Looking for the right drug for mindmaxxing



Mar 11, 2019
I've been researching the effects of high prolactin, amygdala, dopamine, and other things on the brain. I've always suffered with high neuroticism, lack of motivation, and probably even depression. I'm ready to take caber, mushrooms, or anything that might help with those things.

Any thoughts? I need something that's affordable but relatively effective.

and check ur hormones too. u may have low T
DMT for the ultimate mind changing experience
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you wanna now whats actually number one ?
Oxygen and deep restful good breathing sleep.
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Research nootropics and tailor a stack to your specific needs.

Do multiple acid sessions with a trip sitter.
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does acid/weed =memory loss?
weed may if u do it a fuck ton. i’ve only done 200ug of acid at most so i don’t know if it would at greater doses
Microdose shrooms
Bloxy cola mogs
depends on what you mean by "mind"

if you're talking about concentration and clear thinking then any mild stimulant

if you're talking about opening your mind to the tree spirits and the universe and shit then kill yourself
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DMT for the ultimate mind changing experience

I feel like DMT isn't the smartest choice for a first trip. He would not take it well, especially if he has depression already.

It'll show him a lot of ugly, personal stuff he isn't ready to process or deal with.
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Microdose shrooms

I was looking into magic truffles, but it would be so damn expensive to maintain it with the source and dosages on this thread

maybe I'm not looking at the right place? I still need to do more research

I feel like DMT isn't the smartest choice for a first trip. He would not take it well, especially if he has depression already.

It'll show him a lot of ugly, personal stuff he isn't ready to process or deal with.

I'm not as depressed as I was before. Definitely not the "might rope if I have a bad trip" level of depression. I'd take the chance.
Doesn't benzo cause a DHT-like effect tho?

depends on what you mean by "mind"

if you're talking about concentration and clear thinking then any mild stimulant

if you're talking about opening your mind to the tree spirits and the universe and shit then kill yourself

I hope you don't mean caffeine/energy drinks/nicotine when you say mind stimulants.
Of course I'd like to have more focus and clear thinking, so I've tried all that normie stuff already. If you're referring to something else please elab

and check ur hormones too. u may have low T

I would inject T, but I don't have a source of income that allows me to use it long-term. I'm scared shitless of how I could fuck up my hormones after I'm off it.
I was looking into magic truffles, but it would be so damn expensive to maintain it with the source and dosages on this thread

maybe I'm not looking at the right place? I still need to do more research

I'm not as depressed as I was before. Definitely not the "might rope if I have a bad trip" level of depression. I'd take the chance.
Doesn't benzo cause a DHT-like effect tho?

I hope you don't mean caffeine/energy drinks/nicotine when you say mind stimulants.
Of course I'd like to have more focus and clear thinking, so I've tried all that normie stuff already. If you're referring to something else please elab

I would inject T, but I don't have a source of income that allows me to use it long-term. I'm scared shitless of how I could fuck up my hormones after I'm off it.
u don’t have to inject. just get the levels checked. lack of motivation, anxiety and depression are linked to low T levels. just change ur lifestyle
Shrooms are same price as weed man. 10$ for a g pretty cheap if ur microdosing
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I would try to find drugs that are more serotonergic. With neuroticism and depression, dopamine isn't suitable since it works on the reward system and motivation and not general mood and if anything it will only enhance negative symptoms.

Wish I knew the right substance(s) to cure my crippling mentalceldom, but I'm becoming more hopeful with my experience with GABAergic drugs (Phenibut, Gabapentin, GHB, etc.).
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Psychedelics are a novel experience and are practically useful for their empatheogenic properties but will degrade your brain long-term.

Piracetam, certain derivatives thereof, and certain anxiolytics like Selank are what would serve you best and would do so sustainably.
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Psychedelics are a novel experience and are practically useful for their empatheogenic properties but will degrade your brain long-term.

Piracetam, certain derivatives thereof, and certain anxiolytics like Selank are what would serve you best and would do so sustainably.

If I could ensure that they only degraded certain areas and made me become some low inhib nt borderline-sociopath chad I would abuse the hell out of them ded srs. I doubt that this is possible without other side effects tho...

Selank sounds promising though.

I would try to find drugs that are more serotonergic. With neuroticism and depression, dopamine isn't suitable since it works on the reward system and motivation and not general mood and if anything it will only enhance negative symptoms.

Wish I knew the right substance(s) to cure my crippling mentalceldom, but I'm becoming more hopeful with my experience with GABAergic drugs (Phenibut, Gabapentin, GHB, etc.).

The only thing keeping me away from phenibut is that I've heard it's addictive. I'll look up the other ones you mentioned tho.
u don’t have to inject. just get the levels checked. lack of motivation, anxiety and depression are linked to low T levels. just change ur lifestyle

I already live a pretty good lifestyle condusive to T production. It's still low. I just have garbage genetics.
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If I could ensure that they only degraded certain areas and made me become some low inhib nt borderline-sociopath chad I would abuse the hell out of them ded srs. I doubt that this is possible without other side effects tho...

Selank sounds promising though.

Unfortunately, the areas damaged over the long term by even microdoses of psychedelics include ones for crucial things like memory. That’s what stopped me from pursuing them further.

If borderline-sociopathy is your goal then piracetam really is up your alley. It strengthens your ego, confers confidence, and effectively lowers empathy (it doesn’t truly do this, but the net effect is a much more efficient, means-end approach to navigating life and people.)

Aniracetam, Selank, and intranasal insulin are very decent sustainable anxiolytics. Phenibut as an anxiolytic is on a whole other level — truly miraculous — but of course tolerance develops immediately and the abuse potential is extremely high.
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Unfortunately, the areas damaged over the long term by even microdoses of psychedelics include ones for crucial things like memory. That’s what stopped me from pursuing them further.

If borderline-sociopathy is your goal then piracetam really is up your alley. It strengthens your ego, confers confidence, and effectively lowers empathy (it doesn’t truly do this, but the net effect is a much more efficient, means-end approach to navigating life and people.)

Aniracetam, Selank, and intranasal insulin are very decent sustainable anxiolytics. Phenibut as an anxiolytic is on a whole other level — truly miraculous — but of course tolerance develops immediately and the abuse potential is extremely high.

Which would you say would be best for dealing with lack of neuroticism, lack of neuroticism and being tired all the time? I was considering either benzo or phenibut. Kind of gave up on the truffles idea.

I feel like I'm missing something after researching, though. There are too many damn drugs ded srs!
This nigga said his depression is behind him and he can take dmt without having a ropefuel bad trip.

wherz do you live OP? This subject is interesting.
I think OP want a drug who changes his brain structure forever
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This nigga said his depression is behind him and he can take dmt without having a ropefuel bad trip.

wherz do you live OP? This subject is interesting.
I think OP want a drug who changes his brain structure forever

I was never suicidal even at my worst anyway. Too scared tbh.

I'm not trying to do something drastic with the drugmaxxing. I'm just trying to gather as much knowledge as possible to make a good decision.

I live in the U.S.

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