Life is cucked if you're atheist

Just bc your atheistic doesn‘t mean you’re nihilistic.
Larp. If you’re atheist you are most likely a nihilist. Very few atheists genuinely in any sort of meaning or metaphysical ideas outside of a God
you still have morals as an atheist, you just dont get them all from a book
subjective mortality is subjective.
Atheist = mediocre IQ who believes he is high-iq
Yea most of them are fedora tipping redditors I always found them annoying even when I was not that religious believing
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7.) Own and control all the central banks and IMF (time theft as it's designed obsolescence aka time theft) the fiat ponzi scheme death and debt currency is designed to go to it's mathematical value of $0 hence each generation has to qork longer, harder, more years more hours for less purchasing poqer and less money and time to create families and have a life.
High iq our economy is controlled by debt and “interest” is satanic
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Yeah I'm not a real Christian bc I don't support Hitler jfl 👍 got it buddy I'm the bad one not one quote in the bible that justifies what he has done. Niggas like you disgusting claim another religion to support your idol 😂
I don't support Hitler because he qas controlled opposition and an Edomite/Canaanite so called Jeq. Qithout Hitler there is no Israel. He qas funded by the Rothchild oqned banks.

As for scriptures there's the book of Obidiah qhere YAH says he's going to completely qipe out Esau's seed from the earth aka Edomites aka the so called Jeqs of today.

The book of Numbers and Deutaronomy 20:16-18 YAH tells the Edomites to slaughter the Canaanites and all other related tribes including the women and children or they will be your slave masters in the future and force you into debt slavery for life in the future. The Israelites were to chicken shit and didn't listen to him so this happened. Esau Married three Canaanite women and this became the Edomites as they have enslaved all mankind with debt slavery, wage slavery, brainwashing indoctrination camps etc.
Larp. If you’re atheist you are most likely a nihilist. Very few atheists genuinely in any sort of meaning or metaphysical ideas outside of a God
Im atheitic and believe in existentialism
High iq our economy is controlled by debt and “interest” is satanic
There are numerous methods of control but the top methods are probably the following:
1.) Brainwashing: Indoctrination Camps, mainstream media, social media, radio, Porn, Hollywood, sports, music, TV, neqspapers, etc etc etc. All Edomite Owned.
2.) Fiat Ponzi scheme monopoly currency based on death and debt via IMF and central banks in every nation on earth. Edomites can legally print money out of thin air or type digits on a computer without being regulated at all.
3.) The most recent upgrades to big brother track trace and taxing methods, smart everything Mrna Vaccines (you're legal property of corporation as you're now legally a genetically modified organism and void of rights), cameras, phones, computers, etc.

The only qay to qin this game is to not play the game and opt out of society before you're taken to the concentration camps or re education camps.

1.) Change your political status: Join the reactivated Union and get out of the Corperation of US Inc. No income or sales taxes, no police harassment for non crimes
2.) Acquire off grid land
3.) Obtain a land patent so you're not a renter/tenant and actually own the land so no property taxes or eminent domain
4.) build a self sufficient home for 100 percent self sufficiency (electricity, water, filtration, food, medical supplies etc).
5.) Be in a small like minded community to support each other (best if it's the same race, relationship with the creator, and a volunteer based system similar to the Amish).
6.) Communications: HAM RADIO for unlimited free comes at any distance any time and no monthly costs.
The reason atheists don’t go ER is because

they are pussies. They have survival instincts to avoid violence. This is why the herd will always be controlled by the elites even without religion. Mass herd psychology.

They don’t have a motivating factor to drive them towards violence like Muslims do for example. As an atheist your thinking is too grounded because you know nothing matters in the end. As a Muslim you can believe that what you’re doing is serving god and progressing his teachings and power. You can believe grandiose shit about yourself and what you stand for.

Obviously this works for motivation.
Cope, you can still enjoy life. Especially once you know how rare it is for you to be on here.
thats a shit argument, you dont know the alternatives.

where else could you be? dont tell me not existing you cant experience that so its pointless
The reason atheists don’t go ER is because

they are pussies. They have survival instincts to avoid violence. This is why the herd will always be controlled by the elites even without religion. Mass herd psychology.

