Looksmax proves the gym is cope

no lifting for your skeletal frame

Bigger delts -> Appearance of wider frame
Bigger back -> Appearance of wider frame
Bigger traps -> Appearance of wider neck AND frame

All that matters is aesthetics. If it looks wider, it might as well be wider.
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Reactions: Highrise, Saturn, kobecel and 1 other person
Most gymcels’ physique is nothing impressive tho
  • +1
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Most gymcels’ physique is nothing impressive tho

And yet the physique of someone who puts in the effort to work out is nearly always better than the skinny fat stick boy complaining that gym is cope.
  • +1
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And yet the physique of someone who puts in the effort to work out is nearly always better than the skinny fat stick boy complaining that gym is cope.
What I meant is that you need am impressive physique to get laid (if your face is mediocre) yet many gymcels start complaining about not getting pussies and people like OP start to say gym is cope without realizing that most gymcels have not even worked a body out that can attract women.
  • +1
Reactions: FatmanO, Looksmaxer-van-NL, Saturn and 3 others
What I meant is that you need am impressive physique to get laid (if your face is mediocre) yet many gymcels start complaining about not getting pussies and people like OP start to say gym is cope without realizing that most gymcels do not even have worked a body out that can attract women.

Oh my bad bro, didn't realize that was what you were implying. You are spot on tbh.
  • +1
Reactions: Rimcel, Looksmaxer-van-NL, gaymidget and 1 other person
Concrete benefits:

  • You'll get more attention...from GAY MEN.
  • When your dad kicks your ass out from the basement, with more strength you'll have an easier time moving your stuff.
Concrete drawbacks:

  • Time taken.
  • It's fucking boring.
  • Cost of a high protein gymcel diet and gym fees.
  • You might end up looking like alphadestiny if you overdo it.
  • Body changes means your existing clothes will no longer fit you.
  • The despair when you realise women don't give a fuck.
  • Bulking will increase your bodyfat percentage, which will cuck your face.
  • Cutting lowers testosterone, and you'll need to cut sometimes if you bulk, cos if you don't you'll end up a fat fuck.
  • Risk of injury.
Ah come on man. What's with the anti-gym crusade? The gym is good. No gym for your height or face, but it's still GOOD.
  • +1
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Ah come on man. What's with the anti-gym crusade? The gym is good. No gym for your height or face, but it's still GOOD.
gyms me
Ironic, considering that OP himself gymcels.
Concrete benefits:

  • You'll get more attention...from GAY MEN.
  • When your dad kicks your ass out from the basement, with more strength you'll have an easier time moving your stuff.
Concrete drawbacks:

  • Time taken.
  • It's fucking boring.
  • Cost of a high protein gymcel diet and gym fees.
  • You might end up looking like alphadestiny if you overdo it.
  • Body changes means your existing clothes will no longer fit you.
  • The despair when you realise women don't give a fuck.
  • Bulking will increase your bodyfat percentage, which will cuck your face.
  • Cutting lowers testosterone, and you'll need to cut sometimes if you bulk, cos if you don't you'll end up a fat fuck.
  • Risk of injury.
You made me laugh with this, but it's fucking retarded.
You lost weight and increased protein intake. You looked better.

So if it increased your smv, why not do it?

Sure you went to a Ukraine, looked like shit, and still got laid.
Ok, cool, but they fucked you because you are from another country.

Don't listen to this guy lol. Legit crabmaxxing. Work out because of you can't take a casual trip to a third world country, it's the best way to change your looks aside from surgery etc.

It's good for you, keeps you heathy, keeps you looking good.

