[LONG READ] Looksmaxxing, Purpose, and Confidence

I agree, but before finding his purpose that guy I used as an example probably had very little success with women. After he leveled himself up he probably opened up many options due to the aurora he shows. And if its all about genetics, you can't change your genetics. So you must accept yourself. See the logic?
If a guy has the aura of a loser, its your brain telling you hes a weak looking male aka ugly
If a guy has the aura of a loser, its your brain telling you hes a weak looking male aka ugly
On the flipside if someone is above average but has true alpha personality aura at heart, your brain tells you he isnt weak and he must be confident because of something other than his looks, which makes people curious
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If a guy has the aura of a loser, its your brain telling you hes a weak looking male aka ugly
below average* only to an extent though subhumans cant pull this off
For 99% of us normies on this site, we don't have true chad potential without hardmaxing (surgery). The content of this thread does not apply to any subhumans (<4PSL) or actual turbomanlets (<5'7). This may sound slightly redpilled/bluepilled as opposed to blackpill but just hear me out. Normies may benefit greatly from reading this. Post your thoughts on this, I want a discussion.

A wild Chad with an incel personality is still going to slay regardless in accordance with the blackpill. A normie with an incel personality WILL NOT SLAY, under any circumstances. As a normie, you HAVE TO HAVE the ULTIMATE CONFIDENCE. You need to be THAT nigga. Mentally, Chad is naturally extremely confident due to positive reinforcement since birth, that's nature. As a normie, the same type of positive reinforcement we get is much less compared to chad, or zero if your a low-tier normie. So the ULTIMATE CONFIDENCE won't come so natural to us. Luckily, you can improve your confidence, but it's not easy.

Looksmaxxing is legit for normies, fix your failos and acquire halos. However, you niggas are obsessed with your looks. This is unhealthy on so many levels and your fucking your confidence up everytime you look at yourself, picking apart your PSL flaws in a negative manner. You HAVE to ACCEPT YOURSELF HOW YOU LOOK RIGHT NOW. Are you a low-tier normie? You have to tell yourself: 'OK cool. I'm a low-tier normie, and I'm completely fine with that'. Accept that you will not slay like Chad. Know your failos, and develop a softmaxxing routine to address them, and make that a daily habit. After it's a habit, keep doing it and eventually it will become a rhythm. This is why you automatically wipe your ass after taking a shit. Now you're looksmaxing with no thought. Examples of effective easy softmaxxing rhythms include (but not limited to): chewing falim gum with incisors, skincare routine, and hard mewing. Learn exactly what do to address your failos by browsing this forum for a day or two (JFL) - then create an efficient, effective routine - then turn it into a habit - then turn it into a rhythm. Now trust that in time, your PSL with inevitably increase if you are doing a legit daily routine. BUT, detach yourself from the outcome. You have to accept yourself, and say, 'Fuck it', whenever you look in the mirror and your PSL isn't changing due to the routine. Looksmaxxing takes time, stop attaching yourself to your flaws so much. Just fucking accept yourself man. Wake up every morning and do a 5 minute aspie PSL analysis, and to every one of your failos, say, 'Fuck it, I accept that shit'. To every halo, say, 'Fuck yeah'. Know that you can only ascend in this journey, but detach yourself from the outcome.

As a non-Chad, having purpose in life is the best cope by far, and I mean that in the best way possible. You can live a life with little sexual interaction, but with purpose, it becomes A FULFILLING EXPERIENCE. The thing is, you niggas have no fucking life, I swear. You don't go from normie-->Chad with softmaxxing, so why THE FUCK are you sulking about not being Chad? Nigga, if you accepted yourself, you would be the best version of yourself, no cap. Being a little bitch about not being Chad is insecure as fuck and stems from you taking your PSL failos so damn seriously. Your a normie, man, why are you so insecure? You bet your ass if I just described you, that this shit is being detected like a fucking x-ray scan by females you talk to through your body language, tonality, and microexpressions. They smell that shit nigga, a scent of insecurity and you have no chance as a normie. Yes, looks are important, but if you are a normie you need to PURPOSEMAX. For example, take this guy before finding his purpose:

Looks insecure as fuck even as I guy I can sniff it.

Now look at him after being on his purpose, legitimately:

This is what accepting yourself and having purpose does. Yes, he did softmaxxes to his failos (weird eyebrows, glasses, beard) but he seems like a completely upgraded version of himself internally. You can't not accept yourself, get surgery, then expect yourself to change internally. It just doesn't work like that. You must accept yourself first. Then any PSL improvements will feel way more fucking rewarding, but at the same time, you won't really give a shit. This is alpha. Now to find your purpose, watch his video, but find something that your willing to dedicate 100% of your time to if you felt like it, something you fucking love. Bet your fucking ass looksmaxing isn't something you love doing, it ain't your purpose on this Earth, so please stop browsing this forum 24/7.