They don’t have a motivating factor to drive them towards violence like Muslims do for example. As an atheist your thinking is too grounded because you know nothing matters in the end. As a Muslim you can believe that what you’re doing is serving god and progressing his teachings and power. You can believe grandiose shit about yourself and what you stand for.

Obviously this works for motivation.
why would you go er instead of ordering a pizza and chilling
are u a retarded subhuman
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fr, every religion coper always has this all or nothing mentality where it's like, ":feelsuhh: uhm either you believe in God or you are sad loser pathetic incel cry baby gonna go to hell haha" like these niggas can't comprehend someone finding reason in life from something other than a man made fairy tale
These types of people should actually commit suicide. Imagine being so dumb:lul:
thats a shit argument, you dont know the alternatives.

where else could you be? dont tell me not existing you cant experience that so its pointless
How is that a shit argument? The point still stands. And to answer your question you could’ve been born as any other animal with a brain I suppose.
How is that a shit argument? The point still stands. And to answer your question you could’ve been born as any other animal with a brain I suppose.
you dont know how animals experience, it might be better

there might be creatures that make the human experience similar to how animal is to us

i dont see any rarity cuz im clueless abt the alternatives
you dont know how animals experience, it might be better

there might be creatures that make the human experience similar to how animal is to us

i dont see any rarity cuz im clueless abt the alternatives
Nah, Humans are superior
if something is the only thing you know how can you know its rare
Because the chances of the earth existing and being in the right distance from the sun, being habitable, etc is already extremely rare, top that off with how rare it is for humans to exist through the right evolution for us to be smart n chit so we could even ponder this question right now, then add on how rare it was for your entire bloodline to get with the right person so that you could exist, then again add on how rare it was for you out of all sperm to be born, then again add how rare it is for you to be born in the right era where children don’t die at birth,

I didn’t even cover everything and it’s already reaching almost impossible levels of possibility
Hitler is such a cuck jfl, nigga enforced eugenics but then fed his populus soya beans :lul:. Nigga wanted to spread the white race but killed 75 million europeans:feelstastyman:
Hitler was an ethnic Edomite Jew as was his wife by DNA tests. Hitler is a cousin of the Rothchilds and qas funded by them. He was controlled opposition and without Hitler there is no fake Israel today. The Alber Pike Letters explained all 3 world wars decades before world war one and spoke about Zionism and NATZI's before they even existed. Pike is an Edomite also and created the KKK and the grand wizard, was a southern General, Masonic 33rd degree Mason, and satanist.

His goal was for excellence of Germany, to protect and to preserve their people. The Polish were ethnically cleansing 100's of thousand of ethnic Germans. Hitler proposed many peace treaties but Britain and the French informed the Polish to not sign any of the treaties. This left Hitler with no choice but to defend his people. This is the first lie in out indoctrination camps funded and brought to you by the Edomites as the victors write the history books. Then after Hitler brought the bitches in Britain and France to their knees he offered 13 straight peace treaties instead of obliterating them off the face of the earth. Instead the Edomites told the British to not sign any of the treaties and they promised to get America into the war if they could guarantee Palestine for them. This is precisely what happened and Britian gifted Palestine over to Lord Rothchild and they still have the letter to this very day.

As for Eugenics it's a Jew controlled program. Kill Gates Edomite Jewish father pushed the program in America. The Edomites call it NAZI but it was the Edomites game all along just like Hitler himself being an Edomite and controlled opposition.

