Letz instead of Aromasin during puberty



I don’t know what to do with myself anymore
Jul 7, 2023
Letz instead of Aromasin. All 3 farmacies around the block will give me a 15 year old Letz no prescription. Need to keep my growth plates closed

Here how it looks

Should I use , non have Aromasin


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You can use it but you need aromasin if you plan on going off it, and you can’t and I repeat can’t miss any doses. Even if it makes you feel like shit
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Why Didn't You Get Arimidex Instead???
Update: will use and order aromasin , when it comes I’m switching over
They don’t have bro
Nvm tmmrw I’m gonna go to more pharmacies and maybe ask the same ones where can I find aromasin / arimidex
Aromasin or arimidex? I'm thinking arimidex
Aromasin is lighter which I need , If I would take letz I would have to cut the pill into a atom to not giga suppress e
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Aromasin or arimidex? I'm thinking arimidex
You Can Take Both But Arimidex Reduces Them By 56% While Aromasin Only Reduces Them By 37%

I Just Take Arimidex Because It's Cheaper
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You Can Take Both But Arimidex Reduces Them By 56% While Aromasin Only Reduces Them By 37%

I Just Take Arimidex Because It's Cheaper
I heard estrogen rebound on arimidex is a myth is this true?
Aromasin or arimidex? I'm thinking arimidex
Also don’t look at my thread down below on similar threads I was retarded. Dedicated 30 mins learning now I know truly what to do
Aromasin is lighter which I need , If I would take letz I would have to cut the pill into a atom to not giga suppress e
Don't Miss A Dose Though Order In Bulk.
Also don’t look at my thread down below on similar threads I was retarded. Dedicated 30 mins learning now I know truly what to do
The 14m stack one?
Why? Did you change the stuff you are taking? R u still taking mk?
No I didn’t even start taking stuff , I’m mental masturbating and don’t know how to hide from parents

Stack future

Any Al , if not aromasin I’ll change to it

A) Hgh 10iu -12iu per day , mk677 at end of cycle to not crash Hgh

B) Ipomerlin + CJC DAC at first , I’m broke I don’t think I’ll be able to afford a)

Test 200mg - up the dose till 500mg 6 months might do , see how progress on GHRP/GHRHs and Hgh

And I got liver support stuff and pct
Like wanting to do Maestron that was really retarded of me
No I didn’t even start taking stuff , I’m mental masturbating and don’t know how to hide from parents

Stack future

Any Al , if not aromasin I’ll change to it

A) Hgh 10iu -12iu per day , mk677 at end of cycle to not crash Hgh

B) Ipomerlin + CJC DAC at first , I’m broke I don’t think I’ll be able to afford a)

Test 200mg - up the dose till 500mg 6 months might do , see how progress on GHRP/GHRHs and Hgh

And I got liver support stuff and pct
So r u not doing a cycle for test?
Inferior to Aromasin because of it’s ability to cause a rebound once you stop using it
It's Not :lul: It Mogs Aromasin To Hell And Back
It's Not :lul: It Mogs Aromasin To Hell And Back
Dude what? Just because it’s the only AI you can afford doesn’t mean it “mogs” aromasin. If you knew anything you’d know that Aromasin is a suicidal aromatase inhibitor whereas Arimidex isn’t. You can safely cease usage of Aromasin but you’d need to taper off Arimidex because if you cold turkey it then you will have a large spike in Estrogen that can close your growth plates.

Do your research first.
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Inferior to Aromasin because of it’s ability to cause a rebound once you stop using it
Arimidex Doesn't Have A Rebound
Dude what? Just because it’s the only AI you can afford doesn’t mean it “mogs” aromasin. If you knew anything you’d know that Aromasin is a suicidal aromatase inhibitor whereas Arimidex isn’t. You can safely cease usage of Aromasin but you’d need to taper off Arimidex because if you cold turkey it then you will have a large spike in Estrogen that can close your growth plates.

Do your research first.
Arimidex Doesn't Have A Rebound
Dude what? Just because it’s the only AI you can afford doesn’t mean it “mogs” aromasin. If you knew anything you’d know that Aromasin is a suicidal aromatase inhibitor whereas Arimidex isn’t. You can safely cease usage of Aromasin but you’d need to taper off Arimidex because if you cold turkey it then you will have a large spike in Estrogen that can close your growth plates.

Do your research first.
Arimidex reduces E2 levels by 50% and estrogen rebound doesn't exist.

While Aromasin reduces E2 by only 38%

I Know More Than You Because I'm Literally Blasting HGH
I Know More Than You Because I'm Literally Blasting HGH
I literally pin HGH too? I can see the effects Arimidex is having on your brain because you’re genuinely retarded. Blasting HGH = more knowledge? :lul:

“Anastrozole is a non-suicidal(steroidal) inhibitor. This means that it attaches to the aromatase enzyme temporarily, and then disengages. This can lead to a ‘rebound’ of oestrogen levels if it is not dosed correctly or the protocol is not optimal.”

