Looksmax, Am I the asshole? [AITA]

lmfao bruh your whole squad was simping over this ugly gook? yes new freinds ASAP these dudes allowed you to become a simp and remain simps themselves.

Kinda cringe that youre asking them to unfollow though like these are your friends not your children.

Lmao yeah, brutal, they're giving her so much validation for no reason and I told them how she treated me and everything. And idk, I don't think it's cringe, well. I'm not forcing them to unfollow, I just asked nicely if they could not give her that validation and stuff, for me as friend to friend, and they just don't really care about how I feel and were telling me to stfu and stuff and like I don't have any feelings, so I just don't want friendships with those kind of people. They could follow her, just not pretend to support me and be on my side as my "friends"
Your thread got taken over by some faggots jfl
  • JFL
Reactions: mulattomaxxer
JFL at giving a fuck who your mates follow. From what you written you are not an asshole, but you are being a bitch. Your mates were perfectly justifyied telling you to shut up etc because you were complaining that they were following your onetitis. She isnt yours and you shouldn't give a fuck if your mates want to simp over her. Its their loss for simping over this gook whore. I would tell my mates to stfu if I was following somebody which made them uncomfortable.

Your mates arent really being fake (atleast by western standards), they were just virtue signalling at the start to make you feel better, by saying shes not all that. Pretty normal human behaviour from my experience.

I get you will be down in the dumps from your onetitis being a bitch but your overeacting, "there are plenty of fish in the sea" (FOR CHAD :) )

However if your mates genuinely dont respect you cut them off.
  • Ugh..
Reactions: BigBoy
View attachment 538185
literally we have been the best country at managing the virus according to multiple famous scientific organizations and top virologists around the world (which BEST happen to be from Rome and Naples and main knowledge of the virus came from italian researchers, JFL @ U)

literally italy's health system is one of the best in the world
literally you are 25th and we are 2nd (page 18)

literally Germany is full of riots and we had NONE

literally this is your average day in Germany

VS my average day in Italy





@NordicIranian @sytyl @Newone @JapCars @Introvertednarc
damn bro maybe you should tell chicks at the club about italy's healthcare or italy's lack of blm activity maybe that will finally work
  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 8064
You are such a big fan

View attachment 538168
go back praying Allah, you elephants feeder

View attachment 538169
View attachment 538185
literally we have been the best country at managing the virus according to multiple famous scientific organizations and top virologists around the world (which BEST happen to be from Rome and Naples and main knowledge of the virus came from italian researchers, JFL @ U)

literally italy's health system is one of the best in the world
literally you are 25th and we are 2nd (page 18)

literally Germany is full of riots and we had NONE

literally this is your average day in Germany

VS my average day in Italy





@NordicIranian @sytyl @Newone @JapCars @Introvertednarc
If Italy is oh so great, then how come it bred an utter subhuman like you?
  • JFL
  • +1
Reactions: Introvertednarc, BigBoy and sytyl
is the elephant satiated?
I don't even give a shit about you being Italian. You can't talk shit on me or the other ethnics here because we literally pass for Italian or any other white race more than you could. Put your money where your mouth is and go ascend without surgeries if you are so confident in yourself. Prove that you are better than us"shitskins" you actual shitskin.
  • JFL
  • +1
Reactions: Introvertednarc and sytyl
I don't even give a shit about you being Italian. You can't talk shit on me or the other ethnics here because we literally pass for Italian or any other white race more than you could. Put your money where your mouth is and go ascend without surgeries if you are so confident in yourself. Prove that you are better than us"shitskins" you actual shitskin.

i can't hear you
  • Hmm...
Reactions: Deleted member 8064
i'd have killed myself long time ago.

also, if weapons were legal in Italy like in the USA, i would have been 100% a mass shooter.

my parents are both at risk in terms of health for the covid-19. my father is 71 years old with hypertension, my mom is around 55 with a tons of shit

i know that they will get it. i could prevent it to be in the first months, but they will get it. everyone will get infected when they are re-opening italy.

this could kill 3 birds with one stone.
JFL at giving a fuck who your mates follow. From what you written you are not an asshole, but you are being a bitch. Your mates were perfectly justifyied telling you to shut up etc because you were complaining that they were following your onetitis. She isnt yours and you shouldn't give a fuck if your mates want to simp over her. Its their loss for simping over this gook whore. I would tell my mates to stfu if I was following somebody which made them uncomfortable.

Your mates arent really being fake (atleast by western standards), they were just virtue signalling at the start to make you feel better, by saying shes not all that. Pretty normal human behaviour from my experience.

I get you will be down in the dumps from your onetitis being a bitch but your overeacting, "there are plenty of fish in the sea" (FOR CHAD :) )

However if your mates genuinely dont respect you cut them off.

Some is based. I shouldn't really care about what they're doing, and it is their loss if they want to do that stupid shit. But I also don't have to be friends with any of em. I feel that if they were respecting me for real, this situation would never have happened, and it's just one of many fake things that they've done so I think it's right for me to cut em off. Plus virtue signaling is fake as hell itself, I don't need friends who gon virtue signal for me, I need people who gonna be supporting from the beginning, and if not or they just pretending to then what's the point jfl. Friends, imo, are worthless, unless you're obtaining some form of benefit with them.
  • +1
Reactions: mulattomaxxer
Some is based. I shouldn't really care about what they're doing, and it is their loss if they want to do that stupid shit. But I also don't have to be friends with any of em. I feel that if they were respecting me for real, this situation would never have happened, and it's just one of many fake things that they've done so I think it's right for me to cut em off. Plus virtue signaling is fake as hell itself, I don't need friends who gon virtue signal for me, I need people who gonna be supporting from the beginning, and if not or they just pretending to then what's the point jfl. Friends, imo, are worthless, unless you're obtaining some form of benefit with them.

Based, people in your life can be replaced, if you dont want to be their friend anymore that is fair enough. Personally I just wouldn't fall out with my mates based on who they folllow on IG. But fake people are people you dont want to be mates with so good riddance. You will quickly make new friends if your NT.
  • +1
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NTA cut all toxic people out of your life, unless they are your only friends
  • +1
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Asking them to unfollow does seem a bit out of place.

But i guess it doesn't matter oif it was a good friendship this post wouldnt exist.
  • +1
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