Looks theory is overrated.

Maher is compact
Ballou is slightly longish at worst
I'm not talking about the midfacial ratio but rather the pure length
Pure length it's very similar. I don't have a particularly long midface. Just a narrow jaw.
Pure length it's very similar. I don't have a particularly long midface. Just a narrow jaw.
How narrow are we talking? Narrowish with good ramus can look good like gandys. Also does it look narrow because of the actual bigonion width or a short ramus causing mandible body downswing?
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How narrow are we talking? Narrowish with good ramus can look good like gandys. Also does it look narrow because of the actual bigonion width or a short ramus causing mandible body downswing?
I have a decent gonial angle. I just have inward gonials. My lower third is fairly similar to Gandy's here:


I can't grow good facial hair yet so my only option is fillers atm.
I have a decent gonial angle. I just have inward gonials. My lower third is fairly similar to Gandy's here:

View attachment 1182725
I was mentioning prime gandy, like here it looks good:

But yea younger gandy had a bad jaw. You should start chewing and if you're lucky enough you'll have good masseter insertions that'll sharpen your gonions and fix the problem. If not, jaw implants are the solution. At least it's not due to a short ramus bc for that they do a leg lengthening type of procedure to lengthen it.
I was mentioning prime gandy, like here it looks good:
View attachment 1182730
But yea younger gandy had a bad jaw. You should start chewing and if you're lucky enough you'll have good masseter insertions that'll sharpen your gonions and fix the problem. If not, jaw implants are the solution. At least it's not due to a short ramus bc for that they do a leg lengthening type of procedure to lengthen it.
Did Gandy use fillers or did his masseters grow? He's the same age as me in the young photos I posted (21).
Did Gandy use fillers or did his masseters grow? He's the same age as me in the young photos I posted (21).
I think his jaw grew. Iirc jaw is the last part of the face to finish developing
I think his jaw grew. Iirc jaw is the last part of the face to finish developing
Lifefuel. I'm a late bloomer so I might still have a chance. Still going to get fillers in the meantime.
Looks theory is not dead. Some autists on this forum are braindead tho.

If you believed all your life that getting from 3-4 to 5-6 will get you unreal popularity, social life, non stop IOI's etc then it's just your own bs you believed in.

Anyone who ascended from subhuman to normie/high tier normie still has to built his social circles and social skills to get a normie life.

I agree but a normie 5/10 shouldn't be getting looks of disgust by women if they haven't initiated true contact with them. Normally you will only see that if a normie 5 tried hitting on a 7/10+ and even then its still only done to 4 and belows usually. Most I have seen will just laugh to their friends about a 5 hitting on them.
I agree but a normie 5/10 shouldn't be getting looks of disgust by women if they haven't initiated true contact with them. Normally you will only see that if a normie 5 tried hitting on a 7/10+ and even then its still only done to 4 and belows usually. Most I have seen will just laugh to their friends about a 5 hitting on them.
Idk I was rated 3,5/ 10 mostly
I wouldn't say that I ever had a look of disgust in a normal setting. Only when I tried to go full low inhib drunk and approach in night clubs.
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Idk I was rated 3,5/ 10 mostly
I wouldn't say that I ever had a look of disgust in a normal setting. Only when I tried to go full low inhib drunk and approach in night clubs.

Yep that is where I usually see the laughing to their female friends about certain guys approaching them. Females are very cruel sometimes unlike a guy that will get approached by a female he isn't interested in. The higher looks guy will usually be pretty nice to the female and even exchange numbers though he will ghost after that.
What is the status of your hair? I know you said its bad but, thinning? Norwood level? Ironically people will talk about eye area surgery and shit like that before fixing HAIR & TEETH.
What is the status of your hair? I know you said its bad but, thinning? Norwood level? Ironically people will talk about eye area surgery and shit like that before fixing HAIR & TEETH.
My hair is not receding at all and very thick. I just have a very high and rounded natural hairline (3.5 inches).

