."
neo cons = losers
MRA's tend to criticize TradCons as to how they deal with criticism by shaming men, which bears striking resemblance to feminists. Just like feminists, they aim their insults almost exclusively at weak men and/or incels. Feminists will insult a man for being incel (aka not being able to sexually interest a woman enough for her to be around him) and "creepy" (i.e. ugly or unassertive). Tradcons will insult men who do not assert dominance (as "betas"), marcels, i.e. married men who fail to sexually satisfy their female partners, resulting in infidelity (as "cucks") alluding a cuckoldry where the man is so weak that he admits her wife the freedom to see other men. Traditional men tend to despise men who admit this freedom fearing once such behavior becomes normal, it would make it harder to mateguard their woman. Tradcons may also use the "cuck" and "beta" to insult white knights and other types of male feminist who display overly submissive and desperate behavior towards women.
thats because you only have weak men as a result of the matriarchy...
being against the weakness of men = against the matriarchy
A small but growing number of MGTOWs and MRAs have been complaining that their spaces have been overrun by trad-cons like Janet Bloomfield or "enabling" tradcons, like Karen Straughan does (allegedly), and that trad-cons are worse than feminists (which they also dislike) because they think trad-cons generally believe that men should exchange work for sex, and other 'anti-male' gender roles that put men in a slave-like position.
MRAs and MGTOWs = feminine matriarchal momma's boys
Attacking abortion and LGBT rights while failing to actually raise the fertility-rate. Especially american conservatives constantly attack trans people (especially trans female) for no good reason while cis females prioritize their careers over making babies.
low fertility rate is because of technological advancement
tranny and gay shit is a result of matriarchal influence on men
all of it ofc because of leftism and social justice cuckoldry
Cuckservatives tend to be overly defensive of the police and legal system as it failed to actually keep people safe. As we see in the united states creating a police-state and giving out harch sentences isn't going to make crime go away, at least not unless you execute it well.
police only punishes ethnics who help with pushing the matriarchy forward
not having faith in your state = cucked feminine mentality
Cuckservatives also failed at protecting people against diseases like AIDS and COVID-19 in large part due to their belief in limited government rather than doing what it takes to stop the spread. Them not doing more to stop the aids epedemic might also be due to them hating LGBT people.
hating feminine lgbt "people" = based
AIDS = whores and faggots, thank god many of them died

We need a nationalist party that is socially conservative, supports popular sovereignty and the right to self determination. But also respects workers rights and protects workers from exploitation from tax dodging globohomo corporations
why do we need to protect workers? they've chosen to be dispensable. rather we should make the faggots with liberal arts degrees more disposable as they contribute far less to society
  • Hmm...
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why do we need to protect workers? they've chosen to be dispensable. rather we should make the faggots with liberal arts degrees more disposable as they contribute far less to society
How have the chosen to be dispensable? They are just normal people working construction jobs etc.

We need harmony and unity within a nation, allowing extreme inequality goes against nationalism
  • +1
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Left wing economically and right wing socially
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conservatism is more patriarchal and communism is inherently feminist and matriarchal
You keep repeating the feminist myth about the existence of patriarchy. First, show that something like patriarchy existed. I believe that matriarchy and gynocentrism have always prevailed.

Ukraine is a former communist country and both russia and ukraine are matriarchies because of their communist past
But these countries are conservative now.

yet we still need women in order to make children
conservatism pushes treating women as more of a property used to get kids, while liberalism raises women to the same standard as men, and communism aims to give them equal rights, which wouldnt happen under a traditionalist government
If you like conservatism so much, go to a country where it reigns. Why don't you do it if life is so good there?

low fertility rate is because of technological advancement
tranny and gay shit is a result of matriarchal influence on men
all of it ofc because of leftism and social justice cuckoldry

hating feminine lgbt "people" = based
AIDS = whores and faggots, thank god many of them died
God does not exist, and you are a fascist supporting the genocide of your own people just because some of them are of a different sexual orientation. On the other hand, I did not know that most gays are in conservative countries like Russia or Belarus.

