Low Inhib Max Guide (very long list)

Deleted member 44

Deleted member 44

Blackpill Scientist
Aug 11, 2018
I remember this thread got so much hate from the other site for "being bluepilled/redpilled" but this has worked for me. There was also so much strawmen that I was saying being low inhib = ascension for everyone, which is nonsense. If you are still trying to ascend, being low inhib is important because one you need it to fucking approach at all and two confidence does boost your smv...it just doesn't automatically turn everyone into a slayer like retarded normies think.

1) Experiment with certain drugs that lowers inhibition. Such as MDMA, Xanax, SSRI, etc. Before you freak out over the examples I give, do your own research over long term effects and stuff. If its rather harmful but effective, than you would want to avoid long term use but its good for events like parties, for example. Search for less harmful, but effective, drugs for long term use. You can just look up "drugs that help with social anxiety/anxiety" and you are good to go. You could get some over the counter, some through prescription, or some may be illegal. If you are unable to just go up to a local drug dealer you can just look up how to get into the dark web and what the drug selling sites are. I am not encouraging illegal activity, though. Try to avoid going the illegal route, especially if you haven't even tried the legal drugs yet.

2) Drink alcohol. You are supposed to be much more lower inhib when you are drunk. There is a reason why #1 and #2 are very common at parties. Easy short term ways to strongly alleviate anxiety.

3) gymcel. Search up the correct way to work out and nutrition and you will greatly increase your strength and muscles. Worked very well in my case. Although I'm sure most users have already tried this. Still, you can't deny being frame mogged to oblivion by every man takes a toll on you mentally. The other way around will help you feel comfortable and you could gain compliments, from men and family. Also make sure to do your long cardio as well, very important in making you feel more relaxed and low inhib.

4) Train MMA. Few things can lower your inhib then knowing you can kick most guys asses whenever. Worked to a small degree in my case thru wreslting, but it would be probably be much higher if I was actually good at it.

5) Carry around a good weapon. I recommend sock-n-lock. It is legal everywhere, just don't carry it if you're in a "pat down" type situation, it might look suspicious. But for 99% of the time and at any country you are good. One hard swing and someones skull is legitimately cracked opened. Very hard to defend against and long range for you. No real reason to be scared of just about anybody unarmed. Just get a big stretchy sock and put a lock or a small and light metal object deep on it. You can wrap the sock around your hand if you want a tighter grip and control over the weapon, at the cost of some range. Helps to give peace of mind. A gun would be even more powerful but half of you aren't in America and you have to use it much more conservatively.

6) Act or pretend to be confident until it seeps to your mentality a little bit. Worked to a good degree in my case. At the very least all you have to do is not slouch and look at the ground like a beta. Look high, pump out chest, and walk comfortably. Swing your arms. Speak slowly. Goes back to my case before, just force your body to not act exactly like the "virgin walk." This alone will give you some benefit of the confidence halo, because you are acting alpha. Studies prove doing this makes you act more powerful.

7) Improve your looks. Self explanatory. Have surgeries such as nose jobs to fix jew nose, use best fashion possible, do everything possible to fix acne, etc. Kind of common sense.

8) Related to 6, just psyche yourself up to be temporarily easy-going. Like keep trying to tell yourself that you do not give a fuck. Although this is pretty low common advice. Just typical "think positive" and cut out negative thoughts jargon. Try to accept yourself. Attempt to rock your flaws or believed flaws if you can, like how some midgets joke around with their height or leverage it. Don't take that joking yourself trick too far, though.

9) Be depressed. "IDGAF" will be entrenched in your mentality. This should be natural to lots of incels. If not depressed just look at lots of suicidefuel lul.

10) Try nofap or lowfap. Going a few days to a few weeks will affect the inhibition of lots of guys. Some guys feel almost god-like from doing it compared to before, essentially zero inhibition. Others feel nothing at all. It is different for everyone, but the extreme effect in some cases seems to me like there is more than just placebo. You can't fap at all or look at porn. You also need to sleep on your back or side to avoid wet dreams. You got nothing to lose from trying this if you want to try everything possible to remove your inhibition.

11) Watch your diet, avoid fatty/sugar foods and try to be as healthy as possible. Green tea for example is allegedly good for this. A good diet will lower your blood pressure and cause to be far more relaxed, thus lower inhib.

12) Try to get a good amount of sleep and keep your stress levels low. More relaxed = less inhibition.

13) If you're currently dealing with bullies, you need to deal with them. #5 may be very good in this case for self defense. For more longer term do #3 and 4.

14) Achieve something. Feeling more prideful is natural after accomplishing something. It does give you a boost in testosterone, studies prove so. By accomplishment I am also including beating someone in something, like a sport.

15) Listen to bass-heavy tunes, such as rap. Also proven to make you feel more sure of yourself.

16) Meditation, similar to why diet, exercise, sleep, etc lowers your inhib. Some yoga poses, such as tree pose, do help me out.

