Life sucks trying to be different



All for nothing
Jan 19, 2023
Basement dweller trait. Always trying to be different from those "NPCs". "Independent".

-"I don't cut my hair that's NPC bullshit, long hair mogs! Short hair is low-class!"
-"I don't need to drink alcohol to have fun"
-"Normie humour is so boring and low iq, this is why I don't hang out with anyone from my school"
-"Look at these soyboys and their dumb morals"

Nonsense. Just switch your brain off and stop trying to be special. It's too much cortisol trying to resist trends. It's quite fulfilling just being like everyone else and feeling like part of society.
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  • JFL
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It's really just sub 5 spergs who can never be accepted in normie circles and thus turn to acting like they were all shit in the first place. Of course the norms/humor/trends are shallow and low IQ lmao, the point is the dopamine you get from the company and going with the flow of a social group

I would do what you say if I wasn't a currycel NPC
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It's really just sub 5 spergs who can never be accepted in normie circles and thus turn to acting like they were all shit in the first place. Of course the norms/humor/trends are shallow and low IQ lmao, the point is the dopamine you get from the company and going with the flow of a social group

I would do what you say if I wasn't a currycel NPC
True. Uggos have all the time in the world to think so they believe it makes them high iq.
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This guy seems happy to be different 😜

  • Ugh..
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Over if you put any effort in not being an npc
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  • JFL
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Just be @Allornothing and you'll mog theory
being different as a function of your distinctive and superior cognition is indeed hard to fathom for normghouls who have copy and pasted brains.
  • JFL
Reactions: BrahminBoss, Danish_Retard and Allornothing
being different as a function of your distinctive and superior cognition is indeed hard to fathom for normghouls who have copy and pasted brains.
I think this post speaks for itself.
  • JFL
Reactions: BrahminBoss
why is it hard to believe that some people are just built different? why do people always assume the worst, ie you are just a loser pretending to be better than others. what if i am objectively better than others? what if i'm bette than others in all of the most relevant aspects of life?

just because i still live with my parents, have no accomplishments in life, and mostly subsist on welfare doesn't mean i don't have 99th percentile cognition. if anything, it supports that fact because it means i'm enlightened and do not belong in the ordinary material world inhabited by lower life forms. i am an enlightened ascetic
  • JFL
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it’s too late to be normie. The ship sailed at 18.
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  • JFL
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it’s too late to be normie. The ship sailed at 18.
Not really. Once you make a new group of friends you basically get a restart. Just takes practise and failure.
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Delete your account and go try to be normal
No normal people has an account here
  • JFL
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Its not about being "different", its about being "better".
  • JFL
Reactions: Allornothing
No normal people has an account here
You can have an account here and have a conversation with a human being without trying to be “sigma” with a straight face all the time. Just be in the moment bro and stop trying to be better than everyone.

Arrogance =/= being different
Its not about being "different", its about being "better".
If you have an account here you’re not better than anyone no offence
  • JFL
Reactions: Nick.Harte
Putting effort in being "different" only worsens things in my experience, just do your own thing bros
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You can have an account here
The moment you created an account here, you wanted to deviate from the norm and you subconsciously wanted to feel special. Delete and go socialise with normies bro. Forget about blackpill and relearn the bluepill.
  • +1
Reactions: Allornothing
The moment you created an account here, you wanted to deviate from the norm and you subconsciously wanted to feel special. Delete and go socialise with normies bro. Forget about blackpill and relearn the bluepill.
  • JFL
Reactions: Nick.Harte
If you have an account here you’re not better than anyone no offence
On this site and you meet the worst people on this planet

Its the perfect environment to grow
  • JFL
Reactions: Allornothing and Nick.Harte
Don’t know if that’s sarcasm
No not sarcasm you’re right. I guess you can have a good starting point when you have an account here but true change comes when you actually make the decision to delete your account.
  • +1
Reactions: Nick.Harte
nah, people here are so full of self-hate dude

Its entertaining
How are they worse than normies if they hate themselves ? Makes no sense at all
On this site and you meet the worst people on this planet

Its the perfect environment to grow
To communicate with autists you have to speak like one. Being here rots your brain.
  • +1
Reactions: Nick.Harte
To communicate with autists you have to speak like one. Being here rots your brain.
Dude, normie men marry women with a bodycount of 20 and then are suprised when they lose everything, house, kids, money

Thats how retarded normies are these days

Blackpilled people know that you dont marry a whore

Blackpilled people are more rational
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Reactions: Sushifart, lwlaiet060920 and Allornothing
Being here rots your brain
How ? You cannot become neurodivergent and nothing would’ve changed if you were good looking IRL. You would’ve posted here and have fun IRL. Poor self esteem because of this place ?? Don’t worry, Stacy will give you a good blowjob to make you forget about it.
Dude, normie men marry women with a bodycount of 20 and then are suprised when they lose everything, house, kids, money

Thats how retarded normies are these days

Blackpilled people know that you dont marry a whore

Blackpilled people are more rational
Normies experience highs and lows. Blackpillers experience neither. It’s not really rational to sacrifice true happiness by always trying to be different.