Awesome, now you have a life nigga! You can't say confidence is cope, it is legit for a normie. Obviously not very useful for consistently slaying Stacy's but you will for sure have a high lay count with GOD LIKE confidence and +4PSL. Who knows, maybe this confidence will halo you enough to get lucky with a real Stacy one day. Anyway, having purpose while simultaneously accepting your PSL is the ultimate assurance to achieving genuine inner confidence. The type of confidence that can't be touched by anyone, you're ready to die at any moment confidence. A powerful 'supplement' which is necessary to get the best confidence out of yourself is to have no comfort zone. Literally, you have to expose yourself so much to the point where you really don't give a fuck, the comfort zone doesn't exist for you. You just fuck around and have fun in life, exuding positive energy. PSL obsession exudes negative energy. You can feel it man. Even an attractive person, who is PSL obsessed, or just negative in general, drains the fuck out of your energy in a conversation and leaves you saying, 'Damn, I feel shitty for some reason'. On the other spectrum, positive energy (basically confidence) is attractive to both genders. This is good because you will have better friendships and a bigger social circle, opening up opportunities to meet future slays which you would have never had access to. Always cut out the people who give you a negative vibe from your life, your best friends should have this confidence too, you will subconsciously boost each other up whenever you hang out.

Once you are at the level where you have the ultimate confidence, and just express legit positive energy 24/7 - talking to girls is the same as talking to anyone else and your quality of life will be much better. It's hard to explain, you just have to get to that level. Establish your looksmaxxing habits, make them a rhythm, accept yourself how you are, and you will become infinitely more attractive to both genders.

Also, while your confidence improves, since you have that rhythm going, your looks improve and your confidence gets boosted further. It's a synergistic effect. Looksmaxing by itself without confidence is unhealthy in my opinion, your confidence won't change to the potential it could.

Thanks for reading, feel free to criticize my thoughts, I would like to hear what you think.
Didn't proofread probably a few typos btw

You can become a chad by softmaxxing if you’re very fat and still high tier normie
Lol i have many friends around that height and they are very social despite being small its probably not your looks unless you are trying to get into a chad social circle

Well I was popular and my circle were Chads (now some of them are national rugby players). But that actually helped me a little, it would've been more brutal if I didn't have them as status-boosting friends.

Its not just being 5ft7, I'm a complete framecel, this my frame (tiny bottom 2% percentile ribcage hands shoulders neck everything like this guy):

Well I was popular and my circle were Chads (now some of them are national rugby players). But that actually helped me a little, it would've been more brutal if I didn't have them as status-boosting friends.

Its not just being 5ft7, I'm a complete framecel, this my frame (tiny bottom 2% percentile ribcage hands shoulders neck everything like this guy):

just put muscle on? its better than nothing. If you are not prettyboymaxxing then you MUST gymaxx
Well I was popular and my circle were Chads (now some of them are national rugby players). But that actually helped me a little, it would've been more brutal if I didn't have them as status-boosting friends.

Its not just being 5ft7, I'm a complete framecel, this my frame (tiny bottom 2% percentile ribcage hands shoulders neck everything like this guy):

The aura i get from this is that you get bullied
The aura i get from this is that you get bullied

No im simply invisible and nobody wants to be my friend. Often I deal with passive aggressiveness, only once I've been punched in the face (for doing reasonable banter that an NT wouldn't get punched for)
On the flipside if someone is above average but has true alpha personality aura at heart, your brain tells you he isnt weak and he must be confident because of something other than his looks, which makes people curious
No im simply invisible and nobody wants to be my friend. Often I deal with passive aggressiveness, only once I've been punched in the face (for doing reasonable banter that an NT wouldn't get punched for)
Mid-low tier normie treatment tbh
just put muscle on? its better than nothing. If you are not prettyboymaxxing then you MUST gymaxx

I cant put muscle on, I have extremely high metabolism. My strength goes up and my muscles become rock hard, but not bigger. And even if I roided (wouldn't fuck my health up and go bald for muscles), my bideltoid and chest width would still be bottom percentile because the frame is more important than muscle, for masculine appearance.
I cant put muscle on, I have extremely high metabolism. My strength goes up and my muscles become rock hard, but not bigger. And even if I roided (wouldn't fuck my health up and go bald for muscles), my bideltoid and chest width would still be bottom percentile because the frame is more important than muscle, for masculine appearance.
Get on something then sarms steroids whatever, muscles will help your frame regardless of bones, its no excuse. Idk bruh find your purpose like this guide, just keep searching for it. Everyone i know who has a definite purpose is good to talk to no matter their appearance. good luck
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Get on something then sarms steroids whatever, muscles will help your frame regardless of bones, its no excuse. Idk bruh find your purpose like this guide, just keep searching for it. Everyone i know who has a definite purpose is good to talk to no matter their appearance. good luck