I will say though, be realistic. Gymming won't magically make hypergamy disappear, improve genetics, etc.
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  • +1
Reactions: FatmanO, Saturn, kobecel and 2 others
  • Gay men - Yeah sure, that's why I've gotten more female attention in the past 1.5 years of going to the gym than the rest of my life combined
  • Time taken - yes, I'm sure you're so busy away rotting away in your room. God forbid you leave it for an hour a day to improve yourself
  • Boring - No shit moron, if it was fun everyone would be doing it. You lift for results not for enjoyment. Losing IQ reading this shit.
  • "Can't afford protein shakes!1! - You're a Poorcel then.
  • Get too big - Yes, because if you go to the gym 3 times you MIGHT overdo it and leave it instantly looking like a roided out ape. Jfl at your IQ.
  • New clothes - Oh no, I might give off the appearance of a bigger and wider frame that's more attractive to women, what a nightmare.
  • Literally not true (maybe for you tho)
  • Bulking increases body fat percentage - All I hear is "I can't control my eating habits". Literal non-issue for anyone who knows anything whatsoever about nutrition.
  • Cutting (more importantly, intermittent fasting) is scientifically shown to increase test and HGH production. again jfl at your IQ
  • Risk of injury - yeah, probably if you're a fuckin aspie who doesn't know how to work out or ego lifts
Literally all of your points are non-arguments. Copes made by a lazy person who will do anything to justify their lazy habits.

sky high IQ ngl.
  • +1
Reactions: Saturn, kobecel, Deleted member 1332 and 2 others
Again your body does NOT look like this. This dude is tall so he comes off as strong naturally.
  • Time taken.
Irrelevant. What else will we all do? We just play video games all day.
  • It's fucking boring.
  • subjective
    [*]Cost of a high protein gymcel diet and gym fees.
    costs almost nothing jfl
    [*]You might end up looking like alphadestiny if you overdo it.
    It's almost impossible to overdo it without lots and lots of roids and years on them too.
    [*]Body changes means your existing clothes will no longer fit you.
    That's the point???
    [*]The despair when you realise women don't give a fuck.
    Most people aren't expecting much or anything from gymcelling, Women are just a small benefit to the whole package. And it's objectively true women prefer a good body over skinny/fat. Just search "sexy man" on google images and every single result will be the same. However realistically to get a body like that you'd need to be on steroids for a while or train for many years.
    [*]Bulking will increase your bodyfat percentage, which will cuck your face.
    Only very unfortunate individuals have that awful fat storing genetics (you appear to be one of those individuals)
    [*]Cutting lowers testosterone, and you'll need to cut sometimes if you bulk, cos if you don't you'll end up a fat fuck.
    Lifting still raises testosterone more than before.
    [*]Risk of injury.
    Ok this one is actually legit, but most lifts don't have that catastrophic injuries.
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  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: AntiSocial-Fakecel, kobecel and Deleted member 1332
lifting is for closet faggots. just make a grindr already tbh.
  • +1
Reactions: Ritalincel
Everyone should do pull ups and chin ups their entire lives
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 1332 and Deleted member 245
Gymcel 3 times a week for consistent 20% testosterone boost. You don't even have to workout hard, just as long as you get blood pumping.

A real benefit to gymcelling is you're pretty much guaranteed to win against all non gymcelling people in hand 2 hand street fights from pure strength alone. People who spend years learning how to fight only to get destroyed by someone who's 20 kg's heavier is a gympill.
  • +1
Reactions: Highrise
A real benefit to gymcelling is you're pretty much guaranteed to win against all non gymcelling people in hand 2 hand street fights from pure strength alone. People who spend years learning how to fight only to get destroyed by someone who's 20 kg's heavier is a gympill.
This is false. Gymcels are really bad fighters. Anyone who has been boxing for half a year will kill a gymcel in hand to hand combat.
  • +1
Reactions: Baki
tagging him in case he hasnt seen it
  • +1
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Best cope, only socially acceptable place to scream.
  • JFL
Reactions: AspiringChad
Got no problem with gymcelling but there's alot of that are people wasting hours of their life in the gym and getting nothing out if it.
Hardwork doesn't pay off when it comes to the gymcel life, it's 90% genetics and hardwork is actually detrimental in many cases.
Best to just do the bare minimum and focus your time on something else.
playing sports and having athletic body>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> gymcells copers
  • +1
Reactions: Demir
Got no problem with gymcelling but there's alot of that are people wasting hours of their life in the gym and getting nothing out if it.
Hardwork doesn't pay off when it comes to the gymcel life, it's 90% genetics and hardwork is actually detrimental in many cases.
Best to just do the bare minimum and focus your time on something else.
I'm gymcelling for a decade and disagree. It is either:

