Looksmax.org 2024 Survey: The Results Are In

  • +1
Reactions: JustHereToLooksmax
Gay males don't belong in blackpill spaces period, the whole point of the blackpill is that females are sexually selective whereas males aren't.
gay males dont belong alive period, they should kill themselves
  • JFL
Reactions: JustHereToLooksmax and LooksmaxxHopeful
How much you want to bet that 80% of participants lied about their height even though it was anonymous? :sneaky:
You'd be surprised at how many that claim to black pilled are still holding on to things that make them feel better about themselves, even if it's a lie.
  • +1
Reactions: RecessedBoss, kyphoscoliosis and blackguy35
Here are the results from our 2024 survey! Thanks to everyone who participated. Check out the key takeaways below and feel free to share your thoughts.

View attachment 3392433
  • How old are you?
    Over half (52%) are under 18, and nearly 30% are 18–20; so about 80% of the user base is under 21.
  • Are you male or female?
    identify as male, making the forum overwhelmingly male (no surprise).

View attachment 3392434
  • What is your height?
    A sizable chunk (~40%) are around 5'7"–5'10", but roughly 41% claim 5'11"–6'2" and 9% exceed 6'3".
  • What region of the world are you from?
    (all subregions combined) makes up the largest share (~45%), followed by North America (~27%).

View attachment 3392435
  • Which of the following best describes your ethnicity?
    are White/Caucasian, with noticeable amounts for South Asian (9.9%), Mixed (9.6%), and Hispanic/Latino (9.2%).
  • What is your highest level of education?
    About 40.4% have a high school diploma, 31.2% completed secondary, and ~7% have a bachelor’s or higher.

View attachment 3392436
  • Do you work or study?
    primarily study, 11.3% work, 16.3% do both, and 12.3% aren’t currently in work/study.
  • What is your sexual orientation?
    identify as heterosexual, leaving only a small fraction across other orientations.

View attachment 3392438
  • What is your religious belief?
    are Christian, 21.8% atheist, 17.3% agnostic, and 11.3% Muslim—showing a broad mix.
  • How does your personal annual income compare to the average in your country?
    Many cite below average (26.6%) or well below (17.2%), while 16.7% say above and 9.9% well above.

View attachment 3392439
  • Considering factors like education, occupation, and social status, which social class do you feel you belong to?
    identify as middle class, with fewer calling themselves lower or upper.
  • How often do you exercise?
    exercise several times weekly, 28.3% almost daily, but 17.5% rarely/never.

View attachment 3392440
  • Do you have any physical disabilities?
    report no physical disabilities.
  • Have you noticed any significant hair loss or balding?
    say no, 17.4% do, and 8.9% are unsure.

View attachment 3392441
  • If you have noticed hair loss, are you using any products or treatments?
    do nothing, 30% use over-the-counter (e.g., minoxidil), and 24.2% use prescription meds (finasteride).
  • Have you ever had plastic surgery to look better?
    have not undergone any cosmetic procedures (take that as you will).

View attachment 3392442
  • Are you planning to have plastic surgery to look better?
    said “maybe,” 36.5% said “yes,” and 23.1% said “no.”
  • How would you describe your current body weight?
    Roughly half (49.8%) say “about average,” with smaller groups under- or overweight.
View attachment 3392443
  • Do you have any physical conditions that make it difficult to interact with others?
    report no such issues.
  • How frequently do you leave your home? (Excluding school/work)
    almost daily, 34% a few times a week, reflecting moderate regularity.

View attachment 3392444
  • How often do you get mocked for your appearance?
    never, 37% rarely, 18.5% sometimes, and 7.2% often.
  • Do you take medication or supplements to improve how you look?
    use supplements, 23.5% meds, and 38% do neither.

View attachment 3392445
  • Do you struggle with substance use?
    do not, so it’s not a big concern here.
  • By whom were you raised?
    had both parents, while 14.2% only mother, and smaller groups otherwise.

View attachment 3392446
  • How frequently do you receive compliments on your appearance?
    sometimes, 27.6% rarely, 17% often, 18.5% never.
  • Do you have friends?
    say yes, 9.6% only online, 8.5% no, and 8% are unsure.