Do you mean like find my purpose in a way that gets social status/interaction? Or just my own purpose that could be completely separate from socialising, say like cooking or reading?
Do you mean like find my purpose in a way that gets social status/interaction? Or just my own purpose that could be completely separate from socialising, say like cooking or reading?
Not social circle its different for everyone, just find what you can see yourself spending your ENTIRE life doing without losing interest. i havent find mine tbh its a search but once you find it you will know for sure. Just explore what the world has to offer man
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Not social circle its different for everyone, just find what you can see yourself spending your ENTIRE life doing without losing interest. i havent find mine tbh its a search but once you find it you will know for sure. Just explore what the world has to offer man
thanks for the help, I guess this is the only realistic but also positive answer for truecels problems these days.
i'm 3psl but this is legit. just be the best you can be. there is always something that can be done to improve your life. you will never experience what chad experiences, but at least you can do better than you are doing right now. focus on that
Idk op. I have such a good idea of what I want and what I like. What I want to do, but it's just impossible whatever I do. And not for the lack of trying. I'm interested in industrial technologies and really love solving not too complicated technological processes problems and writing programs for them, as an example. Have a general broad interest in technologies as a whole, like from energy sector, to manufacturing, to computers. I like collecting information and knowledge, I'm seriously interested in it. Tbh it's very rare to find people like this, from what I've seen and majority of people who go into this field have no fucking passion for it, just in it for the money/because it's *the thing* to do, i.e. tech sector boom. College was such a joke, literally 2% of people there are even interested in it as a subject, the rest have no fucking clue what they're doing. Besides drinking and partying that is. And here I am, unable to find any job in the field.
I also just want to find a person who can appreciate me and love me, for who I am. Who cares for me and so that I can shower that person back with my affection and love. I hope I'll be able to put aside some money from time to time and throw it all away into stocks/s&p500 whatever. I don't need much, just want to be happy and lifemaxx. So what's my problem?
What's holding me down? What kind of negativity is this?
For 99% of us normies on this site, we don't have true chad potential without hardmaxing (surgery). The content of this thread does not apply to any subhumans (<4PSL) or actual turbomanlets (<5'7). This may sound slightly redpilled/bluepilled as opposed to blackpill but just hear me out. Normies may benefit greatly from reading this. Post your thoughts on this, I want a discussion.

A wild Chad with an incel personality is still going to slay regardless in accordance with the blackpill. A normie with an incel personality WILL NOT SLAY, under any circumstances. As a normie, you HAVE TO HAVE the ULTIMATE CONFIDENCE. You need to be THAT nigga. Mentally, Chad is naturally extremely confident due to positive reinforcement since birth, that's nature. As a normie, the same type of positive reinforcement we get is much less compared to chad, or zero if your a low-tier normie. So the ULTIMATE CONFIDENCE won't come so natural to us. Luckily, you can improve your confidence, but it's not easy.

Looksmaxxing is legit for normies, fix your failos and acquire halos. However, you niggas are obsessed with your looks. This is unhealthy on so many levels and your fucking your confidence up everytime you look at yourself, picking apart your PSL flaws in a negative manner. You HAVE to ACCEPT YOURSELF HOW YOU LOOK RIGHT NOW. Are you a low-tier normie? You have to tell yourself: 'OK cool. I'm a low-tier normie, and I'm completely fine with that'. Accept that you will not slay like Chad. Know your failos, and develop a softmaxxing routine to address them, and make that a daily habit. After it's a habit, keep doing it and eventually it will become a rhythm. This is why you automatically wipe your ass after taking a shit. Now you're looksmaxing with no thought. Examples of effective easy softmaxxing rhythms include (but not limited to): chewing falim gum with incisors, skincare routine, and hard mewing. Learn exactly what do to address your failos by browsing this forum for a day or two (JFL) - then create an efficient, effective routine - then turn it into a habit - then turn it into a rhythm. Now trust that in time, your PSL with inevitably increase if you are doing a legit daily routine. BUT, detach yourself from the outcome. You have to accept yourself, and say, 'Fuck it', whenever you look in the mirror and your PSL isn't changing due to the routine. Looksmaxxing takes time, stop attaching yourself to your flaws so much. Just fucking accept yourself man. Wake up every morning and do a 5 minute aspie PSL analysis, and to every one of your failos, say, 'Fuck it, I accept that shit'. To every halo, say, 'Fuck yeah'. Know that you can only ascend in this journey, but detach yourself from the outcome.

