Life of a Ricecel growing up (sort of an autobio) [WARNING: LONG]



37y, 5'4, 3"x3" D, 6" Wrist Cir, KHHV
Jul 4, 2020
*Any hapacels (half-asian incels for those who may not know) out there I apologize in advance if what I talk about doesn't relate to you. Although I have experienced somewhat of a helicopter-style hapa abuse parenting since I was 12, my experience is nothing compared to actually be raised as a hapa his whole life, nor the experience of looking like one as well.

Let me tell you the life of a Rice when he doesn't grow up around other Rice, like fucking Southwest Indiana, mainly because I am the example of it.


You are born into a Rice family. Rice father, Rice mother. Maybe some rice siblings most likely. Let's say you have a rice sister, as it will encompass a fuller story. If you are a Rice born in Asia, then you're in a somewhat equal-level playing field depending on where you are born. You may still look ugly as fuck, but at least you won't be shamed or mocked simply because of your race and what Hollywood thinks your race acts like. At worst, and for lack of a better comparison, the rice boy is at the level of a white incel in the west.

Now, if you are a Rice who immigrates to the west, or a Rice born in the west, you are put at a HUGE disadvantage. Some are worse than others, which I will list here.

For a Rice immigrant family in the west, disadvantages:
-You are given a native name, a name that's super beta and difficult to pronounce for westerners. People don't realize this, but for kids playing in recess up to an employer, your name determines how you will be treated. If your name is difficult to pronounce, you will more likely than not be picked last in recess, if at all. You will also make employers uncomfortable, as they will have to think about potential language and communication barriers, and you will be shunned in environments where deadlines and communication are important, like, NEWSFLASH, the entertainment industry. Think about it. Do you have an employee who is Rice and can barely speak English? How many times do you have to repeat the same basic ass shit before he can get it through his head? Not blaming anyone in this situation, it is what it is, but you see how things can become frustrating and difficult? Yeah. You're not alone. Many employers think the SAME EXACT THING.
-Path to being a citizen. I don't know if you all know, but becoming a US citizen is one of the longest, most expensive processes any immigrant will have to go through. Even if you're a strong candidate, it can take years, even a decade for your application to even get to be reviewed. Also, employers have to sponsor you, and that's money taken away from their budget. Good luck getting a job at a startup, because they will most likely NOT take your ass because you're expensive to keep.

For a Rice family where you are born in the west, advantages:
-You are more likely given a western name, as your parents have spent a little time here, and Rice families want you to assimilate into western society (yet not actually do anything to assimilate, but I'll get to that later). So, you will be given names like Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, Joseph, etc. Sound familiar? It's because a lot of Rice families who immigrate to the west are religious Christians, thus be given names off of The Bible. Rice daughters are surprisingly not given these names. They're just given basic western names that the Rice family clearly read off of Google. There are advantages to this, though. Although your last name will most likely be a dead giveaway of your ethnicity, if there's a part of your name that's pronounceable, then employers will be more inclined to hire you, and have less of a probability to think communication as a barrier. They will at least know you speak English well enough to be able to talk about non-work shit and be relatable and all that crap. That said, notice I said LIKELY. If your Rice parents are too patriotic and prideful of their roots, they may give you an ethnic name anyway regardless of where you were born (nothing wrong with being prideful of your heritage, but every day I wish my parents had a better understanding and did their research and due diligence of how the western world worked know...PACK EVERYTHING YOU HAVE AND MOVE YOUR ASS OVER HERE.
-Also, not needing to fill out hundreds of pages of forms to become a citizen. Just check off that you're a US Citizen and you're golden.

Okay, back to childhood. You grow up eating exotic foods and shit from day one. Little kids tend to not judge each other when they're toddlers, day care, or in preschool...usually. It's really in kindergarten, where kids have to bring their own lunches where they start to realize they are different. As a kid have you seen a kid ever eat sushi or raw fish for lunch? Fuck no. That's disgusting when you're a kid. You'd want to eat regular food, like (in the US) burgers, fries, hot dogs, mac and cheese, ham and cheese sandwiches, PB&J, etc. Kids start to bully other kids in this time. Already, the mental foundations of being a ricecel are put in place. You're different so others won't pay attention to you. You're different so you're more likely to be alone. You're different, alone, and ignored, and that makes you a target of hate and violence. You start to turn inward, and you aren't able to develop any sort of confidence to do anything. Therefore, you won't develop the most basic social skills.