“Non-suicidal aromatase inhibitors such as Arimidex and Letro, however, are only bound to the aromatase enzyme for limited time periods before the aromatase inhibitors unbind either due to natural metabolism, or through competition with other substrates. If a non-suicidal aromatase inhibitor is halted too abruptly, the circulating inhibited aromatase enzymes that have not been metabolized out of the body will then become free again, and begin aromatizing androgens into Estrogens at an often rapid rate. This is why it is advised to slowly halt administration of Arimidex, and/or slowly reduce the dose and/or frequency of the dose when stopping.”

Arimidex reduces E2 levels by 50% and estrogen rebound doesn't exist.

While Aromasin reduces E2 by only 38%
Yeah keep pulling figures out your ass lol?
I literally pin HGH too? I can see the effects Arimidex is having on your brain because you’re genuinely retarded. Blasting HGH = more knowledge? :lul:
Also I'm Autistic Not Retarded While You're A Manlet Curry
Aww Curry Can't Do A Simple Google Search
Here are the results from my simple google search:

“On paper, Aromasin does appear to be the better choice for bodybuilders as it can reduce Estrogen production as much as 85% as opposed to the 80% provided by Arimidex, plus it also helps to slightly increase the production of IGF-1 which is a very beneficial hormone for bodybuilding purposes.”

“Anastrozole and exemestane, the active ingredients in Arimidex and Aromasin, respectively, have been compared in head-to-head clinical trials. One study published in The Lancet Oncology compared anastrozole (Arimidex), exemestane (Aromasin), and letrozole. The study found that these aromatase inhibitors were similarly effective”

“Aromasin can completely prevent estrogen rebound and suppress aromatase activity, whereas arimidex cannot due to the difference in class and molecular bonding types in the binding sites. Aromasin can double free testosterone levels in males in just 10 days of treatment, whereas arimidex takes about 3 months. Aromasin causes less negative side effect than Arimidex under long term supplementation”

Also I'm Autistic Not Retarded While You're A Manlet Curry
yeah i can tell ur fucking autistic cus u also pulled curry and manlet out of ur ass

ain’t even curry or manlet lil bro
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Here are the results from my simple google search:

“On paper, Aromasin does appear to be the better choice for bodybuilders as it can reduce Estrogen production as much as 85% as opposed to the 80% provided by Arimidex, plus it also helps to slightly increase the production of IGF-1 which is a very beneficial hormone for bodybuilding purposes.”

“Anastrozole and exemestane, the active ingredients in Arimidex and Aromasin, respectively, have been compared in head-to-head clinical trials. One study published in The Lancet Oncology compared anastrozole (Arimidex), exemestane (Aromasin), and letrozole. The study found that these aromatase inhibitors were similarly effective”

“Aromasin can completely prevent estrogen rebound and suppress aromatase activity, whereas arimidex cannot due to the difference in class and molecular bonding types in the binding sites. Aromasin can double free testosterone levels in males in just 10 days of treatment, whereas arimidex takes about 3 months. Aromasin causes less negative side effect than Arimidex under long term supplementation”

yeah i can tell ur fucking autistic cus u also pulled curry and manlet out of ur ass

ain’t even curry or manlet lil bro
Link Studies Instead of Jewish Websites
"aRomAsin vs aRiMiDeX" :lul:
Yeahh i can tell ur fucking autistic cus u also pulled curry and manlet out of ur ass

ain’t even curry or manlet lil bro
IMG 2735

Here are the results from my simple google search:

“On paper, Aromasin does appear to be the better choice for bodybuilders as it can reduce Estrogen production as much as 85% as opposed to the 80% provided by Arimidex, plus it also helps to slightly increase the production of IGF-1 which is a very beneficial hormone for bodybuilding purposes.”

“Anastrozole and exemestane, the active ingredients in Arimidex and Aromasin, respectively, have been compared in head-to-head clinical trials. One study published in The Lancet Oncology compared anastrozole (Arimidex), exemestane (Aromasin), and letrozole. The study found that these aromatase inhibitors were similarly effective”

“Aromasin can completely prevent estrogen rebound and suppress aromatase activity, whereas arimidex cannot due to the difference in class and molecular bonding types in the binding sites. Aromasin can double free testosterone levels in males in just 10 days of treatment, whereas arimidex takes about 3 months. Aromasin causes less negative side effect than Arimidex under long term supplementation”

yeah i can tell ur fucking autistic cus u also pulled curry and manlet out of ur ass

ain’t even curry or manlet lil bro
Keep Taking Copesin
IMG 2837
Link Studies Instead of Jewish Websites
Look in the references of those sites you lazy fuck? They obviously have references to studies.

Quit editing your comments too it’s embarrassingly funny
link it?

and where’s the comparison to arimidex?
Wikipedia :lul: :lul: :lul: and There's Also A Study by by N Mauras 2003
i said link it you autist?

what’s so hard? i provided links?
Link Studies ???? You linked Arimidex Vs Aromasin Jewish Websites
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