Losing face fat (focusing on the inside)



Apr 22, 2024

The majority of this is a reply I made to someone else's thread where they asked for advice on losing face fat and I decided to make a standalone guide on it, mainly focusing on your hormones rather than the typical advice to get lean and lower bf % (which is equally important).

Genetics are a big part of it. Processed foods have ingredients that cause weight gain, water retention, and inflammation like added sodium, refined carbohydrates and sugars and different genetics = different carb/fat metabolism & different hormonal regulations.

You're going to need to track & optimise these ones:
- growth hormone
you've probably heard of it before, but it's essential for stimulating growth, cell regeneration, and metabolism.. By promoting the breakdown of stored fats aka lipolysis it can lead to reduced facial fat when balanced.
Easy ways to maximise GH is like HIIT 4x a week, Ashwagandha to reduce cortisol -> reducing stress, 7-9 hrs of sleep, 12-16hr intermittent fasting (also useful later ima mention why below somewhere), reduce/cut out alcohol and reduce caffeine because it can affect your sleep patterns, get more sunlight (wear spf) + take vitamin d supplements, smaller balanced meals rather than few large ones and obviously don't be obese

- thyroid hormones (t3 and t4)
simply put, thyroid hormones play a big role in regulating your metabolism, so make sure to keep them stable and optimal, better metabolism = can prevent further accumulation of fat in your face.
Make sure to have enough iodine intake in your meals (dairy, fish) but don't have too much because it can disrupt t3 and t4 too so I'd do thorough research to find the optimal amounts for you based on your genetics/ethnicity and current weight and stuff. Do everything mentioned for growth hormone too, alongside making sure you aren't taking any meds that affect thyroid production (antithyroids). You can take thyroid supplements (in moderation) like selenium, zinc, and L-tyrosine, but again do research on how much you need based on your "stats".

- testosterone
do i need to explain why

- insulin
when insulin levels are high due to from things such as too much carbohydrate intake or insulin resistance, it can lead to more fat storing in your face.
Limit your refined carb intake bro, really easy fix and major habit for most. Eat some fruits/complex carbs. Have low-glycemic foods which basically means they cause slower/gradual increases in blood sugar so less insulin is secreted. Again, do everything I've mentioned above because they are good habits anyway. You should stick to intermittent fasting aswell, lowering insulin levels will increase fat burning so youre body can use stored fat for energy when you're fasting, I'd start off small with the 16hr fast / 8 hr window to eat and then adjust to whatever you think'll work best.

- leptin
leptin regulates appetite and energy balances, so optimal levels means your brain won't be going crazy about if it has enough energy stored so that means you won't have to fight urges overeating which obviously mean you're going to accumlate more fat in the face.
Honestly by doing good habits in general you should be fine, you can look into leptin supplements to supress appetite but that's overkill unless you're someone who's very obese.

- adiponectin
adiponectin is a hormone that's secreted by fat cells and they help regulate glucose levels & fatty acid breakdown. Higher levels = lower body fat % and lower chances of obesity diseases.
You should be working out for at least 200 minutes a week (just under 30 mins a day so if you're not working out this much you need to hop off this website and go to the gym). You need omega-3 fatty acids in your diet such as fatty fish or walnuts.

Some other ones (more obscure):
- glucagon
opposes insulin, stimulates fat breakdown for energy, released during fasting or low blood sugar.
Fully cut out alcohol. Alongside the things you're doing for everything else you'll be fine but cutting out alcohol is the biggest thing.

- peptide YY (PYY)
released by the gastrointestinal tract after eating, decreases appetite can reduce food intake and body fat.
Have fiber-rich foods and healthy proteins with regulated meal times, so basically eat at similar times everyday. Do as much aerobic excersise as possible & strength training of course.

- ghrelin
stimulates appetite, higher levels can lead to increased food intake and potentially weight gain.
Limit sugars.

- corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH)
released during stress, can affect appetite and metabolism.

- neuropeptide Y (NPY)
stimulates appetite and fat storage, associated with increased food intake and body fat.
Again, do pretty much everything you would for the others (the generic things) BUT the most important is to cut down on social media usage, especially in the evening. Sounds retarded but consuming depressing/sad content or any negative-invoking emotion content like some real slideshows on TikTok or some "it's so over" brutal mog stories will not help.

