Life discussion and ascension



Dec 14, 2018
This post will be incoherent and extremely rambling maxxed, but I am writing this as much for myself as I am for any of you subhumans. This is basically therapy for me.

I have been re reading @cocainecowboy posts which I get a lot out of, and it’s made me have a think. Basically i have this issue where I think that I must ascend and become chad before I can live life. And I can’t do anything till I get my surgery, get my physique, etc. But at the same time, I also realise that I am missing out on the moments in between and even if I woke up tomorrow as giga chad, things still wouldn’t be completely solved. I have recently come to the notion that Looksmaxxing is not a set process whereby you start here, finish here and there is a set destination in place. There is none. It never ends. Looksmaxxing is not a thing you do or achieve, it is life long and perpetual. If you get to a point where your surgeries are done, your weight is lost, etc you still are not finished. Looksmaxxing for you then becomes simply maintaining what you have attained. So, following this logic, then why should I wait until I am fully maxxed before doing what I want in life if I know deep down that I never will me fully maxxed because it doesn’t really exist. There are 88 keys on a piano, and most looksmaxxers such as myself are always looking for the 89th key. In other words, that one extra thing that doesn’t really exist. What we should be doing is living our life as if weaready are the chad we envision. Fake it till we make it. Act as if we already are what we want to be, all the while slowly becoming it. Otherwise we will one day become chad (our own version of it) but will have missed the experiences and moments that we should have had. It’s fucking hard to wrap one’s mind around the blackpilled psyche we looksmaxxers experience tbh. For example, I find myself thinking “once I ascend to 6’2 then I can go slay or ask oneitis out” all the while knowing that Chads in the real word like Brad Pitt and Orlando Bloom are 5’11. And I know that if I was them, I’d be slaying. Here’s the black pill. You can live life and ascend at the same time. I used to always think that I would one day or one week just all of a sudden ascend and finally be chad. And then I’d see people I used to know and witness the look on their faces at the difference and dichotomy of what I was and what I am. But I think it’s cope, at least for me. I am not prepared to take myself out of the game for long enough and to such a degree that I re emerge later to their shocked expressions and admirations. For me, I have to live and rise at the same time. In a way I cope that those around me will be witness to my gradual ascension over time and will be consciously aware of it. For example, they will notice my physique improving, my jaw widening from chewmaxxing, etc all the while they stay the same and I get better and better. Basically, live life as if you are already your ideal self, because otherwise you’ll be waiting for ever to start experiencing. Just be constantly improving and forever ascending theory.

So, basically, as a looksmaxxer / ascender, we have two options. The first is to do what I autistically described above. Live life and ascend at the same time.

The second option is to Gatsby maxx. For those of you who don’t know (uneducated swine) the Great Gatsby is a book about a guy who gets severe onenitis for a girl he cannot have because he was from a poorcel background. So he basiclaly ascends himself and moneymaxxes and his whole life is structured around ascending. He spends his 20s moneymaxxing and returns to civilisation and society as a giga chad NT popular millionaire who throws extravagant parties. These two clips will unironically resonate with looksmaxxers so hard so I recommend watching them.

In the aspect of Looksmaxxing, going Gatsby would mean that you remove yourself from society, from your friendship groups, etc and dedicate yourself completely and utterly to your life mission and Looksmaxxing goals. You would work hard, maxx hard and care for nothing else. You’d be a nobody maybe. You would spend your 20s doing this and and then re-emerge as a Looksmaxed, lifemaxxed, ascended, moneymaxxed chad ready to live life and ask women out, slay, etc. But this can be tough for many. It means you are forgoing experiences and all the moments in between.