Meanwhile the Bolshevik Jeqs assassinated the Russian royals and used communism to genocide 60 million white Christian Russians. I wonder why the Edomite indoctrination camps don't mention this at all? hmmm
oh throwing fancy words? ironic that you don't know that it is you're both times you stupid moron
Fancy words my asshole i do philosophy at school, i did not learn that yesterday
my guy became muslim cuz of tate like 2 hrs ago

and now he talking like this
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Fancy words my asshole i do philosophy at school, i did not learn that yesterday
well idc i see u as inferior as long as u don't know the difference between your and you're
well idc i see u as inferior as long as u don't know the difference between your and you're
You‘re = you are
Your = to describe smt you own (your pencil)

Maybe i did a mistake bc i have a shitty sleep schedule, now suck my ass
Hitler was an ethnic Edomite Jew as was his wife by DNA tests. Hitler is a cousin of the Rothchilds and qas funded by them. He was controlled opposition and without Hitler there is no fake Israel today. The Alber Pike Letters explained all 3 world wars decades before world war one and spoke about Zionism and NATZI's before they even existed. Pike is an Edomite also and created the KKK and the grand wizard, was a southern General, Masonic 33rd degree Mason, and satanist.

His goal was for excellence of Germany, to protect and to preserve their people. The Polish were ethnically cleansing 100's of thousand of ethnic Germans. Hitler proposed many peace treaties but Britain and the French informed the Polish to not sign any of the treaties. This left Hitler with no choice but to defend his people. This is the first lie in out indoctrination camps funded and brought to you by the Edomites as the victors write the history books. Then after Hitler brought the bitches in Britain and France to their knees he offered 13 straight peace treaties instead of obliterating them off the face of the earth. Instead the Edomites told the British to not sign any of the treaties and they promised to get America into the war if they could guarantee Palestine for them. This is precisely what happened and Britian gifted Palestine over to Lord Rothchild and they still have the letter to this very day.

As for Eugenics it's a Jew controlled program. Kill Gates Edomite Jewish father pushed the program in America. The Edomites call it NAZI but it was the Edomites game all along just like Hitler himself being an Edomite and controlled opposition.

Meanwhile the Bolshevik Jeqs assassinated the Russian royals and used communism to genocide 60 million white Christian Russians. I wonder why the Edomite indoctrination camps don't mention this at all? hmmm
I don't suport Hitler but everyone has to at least comply with Jews to be successful and at least oppose the regime, if you don't larp as a Jew you will never be successful, I doubt all those claiming to support Jews actually do they just take mony
fucking hot whore pussy then eating mcchicken and drinking vanilla strawberry milkshake

Ok, then you get old, get sick, start getting pains, don't enjoy that shit anymore...

What do you do? Blow your fucking brains out
my guy became muslim cuz of tate like 2 hrs ago

and now he talking like this

Nice post-to-rep ratio, shows how smart you are

I've never watched anything about Tate just some gay tik toks and him getting arrested. But I guess you're that chronically online to reference whatever the fuck ur talking about.
you still have morals as an atheist, you just dont get them all from a book
There is no objective morality except that from god. Anything else is just meaningless subjectivity.
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Hitler was an ethnic Edomite Jew as was his wife by DNA tests. Hitler is a cousin of the Rothchilds and qas funded by them. He was controlled opposition and without Hitler there is no fake Israel today. The Alber Pike Letters explained all 3 world wars decades before world war one and spoke about Zionism and NATZI's before they even existed. Pike is an Edomite also and created the KKK and the grand wizard, was a southern General, Masonic 33rd degree Mason, and satanist.

His goal was for excellence of Germany, to protect and to preserve their people. The Polish were ethnically cleansing 100's of thousand of ethnic Germans. Hitler proposed many peace treaties but Britain and the French informed the Polish to not sign any of the treaties. This left Hitler with no choice but to defend his people. This is the first lie in out indoctrination camps funded and brought to you by the Edomites as the victors write the history books. Then after Hitler brought the bitches in Britain and France to their knees he offered 13 straight peace treaties instead of obliterating them off the face of the earth. Instead the Edomites told the British to not sign any of the treaties and they promised to get America into the war if they could guarantee Palestine for them. This is precisely what happened and Britian gifted Palestine over to Lord Rothchild and they still have the letter to this very day.