Attacking abortion and LGBT rights while failing to actually raise the fertility-rate. Especially american conservatives constantly attack trans people (especially trans female) for no good reason while cis females prioritize their careers over making babies.
Both Hungary and Poland have tried raising the fertility-rate with rather aggressive policies meant to be pro-natal but so far that has failed because females are not going to make more babies because you pay them to do so in a modern economy where they don't really need that money in the first place. Of course anti-abortion legislation is often more motivated by christianity than to actually raise the fertility rate.

Cuckservatives tend to be overly defensive of the police and legal system as it failed to actually keep people safe. As we see in the united states creating a police-state and giving out harch sentences isn't going to make crime go away, at least not unless you execute it well.

View attachment 1755927

Sweden has much more lenient sentences and also a much lower murder-rate. Why is that?

There are multiple potential explanations for this failure:

0. Failing to provide people with a sense of community with other citizens.
1. Failing to enact proper gun-control.
2. Not providing people with a good education.
3. Not giving the poor enough welfare causing them to resort to crimes.
4. Racial differences (Sweden also has many immigrants though).
5. Problematic pro-crime culture developing.

Having a bigger government that take a bigger role in peoples lives (before they reach the point where they resort to crimes) is one approach in reducing the incidence of criminality. If sending people to jail is your only method of social control you are going to have to resort to that is the only tool of your disposal. For example you might want to use compulsory schooling to push people away from crime. You might want to send staff to observe people who are in danger to themselves or others.

Cuckservatives also failed at protecting people against diseases like AIDS and COVID-19 in large part due to their belief in limited government rather than doing what it takes to stop the spread. Them not doing more to stop the aids epedemic might also be due to them hating LGBT people.

View attachment 1755935

If this is not the depopulation of your own nation, what is it?

Wrong, America has more crime because of our high T, both from certain white populations with a warrior culture and from unruly minorities

A fact that Sweden is now learning well. Lol at bringing rape and nogo zone Sweden up as an example of a well run society

I invite you to study the Chinese Communists who these days are much more grounded in reality and practicality than American left wing cope
  • +1
Reactions: Kingcel32
What I am saying is a fact. Blacks are physically stronger than whites and it is not up to me.
Lol no, typical left wing nerd

Depending on how subhuman you are, hit the gym and it will change your outlook
  • +1
Reactions: n0rthface
This is actually the most popular position in the United States, and not represented in the uniparty
It’s undoubtedly the best political position, average person hates sjw shit but also hate it when big capitalists destroy their livelihood
  • +1
Reactions: Kingcel32
I like the left chicken wing.
I invite you to study the Chinese Communists who these days are much more grounded in reality and practicality than American left wing cope
I am the East European extreme left

Lol no, typical left wing nerd

Depending on how subhuman you are, hit the gym and it will change your outlook
Why do you suppose I'm not exercising? I'm talking about the rule that the average black man is physically stronger than the average white man. It's not my fault the whites have gotten weaker.

It’s undoubtedly the best political position, average person hates sjw shit but also hate it when big capitalists destroy their livelihood
Don't confuse liberals with communists. We are not the same.
I am the East European extreme left

Why do you suppose I'm not exercising? I'm talking about the rule that the average black man is physically stronger than the average white man. It's not my fault the whites have gotten weaker.

Don't confuse liberals with communists. We are not the same.
Normal people dislike communists as well, Especially since the majority hold the same social views as Sjw freaks
Normal people dislike communists as well, Especially since the majority hold the same social views as Sjw freaks
We have no reason to hate gays. Hatred of gays is a problem for right-wing incels who, out of jealousy about sex, want no one to have more sex than they do.
  • JFL
Reactions: n0rthface
We have no reason to hate gays. Hatred of gays is a problem for right-wing incels who, out of jealousy about sex, want no one to have more sex than they do.
Why should I like fags?
I'm not saying to like. Just leave them alone, let them live.
I don’t think being gay is normal or healthy. And it clearly isn’t compared to heterosexual relationships
Wrong, America has more crime because of our high T, both from certain white populations with a warrior culture and from unruly minorities

A fact that Sweden is now learning well. Lol at bringing rape and nogo zone Sweden up as an example of a well run society