17) exposing yourself to your biggest fear, and not once but hundreds of times, will lower your inhib levels greatly. Being socially related is not a requirement, i recommend something that isn't socially related. All that matters is you beat and numb the emotion by exposing yourself to it many times per day. It also doesn't work if you cave to the emotion, like cowering to your bully. You need to not cave or "lose" to your fear. And start slowly too, in order to not cave.

18) Do whatever you can to give yourself more testosterone. Testosterone equal lower anxiety automatically. Having sex with a real person, for example, increases testosterone (even with hookers). You can look up other ways or search for it in this site if you don't know other ways of increasing testosterone.

19) Accept that bad things will happen. Accept that you will get criticized often, so when you do get criticized, it doesn't faze you. Also don't have a high ego for things when it is not reasonable, like thinking you can beat mike tyson. When you already acknowledge that, fear of humiliation over being beaten in said area will be greatly diminished. There would be very little ego to be lost so it doesn't hurt nowhere near as much. Example of first point: you run for political office, expect lots of insults. Not a surprise, so you move on.

20) NTmax/normiemax. Insecurity over being an aspie / weirdo is common and reasonable, so stop being those things. Just copy normie behaviors, interests, beliefs, etc and use it to effect how you make conversation. Also some drugs could help with NTmaxxing if aspie. Other threads here should also help you.

21) If you can't look people in the eye, just look at either the spot in between or the nose.

22) moneymaxx, and subtly display that. Having more money and having other people know it, without trying to show it off, will make people nicer to you so your inhibition will naturally wear off. Driving a nice car is a great example of this. Besides that moneymaxxing also gives you sense of accomplishment + comfort.

23) Any other strategies that help make you get a lower blood pressure / more calm will also suffice.

24) Moving to an area where people are nicer or will accept you more will lower your inhib for the same reason I explained in #20.
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Thank you for posting the guide. It's nice to see decent content.

Anyway. I think the most important general points are. 17, 12, and 11.

Even if you don't want to follow points like.. 1,2 and 9. Apply them to your own life and just take what the point is out and adjust it to your situation. There is a lot of truth to a majority of these.


Relevant breakdown considering Op's avatar & lifestyle.

Video Note: Not as cool and specific as this guide, but watch this if you're hesitant to follow this guide or something. It might help convince you or put it in a more realistic light.

Watched this today. I personally got value out of it and it made my day more productive and encourages me to challenge myself.

Disclaimer: There might be some "You can do it" s*** or jokes in both of those, but realize this is their job and they have to sell their product to normies. Don't dismiss it. Just get the relevant information out of it and think how you can apply it to yourself. I'll address any legitimate criticism and answer any question. ESPECIALLY in regards to the objectivity of something.
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Nice guide
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thank you op
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I will also add this one

25) get older. Childhood and adolescent shyness is real. How many old people do you see who are very shy? Not many, it just fades away as you grow older.
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do stupid shit like me
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good post
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The drugs tip is legit and it worked for me, same with Boxing or MMA, knowing you can kick ass lowers your inhib
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Great post,the best i've seen for now.
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ii tthiink tat sleeping lessd will actukally mak you lower inghibitton becasue yyou aare morre tired=less conciouss of yourr actiokns
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inject T
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Be depressed. "IDGAF" will be entrenched in your mentality. This should be natural to lots of incels. If not depressed just look at lots of suicidefuel lul.
Terrible advice. U can be NGAF and not be depressed
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Terrible advice. U can be NGAF and not be depressed
You can, but depression makes it easier.

And i was speaking from experience though.

Of course you shouldnt try to be depressed, just saying it makes alot of guys far more low inhib.
ii tthiink tat sleeping lessd will actukally mak you lower inghibitton becasue yyou aare morre tired=less conciouss of yourr actiokns
Less sleep = higher cortisol = more anxiety.

When you are wide awake you're more likely to be "alive" in a low inhib chad/tyrone way.
Good shit boyo rip tho
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So many dead members in this thread... rip
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I remember this thread got so much hate from the other site for "being bluepilled/redpilled" but this has worked for me. There was also so much strawmen that I was saying being low inhib = ascension for everyone, which is nonsense. If you are still trying to ascend, being low inhib is important because one you need it to fucking approach at all and two confidence does boost your smv...it just doesn't automatically turn everyone into a slayer like retarded normies think.

1) Experiment with certain drugs that lowers inhibition. Such as MDMA, Xanax, SSRI, etc. Before you freak out over the examples I give, do your own research over long term effects and stuff. If its rather harmful but effective, than you would want to avoid long term use but its good for events like parties, for example. Search for less harmful, but effective, drugs for long term use. You can just look up "drugs that help with social anxiety/anxiety" and you are good to go. You could get some over the counter, some through prescription, or some may be illegal. If you are unable to just go up to a local drug dealer you can just look up how to get into the dark web and what the drug selling sites are. I am not encouraging illegal activity, though. Try to avoid going the illegal route, especially if you haven't even tried the legal drugs yet.

2) Drink alcohol. You are supposed to be much more lower inhib when you are drunk. There is a reason why #1 and #2 are very common at parties. Easy short term ways to strongly alleviate anxiety.