I agree that no one should marry a slut though. What’s ideal is a balance of bluepill and blackpill. Depends on what we’re talking about.
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I’m too low iq
I’m not high IQ either. So basically weeks and months of negative reinforcements will make you come back here unless you’ve hardmaxxed like crazy. If you aren’t good enough and try to “act normal” and put yourself out there, you will be rejected and even if you manage to get some positive experiences, the amount of negative experiences will always outnumber it.

Soyciety will let you know that you aren’t good enough, and you’ll be back here knowing that the blackpill was right all along.
Normies experience highs and lows. Blackpillers experience neither. It’s not really rational to sacrifice true happiness by always trying to be different.

I agree that no one should marry a slut though. What’s ideal is a balance of bluepill and blackpill. Depends on what we’re talking about.
I am pretty happy at the moment, I would say 8/10

I have no problem being here
  • JFL
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by always trying to be different.
I don’t think that we try to be different. In fact everybody here is different and wants to become normal and get rejected.
How ? You cannot become neurodivergent and nothing would’ve changed if you were good looking IRL. You would’ve posted here and have fun IRL. Poor self esteem because of this place ?? Don’t worry, Stacy will give you a good blowjob to make you forget about it.
People here aren’t necessarily neurodivergent (some definitely are but they’re all in wards). It usually goes like this:

-Shy personality due to shit parenting or bullying
-Actively avoids social interaction as a defence mechanism
-Naturally develops strange interests and finds this site
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I am pretty happy at the moment, I would say 8/10

I have no problem being here
Being here is like eating the same meal every day.

I heavily doubt fucking a hot girl and having a relationship would only be 2 points higher on your happiness scale.
Being here is like eating the same meal every day.

I heavily doubt fucking a hot girl and having a relationship would only be 2 points higher on your happiness scale.
Relationship with a hot VIRGIN girl would be 10/10
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I don’t think that we try to be different. In fact everybody here is different and wants to become normal and get rejected.
Yes they are different for controllable and uncontrollable reasons. This thread is about what’s controllable. Once you fix those, the uncontrollable ones (autistic tendencies) will fix themselves through regular social interaction. People might think you’re a bit weird at first but it’ll be nothing crazy.
People here aren’t necessarily neurodivergent (some definitely are but they’re all in wards). It usually goes like this:

-Shy personality due to shit parenting or bullying
-Actively avoids social interaction as a defence mechanism
-Naturally develops strange interests and finds this site
You’re right and I think looks is the issue for most of us here. One would less likely to be lonely and rot on this site if they were good enough imo.
The bullying and bad experiences would’ve been something of the past. I’m fact, their whole personalities could’ve changed for the better later on.
Relationship with a hot VIRGIN girl would be 10/10
This is what I mean. Marrying a non virgin is a bit shit I admit but you’ve convinced yourself no relationship would make you happy.

The average guy look at the average girl and get horny and think about taking her out on a date. You’re missing out because you’re so obsessed with virgin girls. If you just stopped thinking about things you could enjoy a relationship with a cute girl and then break up if you decided she wasn’t worth marrying.
You’re right and I think looks is the issue for most of us here. One would less likely to be lonely and rot on this site if they were good enough imo.
The bullying and bad experiences would’ve been something of the past. I’m fact, their whole personalities could’ve changed for the better later on.
Idk tbh since everyone is different. I can’t imagine face stopping so many people from making friends considering how bad the average man looks.
This thread is about what’s controllable.
I don’t think blackpilled individuals try to go against the grain deliberately. The blackpill never taught us this shit and the only thing users don’t do imo is to simp for foids IRL. Anything else entirely depends on the choice of the individual
I don’t think blackpilled individuals try to go against the grain deliberately. The blackpill never taught us this shit and the only thing users don’t do imo is to simp for foids IRL. Anything else entirely depends on the choice of the individual
People here still grow their hair long even though it doesn’t fit them. It’s not deliberate because they justify with reasons like “short hair is for cucks”. Granted, long hair does suit some people.
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This is what I mean. Marrying a non virgin is a bit shit I admit but you’ve convinced yourself no relationship would make you happy.

The average guy look at the average girl and get horny and think about taking her out on a date. You’re missing out because you’re so obsessed with virgin girls. If you just stopped thinking about things you could enjoy a relationship with a cute girl and then break up if you decided she wasn’t worth marrying.
Girlfriends cost money too though

Who is gonna pay her meals ? Who is buying her gifts and stuff.

Why should I waste money on a girl I dont love ?
  • JFL
Reactions: Allornothing
Girlfriends cost money too though

Who is gonna pay her meals ? Who is buying her gifts and stuff.

Why should I waste money on a girl I dont love ?
I don’t even disagree with you about this. This thread was more about social interaction in general anyway. Like I said, for some things it’s good to be blackpilled. As long as you’re happy.

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