I invite you to study the Chinese Communists who these days are much more grounded in reality and practicality than American left wing cope
america also has more crime because they criminalize more things on account of so many shitskins from everywhere here. another reason why muh multiculturalism, muh diversity, muh open borders policies are blueprints for failure. cultural exchange is good to some degree, but obviously you don't want to open the flood gates to any criminal scum, which is what the retarded democrats want and have done for decades. this is why conservatives are considerable more intelligent than the left, they understand you cannot do these social experiment on the population level. that's what conservationism is at its core, it's the voice telling the restless retarded rabble that maybe they shouldn't make rash decisions in the moment for which they do not fully comprehend the consequence. on the opposite side are the progressives which have slowly melded with the liberals. these people can't analyze any decision beyond their immediate goals. this is why they're stupid enough to think free shit from the government is a feasible long term solution to anything. it's why they think inflation is caused by muh rich wealthy people won't gibsmedats, meanwhile it is the state, they very thing they're attempting to grant more powers to, that is causing inflation in the first place. liberals are good at identifying the immediate cause and effect of something, conservatives see the bigger picture and can grasp long term consequences. this requires a much higher intellectual capacity.
I don’t think being gay is normal or healthy. And it clearly isn’t compared to heterosexual relationships
This is an opinion, not a fact. Doctors, unlike you, are qualified to comment on such topics.
We have no reason to hate gays. Hatred of gays is a problem for right-wing incels who, out of jealousy about sex, want no one to have more sex than they do.
very retarded take. sounds like projection. conservatives dislike gays because of religious and cultural reasons. no one gives a shit about what faggots do, as long as they don't try and force that gay shit on them
This is an opinion, not a fact. Doctors, unlike you, are qualified to comment on such topics.
this comment is too stupid for you not to be a troll. faggots are literally getting aids and dying because of their faggot ways :lul::lul::lul::lul::lul:
  • JFL
Reactions: n0rthface
This is an opinion, not a fact. Doctors, unlike you, are qualified to comment on such topics.
Well it’s clearly not normal, only a tiny percentage of the population are gay.

Also the ass is for shitting and not for sex, a lot of health problems come with this
very retarded take. sounds like projection. conservatives dislike gays because of religious and cultural reasons. no one gives a shit about what faggots do, as long as they don't try and force that gay shit on them
Incels complain that gays are having too much sex
Why do you suppose I'm not exercising? I'm talking about the rule that the average black man is physically stronger than the average white man. It's not my fault the whites have gotten weaker.

Don't confuse liberals with communists. We are not the same.

It is true that the people of the temperate zones carry a higher load of nerddom because of our longer history of civilization. But see here https://www.unz.com/akarlin/strength/

The Chinese Communists like to say that they are the only country in the world to make socialism work. Can you say the same?
this comment is too stupid for you not to be a troll. faggots are literally getting aids and dying because of their faggot ways :lul::lul::lul::lul::lul:
Most of the people who die of AIDS are not gay.

Well it’s clearly not normal, only a tiny percentage of the population are gay.

Also the ass is for shitting and not for sex, a lot of health problems come with this
Take the trouble to read more than right-wing memes.
Most of the people who die of AIDS are not gay.

Take the trouble to read more than right-wing memes.
This comes from fags themselves, also fags are the ones who originally spread aids to Russia.

No fags spreading the most deadly disease in the century around the world = no aids in Russia

They have it bad since heroin addiction became huge after the ussr collapsed.
  • +1
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This comes from fags themselves, also fags are the ones who originally spread aids to Russia.

No fags spreading the most deadly disease in the century around the world = no aids in Russia

They have it bad since heroin addiction became huge after the ussr collapsed.
How did this disease spread to heterosexual people? xD
Bisexuals and drug users sharing needles with straight people…
Well, the solution to the problem is not collective responsibility, but disease prevention.
Well, the solution to the problem is not collective responsibility, but disease prevention.
No gays = no aids
It’s a unhealthy life style, even most doctors understand that. That’s why most gays have a hard time giving blood, if you do not use any protection you are guaranteed to get aids
Aka if you don’t use a synthetic man made barrier you have a huge likely hood of getting it
  • +1
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No gays = no aids
It’s a unhealthy life style, even most doctors understand that. That’s why most gays have a hard time giving blood, if you do not use any protection you are guaranteed to get aids
Aka if you don’t use a synthetic man made barrier you have a huge likely hood of getting it
Homophobic statement. Do you know any LGBT person? Because I know and I'll tell you it's not a lifestyle. Many of them live monogamously.
  • JFL
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