At home, your parents are either a) working, or b) don't talk about how your school went, and instead make you study math homework that kids your grade won't need to learn in another 4 years. Instead of weekends playing soccer, football, basketball, baseball, hockey (if you live up north), etc. you are stuck at home sitting on a desk doing math problems you won't even need to know because 1) a fucking calculator does EVERYTHING now, and 2) when's the last time you needed to use Algebra in an everyday setting? Seriously? Unless you're in a job that specializes in it, you don't need to know what X is. You just punch keys on a calculator or you type on google since it has all the answers. So, the physical foundations of a ricecel are being put in place. Your wrists will always be below average. You won't grow as tall. You won't develop the foundational tools of developing muscle. You bone density will always be light, susceptible to damage and breakage at the smallest of taps. You are not producing enough hormones and testosterone, therefore your chin and jaw are not developing fast enough or properly, and instead of masculine features, you set the foundation for more underdeveloped, feminine features. You are also not getting enough exercise, which could potentially slow your metabolism, and if you gain weight, you won't be able to shed those pounds easily, OR because of lack of exercise, you are therefore not able to eat as much food since you aren't burning enough calories, therefore you will be skinny forever because your Rice genes give you metabolism that is too fast. It's either or. It's never in between.

CHAPTER 2: Middle & High

So now you are going into Middle School. Most kids your age have an Instagram or Twitter that has a few hundred followers, or a TikTok that potentially has a thousand. Everyone fucking trading Kik's because that's what young dumbasses do. They see how many Snapchat points they have, or how many YouTube subs they have. Everyone's comparing how many followers they have at this time because that's how dumbasses measure relevancy and a stupid way to measure self-worth. Western kids' parents pay for their subscriptions of exclusive teen news and online magazines, and take them shopping for clothes at whatever store every single summer. As a Rice? Nope. You're going to be stuck with the same clothes from middle through high school, and you're going to have to deal with it. Maybe one or two new things for your birthday. You don't have the coolest clothes, so how the hell do you expect to compete for attention when the TikTok E-Boy sitting 2 rows behind you is attracting the attention of that one white foid you have a crush on? Fat chance. No way in hell you're getting her attention lmao. And the worst part? Unless you move, you're spending middle and high school with these ass clowns. The only exception is if you end up going to a smart private school, but that's only if you get smart enough to get there, and that usually means sacrificing vital social skills. So guess what? You're known as the lonely Rice boy with no friends with outdated clothes and a nerdy geek who is good at math, and you carry that THROUGHOUT ALL OF MIDDLE AND HIGH SCHOOL. It's absolute brutal torture. Personally, I had some really terrible bullies. Their lightest bullying was mocking me for speaking normal ass English because they thought I would be the foreign exchange Chinese kid they saw in the movie Sixteen Candles.

Outside of the classroom, because you're good at math, you probably joined some math team, or a robotics club, or a chess club, or a computer club. Personally, I was bullied and almost joined my local computer club because my bullies expected me to have this image of a nerdy Asian boy.

Outside of school, you probably picked up an instrument. No, not a guitar, or drums, or learn how to sing, rap, or dance. No, it's a fucking VIOLIN. Who the fuck gets wet pussy over an instrument that sounds like it's screaming like an annoying banshee at you? No. I'm sure it wets some pussies, but have you seen the type of foids that are in orchestras? They're...interesting. Nah fuck it no PC language here. They butt ass ugly foids with the WEIRDEST personalities. I was in a string orchestra during freshman and sophomore years of high school. Half of the losers there had head gears and were home schooled. Yeah, not exactly the stereotypical high school cheerleader, is it?

At home, you're probably being told to go study or practice your instrument, or do chores. It doesn't matter what day it is. It's homework, additional school work, maybe standardized test prep if it's that time of the year, practice your instrument, eat, sleep, repeat. 24/7. 365 a year. If you make a mistake, your parents are probably yelling at you for making a mistake and expecting nothing but perfection from you. Newsflash. No one's perfect unless they are top notch gigaChad/gigaStacy. Personally, I finally was allowed ("allowed", meaning it wasn't voluntary) to quit the violin because my stepfather took the instrument and bashed it to pieces in one of his drunken stages. Probably the only time I actually felt a little bit of gratitude towards my fucking shitty stepfather. I didn't need to do this dumb shit anymore. Otherwise, for most Rice, THIS. NEVER. ENDS. Maybe they're nice and allow you to play sports, or swimming, you know, sports that don't really require you to show off your manliness like football or basketball, but compared to the other shit, your parents never really invest time and effort into making you perfect in THAT part. Oh, and completely forget parties. You may not even be allowed to have a driver's license until you get accepted into college during senior year, and yet people wonder why Rice are SHITTY at driving? Because we are already behind everyone else. Everyone else gets their licenses at 15, 16 2-3 years more experience under their belts. We don't. We don't have that privilege because of our SHITTY parents.

And before I forget, if you have a Rice sister, she is trying to do EVERYTHING she can to avoid doing any Rice-like behaviors. They dress as provocatively as possible and try to talk up and flirt with a Chad in hopes to avoid being that Rice Becky. She will OPENLY and PUBLICLY despise her Rice brother because 1) she hates herself, and 2) Ricecels don't have the mobility to move into social circles like Rice foids do. By the time she graduates, she already has had all of these social experiences that a ricecel will NEVER have.

