Looksmax cocktail



Nov 2, 2018
Following the wisdom of the modern "juicing community" will make you look like an ogre in no time, which is the complete opposite of what we stand for.
Case in point, this guy from Reddit successfully aged 20 years in 3: before (19), after (21).
What did he take? All of the strongest androgens: tren, winny, mast, proviron.
Many such cases:

Luckily for us, steroids have been around for a long time now, and professional sports involve a lot of money, so we have plenty of advice from people with "Dr." before their names. Based on that professional advice, scientific papers and my own (fallible) intuition, I present to you: the looksmaxx cocktail.
Ashton Kutcher

This is THE youthmaxxing drug, it'll make your hair grow thicc, and as we all know, you're as old as your hairline.
No, your dick won't fall off, but balding Redditors with PSL 3 gfs love to blame anything for their failure to get it up aside from the real reason.

It works by preventing Testosterone from turning into DHT (which is much more androgenic than T). This is achieved by inhibiting the 5-alpha-reductase enzyme.
The same enzyme is used to convert Nandrolone to DHN. Paradoxically, DHN is less androgenic than Nandrolone, so you want that conversion to happen; don't take Nandrolone while your system has 5a-r inhibitors in it.

If you do get on dutasteride, you must take it every day, or a faster elimination pathway will be used to get rid of it thus it'll be useless [link].
When taken every day for a few months, it will build up and take almost half a year to clear out [link, see Fig. 2].
The same thing as Dutasteride (a 5a-r inhibitor), but weaker.
It also clears out a lot faster, so if you plan on pinning Nandrolone, drop the Dutasteride at least 4 months earlier and start taking Finasteride.
A topical anti-androgen that protects your hair follicles against most androgenic substances (not just DHT).
You should always be using this one.

Nick Auger

Nandrolone (deca, npp)
The best muscle builder substance there is, it can turn twinks into men.
Enhances collagen synthesis, which is good for your joints and skin.
It also blocks bone resorption which normally happens as you age.

It aromatizes into Estradiol at a very low rate, so you should run at least 500mg per week in order to prevent Estradiol deficiency.
Has a very weak androgenic effect, commonly used on grannies in medical settings (at low doses).
Oxandrolone (var)
As perhaps the most side-effect-free anabolic steroid there is, it's loved by female athletes all around the world.
It's commonly prescribed for burn victims, which speaks volumes about its effects on the human skin.

It has a reputation as being weak, but over 60mg per day, the effects will be obvious.
You must also take at least 200mg of caffeine with your var, as caffeine strongly increases the bioavailability of var [link].
Testosterone (test)
You do need this when not on Nandrolone in order to keep your body properly working.
If you're naturally high test, just PCT off the usual way ideally with some hCG at the end of your cycle.
If you're not naturally high test, just get on a TRT dose (100mg per week) and/or use hCG during your off time.

The Undecanoate ester is very useful when you want to take a break from injecting, as it has a half-life of 22 days.
A short ester such as Propionate is recommended when you're about to switch to Nandrolone, in order to keep your DHT levels minimal.

High doses of test are not recommended due to the side effects and the need for expensive ancillaries.
  • +1
Reactions: jefferson and mojopin
Where do i get TRT dose ?
Where do i get TRT dose ?
Ideally, you'd get it from a certified endocrinologist, but you can get it from other sources too. A TRT dose is simply 70-200 mg of Testosterone a week.
I don't think that openly naming underground sources is allowed here.
Ideally, you'd get it from a certified endocrinologist, but you can get it from other sources too. A TRT dose is simply 70-200 mg of Testosterone a week.
I don't think that openly naming underground sources is allowed here.

DM's are allowed
Damn that before after. Hair in before pic, cap in after, lmao.
Does duta or ru have any side effects?
Does duta or ru have any side effects?
RU is supposed to be very safe, as it only acts locally on your scalp. I have not read any credible reports of adverse effects. On the other hand, it's not a well-tested prescription medication (unlike the other stuff listed), so for all we know, your head could explode after 40 years of use.