- orexin (hypocretin)
regulates wakefulness and appetite, can influence food intake and energy balance.
Generic advices listed above + try to sleep in as much darkness as possible.

- fibroblast growth factor 21 (FGF21)
regulates metabolism and energy balance, may influence fat metabolism.
Lastly, same generic advice but when intermittment fasting make sure not to go into excessive caloric deficits because IT WILL mess up FGF21 production so unless you're in an aggressive cut, do not be excessive with the caloric deficit.

Do facial excersises, gua sha, drink 4L min a day and regular excersise, stay in a caloric deficit and you're good bro. You gotta be consistent. You could look into aggressive cutting but that'll mess with your hormones so either have a mind of steel or take it slow (not turtle slow, still fast but reasonable), good luck though. Genetics play a big part but different genetics are good just depends on how you play the cards you've been dealt with.
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: boss8055, Joshrc, Ruben and 10 others
Thank you for this guide.
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Reactions: coispet and godsent
Will read later bookmarked
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  • +1
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thanks boyo
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How about the safest way to lose facial fat : putting down the fork ?

Fucking retarded greycel, GTFO with your dangerous list of drugs.
  • +1
Reactions: naturepreacher and sub3cel
How about the safest way to lose facial fat : putting down the fork ?

Fucking retarded greycel, GTFO with your dangerous list of drugs.
Drugs? They're hormones lil bro :ROFLMAO:

Arrogant ass retard doesn't take advice from someone because they've spent less hours on the internet LOOL get a grip
  • JFL
  • +1
Reactions: Joshrc, aleksander, Plunk and 1 other person
Lastly, same generic advice but when intermittment fasting make sure not to go into excessive caloric deficits because IT WILL mess up FGF21 production so unless you're in an aggressive cut, do not be excessive with the caloric deficit.
can I do intermittent fasting at 16 or is that gonna mess up my puberty?
can I do intermittent fasting at 16 or is that gonna mess up my puberty?
Not recommended unless you really need it. It can stunt growth if you're below 12, but honestly I wouldn't really risk it. Instead, eat smaller portions & drink more water to make yourself more full.
  • +1
Reactions: Plunk
Caffeine is a commonly used CNS stimulant that is known to affect adenosine as the main neuronal mechanism. Caffeine preferentially activates orexin neurons over non-orexin neurons in the perifornical region where orexin neurons are most concentrated. Moreover, dose-related patterns of c-Fos immunoreactivity have been observed in several arousal-promoting areas, including orexin neurons and adjacent neurons containing neither orexin nor melanin-concentrating hormone [56], [57]. Zinc-sufficient diet stimulated food intake. Oral administration of zinc sulfate was found to increase the expression of neuropeptide Y (NPY) and orexin mRNA after administration in experiments using vagotomized (interrupted signals carried by vagus nerve) rats [58]. Pasumarthi et al. shown that acute nicotine administration activates orexin neurons, and suggest a potential role of the orexin system in coordinating physiological and behavioral responses to nicotine [59].

Some studies have demonstrated a relationship between dietary supplements and orexin neurons. The tropical medicinal plant Morinda citrifolia (Noni) has been shown to increase orexin mRNA levels in noni-supplemented male broiler chicks [60]. Berberine is an alkaloid found in several plants, which has been found to reduce weight gain and lipolysis, elevate serum glucagon-like peptide-1 and neuropeptide Y levels, decreased orexin A levels, and upregulated glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor mRNA levels

The majority of this is a reply I made to someone else's thread where they asked for advice on losing face fat and I decided to make a standalone guide on it, mainly focusing on your hormones rather than the typical advice to get lean and lower bf % (which is equally important).

Genetics are a big part of it. Processed foods have ingredients that cause weight gain, water retention, and inflammation like added sodium, refined carbohydrates and sugars and different genetics = different carb/fat metabolism & different hormonal regulations.