As for Eugenics it's a Jew controlled program. Kill Gates Edomite Jewish father pushed the program in America. The Edomites call it NAZI but it was the Edomites game all along just like Hitler himself being an Edomite and controlled opposition.

Meanwhile the Bolshevik Jeqs assassinated the Russian royals and used communism to genocide 60 million white Christian Russians. I wonder why the Edomite indoctrination camps don't mention this at all? hmmm

Show me the "DNA tests" and inconclusive proof about him being "cousin of the Rothschilds"
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There is no objective morality except that from god. Anything else is just meaningless subjectivity.
Someone gets it. High-IQ.
  • +1
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Nice post-to-rep ratio, shows how smart you are

I've never watched anything about Tate just some gay tik toks and him getting arrested. But I guess you're that chronically online to reference whatever the fuck ur talking about.

you retard

ahhaha shows your intelligence really

niggus like MVP have positive ratio

you ufcking retard

Someone gets it. High-IQ.
Yeah these guys don’t understand that all arguments at the end of the day boil down to moral axioms. You can argue that hitler was bad because he killed people, but that based on the assumption killing people is bad and life has value. That value of life is a moral axiom which you can only logically derive from an objective source like god otherwise everyone can have their own subjective axioms and every argument is pointless.
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Ok, then you get old, get sick, start getting pains, don't enjoy that shit anymore...

What do you do? Blow your fucking brains out
yes its over then

you retard

ahhaha shows your intelligence really

niggus like MVP have positive ratio

you ufcking retard

Refer him to my hit piece thread on him lmao. We can tag team him there

you retard

ahhaha shows your intelligence really

niggus like MVP have positive ratio

you ufcking retard

Even @_MVP_ has better posts than your retarded ass.

You're low-IQ and you have a learning disability.
Show me the "DNA tests" and inconclusive proof about him being "cousin of the Rothschilds"
DNA proving he's an Edomite.

As for his connection to the Rothchilds it's just like the bible, follow the genealogy.

The receipts of the Rothchild's funding Hitler has been saved.

Albert Pike 3 world war letters mentions the Zionists and NAZI's before they even existed. These letters came out 40 years before the first world war. This means Hitler has to be controlled opposition since this was all pre planned.

This perfectly explains the illogical military strategies in Russia as they were self sabotage. His acting was superb to act like he hated the Edomites and people bought it hook line and sinker. He's the Donald Trump of his time. The difference is Trump doesn't need to hide his love for the Edomites as Hitler did.
DNA proving he's an Edomite.

As for his connection to the Rothchilds it's just like the bible, follow the genealogy.

The receipts of the Rothchild's funding Hitler has been saved.

Albert Pike 3 world war letters mentions the Zionists and NAZI's before they even existed. These letters came out 40 years before the first world war. This means Hitler has to be controlled opposition since this was all pre planned.

This perfectly explains the illogical military strategies in Russia as they were self sabotage. His acting was superb to act like he hated the Edomites and people bought it hook line and sinker. He's the Donald Trump of his time. The difference is Trump doesn't need to hide his love for the Edomites as Hitler did.

1. Ok, show me the DNA tests here. Images, documents, anything.

I'm assuming you've seen them if you believe in that so easily. :forcedsmile:

So post them here, images, files, documents, anything. Go ahead. ;)

2. Many Jews, Americans, banks, etc have financially supported Hitler.

Including Henry Ford. He's a cousin of Hitler too?

Now show me the concrete evidence of Hitler being Rothschild's cousin since you stated that with so much certainty :forcedsmile:

3. I posted the Albert Pike letters

Logically, does not mean Hitler specifically was cooperating with them, since THEY declared war on Hitler instead of Hitler declaring war on them (which is rewritten as Hitler declaring war on Poland in the "official" narrative...)

4. Barbarossa wasn't illogical

Common Jewish lie to make Hitler seem inept.

Barbarossa was 200% necessary and not a mistake.

Barbarossa was a success tactically and strategically, only losing because the lack of fuel.

It was necessary and the USSR would attack them anyway as mentioned by many historians.

