looksmined for 3 months - observations



Jan 4, 2019
I'm in that range where I can look either a low 5 or high 6.5 depending on dressing, haircut, extrovesion. So if I looksmin I look like average 5\10 normie without a gf but low status in the pecking order, if I do everything to looksmax I can pass as a high tier normie

For last 3 months I dressed like a bum, let my beard grow patchy and unkept, had virgin haircut since I'm fairly asocial I didn't really go out much and didn't bother to look after, but anyway what I experienced is people started treat me like a ghost, I became invisible, guys would avoid to be associated with me, they would be nice but try to take distance if it were to be a group setting. Percentage of women who liked me in a sexual manner went down considerably (there were still some of them but they were around 3-4\10 , a few women would outright be mean and bitchy, giving me special negative treatment, I'm talking some really low psl women). My male friends actually started to treat me better, were far more happier with their gfs next to me even though their gfs would make sure to let me know that they're not considering me as an option.
My mental health kept deteriorating, overthinking everything and had moments of social anxiety

Past weeks before college started I looksmaxed the most I could, clothes, haircut and finally shaved my beard (this was the biggest bump in psl points as beard makes me look bloated and generic)

People started to be more friendly, treat me better and with more respect. Women would check me out more, even my parents started to treat me better and become less annoying. I got asked for my social media and my class mates offered me to join them for the group project. I still don't have women jumping on my dick but they're far more respectful and including, at least giving me opportunity

I should be happy, but part of me died inside how it all superficial really is and how looks indeed affect your personality. Kinda lost motivation to do anything, if I did this looksmax and got treated this better then god knows how Chads really have it


there is a world out there where people just breath and have women like this asking them for a relationship


where guys automatically respect and advance your career, and all you have to do is breath and agree with them
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dn rd
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no useful information found
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I fell asleep half way in, now I woke up and got fired at work. Thanks op!
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  • JFL
  • WTF
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  • JFL
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dn rd
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brutal honestly
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Reactions: Deleted member 2581
Yeah, I absolutely get what you mean OP. You die inside and that's worse than being ugly. In addition to that you don't believe in genuine human connection and that fucks you up even more. Whoever gets blackpilled ugly or gl ends up dead inside and that's an indisputable fact.
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i wish you poop today
Tbh, I'm just sitting on the loo. Gave myself a klyster (mini-enema) and was finally able to poop. But now my anus is fucked up and inflamed. I think I'm gonna use more klysters + an oral laxative to cleanse my bowels completely.
I'm in that range where I can look either a low 5 or high 6.5 depending on dressing, haircut, extrovesion. So if I looksmin I look like average 5\10 normie without a gf but low status in the pecking order, if I do everything to looksmax I can pass as a high tier normie

For last 3 months I dressed like a bum, let my beard grow patchy and unkept, had virgin haircut since I'm fairly asocial I didn't really go out much and didn't bother to look after, but anyway what I experienced is people started treat me like a ghost, I became invisible, guys would avoid to be associated with me, they would be nice but try to take distance if it were to be a group setting. Percentage of women who liked me in a sexual manner went down considerably (there were still some of them but they were around 3-4\10 , a few women would outright be mean and bitchy, giving me special negative treatment, I'm talking some really low psl women). My male friends actually started to treat me better, were far more happier with their gfs next to me even though their gfs would make sure to let me know that they're not considering me as an option.
My mental health kept deteriorating, overthinking everything and had moments of social anxiety

Past weeks before college started I looksmaxed the most I could, clothes, haircut and finally shaved my beard (this was the biggest bump in psl points as beard makes me look bloated and generic)

People started to be more friendly, treat me better and with more respect. Women would check me out more, even my parents started to treat me better and become less annoying. I got asked for my social media and my class mates offered me to join them for the group project. I still don't have women jumping on my dick but they're far more respectful and including, at least giving me opportunity