View attachment 3392447
  • Would you like to have children someday?
    say yes, 16.3% no, and a small fraction already do.
  • Have you considered seeking romantic/sexual relationships abroad?
    Split nearly evenly: 51.1% yes, 48.9% no.

View attachment 3392448
  • How happy are you? (On a scale of 1–10)
    Answers span the entire range, but many cluster around mid-to-high numbers.

View attachment 3392449
  • How many unique sexual partners have you had?
    have zero, while the remainder varies from 1 partner up to 20+.
  • What romantic and sexual experiences have you experienced?
    have kissed, 41.8% had a relationship, and 39.1% have no experience at all.

View attachment 3392450
  • Do you like the tone of your voice?
    neutral, 33.8% like it, 23.4% say it’s too high, 3.3% too low.
  • How often do you interact socially with women?
    Many do daily or weekly, but a minority rarely or never.

View attachment 3392451
  • How much time do you spend on the forum daily?
    don’t visit daily; among daily visitors, most spend under an hour.
  • How often do you post weekly, on average?
    don’t post weekly, and 22.3% post 1–10 times.

View attachment 3392452
  • What is your sentiment toward women?
    neutral, 31.2% positive, 21.2% negative.
  • Are you satisfied with your penis size?
    yes, 32% no, and 4.9% prefer not to say.

View attachment 3392453
  • Are you on the autism spectrum?
    say yes, 51.7% no, and 39.5% remain unsure.
  • How much have you improved your appearance since joining?
    say “a little,” 24.6% “a lot,” 14.7% none, and 10.1% are new.

View attachment 3392454
  • If you’ve improved your appearance, do you feel you get treated better?
    say yes, suggesting perceived social benefits.
  • Have you ever experienced bullying?
    as a child, 40.8% as a teen, 3.8% as an adult, and 31.3% never (multiple responses possible).

View attachment 3392455
  • Over the past month, how often have you felt anger or hostility?
    sometimes, 24.2% often, 23.7% almost always, and the rest rarely or never.
  • How would you rate yourself (1–10)?
    Ratings spread widely, with a notable cluster around 5–6 in the mid-range.

View attachment 3392456
  • How do you feel about the current state of the forum?
    see it declining, 28% are unsure, 15.6% say it’s the same, and 9.1% see improvement.
  • Would you recommend this forum to a friend interested in self-improvement?
    say no, 26% maybe, 23.2% yes.

View attachment 3392458
  • How did you first learn about Looksmax.org?
    leads (~29.9%), followed by search engines (~25%), then YouTube (~13.4%).
  • Was this survey too long?
  • The vast majority (78.7%) thought it was good in length, with a few thinking it was too long or too short.

Curious about the full results? Check them out:

For those interested in the ways the userbase has changed over the years:
  • Age Demographics: The userbase skews even younger this year, with over 80% under 21 compared to a slightly more balanced spread in prior surveys.
  • Height Claims: There’s been a noticeable uptick in respondents claiming taller heights—over 50% now claim 5'11" or taller, which is higher than previous years.
  • Geographic Shift: European users continue to dominate, but there’s a slight rise in respondents from North America, narrowing the gap.
  • Ethnic Diversity: While White/Caucasian remains the majority, there’s been a gradual increase in Mixed and South Asian respondents, reflecting growing diversity.
  • Exercise Trends: The percentage of users exercising regularly has grown, with more people reporting daily or weekly routines compared to a few years ago.
  • Plastic Surgery Interest: Interest in plastic surgery has increased, with more users saying "maybe" or "yes" compared to past surveys.
  • Penis Size Satisfaction: Dissatisfaction has grown slightly, with fewer users reporting satisfaction compared to prior years.
  • Sentiment Toward Women: Neutral sentiment remains dominant, but positive responses have grown slightly, reflecting a subtle shift in attitudes.
  • Forum Usage: More users report spending less time on the forum daily, with under 30 minutes now being the most common response.
  • Discovery Source: TikTok has become the leading source for new users finding the forum, surpassing search engines and YouTube, which were more dominant in previous years.
Doubt there r females here tbh
  • +1
Reactions: Methylphenidate
this is more normie than fucking instagram.
The fact that the majority of guys have such low body counts is showing just how brutal hypergamy is.
ofc majority will have low body count or be virgin since the age ranger is closer to 14 than 20
  • So Sad
Reactions: JustHereToLooksmax
perfect curly hair halo=frequent compliments from women and men my age and older
not like an ioi sadly I feel like its an envy thing
population: 50% indian
  • JFL
Reactions: moggerofhumanity and HostSamurai
Here are the results from our 2024 survey! Thanks to everyone who participated. Check out the key takeaways below and feel free to share your thoughts.