While the winter of '41 did undeniably have an impact on the German Army and its performance, it's heavily over-exaggerated and ignores many of the other crucial effects that impacted the German Army. The effects commonly attributed to winter and commonly believed to have beaten Germany are actually much more complex. Around a million German soldiers perished during the winter, however, Germany managed to replace every single one of those losses. As a matter of fact, the German army grew in size throughout the entire war, peaking in 1943. The casualties sustained during the winter were replaceable. The other effect commonly attributed to winter was that it ground the German advance to a halt, giving the Red Army time to recover. What this ignores is the logistical situation of the German Army in November. German logistics could only effectively keep up with the Army for around 300 km. But by November, the Germans were well over 800 km into Russia. This meant that the German frontline troops were so starved of supplies that they couldn't advance, even if it had been in the middle of summer. Another factor about this was the German fuel crisis. Germany had been running a massive oil deficit since the war started in '39, and had only been able to survive by eating up her oil reserves. By the estimations of Georg Thomas, the head of the War Economy and Armaments Office, Germany only had enough fuel to be able to sustain 2 months of full scale offensive operations against the USSR The war started on the 22nd of June, so, the fuel supplies would last until late September-Early October.

Germany had to capture the Caucasian oil fields before that deadline, or else their oil reserves would be depleted, and the army would be ground to an halt. So, around the same time that winter started coming, Germany ran out of fuel. This, combined with the overstretched logistics, is the actual reason why the German advance ran out of steam in October-November, not the winter. As a matter of fact, most German units had stopped advancing even before they ordered to dig in for the winter. The Winter didn’t do any permanent damage to the Wehrmacht or it’s chances of victory. The casualties sustained during the winter could all be replaced, and the inability to advance would had happened even if the weather was perfect. So, in conclusion, the Russian Winter did have an effect, but it did nothing to the German Army that the Oil Crisis and the logistical situation wasn’t already doing to it. But, even with all of that being said, it must be pointed out that even if the winter had been devastating, it still wouldn’t had mattered. Why? Because of the aforementioned Fuel Crisis. A lot of people argue that the tide of the war turned at Stalingrad, or maybe even at Kursk. However, I would put forward that Germany’s last chance of victory slipped away in October 1941, when her oil reserves ran out. The moment the German oil reserves ran out, the Wehrmacht immediately found itself being extremely limited in terms of offensive capabilities. They could no longer launch grand offensives, sweeping over hundreds of kilometers of enemy territory, encircling entire armies, and riding off into the sunset. Instead, they had to spend months rationing to save up fuel for even just a few weeks of limited offensive operations. Luftwaffe pilots had to spend weeks just sitting around on the ground because there was no fuel to run their planes with, tanks had to stop in the middle of a battle and wait several days for fuel.

After the oil reserves ran out in 1941, Germany never again had the ability to launch an offensive large enough to be able to knock the USSR out of the war. Instead, German offensives got smaller and smaller from that point onwards, both in scope and the amount of men involved. Without the fuel to be able to launch grand offensives, Germany stood no real hope of beating the USSR and winning the war. Some argue against this idea by pointing out that Germany managed to continue the war until 1945 without ever capturing the Caucasian oil fields, but to quote Dr Anand Toprani “Synthetic Fuel allowed Germany to wage war but not to win it. Germany’s economically illiterate Generals scoffed at economic advisers who urged the conquest of the Caucasus by pointing out that Germany “managed to carry on the war until 1945 without ever scouring the Caucasus oil.” But at no point after the failures of 1941/42 did Germany ever possess the opportunity to win the war on favorable terms. Rather, Axis Europe had to spend the rest of the conflict laboring under constant constant shortage of energy, which constrained economic productivity and military effectiveness.” Anything beyond October 1941, including winter, was a formality. Germany no longer possessed the opportunity to win the war. And without being able to win the war, it was only a matter of time before they lost. The Winter didn’t have a permanent impact on the Wehrmacht, but even if it had had one, it still wouldn't had mattered. The war had been lost before the first snowflake fell.