Another thing I have come to realise. A motto for Looksmaxers should be (and I think @cocainecowboy will agree here) is that “Good enough is often perfect”. As a Looksmaxxing subhuman, i have this idea in mind that is really not beneficial at all. That is that I must be perfect and that perfection actually exists. This is a fucking aids tier mentality to have. First of all, we must realise that there is not one single chad lite, Chad or giga chad in existence that all women in the world would find to be ideal. Doesn’t exist. So there is no perfect, even if you are opry or Chico, some women won’t like it. Second of all, even our PSL gods are not perfect and have what we could call flaws. This sounds copeish but I don’t give an incel’s ass, it’s true. Let’s take Gandy, easy example. If you were him, I GUARANTEE you would be insecure about your nose as he indeed is. He is also Norwooding. But he’s chad. Johnny Depp. Short, low but prominent cheekbones, teeth are incel tier, strange hairline. But he’s chad ( a chad that gets abused by his wife ).
Leonardo DiCaprio. 5’11 manlet, shit physique, large forehead, strange hairline. Still chad and slays 20 year olds when he is old.
Let’s pick someone a bit harder shall we. Tyler Maher. I would argue almost too tall. Palate could be wider, physique could be better. Still, Giga chad.
Really, perfection doesn’t exist and Chads come in all varieties. Ideally however, you want to be free from failos and have some halos (such as body, jaw, height, etc).
If engineers were left to the manufacturing of cars, no car would ever come off the assembly line, because they would be too caught up on making it perfect. Don’t be like this. Good enough is often perfect in life, in many aspects.
Being perfect is cope in other ways as well. Consider the idea that there are peopel in the world who are less good looking than other yet life mog them, wife mog them, money mog them, etc. Brad Pitt is supposed to be one of the most if not the most good looking man in Hollywood in the last couple of decades. His wife was Angelina Jolie, a surgery ridden low E pedantic foid. I have seen better women walking on the street. This is the same with many good looking men like models and actors who have very plain looking wives. Then look at someone like James Hunt (good looking but not insanely amazing by PSL standards) who slayed, partied, raced cars, got blowjobs off women just minutes before races, etc. Completely life mogs the average giga chad model tbh. Same with Dan Bilzerian. Looks beyond a certain point do not correlate 1:1 with quality of life.
Another reason for why perfection is cope is because women are binary. A guy is either chad or he’s not. Hot or not. Fuck or reject. Suck off or report for harassment. Yes or no. Date or flake.
They don’t operate in 1-10. They don’t have tiers like chad lite, chad, giga chad, terra chad. It’s simply subhuman or chad for them. This is reflected in tinder studies where women rate 80% of men as below average, where was men are opposite and much more evenly distributed. Basically, Looksmaxxing is about reaching a threshold. Passing a requirement. Working your way from the subhuman camp to the chad camp :chad:

Well, my autistic rambling is at an end now, for now at least. If I have any more ideas I will add. But I’d appreciate @cocainecowboy adding his thoughts on all that I have written as I was originally going to message him with this directly but thought I’d share with the whole forum.
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  • +1
  • JFL
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Why didn't you post this in success? Dn rd
  • +1
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in the end, gatsby still loses and the girl of his dreams turns out to be a basic bitch whore anyway

there is no "acension" the way psl likes to believe. there is only looksmaxing, moneymaxxing, injecting, and fucking escorts. not necessarily in that order
  • +1
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Not reading that wall of text
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  • JFL
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Read every single pixel twice, printed it and hanged it on my airship so I can look at it everyday and everywhere
  • JFL
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This is almost as bad as people who go on and on about chemicals and shit, no one is reading that, if you need so much text to get ur point across, ur an idiot
  • +1
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Not a single word.
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please summarize this and i promise i will read it
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All these “didn’t read” comments. I don’t really care tbh I did this for myself really. But If you don’t read, then you may well be disadvantaging yourself but idc tbh.
The only person I care about reading this is @cocainecowboy because he is high IQ and one of the few users here who understands the importance of the mind and psyche when Looksmaxxing, and one of the fewer who I respect here.
If he doesn’t read this and give me his views, well, I’ll just rope I guess.
This post will be incoherent and extremely rambling maxxed, but I am writing this as much for myself as I am for any of you subhumans. This is basically therapy for me.

