Looksmaxxing required for 3/10 Tinder female...



Apr 28, 2021

Unbelievable - evidently a 3/10 female on Tinder gets quite a few 6/10s and even a 6'5" Tyrone and a Chad looking to hookup with her. A male 3/10 would get literally no matches as a 4/10 male gets no matches with females on these dating sites. Heck a 5/10 barely gets any unless he is showing he is wealthy. You better up your looksmaxxing game.
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  • JFL
  • Woah
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Indeed, femcels don't exist
Even 1/10 woman SMV mog average man
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Indeed, femcels don't exist
Even 1/10 woman SMV mog average man
But @Biggdink said 5'6 Asian mogs everyone smv
  • JFL
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“Chad doesn’t use online dating thooooo” :forcedsmile::forcedsmile::forcedsmile::forcedsmile::forcedsmile::forcedsmile::forcedsmile::forcedsmile:
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I’ve never said ugly guys get anything on tinder :feelsuhh::feelsuhh::feelsuhh:

I’m also matches don’t mean shit
@gamma @AlexAP
Images 38 A766b2c0e55aa17ce63487b4eea75c91 Cfb609b68a95a73acc4539c4e43ee7da
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But @Biggdink said 5'6 Asian mogs everyone smv
Also @LondonVillie slayed 20 girls from tinder when he was fat

if you can’t then he obviously mogs you

there’s no hypergamy
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London isn’t an Asian tho ... he’s more Italian than Asian tbh

maybe meds mog :unsure:
@gamma thoughts is londonvillie italian?
morrone is punjabi
di vaio is mallu
and dellisola is kashmiri
  • Hmm...
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  • WTF
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London isn’t an Asian tho ... he’s more Italian than Asian tbh

maybe meds mog :unsure:
True tbh
I’m 1/2 Italian
1/4 gook
1/4 Russian
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Also @LondonVillie slayed 20 girls from tinder when he was fat

if you can’t then he obviously mogs you

there’s no hypergamy
Stop gaslighting me
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Dravidian street shitter
this is closer to dravidian paniya, giulio beruti genetically from the andaman islands
  • JFL
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Italians slay in uk @gamma
I'm thinking to move there unironically
I only speak english and a bit of spanish but Spain is too similar to Italy
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Also @LondonVillie slayed 20 girls from tinder when he was fat
Nah bro landwhales are fucking gigachads. It’s over for the average man :soy:
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  • JFL
Reactions: Danish_Retard, Deleted member 7580 and volcelfatcel
Nah bro landwhales are fucking gigachads. It’s over for the average man :soy:
his forums too autistic

imagine thinking all the girls only meet guys through tinder (matches don’t even mean anything tho)

yea man exactly they go to parties and shit to find friends .....

You’d never seen a fat chick with good looking guy at a party
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Unbelievable - evidently a 3/10 female on Tinder gets quite a few 6/10s and even a 6'5" Tyrone and a Chad looking to hookup with her. A male 3/10 would get literally no matches as a 4/10 male gets no matches with females on these dating sites. Heck a 5/10 barely gets any unless he is showing he is wealthy. You better up your looksmaxxing game.

Is this JBW; the female version???

Or would an "ethinc" woman also get loads of options like this?
  • +1
Reactions: Lawton88
Is this JBW; the female version???

Or would an "ethinc" woman also get loads of options like this?

My guess is it would be close to the same with an ethnic though I have seen a lot of black guys date white women like this. Even ones that looked like the Tyrone in her matches.
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I showed an experiment someone posted on here where a bunch of chadlite matched with an account with pictures of Eggman named something like Samantha, to a fat girl I know who said “wow I get so much attention on tinder and so do my friends we’re hotter than we think!”

she saw it and I explained it was a picture of a morbidly ugly man posing as a woman who was getting 99+ Likes within the first few minutes of sign up. Her reaction: “no way that’s true”. I explained to her that literally any female account will get a 90+% swipe rate and hence a trillion likes. And will get attractive men contacting them. They literally will bone and disappear after. She went through the 5 stages of grief as she realizes she was a 3/10 and that tinder only works as validation if you’re a man getting matches. I get a few matches a day which is probably like top 5% and they’re half hot half not. She thought that was nothing but then a male friend nearby said he has never gotten a match on tinder. He is average looking, I am 5 PSL