It's frustrating writing this section, as it was my prime formative years. This should have been the time to learn drinking games that bring friends together, or make you longtime friends. Illegally drinking a cold one by a bonfire talking about memories are the best times. I wish I had that experience. I would do ANYTHING to get that time back. At this point, now that I know how to survive, I would much rather be homeless at 12 than have to deal with my abusively shit mother and stepfather. If I had friends, I would have had confidence and encouragement. If I had friends, they would have taught me how to properly approach and ask a girl out potentially. If I had friends, we would have played pick-up basketball or backyard football in the fall. If I had friends, I would have been introduced to my friends' parents, and they could have served as my proper family that taught me to do things that fathers teach their sons, or mothers advise to their sons. They, instead of my fucking shitty people with the audacity to call themselves "parents," could have taught me some fashion sense. If I had friends, I could have gotten laid. Foids tend to trust others more through mutual connections or referrals than cold approaches, so if you aren't in a social circle, then you have NO shot in getting laid. I was never allowed to do anything. So during high school, I was stuck a child, never mentally or physically growing up properly. By the time I graduated, I was a 5'4, 105 pound, full-on Ricecel. No button down shirt fit me anywhere in southwest Indiana. Not even at Wal-Mart. I was that skinny. Not to mention, I also had skinny fat, and that made me even MORE unattractive on top of it. It was salt on the wounds. But at least the baggy clothes hid the belt and wrench scars that my stepfather gave me.

CHAPTER 3: College & Adulthood

I went to Community College at this time, so what I will say below isn't my experience, but I will go by what I know based on hearing stories, reading past ricecel posts, etc. FYI, Community College is a bitch, although it's cheap I guess. It's all of the academia of college but none of the social shit. All 4 year colleges looked at my application and it was like they smelled the ricecel THROUGH the application. It was hell getting all of those rejections, but I was numb. It was inevitable. I was going to be rejected anywhere I go.

So. New Chapter. New Beginnings, right? WRONG. Once a ricecel always a ricecel. Your bones have fused. You have stopped growing. You are 5'4. FOREVER. You have a recessed chin and no jaw. FOREVER. Your nose is crooked. FOREVER. You have an underdeveloped skull and weird eyes. FOREVER. It's not like when you get to college, everything changes. No. Everyone takes their judgmental shit and crank it 12 levels up. If you want to be in a frat but don't physically or socially match up, you're DOOMED. You will be a GDI forever. Most anti-social uglies are. But you are even below them. You are undesirable. Chads hook up with everyone who's not a landwhale. Stacys only hook up with Chads. Normies hook up with normies. Maybe some go above or below their weight once in a while, but the one constant? YOU. NO SEX FOR YOU. NO TOUCHING FOR YOU.

The only positive is that if you had helicopter parents and you went to college across the country or far away, they are off of your backs and you can do whatever you want. However, because your Rice parents did EVERYTHING for you and never allowed you to fail or learn, you don't have responsibility or accountability within you. You don't know how to do your own laundry because your rice parents did it instead. They wanted you to excel academically and learn how to multiply 23487234x239472034 in 5 seconds in your head because they think that's essential to life but not know how to fold your own damn clothes or talk to a foid. As a result, not only are you undesirable, you are a fucking dirty mess. Not only do you not have the proper clothes, but you don't even know what kind of haircut to get because your mother probably gave you the same own Rice, gay ass K-Pop bowl cut your entire life. You don't know how to look cool because you never did. Therefore, you don't know how to act cool. Most kids in college know the basic social skills. You have to massively struggle to even look at someone in the eye while they talk for more than 2 seconds. College sucks for Rice. It's absolute brutal hell. The shy, meek, un-confident person has multiplied by a 1000. You end up masturbating excessively to fucking pornhub. The worst part though? When you look through porn and you see videos of college parties and orgies happening in it, knowing that although those parties are happening in the frat house a block from where you are staying, you will NEVER EVER even come CLOSE to experiencing that type of party unless it's a tiny room with 2 escorts drinking Keystone Light and 5 o'clock vodka in a plastic bottle, which overall cost you over $2000 for the night. Also forget spring break. Who are you going with? Yeah, that's what I thought. Rice struggle in college. Every single one.

So now you graduated. You apply for jobs. How much you get paid doesn't matter, because employers will ALWAYS underpay you as a Rice since you are meek, gullible, submissive, and don't know your self-worth. You will just work and work and work, get a paycheck, live in a studio apartment paying $2K a month in rent, eating cup noodles for lunch and dinner because your parents never taught you basic cooking skills. You will never find love. You will never find any friends. You are alone in an endless routine until you die naturally or you rope. You will never get promoted, because that requires advanced social skills to communicate and shit. In the desperation to find SOME sense of community, you search on the internet, and you end up here. A community of people who went through what you went through.

Your Rice sister, on the other hand, sucked her dick through a 4 year degree, got hired because she was willing to suck white cock, gets married to a white cock, and will give birth to a hapa that has 90% of her own genes. This is where the struggle of being a hapa will start. Hopefully a hapacel here will tell their own story of their life on here, for I am not qualified to say so.