My teeth are pretty yellow tbh.
your looks determine the quality of your life.
Don't think so. With that logic I went from 2/10 irl to 5-6/10 irl so my social life and romantic success should've risen proportionally with it. Nothing changed.
Would look cringe on me. I have high trust eye area.
You have bug eyes or your eyebrows too high set? Might explain why nothing changed after rhino. You need surgery
You have bug eyes or your eyebrows too high set? Might explain why nothing changed after rhino. You need surgery
Eyebrows set too high but good PFL, vertically narrow, neutral CT, and no UEE.
Eyebrows set too high but good PFL, vertically narrow, neutral CT, and no UEE.
You have no UEE but eyebrows too high? You can't be both. I think you meant your eyebrows too high up. PM Bewusst. He's getting his brows lowered maybe he can help you
You have no UEE but eyebrows too high? You can't be both. I think you meant your eyebrows too high up. PM Bewusst. He's getting his brows lowered maybe he can help you
I have a high set brow ridge. Fat pads cover my upper eyelid similar to Chico's.
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You sound aspie
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All throughout high school, people called me ugly and made fun of me because of my giant downturned nose. Called "dicksize nose", "witch nose", etc. I thought they were just bullies, but when I graduated high school multiple guys mentioned I had a big nose during the summer. People said I was ugly because of my big nose and I should get surgery. This was multiple bluepilled normies in high school who casually told me I should get a Rhinoplasty. My nose was that bad.

Fast forward a few years, I finally got the money to get Rhinoplasty. Found a good surgeon, got the surgery, decent results. Since everyone's wearing a mask, I didn't expect anything to change and thought that once masks were finally off, I would ascend due to no longer having a massive nose. In the mean time during quarantine, I went from 175 lbs at 6'7" up to 225 lbs while still at low BF (10.9%).

Now that mask mandates have been gone in my area for a month, nothing has changed. No one will initiate conversations with me, people will have conversations around me while I'm sitting alone staring at my phone, and girls are still repulsed if I make eye contact or hint that I might talk to them. Looks theory is overrated.
Why do you assume people will just get up and fucking talk to you jfl

even chad goes and starts conversations. That’s because he’s NT and Chad. Even if you were GL and kept to yourself you would only occasionally get someone come up to you and strike up a conversation.

the virgin “pls talk to me I have a normal nose”


the chad “hello nice weather today”
You sound aspie
Why do you assume people will just get up and fucking talk to you jfl

even chad goes and starts conversations. That’s because he’s NT and Chad. Even if you were GL and kept to yourself you would only occasionally get someone come up to you and strike up a conversation.

the virgin “pls talk to me I have a normal nose”


the chad “hello nice weather today”
Someone has to start a conversation between two people. Why does it have to be me every time?
Anyone seen what this nigga in the OP looks like? Impossible to have meaningful discussion without pics
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Problem is, I've already graduated high school and I'm an unathletic white guy so no shot of me playing at a big college or professionally.
Aren't you 225 gymaxxed? Get your story straight bro
Anyone seen what this nigga in the OP looks like? Impossible to have meaningful discussion without pics
I'm 5/10 as average as it can get according to every rate. 0 appeal and no halos/failos.
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Aren't you 225 gymaxxed? Get your story straight bro
Yes. Doesn't mean I can do 360 dunks like the guys who play professionally can. I can barely dunk and I'm slow as a snail lol.
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Is your posture shit op? Straighten out and you'll mog tbh
All throughout high school, people called me ugly and made fun of me because of my giant downturned nose. Called "dicksize nose", "witch nose", etc. I thought they were just bullies, but when I graduated high school multiple guys mentioned I had a big nose during the summer. People said I was ugly because of my big nose and I should get surgery. This was multiple bluepilled normies in high school who casually told me I should get a Rhinoplasty. My nose was that bad.

Fast forward a few years, I finally got the money to get Rhinoplasty. Found a good surgeon, got the surgery, decent results. Since everyone's wearing a mask, I didn't expect anything to change and thought that once masks were finally off, I would ascend due to no longer having a massive nose. In the mean time during quarantine, I went from 175 lbs at 6'7" up to 225 lbs while still at low BF (10.9%).

Now that mask mandates have been gone in my area for a month, nothing has changed. No one will initiate conversations with me, people will have conversations around me while I'm sitting alone staring at my phone, and girls are still repulsed if I make eye contact or hint that I might talk to them. Looks theory is overrated.
No shit sherlock
because rhino wouldn't save an ugly face. and height,bf,body are all cope, its all about your face.
What about autism nigga ? Blackpill become new bluepill ngl.

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