I should be happy, but part of me died inside how it all superficial really is and how looks indeed affect your personality. Kinda lost motivation to do anything, if I did this looksmax and got treated this better then god knows how Chads really have it


there is a world out there where people just breath and have women like this asking them for a relationship


where guys automatically respect and advance your career, and all you have to do is breath and agree with them
Great post. So true.
  • +1
Reactions: turkproducer
Brutal, had same experience last year.
I looksminned hard, grew my hair out, had an awkward haircut, and grew a shitty pedo mustache
I got bullied and was treated like a ghost by teachers, classmates and even some family. Only one blonde Stacy showed me iois for some fucking reason. I take care of myself now and people are definitely nicer. Back then I was too depressed to do anything. The blonde Stacy still gives me iois this year too and I'd fuck her but my family is always home
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Brutal, had same experience last year.
I looksminned hard, grew my hair out, had an awkward haircut, and grew a shitty pedo mustache
I got bullied and was treated like a ghost by teachers, classmates and even some family. Only one blonde Stacy showed me iois for some fucking reason. I take care of myself now and people are definitely nicer. Back then I was too depressed to do anything. The blonde Stacy still gives me iois this year too and I'd fuck her but my family is always home
Do it in ur basement
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Reactions: Deleted member 3043
What you need to know: a well groomed subhuman is still just a subhuman. A slightly above average guy can increase his SMV by being well groomed.
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What you need to know: a well groomed subhuman is still just a subhuman. A slightly above average guy can increase his SMV by being well groomed.

Im not subhuman, I did alright on tinder managing 72 matches in 3 days

inb4 Chad gets 200 in 24h
i went up a whole point and a half in psl in the past year and a half and when i think about how people treated me in the past compared to now, its surreal. but this is nothing we dont already know

and yeah it does make you feel empty inside
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Jfl am i supposed to read all this shit?
Life is about winning lottery
  • +1
Reactions: Pietrosiek
you will neve have it

Women like that only date high status chads like athletes and shit. Not even regular chad will cut it.
  • So Sad
Reactions: Pietrosiek

Good bone structure will shine through any looksmin
i went up a whole point and a half in psl in the past year and a half and when i think about how people treated me in the past compared to now, its surreal. but this is nothing we dont already know

and yeah it does make you feel empty inside
Can u explain more on how u were treated before and now?
Can u explain more on how u were treated before and now?
male interactions before:

guys weren't afraid to push me around, say shit to my face. i was talked down on by like literally everyone who mogged me. felt like less of a man. (used to be super skinny with acne and subhuman skull)

male interactions after:

i have a lot more presence in a room, nobody ever trys my shit, people move out of the way for me and treat me extra nice in a submissive way. (6'3 24" bideltoid gymcelled frame)

female interactions before:

girls would always be passive aggressive with me, i remember one time in PE when i was subhuman this stacy dropped a volleyball right in front of her and told me to pick it up. girls on the schoolbus would fuck with me while i was napping by telling me i missed my stop when i didnt. any girl i tried to get closer to would either ignore me or instantly gigaperma friendzone me and never reply to texts.

female interactions after:

i now find out about girls who like me, i get hit up on snapchat and instagram pretty often, girls are the ones double texting me for a response, havent had an issue of a chick passive aggressively fucking with me even once, girls tell me im "scary in a good way" Jfl

thats the summary pretty much
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male interactions before:

guys weren't afraid to push me around, say shit to my face. i was talked down on by like literally everyone who mogged me. felt like less of a man. (used to be super skinny with acne and subhuman skull)

male interactions after:

i have a lot more presence in a room, nobody ever trys my shit, people move out of the way for me and treat me extra nice in a submissive way. (6'3 24" bideltoid gymcelled frame)

female interactions before:

girls would always be passive aggressive with me, i remember one time in PE when i was subhuman this stacy dropped a volleyball right in front of her and told me to pick it up. girls on the schoolbus would fuck with me while i was napping by telling me i missed my stop when i didnt. any girl i tried to get closer to would either ignore me or instantly gigaperma friendzone me and never reply to texts.