Being Rice in the west sucks. I wish we never immigrated here. I wish Trump passed an act barring ALL immigration from Asia, not because it's racist, but to save a generation of Rice boys from becoming Ricecels in the West, since that is a million times worse than being Rice in the East. This cycle must stop, and I wish it ended with my generation. It won't, though. I see way too many young Rice boys and men grow up in worse times, or have worse social skills than mine. At least I developed some somewhat, because you kind of have to as a Wal-Mart cashier (like not being retarded).

Didn't really bother editing, so apologies if this is hard to follow. I just had to vent out some frustrations on here. This is very therapeutic, much better than shelling out hundreds of dollars an hour for a therapist who will insult you for being an incel and tell you "jUsT bE cOnFiDeNt" like any other armchair therapist on fucking Reddit.
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  • JFL
Reactions: Ricky212, delusionalretard, Hades and 31 others
still rice people mog currys and somalis
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  • Hmm...
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Your race has nothing to do with this, you’re just ugly JFL
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  • JFL
  • Ugh..
Reactions: delusionalretard, Hades, Lolcel and 20 others

Your race has nothing to do with this, you’re just ugly JFL
He actually thinks Rice people are in less demand than somalis and currys jfl Us somalis and currys are legit so ugly it’s unbelievable
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: Lolcel, BigBoy, Deleted member 2403 and 7 others
It is harder for ricecels sure, but you should be lambasting the creator for making you ugly.
  • Ugh..
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  • JFL
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Reactions: Kristin, Deleted member 2403 and HighIQcel
What's with the American obsession for sports?
Also, why aren't you practicing kung fu?
  • JFL
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  • JFL
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chapter of the bibles me
  • JFL
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we should all be in our own countries fr
  • +1
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Just e-sportsmaxx bro
Wtf is this gay shit lol. TLDR nigga are you seriously 5’4 or you were just trolling in your profile. Nigga if you were 5’4 ANYWHERE in the world you were always gonna have a bad time
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: Ricky212, Lolcel, Deleted member 2403 and 2 others
He actually thinks Rice people are in less demand than somalis and currys jfl Us somalis and currys are legit so ugly it’s unbelievable

Idk about somalians but curries do well in Southeast Asia. If you are chajeet you will probably slay here and mog the chinks
  • Woah
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Most guys who do kung-fu are short, that's the reason the Chinese invented kung-fu, to compensate for their lack of height and strength.

because you don't need to be Chad or musclemaxx to do kung fu. Anyone can do it, hence it evens out the attention from foids.

  • JFL
  • WTF
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Reactions: scoobydoo, Deleted member 2403 and Deleted member 4991
Wtf is this gay shit lol. TLDR nigga are you seriously 5’4 or you were just trolling in your profile. Nigga if you were 5’4 ANYWHERE in the world you were always gonna have a bad time

Yeah I'm 5'4 and ugly as fuck what are you on about?
Yeah I'm 5'4 and ugly as fuck what are you on about?
Why are you blaming your race if you’re 5’4 and ugly? That’s your genes fault not your races fault
  • +1
Reactions: MostGLSlayer
Why are you blaming your race if you’re 5’4 and ugly? That’s your genes fault not your races fault

Because if I was white and 5'4 and ugly I could still score a redneck country hick foid.

But because I'm ricecel on top of all of that I can't get shit.
because you don't need to be Chad or musclemaxx to do kung fu. Anyone can do it, hence it evens out the attention from foids.
Then why aren't most of the people doing it?
That's the thing you should focus on if you want to succeed as a rice in the west: just kungfumaxx - make an yotube channel, instagram page, tiktok videos with all sorts of crazy kung fu stunts- you can fake most of them anyway like they do in movies, but they will still look impresive.
  • JFL
Reactions: Smoke Fanboy and Deleted member 10172
Then why aren't most of the people doing it?
That's the thing you should focus on if you want to succeed as a rice in the west: just kungfumaxx - make an yotube channel, instagram page, tiktok videos with all sorts of crazy kung fu stunts- you can fake most of them anyway like they do in movies, but they will still look impresive.

Anyone can work out and better themselves with confidence despite their challenges on their own as long as they find their inner strength and self.

Why is everyone here then?

I could kungfumaxx but I'm in my mid-30s and ugly as fuck. TikTok and other social media platforms use AI to only put the rich and beautiful on the trending and front page, not some ugly ricecel fuck like me.
Because if I was white and 5'4 and ugly I could still score a redneck country hick foid.