I get approached by women irl outside of the usual spots like bars or whatever. I get girls slipping into my DMs on Instagram. On tinder I get a few matches a day and sometimes none. You have to be 6 PSL to consistently bang on tinder. Seriously.

to the guys out there who get no matches or few: your SMV is higher than you think outside of tinder. Tinder is ruled by PSL 6+. Nobody here is 6 PSL or over. The only exceptions are 5 PSL and roid body shirtless pics. I’m 5 PSL and otter mode so I can’t pull that off :feelskek: don’t let tinder make you depressed
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  • +1
Reactions: AsGoodAsItGets, Danish_Retard, metagross and 2 others
I showed an experiment someone posted on here where a bunch of chadlite matched with an account with pictures of Eggman named something like Samantha, to a fat girl I know who said “wow I get so much attention on tinder and so do my friends we’re hotter than we think!”

she saw it and I explained it was a picture of a morbidly ugly man posing as a woman who was getting 99+ Likes within the first few minutes of sign up. Her reaction: “no way that’s true”. I explained to her that literally any female account will get a 90+% swipe rate and hence a trillion likes. And will get attractive men contacting them. They literally will bone and disappear after. She went through the 5 stages of grief as she realizes she was a 3/10 and that tinder only works as validation if you’re a man getting matches. I get a few matches a day which is probably like top 5% and they’re half hot half not. She thought that was nothing but then a male friend nearby said he has never gotten a match on tinder. He is average looking, I am 5 PSL

I get approached by women irl outside of the usual spots like bars or whatever. I get girls slipping into my DMs on Instagram. On tinder I get a few matches a day and sometimes none. You have to be 6 PSL to consistently bang on tinder. Seriously.

to the guys out there who get no matches or few: your SMV is higher than you think outside of tinder. Tinder is ruled by PSL 6+. Nobody here is 6 PSL or over. The only exceptions are 5 PSL and roid body shirtless pics. I’m 5 PSL and otter mode so I can’t pull that off :feelskek: don’t let tinder make you depressed

I am old but I think the difference at bars for people my age and a little lower is its not crazy hard to get a girl about 1 spot behind you on a 10 scale if you are trying while on these dating sites they expect a guy at least 2 spots above them while trying for even higher. 4/10 and below guys are screwed for the most part at bars while 4/10 females aren't.
I am old but I think the difference at bars for people my age and a little lower is its not crazy hard to get a girl about 1 spot behind you on a 10 scale if you are trying while on these dating sites they expect a guy at least 2 spots above them while trying for even higher. 4/10 and below guys are screwed for the most part at bars while 4/10 females aren't.

I am 5 PSL which is what, like 7/10 I guess? I get girls on tinder that range from 4 to 8 out of 10. Only girls up to 6/10 will actually try to talk and go on dates

Irl I get girls up through 8 out of ten and actually end up sometimes dating or sleeping with them. I brag about it too often but I slept with a 6 PSL before which is like an 8+/10. She came onto me as well

irl dating is becoming easier especially with corona gone. Seriously guys don’t go full PUA cringe redpill but it wouldn’t hurt to take 1 redpill with your daily dose of blackpills. Go out into the world and talk to girls who look like they are in your league or just barely out of it. Be nice and confident and keep looksmaxxing. Do not give one cent to tinder they are destroying your self esteem. Women are the users, you are the betabux that literally pay for advanced tinder tiers and get no matches so tinder can keep their servers up for chad to bang ugly chicks
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My guess is it would be close to the same with an ethnic though I have seen a lot of black guys date white women like this. Even ones that looked like the Tyrone in her matches.
I see.

you did the experiment and made the clip?
  • JFL
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Online dating is mostly pointless. You get mogged way too hard.
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I guess this guys just swipe ok on everything they see, or they do for easy fuck to empty their balls, or they have some mental illness.

There's no male that wanna be with that girl.. but yeah, average girl are different and have an easy life
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I guess this guys just swipe ok on everything they see, or they do for easy fuck to empty their balls, or they have some mental illness.

There's no male that wanna be with that girl.. but yeah, average girl are different and have an easy life

I guess some guys will really go below their level. I have seen Tyrone's do this in real life but usually white guys won't go more than 2 points below themselves on a 10 scale. Its rare to see a 7/10 guy leaving with a 4/10 female at the bar from what I see usually.
These videos are brutal.
this is my competition and they would steep lower than me, how can I even find someone on tinder

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