View attachment 3392433
  • How old are you?
    Over half (52%) are under 18, and nearly 30% are 18–20; so about 80% of the user base is under 21.
  • Are you male or female?
    identify as male, making the forum overwhelmingly male (no surprise).

View attachment 3392434
  • What is your height?
    A sizable chunk (~40%) are around 5'7"–5'10", but roughly 41% claim 5'11"–6'2" and 9% exceed 6'3".
  • What region of the world are you from?
    (all subregions combined) makes up the largest share (~45%), followed by North America (~27%).

View attachment 3392435
  • Which of the following best describes your ethnicity?
    are White/Caucasian, with noticeable amounts for South Asian (9.9%), Mixed (9.6%), and Hispanic/Latino (9.2%).
  • What is your highest level of education?
    About 40.4% have a high school diploma, 31.2% completed secondary, and ~7% have a bachelor’s or higher.

View attachment 3392436
  • Do you work or study?
    primarily study, 11.3% work, 16.3% do both, and 12.3% aren’t currently in work/study.
  • What is your sexual orientation?
    identify as heterosexual, leaving only a small fraction across other orientations.

View attachment 3392438
  • What is your religious belief?
    are Christian, 21.8% atheist, 17.3% agnostic, and 11.3% Muslim—showing a broad mix.
  • How does your personal annual income compare to the average in your country?
    Many cite below average (26.6%) or well below (17.2%), while 16.7% say above and 9.9% well above.

View attachment 3392439
  • Considering factors like education, occupation, and social status, which social class do you feel you belong to?
    identify as middle class, with fewer calling themselves lower or upper.
  • How often do you exercise?
    exercise several times weekly, 28.3% almost daily, but 17.5% rarely/never.

View attachment 3392440
  • Do you have any physical disabilities?
    report no physical disabilities.
  • Have you noticed any significant hair loss or balding?
    say no, 17.4% do, and 8.9% are unsure.

View attachment 3392441
  • If you have noticed hair loss, are you using any products or treatments?
    do nothing, 30% use over-the-counter (e.g., minoxidil), and 24.2% use prescription meds (finasteride).
  • Have you ever had plastic surgery to look better?
    have not undergone any cosmetic procedures (take that as you will).

View attachment 3392442
  • Are you planning to have plastic surgery to look better?
    said “maybe,” 36.5% said “yes,” and 23.1% said “no.”
  • How would you describe your current body weight?
    Roughly half (49.8%) say “about average,” with smaller groups under- or overweight.
View attachment 3392443
  • Do you have any physical conditions that make it difficult to interact with others?
    report no such issues.
  • How frequently do you leave your home? (Excluding school/work)
    almost daily, 34% a few times a week, reflecting moderate regularity.

View attachment 3392444
  • How often do you get mocked for your appearance?
    never, 37% rarely, 18.5% sometimes, and 7.2% often.
  • Do you take medication or supplements to improve how you look?
    use supplements, 23.5% meds, and 38% do neither.

View attachment 3392445
  • Do you struggle with substance use?
    do not, so it’s not a big concern here.
  • By whom were you raised?
    had both parents, while 14.2% only mother, and smaller groups otherwise.

View attachment 3392446
  • How frequently do you receive compliments on your appearance?
    sometimes, 27.6% rarely, 17% often, 18.5% never.
  • Do you have friends?
    say yes, 9.6% only online, 8.5% no, and 8% are unsure.

