Looksmax, Am I the asshole? [AITA]


Deleted member 7313

May 23, 2020
I'll make this quick because I know most of y'all don't like reading.

I had a oneitis (y'all brutally burned her here) , and she ended up being an extremely toxic bitch. I also have some friends, who haven't really supported me in getting over her / or just lightly saying "yeah bro its ok shes not all that".

Thing is, they're following her, liking all her posts, giving her so much validation (she gets so much validation from Instagram, she has more followers than following and she's on Public Figure mode). So I just asked them, as bros, "hey can you guys unfollow her and not like her photos n stuff for me?" She ain't following them back too

They told me to "shut up" and it's "my decision". I asked them this twice. One 2 weeks ago, and one today. They said the same thing.

However, I just don't rlly want friends like that. They KNOW how uncomfortable it makes me and I told them everything, I also told them I don't want friends who would be fake and do stuff like this and just not support me in general, so I decided to cut them off.

So looksmax, Am i the asshole in cutting them off? I wasn't getting anything out of our friendship and they weren't supporting me.

And what would you guys have done in either my situation or my friends?

Tagging friends that might help @thecel @RAITEIII @Pussyslayer
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they told you she wasn't all that and then started following her and liking all her posts wtf :feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek:
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Literally who?
they told you she wasn't all that and then started following her and liking all her posts wtf :feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek:

Jfl, and this is literally her face
She's not even following them back and they don't want to unfollow her for ME and not validate her for me when I'm their friend. Fake as hell!!
Jfl, and this is literally her face View attachment 537909 She's not even following them back and they don't want to unfollow her for ME and not validate her for me when I'm their friend. Fake as hell!!
she's kind of cute i guess but asian girls only date white terachads anyway
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she's kind of cute i guess but asian girls only date white terachads anyway

Wb in this more-recent pic
she look like typical fat asian girl right?
Your oneitits is vomit tier. A self-hating white dick worshiping genetic Holocaust noodle whore. Get over her boyo she's not worth it.
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Bruh idk about asshole but you a bitch my dude. It's temporary validation for her. She literally has no other assets to brag about than her body. Why would you ever want a girl like that. Chick is dead average in terms of looks.

2nd thing you need to Inject some T and stop giving a shit about other people except yourself. If she cared about you that's 1 thing but she don't so wtf you doing nigga. I'm telling you what to do, but find out how to do it yourself.

Man what has happened to people these days, she's just a girl bro there are literally 4. 5 billion other chicks you can choose from
Bruh idk about asshole but you a bitch my dude. It's temporary validation for her. She literally has no other assets to brag about than her body. Why would you ever want a girl like that. Chick is dead average in terms of looks.

2nd thing you need to Inject some T and stop giving a shit about other people except yourself. If she cared about you that's 1 thing but she don't so wtf you doing nigga. I'm telling you what to do, but find out how to do it yourself.

Man what has happened to people these days, she's just a girl bro there are literally 4. 5 billion other chicks you can choose from

Wait what? Hold up bro lmao. Read it again. I don't want that bitch, I'm done with her. The problem is my "friends" don't support me and are all over her Instagram page flowering her with attention and shit, and won't not do all that shit for me even though I asked them twice nicely to stop and support my side. They can do what they want, but I cut them off because I don't want to deal with fake friends like that. That's what I'm asking if it that is an asshole move lmao.
Certainly not. Bro’s over hoes, if they can’t understand that they should fuck right off.
That chink subhuman honestly wasn’t worth all your time or effort.
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shut up, it's your decision
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Certainly not. Bro’s over hoes, if they can’t understand that they should fuck right off.
That chink subhuman honestly wasn’t worth all your time or effort.

Thank you a lot bro, Lifefuels me. Just been in a bad spot but glad to be moving on from that shitty oneitis, and my 'friends' who never truly supported me
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shut up, you camel feeder
Aww does someone actually think throwing an insult that's directed towards arabs is really going to do something?

@inceletto @Sikkunt23 @Introvertednarc @sytyl @Newone Get a load of this guy
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Aww does someone actually think throwing an insult that's directed towards arabs is really going to do something?

@inceletto @Sikkunt23 @Introvertednarc @sytyl @Newone Get a load of this guy
I’m a Gujarati Hindu , but okay .
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Wait what? Hold up bro lmao. Read it again. I don't want that bitch, I'm done with her. The problem is my "friends" don't support me and are all over her Instagram page flowering her with attention and shit, and won't not do all that shit for me even though I asked them twice nicely to stop and support my side. They can do what they want, but I cut them off because I don't want to deal with fake friends like that. That's what I'm asking if it that is an asshole move lmao.
Ya idk about asshole but you a Lil B for caring what your friends do. I wouldn't give a shi fam
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@NordicIranian is persian or iranian and because of that he doesnt feel adressed if you insult him with arab schemas and prejudices

i hope i was able to convey
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Reactions: inceletto, sytyl, Sikkunt23 and 2 others
Aww does someone actually think throwing an insult that's directed towards arabs is really going to do something?