5a-r inhibitors like duta should be avoided like the plague under the age of 20, as your bones are still developing at that point, so the DHT does more good than bad.
Above that age, it's about as harmless as a drug can be.
There is a slim chance for gyno (as none of your Testosterone is converted into DHT, your T levels will rise, which will also increase your Estradiol level), but that can be accounted for with an AI.
If you search around, you will find plenty of NW5 50-year-old men blaming their penis problems on fin and dut, which is ridiculous.
  • +1
Reactions: tallcel
Don't steroids and finasteride cause face bloat? which is the worst thing to have as a male.

I heard some horror stories of fin users having PERMANENT bloat even years after stopping.
Don't steroids and finasteride cause face bloat? which is the worst thing to have as a male.

I heard some horror stories of fin users having PERMANENT bloat even years after stopping.
Anavar will make your body (and face) leaner. Nandrolone will add some temporary bloat, manageable with diet.
It's possible to ruin your face and body with high doses of androgens (e.g. tren), like the Reddit guy did. That's why I'm not advocating those drugs.

Like I said before, oldcels love to blame their descension on fin. In reality, they're just getting old and out of shape.
Don't steroids and finasteride cause face bloat? which is the worst thing to have as a male.

I heard some horror stories of fin users having PERMANENT bloat even years after stopping.

Generally, don't do steroids unless your sources are very very good. The horror stories are exponentially more than the success stories, but you don't hear about them as much because people don't go online and say "look I'm disfigured/permanently impotent/dead etc"
Does duta or ru have any side effects?
I’ve been on dut for a couple of weeks now. Only side I’ve experienced was watery semen, but it happens once in a blue moon. No my dick hasn’t shrunk or fallen off
  • +1
Reactions: Vitty
Generally, don't do steroids unless your sources are very very good. The horror stories are exponentially more than the success stories, but you don't hear about them as much because people don't go online and say "look I'm disfigured/permanently impotent/dead etc"
Very true it’s hard finding legit online sources of roids etc. I herd eroids are a place where people review places that sell them type of substances
Ogremaxing isn't ideal but it can work
  • JFL
Reactions: CopingCel
Generally, don't do steroids unless your sources are very very good. The horror stories are exponentially more than the success stories, but you don't hear about them as much because people don't go online and say "look I'm disfigured/permanently impotent/dead etc"
Still I wouldn't trust Merck saying only 1-2% of people get sides from fin. If you get side effects(including weak erections and watery sperm) you should stop ASAP if you want to keep your dick.
Still I wouldn't trust Merck saying only 1-2% of people get sides from fin. If you get side effects(including weak erections and watery sperm) you should stop ASAP if you want to keep your dick.

I agree dht blockers are no joke. I got terrible sexual sides from accutane that took years to clear even if I've only used it for a couple of months.
I agree dht blockers are no joke. I got terrible sexual sides from accutane that took years to clear even if I've only used it for a couple of months.
I was on fin for 1.5 months to keep my NW1.5. apparently I got weaker erectuons, decreased libido 3 weeks in which definetely weren't due to anxiety.
I agree dht blockers are no joke. I got terrible sexual sides from accutane that took years to clear even if I've only used it for a couple of months.
Omg! I never knew accutane was a dht blocker....... Fuuuuuucckkkkkkkk
Following the wisdom of the modern "juicing community" will make you look like an ogre in no time, which is the complete opposite of what we stand for.
Case in point, this guy from Reddit successfully aged 20 years in 3: before (19), after (21).
What did he take? All of the strongest androgens: tren, winny, mast, proviron.
Many such cases:

Luckily for us, steroids have been around for a long time now, and professional sports involve a lot of money, so we have plenty of advice from people with "Dr." before their names. Based on that professional advice, scientific papers and my own (fallible) intuition, I present to you: the looksmaxx cocktail.
View attachment 3221
This is THE youthmaxxing drug, it'll make your hair grow thicc, and as we all know, you're as old as your hairline.
No, your dick won't fall off, but balding Redditors with PSL 3 gfs love to blame anything for their failure to get it up aside from the real reason.

It works by preventing Testosterone from turning into DHT (which is much more androgenic than T). This is achieved by inhibiting the 5-alpha-reductase enzyme.
The same enzyme is used to convert Nandrolone to DHN. Paradoxically, DHN is less androgenic than Nandrolone, so you want that conversion to happen; don't take Nandrolone while your system has 5a-r inhibitors in it.