You're going to need to track & optimise these ones:
- growth hormone
you've probably heard of it before, but it's essential for stimulating growth, cell regeneration, and metabolism.. By promoting the breakdown of stored fats aka lipolysis it can lead to reduced facial fat when balanced.
Easy ways to maximise GH is like HIIT 4x a week, Ashwagandha to reduce cortisol -> reducing stress, 7-9 hrs of sleep, 12-16hr intermittent fasting (also useful later ima mention why below somewhere), reduce/cut out alcohol and reduce caffeine because it can affect your sleep patterns, get more sunlight (wear spf) + take vitamin d supplements, smaller balanced meals rather than few large ones and obviously don't be obese

- thyroid hormones (t3 and t4)
simply put, thyroid hormones play a big role in regulating your metabolism, so make sure to keep them stable and optimal, better metabolism = can prevent further accumulation of fat in your face.
Make sure to have enough iodine intake in your meals (dairy, fish) but don't have too much because it can disrupt t3 and t4 too so I'd do thorough research to find the optimal amounts for you based on your genetics/ethnicity and current weight and stuff. Do everything mentioned for growth hormone too, alongside making sure you aren't taking any meds that affect thyroid production (antithyroids). You can take thyroid supplements (in moderation) like selenium, zinc, and L-tyrosine, but again do research on how much you need based on your "stats".

- testosterone
do i need to explain why

- insulin
when insulin levels are high due to from things such as too much carbohydrate intake or insulin resistance, it can lead to more fat storing in your face.
Limit your refined carb intake bro, really easy fix and major habit for most. Eat some fruits/complex carbs. Have low-glycemic foods which basically means they cause slower/gradual increases in blood sugar so less insulin is secreted. Again, do everything I've mentioned above because they are good habits anyway. You should stick to intermittent fasting aswell, lowering insulin levels will increase fat burning so youre body can use stored fat for energy when you're fasting, I'd start off small with the 16hr fast / 8 hr window to eat and then adjust to whatever you think'll work best.

- leptin
leptin regulates appetite and energy balances, so optimal levels means your brain won't be going crazy about if it has enough energy stored so that means you won't have to fight urges overeating which obviously mean you're going to accumlate more fat in the face.
Honestly by doing good habits in general you should be fine, you can look into leptin supplements to supress appetite but that's overkill unless you're someone who's very obese.

- adiponectin
adiponectin is a hormone that's secreted by fat cells and they help regulate glucose levels & fatty acid breakdown. Higher levels = lower body fat % and lower chances of obesity diseases.
You should be working out for at least 200 minutes a week (just under 30 mins a day so if you're not working out this much you need to hop off this website and go to the gym). You need omega-3 fatty acids in your diet such as fatty fish or walnuts.

Some other ones (more obscure):
- glucagon
opposes insulin, stimulates fat breakdown for energy, released during fasting or low blood sugar.
Fully cut out alcohol. Alongside the things you're doing for everything else you'll be fine but cutting out alcohol is the biggest thing.

- peptide YY (PYY)
released by the gastrointestinal tract after eating, decreases appetite can reduce food intake and body fat.
Have fiber-rich foods and healthy proteins with regulated meal times, so basically eat at similar times everyday. Do as much aerobic excersise as possible & strength training of course.

- ghrelin
stimulates appetite, higher levels can lead to increased food intake and potentially weight gain.
Limit sugars.

- corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH)
released during stress, can affect appetite and metabolism.

- neuropeptide Y (NPY)
stimulates appetite and fat storage, associated with increased food intake and body fat.
Again, do pretty much everything you would for the others (the generic things) BUT the most important is to cut down on social media usage, especially in the evening. Sounds retarded but consuming depressing/sad content or any negative-invoking emotion content like some real slideshows on TikTok or some "it's so over" brutal mog stories will not help.

- orexin (hypocretin)
regulates wakefulness and appetite, can influence food intake and energy balance.
Generic advices listed above + try to sleep in as much darkness as possible.

- fibroblast growth factor 21 (FGF21)
regulates metabolism and energy balance, may influence fat metabolism.
Lastly, same generic advice but when intermittment fasting make sure not to go into excessive caloric deficits because IT WILL mess up FGF21 production so unless you're in an aggressive cut, do not be excessive with the caloric deficit.

Do facial excersises, gua sha, drink 4L min a day and regular excersise, stay in a caloric deficit and you're good bro. You gotta be consistent. You could look into aggressive cutting but that'll mess with your hormones so either have a mind of steel or take it slow (not turtle slow, still fast but reasonable), good luck though. Genetics play a big part but different genetics are good just depends on how you play the cards you've been dealt with.
Ok now give me a diet that encompasses all of this. Keep in mind I’m trying to bulk since I’m skinny 6’0 145lbs

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