I have been re reading @cocainecowboy posts which I get a lot out of, and it’s made me have a think. Basically i have this issue where I think that I must ascend and become chad before I can live life. And I can’t do anything till I get my surgery, get my physique, etc. But at the same time, I also realise that I am missing out on the moments in between and even if I woke up tomorrow as giga chad, things still wouldn’t be completely solved. I have recently come to the notion that Looksmaxxing is not a set process whereby you start here, finish here and there is a set destination in place. There is none. It never ends. Looksmaxxing is not a thing you do or achieve, it is life long and perpetual. If you get to a point where your surgeries are done, your weight is lost, etc you still are not finished. Looksmaxxing for you then becomes simply maintaining what you have attained. So, following this logic, then why should I wait until I am fully maxxed before doing what I want in life if I know deep down that I never will me fully maxxed because it doesn’t really exist. There are 88 keys on a piano, and most looksmaxxers such as myself are always looking for the 89th key. In other words, that one extra thing that doesn’t really exist. What we should be doing is living our life as if weaready are the chad we envision. Fake it till we make it. Act as if we already are what we want to be, all the while slowly becoming it. Otherwise we will one day become chad (our own version of it) but will have missed the experiences and moments that we should have had. It’s fucking hard to wrap one’s mind around the blackpilled psyche we looksmaxxers experience tbh. For example, I find myself thinking “once I ascend to 6’2 then I can go slay or ask oneitis out” all the while knowing that Chads in the real word like Brad Pitt and Orlando Bloom are 5’11. And I know that if I was them, I’d be slaying. Here’s the black pill. You can live life and ascend at the same time. I used to always think that I would one day or one week just all of a sudden ascend and finally be chad. And then I’d see people I used to know and witness the look on their faces at the difference and dichotomy of what I was and what I am. But I think it’s cope, at least for me. I am not prepared to take myself out of the game for long enough and to such a degree that I re emerge later to their shocked expressions and admirations. For me, I have to live and rise at the same time. In a way I cope that those around me will be witness to my gradual ascension over time and will be consciously aware of it. For example, they will notice my physique improving, my jaw widening from chewmaxxing, etc all the while they stay the same and I get better and better. Basically, live life as if you are already your ideal self, because otherwise you’ll be waiting for ever to start experiencing. Just be constantly improving and forever ascending theory.

So, basically, as a looksmaxxer / ascender, we have two options. The first is to do what I autistically described above. Live life and ascend at the same time.

The second option is to Gatsby maxx. For those of you who don’t know (uneducated swine) the Great Gatsby is a book about a guy who gets severe onenitis for a girl he cannot have because he was from a poorcel background. So he basiclaly ascends himself and moneymaxxes and his whole life is structured around ascending. He spends his 20s moneymaxxing and returns to civilisation and society as a giga chad NT popular millionaire who throws extravagant parties. These two clips will unironically resonate with looksmaxxers so hard so I recommend watching them.

In the aspect of Looksmaxxing, going Gatsby would mean that you remove yourself from society, from your friendship groups, etc and dedicate yourself completely and utterly to your life mission and Looksmaxxing goals. You would work hard, maxx hard and care for nothing else. You’d be a nobody maybe. You would spend your 20s doing this and and then re-emerge as a Looksmaxed, lifemaxxed, ascended, moneymaxxed chad ready to live life and ask women out, slay, etc. But this can be tough for many. It means you are forgoing experiences and all the moments in between.