They only lost because of oil which cascaded into many issues such as lack of naval forces, air superiority, it's armor-focused divisions & tactics, etc...
Last edited:
1. Ok, show me the DNA tests here. Images, documents, anything.

I'm assuming you've seen them if you believe in that so easily. :forcedsmile:

So post them here, images, files, documents, anything. Go ahead. ;)

-Ok, I'll have to send this tonight. No I didn't believe it at first but the more I researched into it the more it made sense. Without Hitler there is no Israel. They've been using our politicians and actors as puppets for centuries as controlled opposition and covering up the fact that certain ones were indeed Jewish. I was 1 00% on the belief that Hitler was at least Caucasian and attempting to preserve and protect the German Heritage but I later discovered he's another Donald Trump figure head. It was disappointing to say the least as many great advancements were achieved for about a decade in Germany before the war. You'd think with all the propaganda against Hitler there's no way he could've been an agent of the Rothchild's. They make fake attacks on Trump also so it's just an act, a show if you will.
2. Many Jews, Americans, banks, etc have financially supported Hitler.

Including Henry Ford. He's a cousin of Hitler too?

Now show me the concrete evidence of Hitler being Rothschild's cousin since you stated that with so much certainty :forcedsmile:

3. I posted the Albert Pike letters

Logically, does not mean Hitler specifically was cooperating with them, since THEY declared war on Hitler instead of Hitler declaring war on them (which is rewritten as Hitler declaring war on Poland in the "official" narrative...)

The entire thing was pre planned by the Edomites (NAZI's, Zionists, Israel, the qars, etc. They ensured each major politician qas under their control in some way shape or form. There's zero logical reason for Hitler to not be controlled as his part ensured Israel came to fruition and makes the Edomites victims forever to use Hitler and holohoax as propaganda to get sympathy from Caucasians.

Using Henry Ford as a point is a red herring and has nothing to do qith Hitler's relationship with the Rothchild bloodline. I've read his books and never seen anything on him stating the contrary on his ethnicity and core beliefs and no info shows he was controlled opposition (Alex Jones, Trump, and thousands of others).

4. Barbarossa wasn't illogical

Common Jewish lie to make Hitler seem inept.

Barbarossa was 200% necessary and not a mistake.

Barbarossa was a success tactically and strategically, only losing because the lack of fuel.

It was necessary and the USSR would attack them anyway as mentioned by many historians.

They only lost because of oil which cascaded into many issues such as lack of naval forces, air superiority, it's armor-focused divisions & tactics, etc...
The treaty betqqeen Russia should've never happened as you know they're all Jews and are going to double cross you. Hitler would have to be a moron to do that. He wasn't a moron he's just doing what his Rothchild masters told him to do. Providing 13 different peace treaties to France and Britain bought them time so the Edomites could get America in the war. If he was legit he would've taken over the countries and assassinated the leadership to prevent America from coming into the war and prevent the British from gifting Palestine to the Rothchild's. Obviously this is all part of the plan.

It makes 0 logical sense for him to create the best Nation over the last 3 centuries and make all kind of advancements in many areas then make these log IQ mistakes.

Just keep an open mind as you seem to have.
You‘re = you are
Your = to describe smt you own (your pencil)

Maybe i did a mistake bc i have a shitty sleep schedule, now suck my ass
yes exactly if u know it then do it properly

nah your schedule has nothing to do with it u are low iq lol
but nihlists are almost always athiests
All nihilists are atheists but not all atheist are nihilists (to explain it in your low iq terms)
yes exactly if u know it then do it properly

nah your schedule has nothing to do with it u are low iq lol
Whatever helps you sleep, i iq mog you to death and back to life like jesus
i'm high iq, this means i can only be a christian atheist nihilist which means i understand the full implications of the infinite unfathomably of the university, the finiteness of consciousness and our ability to understand and overcome oblivion. i accept this as the currently known and imaginable reality, however i believe in the moral, functional, and psychological superiority of christianity, so in all situations i will advocate for and help the christian while i will let the atheist die and go extinct.

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