female interactions after:

i now find out about girls who like me, i get hit up on snapchat and instagram pretty often, girls are the ones double texting me for a response, havent had an issue of a chick passive aggressively fucking with me even once, girls tell me im "scary in a good way" Jfl

thats the summary pretty much
Holy shit good stuff man. Can u pm pics of before and after?
Holy shit good stuff man. Can u pm pics of before and after?
i have a thread on here, its in the looksmax archive im pretty sure
  • +1
Reactions: Mateusz74
i have a thread on here, its in the looksmax archive im pretty sure
Oh I see. How did u change ur face though? It seems like ur jawline and facial aesthetics improved. You look lean in the before pic so im assuming it wasn’t just cutting bodyfat?
Oh I see. How did u change ur face though? It seems like ur jawline and facial aesthetics improved. You look lean in the before pic so im assuming it wasn’t just cutting bodyfat?
my face changed a good amount but i also grew out my hair to cover my big forehead and sides. makes my face look wider.

after i got my braces and metal permanent rubber bands off my face finally started growing forward and wider, (skulls grow tall before they grow wide.) i also enhanced my growth by taking sarms and prohormones.
  • +1
Reactions: Mateusz74
my face changed a good amount but i also grew out my hair to cover my big forehead and sides. makes my face look wider.

after i got my braces and metal permanent rubber bands off my face finally started growing forward and wider, (skulls grow tall before they grow wide.) i also enhanced my growth by taking sarms and prohormones.
Skull grows tall before it grows wide? Lifefuel. Maybe MSE helps too for us narrowskullcels
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my face changed a good amount but i also grew out my hair to cover my big forehead and sides. makes my face look wider.

after i got my braces and metal permanent rubber bands off my face finally started growing forward and wider, (skulls grow tall before they grow wide.) i also enhanced my growth by taking sarms and prohormones.
Would u say taking mk677 made a difference? Or was it a combination of all the stuff u took?
Yeah I understand man

After I lost weight everything changed it’s extremely surreal

Girls would talk and actually flirt with me some girls called me cute. I wasn’t treated like trash anymore, I had more respect and got 101s every once in a while

The only thing I wasn’t used to was guys starting to get aggressive with me or try me but this was back when I was skinny.

I was literally so low status they never saw me as a threat

Looks do matter and anyone who says they don’t is lying
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Would u say taking mk677 made a difference? Or was it a combination of all the stuff u took?
obviously i cant pintpoint exactly what helped and if anything even helped at all so i just listed everything that couldve impacted my growth
  • +1
Reactions: Mateusz74
obviously i cant pintpoint exactly what helped and if anything even helped at all so i just listed everything that couldve impacted my growth
Fair point. Good transformation though man. You went up a lot
Fair point. Good transformation though man. You went up a lot
Theres gonna be a phase two soon, of me tanmaxxing, leanmaxxing, and straightening my hair.
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 2581 and Mateusz74
male interactions before:

guys weren't afraid to push me around, say shit to my face. i was talked down on by like literally everyone who mogged me. felt like less of a man. (used to be super skinny with acne and subhuman skull)

male interactions after:

i have a lot more presence in a room, nobody ever trys my shit, people move out of the way for me and treat me extra nice in a submissive way. (6'3 24" bideltoid gymcelled frame)

female interactions before:

girls would always be passive aggressive with me, i remember one time in PE when i was subhuman this stacy dropped a volleyball right in front of her and told me to pick it up. girls on the schoolbus would fuck with me while i was napping by telling me i missed my stop when i didnt. any girl i tried to get closer to would either ignore me or instantly gigaperma friendzone me and never reply to texts.

female interactions after:

i now find out about girls who like me, i get hit up on snapchat and instagram pretty often, girls are the ones double texting me for a response, havent had an issue of a chick passive aggressively fucking with me even once, girls tell me im "scary in a good way" Jfl

thats the summary pretty much

can I gymmaxx and get ripped as a 5'8-5'9 curry?

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