If you do get on dutasteride, you must take it every day, or a faster elimination pathway will be used to get rid of it thus it'll be useless [link].
When taken every day for a few months, it will build up and take almost half a year to clear out [link, see Fig. 2].
The same thing as Dutasteride (a 5a-r inhibitor), but weaker.
It also clears out a lot faster, so if you plan on pinning Nandrolone, drop the Dutasteride at least 4 months earlier and start taking Finasteride.
A topical anti-androgen that protects your hair follicles against most androgenic substances (not just DHT).
You should always be using this one.

View attachment 3218
Nandrolone (deca, npp)
The best muscle builder substance there is, it can turn twinks into men.
Enhances collagen synthesis, which is good for your joints and skin.
It also blocks bone resorption which normally happens as you age.

It aromatizes into Estradiol at a very low rate, so you should run at least 500mg per week in order to prevent Estradiol deficiency.
Has a very weak androgenic effect, commonly used on grannies in medical settings (at low doses).
Oxandrolone (var)
As perhaps the most side-effect-free anabolic steroid there is, it's loved by female athletes all around the world.
It's commonly prescribed for burn victims, which speaks volumes about its effects on the human skin.

It has a reputation as being weak, but over 60mg per day, the effects will be obvious.
You must also take at least 200mg of caffeine with your var, as caffeine strongly increases the bioavailability of var [link].
Testosterone (test)
You do need this when not on Nandrolone in order to keep your body properly working.
If you're naturally high test, just PCT off the usual way ideally with some hCG at the end of your cycle.
If you're not naturally high test, just get on a TRT dose (100mg per week) and/or use hCG during your off time.

The Undecanoate ester is very useful when you want to take a break from injecting, as it has a half-life of 22 days.
A short ester such as Propionate is recommended when you're about to switch to Nandrolone, in order to keep your DHT levels minimal.

High doses of test are not recommended due to the side effects and the need for expensive ancillaries.

You know that you can run Nandrolone Phenyl-Proprionate without running Testosterone right?
I'd like to point out that Dutasteride can make your dick stop working as DHT is needed for sexual function.
I was on fin for 1.5 months to keep my NW1.5. apparently I got weaker erectuons, decreased libido 3 weeks in which definetely weren't due to anxiety.

Yeah for most people it's temporary but sometimes it's not
You know that you can run Nandrolone Phenyl-Proprionate without running Testosterone right?
Yes, that's why I explicitly spelled out that test is only recommended when not on nandrolone. You shouldn't run test without 5a-r inhibitors and you must not run 5a-r inhibitors alongside nandrolone.
Yes, that's why I explicitly spelled out that test is only recommended when not on nandrolone. You shouldn't run test without 5a-r inhibitors and you must not run 5a-r inhibitors alongside nandrolone.

Sorry, I meant, you CANNOT

If you seriously advised that anyone should go on any steroid cycle that doesnt involve Test, you shouldnt be advising anyone.

You also know that you need to run Cabergoline with Nandrolone right? And Arimidex/Aromasin with Testosterone? Followed by a PCT?

You can run testosterone alone.

Any other steroid including nandrolone has to be run WITH testosterone.
Sorry, I meant, you CANNOT

If you seriously advised that anyone should go on any steroid cycle that doesnt involve Test, you shouldnt be advising anyone.

You also know that you need to run Cabergoline with Nandrolone right? And Arimidex/Aromasin with Testosterone? Followed by a PCT?

You can run testosterone alone.

Any other steroid including nandrolone has to be run WITH testosterone.
You can't? Why? Because the council of 110 IQ ogres over at /r/steroids said so?
Those same people will tell you with a straight face to take at least a gram of test if you do 500 mg of nandrolone, jfl.

Also lol at "you need all those ancillaries that are more expensive than the actual anabolics".
It's good to have an AI on hand, PCT too, but if you follow what I laid out then you won't need any.
The whole idea is that instead of masking the sides of test with all of that expensive shit, just don't take a shitload of test. Worked well enough for the classics.
No PCT needed if you blast and cruise. And why wouldn't you want to be always performing at your best?
It's over if you're a nattycel in 2018

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