lifemogging people is incredible

Pysch ward resident by day, millionaire chad by night

This is at it's finest
  • +1
Reactions: spdxer
What happened to you recently?
I realized there's 0 value to be gained from downplaying any of my advantages and making any of my disadvantages seem more important than they are in reality.

I believe this behavior is a symptom of what is called 'clinical depression', which I have been diagnosed with. The function of clinical depression is to improve your life-quality under tribal circumstances:
People who you grew up with and rely on you, have a reason to care about you feeling good.

We live in an extremely atomized world. Incredibly individualistic. Nobody relies on anyone and one human and his function is easily replaced for another.
Clinical depression in such circumstances, doesn't lead to compassion and improved life-quality, but to despair, addiction and suicide.

I am not mentally the chad who I pretend to be. The action of attack any negative thought patterns in my brain is a continuous struggle.
I do no longer entertain any of my previous negative thought patterns and am working on replacing them with positive ones.

I do still have negative thoughts, but the idea of making a topic about them, or posting content with those emotions as primary fuel, is not something I hope to do again.
  • +1
Reactions: incel194012940, vermillioncorefan and Tabula Rasa
Pysch ward resident by day, millionaire chad by night

This is at it's finest

how is there a larp when I effortlessly mog with an unfrauded, unfiltered, blank-stare selfie in my room?

how is there a larp when I effortlessly mog with an unfrauded, unfiltered, blank-stare selfie in my room?
Because later tonight you'll be calling yourself a truecel subhuman
  • JFL
Reactions: vermillioncorefan
Because later tonight you'll be calling yourself a truecel subhuman
I have another 8.5 grams of mephedrone, 48 pills of MDMA, 9 grams of ketamine, 20 pills of 2-CB, to make me believe I am chad for the next 3 months or so.

Plenty of time for my natural mental state to adapt to this new reality.
  • JFL
  • +1
Reactions: spdxer, ChadL1te, vermillioncorefan and 1 other person
I have another 8.5 grams of mephedrone, 48 pills of MDMA, 9 grams of ketamine, 20 pills of 2-CB, to make me believe I am chad for the next 3 months or so.

Plenty of time for my natural mental state to adapt to this new reality.
I know the truth :feelshah:
I know the truth :feelshah:
How is my current state any more or less delusional than the 'truecel state' I had prior to this?

All that matters is that it's beneficial to me and my surroundings.
  • JFL
Reactions: optimisticzoomer
How is my current state any more or less delusional than the 'truecel state' I had prior to this?

All that matters is that it's beneficial to me and my surroundings.
You've never even seen the inside of a psychiatric ward:feelshah:
You've never even seen the inside of a psychiatric ward:feelshah:
and I never will.

my current treatments at local mental facilities are voluntary. And I don't take any drugs from them either.
The fact that I am smarter and more knowledgeable in human psychology than my therapists/caregivers is often problematic in my treatment.

Very few people in the science of human psychology know more and are more experienced than me
  • JFL
Reactions: optimisticzoomer
30+ reacts for this humble bragging drivel from the same user who makes posts every other day talking
about how much his life sucks and women dont like him etc

Meanwhile teenagers on org will still upvote this Sociopath into oblivion because he has a name on
the forum in spite of not contributing anything except Pessimistic rants
  • JFL
Reactions: ChadL1te

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