But because I'm ricecel on top of all of that I can't get shit.
No you won't. You MIGHT score with a obese methhead landwhale MAX cause you will still be 5'4 and ugly.
  • +1
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I could kungfumaxx but I'm in my mid-30s and ugly as fuck. TikTok and other social media platforms use AI to only put the rich and beautiful on the trending and front page, not some ugly ricecel fuck like me.
Hold on, you mentioned that in high-school it only matters how many followers you have on Twitter, Instagram, Tiktok, etc.; but if you are in your mid-30s, that means you were in high-school before social media and smartphones became popular, when people actually talked to each other and made friends the old-fashioned way, have you tried talking to people?
  • JFL
Reactions: Smoke Fanboy
Hold on, you mentioned that in high-school it only matters how many followers you have on Twitter, Instagram, Tiktok, etc.; but if you are in your mid-30s, that means you were in high-school before social media and smartphones became popular, when people actually talked to each other and made friends the old-fashioned way, have you tried talking to people?

Yes I do I mean I talk to co-workers and shit. A long time ago though I tried doing a cold approach at a bar in my hometown. It ended badly. I have terrible anxiety issues and trauma because of it.
No you won't. You MIGHT score with a obese methhead landwhale MAX cause you will still be 5'4 and ugly.

Then fucking explain to me why rice men have it fucking terrible in the west. When is the last time you saw a white blonde sorority stacy have a rice boyfriend in an IG pic? I'll fucking wait. And that is NOW. Imagine how terrible it was when I was growing up back in the early 2000s. There was absolutely no hope for any ricecel then. Nothing's changed now except the landwhale ugly kpop foids fetishizing over the kpopmaxxed little eboys out there.
Then fucking explain to me why rice men have it fucking terrible in the west. When is the last time you saw a white blonde sorority stacy have a rice boyfriend in an IG pic? I'll fucking wait. And that is NOW. Imagine how terrible it was when I was growing up back in the early 2000s. There was absolutely no hope for any ricecel then. Nothing's changed now except the landwhale ugly kpop foids fetishizing over the kpopmaxxed little eboys out there.
Gooks have it bad because ON AVERAGE their facial features don't meet western standards of beauty and they are often shorter compared to other races. If there was an Asian with good looking western features and tall aka Chang then he would have no problems. Even though he still won't beat white Chads and Tyrones, he would still be able to get some and live a decent life.

Being short AND ugly is a death sentence regardless of your race. If you were 5'4 and ugly, you would have trouble regardless of your race. You would still struggle. Your FACE and HEIGHT are your biggest failios not your race.
  • +1
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Gooks have it bad because ON AVERAGE their facial features don't meet western standards of beauty and they are often shorter compared to other races. If there was an Asian with good looking western features and tall aka Chang then he would have no problems. Even though he still won't beat white Chads and Tyrones, he would still be able to get some and live a decent life.

Being short AND ugly is a death sentence regardless of your race. If you were 5'4 and ugly, you would have trouble regardless of your race. You would still struggle. Your FACE and HEIGHT are your biggest failios not your race.

fine I agree with your last point.

but Changs would still struggle. He won’t bear a chad or Tyrone AND normies who are white or black or Latino. There’s a reason so many noodles go for low tier whites, but you don’t see many beckys going for Chang’s as if there’s no problem.

changs will always have it rough on average in the west. There are just too many white and black foods who will date their own race, including Latinas as well. The only race that doesn’t date predominantly within their race? Noodles. I with that, there will always be an uphill struggle for Asian men. Period.
For asian men it almost impossible to be facially good looking becauseo f their very facial bonestructure caused by their race
  • +1
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fine I agree with your last point.

but Changs would still struggle. He won’t bear a chad or Tyrone AND normies who are white or black or Latino. There’s a reason so many noodles go for low tier whites, but you don’t see many beckys going for Chang’s as if there’s no problem.

changs will always have it rough on average in the west. There are just too many white and black foods who will date their own race, including Latinas as well. The only race that doesn’t date predominantly within their race? Noodles. I with that, there will always be an uphill struggle for Asian men. Period.





He's not a chang, but has dated canadian white women.
sorry :(
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Screenshot 2

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  • JFL
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tldr, rice rice rice rice
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For asian men it almost impossible to be facially good looking becauseo f their very facial bonestructure caused by their race
Their problem is flat face/monolids
So what happened to this guy, he said he would commit suicide and then stopped posting. I searched online for "Asian Walmart cashier suicide" but couldn't find anything...
  • So Sad
Reactions: Deleted member 7866
being ethnic is so fucking brutal in a way that whites can never understand
*Any hapacels (half-asian incels for those who may not know) out there I apologize in advance if what I talk about doesn't relate to you. Although I have experienced somewhat of a helicopter-style hapa abuse parenting since I was 12, my experience is nothing compared to actually be raised as a hapa his whole life, nor the experience of looking like one as well.

Let me tell you the life of a Rice when he doesn't grow up around other Rice, like fucking Southwest Indiana, mainly because I am the example of it.


You are born into a Rice family. Rice father, Rice mother. Maybe some rice siblings most likely. Let's say you have a rice sister, as it will encompass a fuller story. If you are a Rice born in Asia, then you're in a somewhat equal-level playing field depending on where you are born. You may still look ugly as fuck, but at least you won't be shamed or mocked simply because of your race and what Hollywood thinks your race acts like. At worst, and for lack of a better comparison, the rice boy is at the level of a white incel in the west.