View attachment 3392447
  • Would you like to have children someday?
    say yes, 16.3% no, and a small fraction already do.
  • Have you considered seeking romantic/sexual relationships abroad?
    Split nearly evenly: 51.1% yes, 48.9% no.

View attachment 3392448
  • How happy are you? (On a scale of 1–10)
    Answers span the entire range, but many cluster around mid-to-high numbers.

View attachment 3392449
  • How many unique sexual partners have you had?
    have zero, while the remainder varies from 1 partner up to 20+.
  • What romantic and sexual experiences have you experienced?
    have kissed, 41.8% had a relationship, and 39.1% have no experience at all.

View attachment 3392450
  • Do you like the tone of your voice?
    neutral, 33.8% like it, 23.4% say it’s too high, 3.3% too low.
  • How often do you interact socially with women?
    Many do daily or weekly, but a minority rarely or never.

View attachment 3392451
  • How much time do you spend on the forum daily?
    don’t visit daily; among daily visitors, most spend under an hour.
  • How often do you post weekly, on average?
    don’t post weekly, and 22.3% post 1–10 times.

View attachment 3392452
  • What is your sentiment toward women?
    neutral, 31.2% positive, 21.2% negative.
  • Are you satisfied with your penis size?
    yes, 32% no, and 4.9% prefer not to say.

View attachment 3392453
  • Are you on the autism spectrum?
    say yes, 51.7% no, and 39.5% remain unsure.
  • How much have you improved your appearance since joining?
    say “a little,” 24.6% “a lot,” 14.7% none, and 10.1% are new.

View attachment 3392454
  • If you’ve improved your appearance, do you feel you get treated better?
    say yes, suggesting perceived social benefits.
  • Have you ever experienced bullying?
    as a child, 40.8% as a teen, 3.8% as an adult, and 31.3% never (multiple responses possible).

View attachment 3392455
  • Over the past month, how often have you felt anger or hostility?
    sometimes, 24.2% often, 23.7% almost always, and the rest rarely or never.
  • How would you rate yourself (1–10)?
    Ratings spread widely, with a notable cluster around 5–6 in the mid-range.

View attachment 3392456
  • How do you feel about the current state of the forum?
    see it declining, 28% are unsure, 15.6% say it’s the same, and 9.1% see improvement.
  • Would you recommend this forum to a friend interested in self-improvement?
    say no, 26% maybe, 23.2% yes.

View attachment 3392458
  • How did you first learn about Looksmax.org?
    leads (~29.9%), followed by search engines (~25%), then YouTube (~13.4%).
  • Was this survey too long?
  • The vast majority (78.7%) thought it was good in length, with a few thinking it was too long or too short.

Curious about the full results? Check them out:

For those interested in the ways the userbase has changed over the years:
  • Age Demographics: The userbase skews even younger this year, with over 80% under 21 compared to a slightly more balanced spread in prior surveys.
  • Height Claims: There’s been a noticeable uptick in respondents claiming taller heights—over 50% now claim 5'11" or taller, which is higher than previous years.
  • Geographic Shift: European users continue to dominate, but there’s a slight rise in respondents from North America, narrowing the gap.
  • Ethnic Diversity: While White/Caucasian remains the majority, there’s been a gradual increase in Mixed and South Asian respondents, reflecting growing diversity.
  • Exercise Trends: The percentage of users exercising regularly has grown, with more people reporting daily or weekly routines compared to a few years ago.
  • Plastic Surgery Interest: Interest in plastic surgery has increased, with more users saying "maybe" or "yes" compared to past surveys.
  • Penis Size Satisfaction: Dissatisfaction has grown slightly, with fewer users reporting satisfaction compared to prior years.
  • Sentiment Toward Women: Neutral sentiment remains dominant, but positive responses have grown slightly, reflecting a subtle shift in attitudes.
  • Forum Usage: More users report spending less time on the forum daily, with under 30 minutes now being the most common response.
  • Discovery Source: TikTok has become the leading source for new users finding the forum, surpassing search engines and YouTube, which were more dominant in previous years.
lol 11 percent are fucking faggots

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