50% genetics, 50% diet+sleep+routine
50% genetics, 35% roids, 15% diet+sleep+routine
  • +1
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PM me pics and I'll paypal you 3 dollars
So you find out his First and Last name too? WOW good deal for $3 BOYO
I'm gymcelling for a decade and disagree. It is either:

50% genetics, 50% diet+sleep+routine
50% genetics, 35% roids, 15% diet+sleep+routine
It's really the first one tbh. Not trying to sound bluepilled but roids aren't some sort of panacea. Of course you'll need them if you want to be shredded and huge. But you just need to be shredded and look good and have a good face and not be a twink.
I'm gymcelling for a decade and disagree. It is either:

50% genetics, 50% diet+sleep+routine
50% genetics, 35% roids, 15% diet+sleep+routine
Let's see your results from 10 years of natty gymcelling then.
How much pussy have you had in your lifetime btw?
Bro anyone can buy hookers online rn and get infinite pussy or go to SEA/EE to get pussy non stop
Daily reminder that there is no gym for your face, frame and height.
daily reminder you literally go to the gym to improve your frame
  • +1
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  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 1332
Bro anyone can buy hookers online rn and get infinite pussy or go to SEA/EE to get pussy non stop

Whether anyone can go and get laid there isnt relevant. What matters is whether you have, or whether you're still raping your wrist each night.

Hookers have never counted either you tard. I clearly mean pussy as in, non paid for civilian girls.

So you never said bro, how much pussy have you got in your life?
  • +1
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Whether anyone can go and get laid there isnt relevant. What matters is whether you have, or whether you're still raping your wrist each night.

Hookers have never counted either you tard. I clearly mean pussy as in, non paid for civilian girls.

So you never said bro, how much pussy have you got in your life?
Its a good cope to release endorphins
Nicotine releases the same chemical as exercise does (beta endorphin)

  • +1
Reactions: androidcel
Bro anyone can buy hookers online rn and get infinite pussy or go to SEA/EE to get pussy non stop

daily reminder you literally go to the gym to improve your frame
His UK women are being ravaged by Muslims and niggers, while he has to run FullMetalJacket game. Inb4 "muh cuntree, muh kind, muh race, muh people".
  • Gay men - Yeah sure, that's why I've gotten more female attention in the past 1.5 years of going to the gym than the rest of my life combined
Ok Chad, you have my deepest apologies.

The number is clearly something absolutely pathetic judging by your continued evasion of the topic.
His UK women are being ravaged by Muslims and niggers, while he has to run FullMetalJacket game. Inb4 "muh cuntree, muh kind, muh race, muh people".

Boyo, logic would dictate if me (with a slay count of 46, 95% of which are provable with pics) 'had' to do something, then you, with a slay count of 2 (proof 404 not found) must be around 23x more fucked.

It's rather funny to see you slinging rocks since no matter which way you slice this cake - total slays, total virgins, total white girls, total prime girls 15-21, PSL 5+ foids, or whatever criteria you want to use - you're utterly destroyed by every single one. And it's not like it's even remotely close.

Roids wont change that equation either.
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  • +1
Reactions: Chuck14 and androidcel
The number is clearly something absolutely pathetic judging by your continued evasion of the topic.
Maybe, but it's more than you had at my age, they were white, and I live in Redneck land. According to some of your posts and other users, you didn't ascend till 23 and you had to leave your country ?, is this correct?

Also, jfl at saying you don't have to pay for pussy in gookland, because that is admitting some sort of inferiority, right? Yet, you still have visit another country, thus admitting you are inferior in your homeland ?????

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