Now, if you are a Rice who immigrates to the west, or a Rice born in the west, you are put at a HUGE disadvantage. Some are worse than others, which I will list here.

For a Rice immigrant family in the west, disadvantages:
-You are given a native name, a name that's super beta and difficult to pronounce for westerners. People don't realize this, but for kids playing in recess up to an employer, your name determines how you will be treated. If your name is difficult to pronounce, you will more likely than not be picked last in recess, if at all. You will also make employers uncomfortable, as they will have to think about potential language and communication barriers, and you will be shunned in environments where deadlines and communication are important, like, NEWSFLASH, the entertainment industry. Think about it. Do you have an employee who is Rice and can barely speak English? How many times do you have to repeat the same basic ass shit before he can get it through his head? Not blaming anyone in this situation, it is what it is, but you see how things can become frustrating and difficult? Yeah. You're not alone. Many employers think the SAME EXACT THING.
-Path to being a citizen. I don't know if you all know, but becoming a US citizen is one of the longest, most expensive processes any immigrant will have to go through. Even if you're a strong candidate, it can take years, even a decade for your application to even get to be reviewed. Also, employers have to sponsor you, and that's money taken away from their budget. Good luck getting a job at a startup, because they will most likely NOT take your ass because you're expensive to keep.

For a Rice family where you are born in the west, advantages:
-You are more likely given a western name, as your parents have spent a little time here, and Rice families want you to assimilate into western society (yet not actually do anything to assimilate, but I'll get to that later). So, you will be given names like Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, Joseph, etc. Sound familiar? It's because a lot of Rice families who immigrate to the west are religious Christians, thus be given names off of The Bible. Rice daughters are surprisingly not given these names. They're just given basic western names that the Rice family clearly read off of Google. There are advantages to this, though. Although your last name will most likely be a dead giveaway of your ethnicity, if there's a part of your name that's pronounceable, then employers will be more inclined to hire you, and have less of a probability to think communication as a barrier. They will at least know you speak English well enough to be able to talk about non-work shit and be relatable and all that crap. That said, notice I said LIKELY. If your Rice parents are too patriotic and prideful of their roots, they may give you an ethnic name anyway regardless of where you were born (nothing wrong with being prideful of your heritage, but every day I wish my parents had a better understanding and did their research and due diligence of how the western world worked know...PACK EVERYTHING YOU HAVE AND MOVE YOUR ASS OVER HERE.
-Also, not needing to fill out hundreds of pages of forms to become a citizen. Just check off that you're a US Citizen and you're golden.

Okay, back to childhood. You grow up eating exotic foods and shit from day one. Little kids tend to not judge each other when they're toddlers, day care, or in preschool...usually. It's really in kindergarten, where kids have to bring their own lunches where they start to realize they are different. As a kid have you seen a kid ever eat sushi or raw fish for lunch? Fuck no. That's disgusting when you're a kid. You'd want to eat regular food, like (in the US) burgers, fries, hot dogs, mac and cheese, ham and cheese sandwiches, PB&J, etc. Kids start to bully other kids in this time. Already, the mental foundations of being a ricecel are put in place. You're different so others won't pay attention to you. You're different so you're more likely to be alone. You're different, alone, and ignored, and that makes you a target of hate and violence. You start to turn inward, and you aren't able to develop any sort of confidence to do anything. Therefore, you won't develop the most basic social skills.

At home, your parents are either a) working, or b) don't talk about how your school went, and instead make you study math homework that kids your grade won't need to learn in another 4 years. Instead of weekends playing soccer, football, basketball, baseball, hockey (if you live up north), etc. you are stuck at home sitting on a desk doing math problems you won't even need to know because 1) a fucking calculator does EVERYTHING now, and 2) when's the last time you needed to use Algebra in an everyday setting? Seriously? Unless you're in a job that specializes in it, you don't need to know what X is. You just punch keys on a calculator or you type on google since it has all the answers. So, the physical foundations of a ricecel are being put in place. Your wrists will always be below average. You won't grow as tall. You won't develop the foundational tools of developing muscle. You bone density will always be light, susceptible to damage and breakage at the smallest of taps. You are not producing enough hormones and testosterone, therefore your chin and jaw are not developing fast enough or properly, and instead of masculine features, you set the foundation for more underdeveloped, feminine features. You are also not getting enough exercise, which could potentially slow your metabolism, and if you gain weight, you won't be able to shed those pounds easily, OR because of lack of exercise, you are therefore not able to eat as much food since you aren't burning enough calories, therefore you will be skinny forever because your Rice genes give you metabolism that is too fast. It's either or. It's never in between.

