Living as an East Asian man is the worst.

Oh my god, you mean i'm giga incel:feelswah:?
Could be since you are on this forum. your account seems like more of joke. the thing is that there is a very limited set of social states a man can be in. there is the one that vibes very easily with people and everyone loves the energy they put out, the second is man with natural attraction which means that he doesn't have to reply put that much energy into people in order for others to be drawn to him, and then finally there is the outcast. the outcast is someone who has no or very few traits that draw people to him. this applies to most on the forum. if you fit into category 3 it's over.

So now what?

you can take this in many different paths. some who have been gifted with intellect dedicate their time to study and improve at what they do, others choose to take their aloneness and turn it into an elevated star of mind through being in the company of yourself, while most end up doing nothing with it and choose to cope with self destructive behaviors while further isolating themselves. if you fit into the first two categories then you wouldn't be here associating with those of a lower sate of mind like @ilovetakis. So you are in the third category. You have to wonder how deep you are into their category though. Are you the kind to beg and force yourself into social situations just to further make a jester of yourself or are you the kind to rot in you room and cope with cartoons? The first state is far worse than the second because you afflicting others with your presence. that is where you can decide how incel your are and whether you just regular incel or giga-incel. You have to ask yourself how did this start and what can I do to elevate my mind. taking the first step is key.

Once you have figured out the answer to these questions you can start doing what is best for yourself in order to elevate.
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Ethnic third worlder*

Ftfy :)
Could be since you are on this forum. your account seems like more of joke. the thing is that there is a very limited set of social states a man can be in. there is the one that vibes very easily with people and everyone loves the energy they put out, the second is man with natural attraction which means that he doesn't have to reply put that much energy into people in order for others to be drawn to him, and then finally there is the outcast. the outcast is someone who has no or very few traits that draw people to him. this applies to most on the forum. if you fit into category 3 it's over.

So now what?

you can take this in many different paths. some who have been gifted with intellect dedicate their time to study and improve at what they do, others choose to take their aloneness and turn it into an elevated star of mind through being in the company of yourself, while most end up doing nothing with it and choose to cope with self destructive behaviors while further isolating themselves. if you fit into the first two categories then you wouldn't be here associating with those of a lower sate of mind like @ilovetakis. So you are in the third category. You have to wonder how deep you are into their category though. Are you the kind to beg and force yourself into social situations just to further make a jester of yourself or are you the kind to rot in you room and cope with cartoons? The first state is far worse than the second because you afflicting others with your presence. that is where you can decide how incel your are and whether you just regular incel or giga-incel. You have to ask yourself how did this start and what can I do to elevate my mind. taking the first step is key.

Once you have figured out the answer to these questions you can start doing what is best for yourself in order to elevate.
bro, i make serious posts, sometimes

Also I'm much more normal in real life. haha
bro, i make serious posts, sometimes

Also I'm much more normal in real life. haha
Well then you aren't in a hole. This site is a good way self expression because of the far less limitations on expression. Also the being anonymous helps since you dont face the risk of being outcasted.
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again this shows your inner state of being. you must be contempt with where you are but deep down there is suffering.

Your pfp and account is more vague than @ilovetakis which directly through name and pfp can tell me a lot about his inner state which is degenerate and lonely.
What about me. Chad avi I think.

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