Another thing I have come to realise. A motto for Looksmaxers should be (and I think @cocainecowboy will agree here) is that “Good enough is often perfect”. As a Looksmaxxing subhuman, i have this idea in mind that is really not beneficial at all. That is that I must be perfect and that perfection actually exists. This is a fucking aids tier mentality to have. First of all, we must realise that there is not one single chad lite, Chad or giga chad in existence that all women in the world would find to be ideal. Doesn’t exist. So there is no perfect, even if you are opry or Chico, some women won’t like it. Second of all, even our PSL gods are not perfect and have what we could call flaws. This sounds copeish but I don’t give an incel’s ass, it’s true. Let’s take Gandy, easy example. If you were him, I GUARANTEE you would be insecure about your nose as he indeed is. He is also Norwooding. But he’s chad. Johnny Depp. Short, low but prominent cheekbones, teeth are incel tier, strange hairline. But he’s chad ( a chad that gets abused by his wife ).
Leonardo DiCaprio. 5’11 manlet, shit physique, large forehead, strange hairline. Still chad and slays 20 year olds when he is old.
Let’s pick someone a bit harder shall we. Tyler Maher. I would argue almost too tall. Palate could be wider, physique could be better. Still, Giga chad.
Really, perfection doesn’t exist and Chads come in all varieties. Ideally however, you want to be free from failos and have some halos (such as body, jaw, height, etc).
If engineers were left to the manufacturing of cars, no car would ever come off the assembly line, because they would be too caught up on making it perfect. Don’t be like this. Good enough is often perfect in life, in many aspects.
Being perfect is cope in other ways as well. Consider the idea that there are peopel in the world who are less good looking than other yet life mog them, wife mog them, money mog them, etc. Brad Pitt is supposed to be one of the most if not the most good looking man in Hollywood in the last couple of decades. His wife was Angelina Jolie, a surgery ridden low E pedantic foid. I have seen better women walking on the street. This is the same with many good looking men like models and actors who have very plain looking wives. Then look at someone like James Hunt (good looking but not insanely amazing by PSL standards) who slayed, partied, raced cars, got blowjobs off women just minutes before races, etc. Completely life mogs the average giga chad model tbh. Same with Dan Bilzerian. Looks beyond a certain point do not correlate 1:1 with quality of life.
Another reason for why perfection is cope is because women are binary. A guy is either chad or he’s not. Hot or not. Fuck or reject. Suck off or report for harassment. Yes or no. Date or flake.
They don’t operate in 1-10. They don’t have tiers like chad lite, chad, giga chad, terra chad. It’s simply subhuman or chad for them. This is reflected in tinder studies where women rate 80% of men as below average, where was men are opposite and much more evenly distributed. Basically, Looksmaxxing is about reaching a threshold. Passing a requirement. Working your way from the subhuman camp to the chad camp :chad:

Well, my autistic rambling is at an end now, for now at least. If I have any more ideas I will add. But I’d appreciate @cocainecowboy adding his thoughts on all that I have written as I was originally going to message him with this directly but thought I’d share with the whole forum.

I have red everything actually and it sounds legit. Most users here are still going to school, they will get surgery most likely in 5 years or later. Why wait until then?

And its not like if you get bimax and a rhino that you will suddenly get every women.
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Are you high?
  • +1
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Looksmaxxing is about reaching a threshold. Passing a requirement. Working your way from the subhuman camp to the chad camp :chad:

Tell me what part you disagree with, otherwise shut your mouth before I stuff a BBC in it.
Did nobody teach you to use paragraphs when writing lots of text?
i just read the whole thing. i'm sorry OP but i don't think making m4m threads on craiglist is a good idea or looksmaxxing related

i think perfection does exist. it's the point where you are unmoggable. i wrote a post on it, but like your post no one's gonna read that shit lol.

my problem is that i see humanity as tiers. tiers of intelligence and looks. I'm enough to hang our with the average-below avg people, but every time i do hang with them i feel disingenuous. there's an ocean of sharks and orcas out there and i'm in a pond playing with small frys. that's why i recluse myself from social interaction until i better myself so i can hang with higher quality people
Did nobody teach you to use paragraphs when writing lots of text?
I wrote it more for me than to be read tbh. I wrote as I thought. It’s just the ramblings of an old wise incel, make what you will of it
Did nobody teach you to use paragraphs when writing lots of text?
I wrote it more for me than to be read tbh. I wrote as I thought. It’s just the ramblings of an old wise incel, make what you will of it
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  • +1
Reactions: Zeta ascended and Deleted member 1464
Read the first lines. You exceeded the wording lol.

Yh enjoy this very moment while u looksmax.
Daily reminder that you’re a mentally ill subhuman who rots. You will never have a life. Never creampie. Never ever ever.
Now keep reposting our photos like the entertaining little forum jester subhuman you are, that’s the only reason we keep you around tbh
  • JFL
  • So Sad
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Daily reminder that you’re a mentally ill subhuman who rots. You will never have a life. Never creampie. Never ever ever.
Now keep reposting our photos like the entertaining little forum jester subhuman you are, that’s the only reason we keep you around tbh
How fuckin rude
KrissKrossFuck this gay earth


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Very insightful post
Here's my story of how I tried balance looksmaxing and lifemaxxing