@inceletto @Sikkunt23 @Introvertednarc @sytyl @Newone Get a load of this guy
1: people who make fun of ethnics when they look like this :
E4481C7B FA59 4D39 90BB E6A7853E1AFB
D3620C2F EB9A 4419 B9D9 F15F5DD74FBA
B5414328 25A7 4E33 88DB 0889E8168204

2: barret gay worshipers
96C330A6 5179 43CB 89F2 36DACB84EE91
5B9E1EE4 69A4 4771 9944 2C4B03EBFD2F
DF774EDA 203C 4E62 BF7B F5661223B41D
8302A150 8524 4EC1 A078 4C501D0392F2
25F764B7 E7D1 4C67 B25E 623589DA7294
4764DA49 5A74 414D A23B 54E884D3A257
0449A5C5 3918 4B6B 9872 B7011CA9E52E
BECC52C7 4848 4FBF 8324 FD00770FD930
84F289DA 87E5 49FB 9BF7 799DEA713E42
03BAD7BE 9308 4101 89A8 648967EF0ADE
8D439346 3C68 4FE6 97C3 3E6421009E4A
7A3CF204 8E09 40B2 BE38 1065EC7CF2AF
528A058C 4FDD 4890 937C 27E6D9BA44FB
348ABBE0 86FA 410F 8FD7 149BD729B7F3
5B5763B7 027B 438C B826 1B2470185A20

jfl @Introvertednarc @inceletto


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Jfl, and this is literally her face View attachment 537909 She's not even following them back and they don't want to unfollow her for ME and not validate her for me when I'm their friend. Fake as hell!!
LMFAO a noodlewhore hahahahahahahah As expected, she's an utter subhuman.
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@NordicIranian is persian or iranian and because of that he doesnt feel adressed if you insult him with arab schemas and prejudices

i hope i was able to convey
@italian2001 AKA No wonder you get rejected by 200+ girls you little pizza eating cuck. You are low IQ and you made this super low T thread: https://looksmax.org/threads/i-am-s...brown-currycels-its-over.173721/#post-2955150. I have had girls worship my racially ambiguous looks. @Sikkunt23 is literally a tiktok boy. @inceletto is a volcel. You are a giga truecel son. I have decimated you. No wonder you are #2 in my sig in my top 5 bully victims list.
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@italian2001 AKA No wonder you get rejected by 200+ you little pizza eating cuck. You are low IQ and you made this super low T thread: https://looksmax.org/threads/i-am-s...brown-currycels-its-over.173721/#post-2955150. I have had girls worship my racially ambiguous looks. @Sikkunt23 is literally a tiktok boy. @inceletto is a volcel. You are a giga truecel son. I have decimated you. No wonder you are #2 in my sig in my top 5 bully victims list.
Don’t bully him too hard bhai, he’s a strong contender for the worst genes on the forum unironically
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Does barrett know we are discussing about him
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1. you cant expect your friends to unfollow her, just because you dont like her/are no friends with her anymore

but on the other side its no big deal and they could do you the favor

2. what shit friends tell you to shut up and stuff over a foid???? and even an ugly one like that wtf.
search new friends nigga.

this guys betrayed you because 2psl noodlewhore
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Fuck your friends, no friends>cuck, blue pilled, backstabbing friends. Besides, you don't needs friends anymore, you have .me now
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1. you cant expect your friends to unfollow her, just because you dont like her/are no friends with her anymore

but on the other side its no big deal and they could do you the favor

2. what shit friends tell you to shut up and stuff over a foid???? and even an ugly one like that wtf.
search new friends nigga.

this guys betrayed you because 2psl noodlewhore
Fuck your friends, no friends>cuck, blue pilled, backstabbing friends. Besides, you don't needs friends anymore, you have .me now

Lol thx bros, and fax, y'all are lit asf. People say inceldom is bad and I shouldn't be getting into it, but I'm enjoying myself and valuing myself for who I am a lot more than i was a normie lmao. If i was still bluepilled, i would've been like "oh its ok maybe ill message her again" jfl
@inceletto @Sikkunt23 @Introvertednarc @sytyl @Newone

I don't care where you are from
In italy y'all are just illegal immigrants niggers
So go back praying you camel feeders

The saddest part is you have the most ethnic eye area out of all of us
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@inceletto @Sikkunt23 @Introvertednarc @sytyl @Newone

I don't care where you are from
In italy y'all are just illegal immigrants niggers
So go back praying you camel feeders
nigga, i am german citizen anyway

imagine wanting to live in ethnic shithole Italy after growing up in germany

italians have nearly same status as ethnics in germany
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Lol thx bros, and fax, y'all are lit asf. People say inceldom is bad and I shouldn't be getting into it, but I'm enjoying myself and valuing myself for who I am a lot more than i was a normie lmao. If i was still bluepilled, i would've been like "oh its ok maybe ill message her again" jfl

stop interrupting our thread
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wait till Barrett finds out he is talked 24/7 on an incel forum :lul:
  • JFL
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Let me start saying I edited my post so the insults are only against u (it's between you and me)

Second: the pic is oversaturated
This is not between us truecel. I'm done with you. A quick look at your thread history and I can already see you are living a miserable existence. And a look at your eye area confirmed that even more.
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This is not between us truecel. I'm done with you. A quick look at your thread history and I can already see you are living a miserable existence. And a look at your eye area confirmed that even more.
Let me start saying I edited my post so the insults are only against u (it's between you and me)

Second: the pic is oversaturated
Btw, goodbye shitskin.
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Typical cut throat Asian girl who gets top grades to go top tier college and only want top tier men.
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"hur dur, we call you cruuchi"

wtf is this cope? why should a rich country care what some shithole poor country thinks about them?
you guys were crying all over media because ur shithole country couldnt handle corona and the rich european countrys gave no shits about you

your country has nearly same life standard as TURKEY DUDE

you guys are basically same status as arabs and turks
Screenshot 293
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Fuck you for making me read this shit
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Average day in Germany


Average day in Italy




keep barking for Saudi Arabia, Qatar and United Aarab Emirates

camel feeders could buy your whole country

while your country cant even stop corona from killing your people, low iq dirty european ethnics
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lmfao bruh your whole squad was simping over this ugly gook? yes new freinds ASAP these dudes allowed you to become a simp and remain simps themselves.

Kinda cringe that youre asking them to unfollow though like these are your friends not your children.
  • JFL
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