CHAPTER 2: Middle & High

So now you are going into Middle School. Most kids your age have an Instagram or Twitter that has a few hundred followers, or a TikTok that potentially has a thousand. Everyone fucking trading Kik's because that's what young dumbasses do. They see how many Snapchat points they have, or how many YouTube subs they have. Everyone's comparing how many followers they have at this time because that's how dumbasses measure relevancy and a stupid way to measure self-worth. Western kids' parents pay for their subscriptions of exclusive teen news and online magazines, and take them shopping for clothes at whatever store every single summer. As a Rice? Nope. You're going to be stuck with the same clothes from middle through high school, and you're going to have to deal with it. Maybe one or two new things for your birthday. You don't have the coolest clothes, so how the hell do you expect to compete for attention when the TikTok E-Boy sitting 2 rows behind you is attracting the attention of that one white foid you have a crush on? Fat chance. No way in hell you're getting her attention lmao. And the worst part? Unless you move, you're spending middle and high school with these ass clowns. The only exception is if you end up going to a smart private school, but that's only if you get smart enough to get there, and that usually means sacrificing vital social skills. So guess what? You're known as the lonely Rice boy with no friends with outdated clothes and a nerdy geek who is good at math, and you carry that THROUGHOUT ALL OF MIDDLE AND HIGH SCHOOL. It's absolute brutal torture. Personally, I had some really terrible bullies. Their lightest bullying was mocking me for speaking normal ass English because they thought I would be the foreign exchange Chinese kid they saw in the movie Sixteen Candles.

Outside of the classroom, because you're good at math, you probably joined some math team, or a robotics club, or a chess club, or a computer club. Personally, I was bullied and almost joined my local computer club because my bullies expected me to have this image of a nerdy Asian boy.

Outside of school, you probably picked up an instrument. No, not a guitar, or drums, or learn how to sing, rap, or dance. No, it's a fucking VIOLIN. Who the fuck gets wet pussy over an instrument that sounds like it's screaming like an annoying banshee at you? No. I'm sure it wets some pussies, but have you seen the type of foids that are in orchestras? They're...interesting. Nah fuck it no PC language here. They butt ass ugly foids with the WEIRDEST personalities. I was in a string orchestra during freshman and sophomore years of high school. Half of the losers there had head gears and were home schooled. Yeah, not exactly the stereotypical high school cheerleader, is it?

At home, you're probably being told to go study or practice your instrument, or do chores. It doesn't matter what day it is. It's homework, additional school work, maybe standardized test prep if it's that time of the year, practice your instrument, eat, sleep, repeat. 24/7. 365 a year. If you make a mistake, your parents are probably yelling at you for making a mistake and expecting nothing but perfection from you. Newsflash. No one's perfect unless they are top notch gigaChad/gigaStacy. Personally, I finally was allowed ("allowed", meaning it wasn't voluntary) to quit the violin because my stepfather took the instrument and bashed it to pieces in one of his drunken stages. Probably the only time I actually felt a little bit of gratitude towards my fucking shitty stepfather. I didn't need to do this dumb shit anymore. Otherwise, for most Rice, THIS. NEVER. ENDS. Maybe they're nice and allow you to play sports, or swimming, you know, sports that don't really require you to show off your manliness like football or basketball, but compared to the other shit, your parents never really invest time and effort into making you perfect in THAT part. Oh, and completely forget parties. You may not even be allowed to have a driver's license until you get accepted into college during senior year, and yet people wonder why Rice are SHITTY at driving? Because we are already behind everyone else. Everyone else gets their licenses at 15, 16 2-3 years more experience under their belts. We don't. We don't have that privilege because of our SHITTY parents.

And before I forget, if you have a Rice sister, she is trying to do EVERYTHING she can to avoid doing any Rice-like behaviors. They dress as provocatively as possible and try to talk up and flirt with a Chad in hopes to avoid being that Rice Becky. She will OPENLY and PUBLICLY despise her Rice brother because 1) she hates herself, and 2) Ricecels don't have the mobility to move into social circles like Rice foids do. By the time she graduates, she already has had all of these social experiences that a ricecel will NEVER have.

It's frustrating writing this section, as it was my prime formative years. This should have been the time to learn drinking games that bring friends together, or make you longtime friends. Illegally drinking a cold one by a bonfire talking about memories are the best times. I wish I had that experience. I would do ANYTHING to get that time back. At this point, now that I know how to survive, I would much rather be homeless at 12 than have to deal with my abusively shit mother and stepfather. If I had friends, I would have had confidence and encouragement. If I had friends, they would have taught me how to properly approach and ask a girl out potentially. If I had friends, we would have played pick-up basketball or backyard football in the fall. If I had friends, I would have been introduced to my friends' parents, and they could have served as my proper family that taught me to do things that fathers teach their sons, or mothers advise to their sons. They, instead of my fucking shitty people with the audacity to call themselves "parents," could have taught me some fashion sense. If I had friends, I could have gotten laid. Foids tend to trust others more through mutual connections or referrals than cold approaches, so if you aren't in a social circle, then you have NO shot in getting laid. I was never allowed to do anything. So during high school, I was stuck a child, never mentally or physically growing up properly. By the time I graduated, I was a 5'4, 105 pound, full-on Ricecel. No button down shirt fit me anywhere in southwest Indiana. Not even at Wal-Mart. I was that skinny. Not to mention, I also had skinny fat, and that made me even MORE unattractive on top of it. It was salt on the wounds. But at least the baggy clothes hid the belt and wrench scars that my stepfather gave me.