When I was 18 and started going clubbing it felt amazing that I could go to a club and approach a girl and kiss without a great deal of effort
My height gains and braces to correct underbite brought me from a 3.5/10 at 16 to a 5/10 at 18
For my first year of college I just partied carefree, fucked around in the gym without knowing what I was doing and I got my first handful of slays.
When I turned 19 and realized my natty noob gains were never gonna be enough to give me a decent physique on a 6'4 lanklet frame I became obsessed with gymcelling and eating over 4,000 calories daily which forced me to turn into a hermit.
I was living on campus that year but I skipped out on so many enjoyable experiences and nights out because all I could focus on was getting my weight up and getting stronger in the gym, This was mentally tough because I had gone from having a lean face to being a bloatcel.
I then started roiding at the end of my second year of college and a few weeks into my cycle I went to a festival
I was 92kg with abs and the last time I had my shirt off in public I was only 75kg
That moment made the previous year of hermit mode worth it, I ended up slaying a girl at that festival and ended an 8 month dry spell which felt like forever at that time.
In my third year of college I continued to focus on gym but I upped the dose too much and when I came off I had to get on accutane to try combat the acne which left me not wanting to socialize for months.
Towards the end of my 4th year of college everything started to come together for me, my face leaned out, I was simultaneously big and lean for the first time. The difference I noticed when I started going clubbing then was really remarkable, girls were treating me like a chadlite and some treated me like a chad. I partied hard for 18 months and my looks remained stagnant
Now that partying is out of my system I am working fulltime and saving for double jaw surgery
I've been off roids for quite a while but I plan to get back on them and tattoomax after recovering from surgery

In summary the best looksmaxing results came from when I went hermit mode.
While in hermit mode going to a couple of festivals or on holidays can really help to keep motivation up
Once you level up to a looksrating where your experience is significantly better than how it used to be you'll just be content for a while and want to party all the time, once you get bored of that experience you'll want to stop partying and level up again
  • +1
Reactions: KrissKross
Very insightful post
Here's my story of how I tried balance looksmaxing and lifemaxxing

When I was 18 and started going clubbing it felt amazing that I could go to a club and approach a girl and kiss without a great deal of effort
My height gains and braces to correct underbite brought me from a 3.5/10 at 16 to a 5/10 at 18
For my first year of college I just partied carefree, fucked around in the gym without knowing what I was doing and I got my first handful of slays.
When I turned 19 and realized my natty noob gains were never gonna be enough to give me a decent physique on a 6'4 lanklet frame I became obsessed with gymcelling and eating over 4,000 calories daily which forced me to turn into a hermit.
I was living on campus that year but I skipped out on so many enjoyable experiences and nights out because all I could focus on was getting my weight up and getting stronger in the gym, This was mentally tough because I had gone from having a lean face to being a bloatcel.
I then started roiding at the end of my second year of college and a few weeks into my cycle I went to a festival
I was 92kg with abs and the last time I had my shirt off in public I was only 75kg
That moment made the previous year of hermit mode worth it, I ended up slaying a girl at that festival and ended an 8 month dry spell which felt like forever at that time.
In my third year of college I continued to focus on gym but I upped the dose too much and when I came off I had to get on accutane to try combat the acne which left me not wanting to socialize for months.
Towards the end of my 4th year of college everything started to come together for me, my face leaned out, I was simultaneously big and lean for the first time. The difference I noticed when I started going clubbing then was really remarkable, girls were treating me like a chadlite and some treated me like a chad. I partied hard for 18 months and my looks remained stagnant
Now that partying is out of my system I am working fulltime and saving for double jaw surgery
I've been off roids for quite a while but I plan to get back on them and tattoomax after recovering from surgery

In summary the best looksmaxing results came from when I went hermit mode.
While in hermit mode going to a couple of festivals or on holidays can really help to keep motivation up
Once you level up to a looksrating where your experience is significantly better than how it used to be you'll just be content for a while and want to party all the time, once you get bored of that experience you'll want to stop partying and level up again
Thanks for taking the time to both read mine and write your experience. I do appreciate that and will not forget it.
I understand what you’re saying about hermit mode and I have been there myself. It’s a double edged sword that is tough to deal with.
I just really fear the idea of ascending but not having a past or a history. If my family situation was terrible and I could easily leave social connections and family for a period of time while I ascend I would for sure Gatsby maxx but I personally can not remove myself from society like that. Instead of shocking people with my resurrection, I will let them mire as I rise and transform, while they stay stagnant.
@cocainecowboy is high IQ and one of the few users here who understands the importance of the mind and psyche when Looksmaxxing
true, but he's also a huge bitch.
  • WTF
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true, but he's also a huge bitch.
He could be a legit soy boy feminist white knight cuckold who wears a chastity belt and eats Tyrone’s creampies out of Le Wifey, but I still wouldn’t care because his insights and philosophical IQ is insane tier. As far as mentalmaxxing goes he is the best here.

