Looksmax.me is cucked

If u say only to racists then I guess 99% of women are racist for thinking whites are the most attractive race on average.
Explain how all the Indians here slay white stacies then
Explain how all the Indians here slay white stacies then
tell me people here who are slaying white stacies. Make sure there is no money and status involved to make sure it is purely based by looks. Send the threads
tell me people here who are slaying white stacies. Make sure there is no money and status involved to make sure it is purely based by looks. Send the threads
Every ethnic member and most whites
Every ethnic member and most whites
what? I dont know any ethnic (indian so salludon is excluded) here that slays legit white stacies. Look at short ugly and brown he was literally high tier normie for india yet he got rejected by 50 people.
tell me people here who are slaying white stacies. Make sure there is no money and status involved to make sure it is purely based by looks. Send the threads
@6ft1 is dating a white Stacey
There, proving my point
what? I dont know any ethnic (indian so salludon is excluded) here that slays legit white stacies. Look at short ugly and brown he was literally high tier normie for india yet he got rejected by 50 people.
I just named one. Indian men slay
@6ft1 is dating a white Stacey
There, proving my point
Havent seen a thread or post of him saying that. Are you also sure he is pure indian and not mixed?
Havent seen a thread or post of him saying that. Are you also sure he is pure indian and not mixed?
I’m saying he’s white and he told me he slays white stacies
You asked for a member who slays white stacies
I named one
I just named one. Indian men slay
Pure indian men cant slay with their looks at all, its impossible. They can only slay with status money and a very little bit of personality
Pure indian men cant slay with their looks at all, its impossible. They can only slay with status money and a very little bit of personality
hrithik roshan
If you are good-looking, you need to be sexually direct like described in OP for best slaying potential.

Looksmax --> Redpill behavior.
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in india i dont rape girls, they rape me
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Send me a post where he says he is pure indian with no above aversge status or money to make sure it is based on looks alone.
He’s Pakistani/ Pashtun and says he gets laid all the time because he’s good looking. Good looking guys don’t need evidence you just know they’re telling the truth
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He’s Pakistani/ Pashtun and says he gets laid all the time because he’s good looking. Good looking guys don’t need evidence you just know they’re telling the truth
Yeah I said they do get laid but not by stacies.
Cope, they bang stacies all the time. Stop coping
They cant get laid by stacies by looks alone, they just can't. Only time theyll be able to fuck white stacies without money status personality is when they are the only men available.
They cant get laid by stacies by looks alone, they just can't. Only time theyll be able to fuck white stacies without money status personality is when they are the only men available.
You know this because? Indian men have good colouring and good features thus they slay
You know this because? Indian men have good colouring and good features thus they slay
They dont have good coloring. They have the worst coloring. Only time theyll slay as much as a white normie is if they are mixed.
They dont have good coloring. They have the worst coloring. Only time theyll slay as much as a white normie is if they are mixed.
Did an Indian guy punch you? Indians slay, every Indian on here is a slayer. They mog most whites too
Did an Indian guy punch you? Indians slay, every Indian on here is a slayer. They mog most whites too
They dont slay as much as a white normie. Pure Indian chads have same smv as you. The only whites they can slay are normies and landwhales
They dont slay as much as a white normie. Pure Indian chads have same smv as you. The only whites they can slay are normies and landwhales
Bro I have the lowest smv of anyone here. I’m obese and have no bones. The average Indian mogs me to hell and back. An Indian chad even more so
Bro I have the lowest smv of anyone here. I’m obese and have no bones. The average Indian mogs me to hell and back. An Indian chad even more so
No. Ur same smv as indian normie/chad.
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Agree with the thread, but most incels arent even incels. They are just negative edgy emo shit. I think thats why most people hate them

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