As a non-Chad, having purpose in life is the best cope by far, and I mean that in the best way possible. You can live a life with little sexual interaction, but with purpose, it becomes A FULFILLING EXPERIENCE. The thing is, you niggas have no fucking life, I swear. You don't go from normie-->Chad with softmaxxing, so why THE FUCK are you sulking about not being Chad? Nigga, if you accepted yourself, you would be the best version of yourself, no cap. Being a little bitch about not being Chad is insecure as fuck and stems from you taking your PSL failos so damn seriously. Your a normie, man, why are you so insecure? You bet your ass if I just described you, that this shit is being detected like a fucking x-ray scan by females you talk to through your body language, tonality, and microexpressions. They smell that shit nigga, a scent of insecurity and you have no chance as a normie. Yes, looks are important, but if you are a normie you need to PURPOSEMAX. For example, take this guy before finding his purpose:

Looks insecure as fuck even as I guy I can sniff it.

Now look at him after being on his purpose, legitimately:

This is what accepting yourself and having purpose does. Yes, he did softmaxxes to his failos (weird eyebrows, glasses, beard) but he seems like a completely upgraded version of himself internally. You can't not accept yourself, get surgery, then expect yourself to change internally. It just doesn't work like that. You must accept yourself first. Then any PSL improvements will feel way more fucking rewarding, but at the same time, you won't really give a shit. This is alpha. Now to find your purpose, watch his video, but find something that your willing to dedicate 100% of your time to if you felt like it, something you fucking love. Bet your fucking ass looksmaxing isn't something you love doing, it ain't your purpose on this Earth, so please stop browsing this forum 24/7.

Awesome, now you have a life nigga! You can't say confidence is cope, it is legit for a normie. Obviously not very useful for consistently slaying Stacy's but you will for sure have a high lay count with GOD LIKE confidence and +4PSL. Who knows, maybe this confidence will halo you enough to get lucky with a real Stacy one day. Anyway, having purpose while simultaneously accepting your PSL is the ultimate assurance to achieving genuine inner confidence. The type of confidence that can't be touched by anyone, you're ready to die at any moment confidence. A powerful 'supplement' which is necessary to get the best confidence out of yourself is to have no comfort zone. Literally, you have to expose yourself so much to the point where you really don't give a fuck, the comfort zone doesn't exist for you. You just fuck around and have fun in life, exuding positive energy. PSL obsession exudes negative energy. You can feel it man. Even an attractive person, who is PSL obsessed, or just negative in general, drains the fuck out of your energy in a conversation and leaves you saying, 'Damn, I feel shitty for some reason'. On the other spectrum, positive energy (basically confidence) is attractive to both genders. This is good because you will have better friendships and a bigger social circle, opening up opportunities to meet future slays which you would have never had access to. Always cut out the people who give you a negative vibe from your life, your best friends should have this confidence too, you will subconsciously boost each other up whenever you hang out.

Once you are at the level where you have the ultimate confidence, and just express legit positive energy 24/7 - talking to girls is the same as talking to anyone else and your quality of life will be much better. It's hard to explain, you just have to get to that level. Establish your looksmaxxing habits, make them a rhythm, accept yourself how you are, and you will become infinitely more attractive to both genders.

Also, while your confidence improves, since you have that rhythm going, your looks improve and your confidence gets boosted further. It's a synergistic effect. Looksmaxing by itself without confidence is unhealthy in my opinion, your confidence won't change to the potential it could.

Thanks for reading, feel free to criticize my thoughts, I would like to hear what you think.
Didn't proofread probably a few typos btw

You really don't know how the world works,
Confidence comes from validation,
Social situations/girls are a matrix based on your looks level
IF you exude this false confidence like you are saying, people will just find it weird that you are so confident despite not being handsome, and will proceed to put you in your place at every chance possible
You really don't know how the world works,
Confidence comes from validation,
Social situations/girls are a matrix based on your looks level
IF you exude this false confidence like you are saying, people will just find it weird that you are so confident despite not being handsome, and will proceed to put you in your place at every chance possible
If you rely on other people for your own happiness you will never truly be happy
If you rely on other people for your own happiness you will never truly be happy
You said confidence, you've lost all credibility tbh. The happiest people are those who get fed tpositive reinforcement from others in their life, If you aren't gl you won't get this
A lot of this thread is just a rehash of retarded motivational videos. You're not blackpilled; 'purpose', 'saying I accept myself' these are all memes.

Also you didn't go into hormones which nearly completely determine your confidence and inhibition, and didn't go into locationmaxxing to an area where you get better reaffirmation through lower PSL area average.
Awere me of location maxing what is best location on planet for getting white women

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