CHAPTER 3: College & Adulthood

I went to Community College at this time, so what I will say below isn't my experience, but I will go by what I know based on hearing stories, reading past ricecel posts, etc. FYI, Community College is a bitch, although it's cheap I guess. It's all of the academia of college but none of the social shit. All 4 year colleges looked at my application and it was like they smelled the ricecel THROUGH the application. It was hell getting all of those rejections, but I was numb. It was inevitable. I was going to be rejected anywhere I go.

So. New Chapter. New Beginnings, right? WRONG. Once a ricecel always a ricecel. Your bones have fused. You have stopped growing. You are 5'4. FOREVER. You have a recessed chin and no jaw. FOREVER. Your nose is crooked. FOREVER. You have an underdeveloped skull and weird eyes. FOREVER. It's not like when you get to college, everything changes. No. Everyone takes their judgmental shit and crank it 12 levels up. If you want to be in a frat but don't physically or socially match up, you're DOOMED. You will be a GDI forever. Most anti-social uglies are. But you are even below them. You are undesirable. Chads hook up with everyone who's not a landwhale. Stacys only hook up with Chads. Normies hook up with normies. Maybe some go above or below their weight once in a while, but the one constant? YOU. NO SEX FOR YOU. NO TOUCHING FOR YOU.

The only positive is that if you had helicopter parents and you went to college across the country or far away, they are off of your backs and you can do whatever you want. However, because your Rice parents did EVERYTHING for you and never allowed you to fail or learn, you don't have responsibility or accountability within you. You don't know how to do your own laundry because your rice parents did it instead. They wanted you to excel academically and learn how to multiply 23487234x239472034 in 5 seconds in your head because they think that's essential to life but not know how to fold your own damn clothes or talk to a foid. As a result, not only are you undesirable, you are a fucking dirty mess. Not only do you not have the proper clothes, but you don't even know what kind of haircut to get because your mother probably gave you the same own Rice, gay ass K-Pop bowl cut your entire life. You don't know how to look cool because you never did. Therefore, you don't know how to act cool. Most kids in college know the basic social skills. You have to massively struggle to even look at someone in the eye while they talk for more than 2 seconds. College sucks for Rice. It's absolute brutal hell. The shy, meek, un-confident person has multiplied by a 1000. You end up masturbating excessively to fucking pornhub. The worst part though? When you look through porn and you see videos of college parties and orgies happening in it, knowing that although those parties are happening in the frat house a block from where you are staying, you will NEVER EVER even come CLOSE to experiencing that type of party unless it's a tiny room with 2 escorts drinking Keystone Light and 5 o'clock vodka in a plastic bottle, which overall cost you over $2000 for the night. Also forget spring break. Who are you going with? Yeah, that's what I thought. Rice struggle in college. Every single one.

So now you graduated. You apply for jobs. How much you get paid doesn't matter, because employers will ALWAYS underpay you as a Rice since you are meek, gullible, submissive, and don't know your self-worth. You will just work and work and work, get a paycheck, live in a studio apartment paying $2K a month in rent, eating cup noodles for lunch and dinner because your parents never taught you basic cooking skills. You will never find love. You will never find any friends. You are alone in an endless routine until you die naturally or you rope. You will never get promoted, because that requires advanced social skills to communicate and shit. In the desperation to find SOME sense of community, you search on the internet, and you end up here. A community of people who went through what you went through.

Your Rice sister, on the other hand, sucked her dick through a 4 year degree, got hired because she was willing to suck white cock, gets married to a white cock, and will give birth to a hapa that has 90% of her own genes. This is where the struggle of being a hapa will start. Hopefully a hapacel here will tell their own story of their life on here, for I am not qualified to say so.

Being Rice in the west sucks. I wish we never immigrated here. I wish Trump passed an act barring ALL immigration from Asia, not because it's racist, but to save a generation of Rice boys from becoming Ricecels in the West, since that is a million times worse than being Rice in the East. This cycle must stop, and I wish it ended with my generation. It won't, though. I see way too many young Rice boys and men grow up in worse times, or have worse social skills than mine. At least I developed some somewhat, because you kind of have to as a Wal-Mart cashier (like not being retarded).

Didn't really bother editing, so apologies if this is hard to follow. I just had to vent out some frustrations on here. This is very therapeutic, much better than shelling out hundreds of dollars an hour for a therapist who will insult you for being an incel and tell you "jUsT bE cOnFiDeNt" like any other armchair therapist on fucking Reddit.
I feel sorry for you man. Do you ever plan on moving back to where u came from? How do u cope with being a ricecel?

37y, 5'4, 3"x3" D, 6" Wrist Cir, KHHV​

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