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the thing that I see is that most people don't realise that significantly jumping dating tiers and thus living in completely different "reality" post-looksmaxxing is almost impossible and never happens

how women respond to you right now is something that you can improve upon, but not "relocate" the starting base to a higher degree. what i mean by that is that people expect this mind-bending change in their reality upon their idealised "ascension" which is just a pipe-dream in most cases.

you can looksmax all you want, but you can fraud your genetics only so far. you can't change your phenotype, cranial base, PFL, IPD, "harmony", midface ratios, FWHR, height etc. surely, stuff like bimax can be significant improvement, but still i wouldnt say its some mind bending reality change except in few fringe cases where the subject is near deformed tier

you will be an improved version of yourself, not a different version. if you dont have chad "harmony", you wont be chad. if you dont have chadlite "harmony", you wont be chadlite. if you're ugly, you won't be attractive, but average.

unless you're morbidly obese, morbidly skinny to the point it failos you, legitimately deformed in the face etc. most of the time you will stay "within your tier of attractiveness". sure, you will be at a higher position within the tier itself, but you won't jump tier


it essentially follows a diminshing returns curve. the point is, the lower you are in attractiveness scale, the easier it is to go higher, or the higher you are, the harder it is to higher to the point it becomes impossible. if you're ugly its easy to become not ugly, aka average, but making an average face good looking in the eyes of women given ur starting base is really "average", is extremely hard. and im not talking about frauded pictures, but real life 360 degree in motion attractiveness.

people refuse to accept who they are and refuse to accept their genetics so they create these irrealistic goals and standards for themselves which not only they can't fulfill, but they can and will drive them to mental problems

also if you can't accept who u are and ur genetics and don't have a concrete realistic goal then you won't reach it. specification is everything. real life results, real "ascension" come from users with realitsitc goals and very specified plans that they can execute, not just daydream
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the thing that I see is that most people don't realise that significantly jumping dating tiers and thus living in completely different "reality" post-looksmaxxing is almost impossible and never happens

how women respond to you right now is something that you can improve upon, but not "relocate" the starting base to a higher degree. what i mean by that is that people expect this mind-bending change in their reality upon their idealised "ascension" which is just a pipe-dream in most cases.

you can looksmax all you want, but you can fraud your genetics only so far. you can't change your phenotype, cranial base, PFL, IPD, "harmony", midface ratios, FWHR, height etc. surely, stuff like bimax can be significant improvement, but still i wouldnt say its some mind bending reality change except in few fringe cases where the subject is near deformed tier

you will be an improved version of yourself, not a different version. if you dont have chad "harmony", you wont be chad. if you dont have chadlite "harmony", you wont be chadlite. if you're ugly, you won't be attractive, but average.

unless you're morbidly obese, morbidly skinny to the point it failos you, legitimately deformed in the face etc. most of the time you will stay "within your tier of attractiveness". sure, you will be at a higher position within the tier itself, but you won't jump tier

View attachment 298143

it essentially follows a diminshing returns curve. the point is, the lower you are in attractiveness scale, the easier it is to go higher, or the higher you are, the harder it is to higher to the point it becomes impossible. if you're ugly its easy to become not ugly, aka average, but making an average face good looking in the eyes of women given ur starting base is really "average", is extremely hard. and im not talking about frauded pictures, but real life 360 degree in motion attractiveness.

people refuse to accept who they are and refuse to accept their genetics so they create these irrealistic goals and standards for themselves which not only they can't fulfill, but they can and will drive them to mental problems

also if you can't accept who u are and ur genetics and don't have a concrete realistic goal then you won't reach it. specification is everything. real life results, real "ascension" come from users with realitsitc goals and very specified plans that they can execute, not just daydream
Mirin tbh
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