3) gymcel. Search up the correct way to work out and nutrition and you will greatly increase your strength and muscles. Worked very well in my case. Although I'm sure most users have already tried this. Still, you can't deny being frame mogged to oblivion by every man takes a toll on you mentally. The other way around will help you feel comfortable and you could gain compliments, from men and family. Also make sure to do your long cardio as well, very important in making you feel more relaxed and low inhib.

4) Train MMA. Few things can lower your inhib then knowing you can kick most guys asses whenever. Worked to a small degree in my case thru wreslting, but it would be probably be much higher if I was actually good at it.

5) Carry around a good weapon. I recommend sock-n-lock. It is legal everywhere, just don't carry it if you're in a "pat down" type situation, it might look suspicious. But for 99% of the time and at any country you are good. One hard swing and someones skull is legitimately cracked opened. Very hard to defend against and long range for you. No real reason to be scared of just about anybody unarmed. Just get a big stretchy sock and put a lock or a small and light metal object deep on it. You can wrap the sock around your hand if you want a tighter grip and control over the weapon, at the cost of some range. Helps to give peace of mind. A gun would be even more powerful but half of you aren't in America and you have to use it much more conservatively.

6) Act or pretend to be confident until it seeps to your mentality a little bit. Worked to a good degree in my case. At the very least all you have to do is not slouch and look at the ground like a beta. Look high, pump out chest, and walk comfortably. Swing your arms. Speak slowly. Goes back to my case before, just force your body to not act exactly like the "virgin walk." This alone will give you some benefit of the confidence halo, because you are acting alpha. Studies prove doing this makes you act more powerful.

7) Improve your looks. Self explanatory. Have surgeries such as nose jobs to fix jew nose, use best fashion possible, do everything possible to fix acne, etc. Kind of common sense.

8) Related to 6, just psyche yourself up to be temporarily easy-going. Like keep trying to tell yourself that you do not give a fuck. Although this is pretty low common advice. Just typical "think positive" and cut out negative thoughts jargon. Try to accept yourself. Attempt to rock your flaws or believed flaws if you can, like how some midgets joke around with their height or leverage it. Don't take that joking yourself trick too far, though.

9) Be depressed. "IDGAF" will be entrenched in your mentality. This should be natural to lots of incels. If not depressed just look at lots of suicidefuel lul.

10) Try nofap or lowfap. Going a few days to a few weeks will affect the inhibition of lots of guys. Some guys feel almost god-like from doing it compared to before, essentially zero inhibition. Others feel nothing at all. It is different for everyone, but the extreme effect in some cases seems to me like there is more than just placebo. You can't fap at all or look at porn. You also need to sleep on your back or side to avoid wet dreams. You got nothing to lose from trying this if you want to try everything possible to remove your inhibition.

11) Watch your diet, avoid fatty/sugar foods and try to be as healthy as possible. Green tea for example is allegedly good for this. A good diet will lower your blood pressure and cause to be far more relaxed, thus lower inhib.

12) Try to get a good amount of sleep and keep your stress levels low. More relaxed = less inhibition.

13) If you're currently dealing with bullies, you need to deal with them. #5 may be very good in this case for self defense. For more longer term do #3 and 4.

14) Achieve something. Feeling more prideful is natural after accomplishing something. It does give you a boost in testosterone, studies prove so. By accomplishment I am also including beating someone in something, like a sport.

15) Listen to bass-heavy tunes, such as rap. Also proven to make you feel more sure of yourself.

16) Meditation, similar to why diet, exercise, sleep, etc lowers your inhib. Some yoga poses, such as tree pose, do help me out.

17) exposing yourself to your biggest fear, and not once but hundreds of times, will lower your inhib levels greatly. Being socially related is not a requirement, i recommend something that isn't socially related. All that matters is you beat and numb the emotion by exposing yourself to it many times per day. It also doesn't work if you cave to the emotion, like cowering to your bully. You need to not cave or "lose" to your fear. And start slowly too, in order to not cave.

18) Do whatever you can to give yourself more testosterone. Testosterone equal lower anxiety automatically. Having sex with a real person, for example, increases testosterone (even with hookers). You can look up other ways or search for it in this site if you don't know other ways of increasing testosterone.

19) Accept that bad things will happen. Accept that you will get criticized often, so when you do get criticized, it doesn't faze you. Also don't have a high ego for things when it is not reasonable, like thinking you can beat mike tyson. When you already acknowledge that, fear of humiliation over being beaten in said area will be greatly diminished. There would be very little ego to be lost so it doesn't hurt nowhere near as much. Example of first point: you run for political office, expect lots of insults. Not a surprise, so you move on.

20) NTmax/normiemax. Insecurity over being an aspie / weirdo is common and reasonable, so stop being those things. Just copy normie behaviors, interests, beliefs, etc and use it to effect how you make conversation. Also some drugs could help with NTmaxxing if aspie. Other threads here should also help you.

21) If you can't look people in the eye, just look at either the spot in between or the nose.

22) moneymaxx, and subtly display that.
Having more money and having other people know it, without trying to show it off, will make people nicer to you so your inhibition will naturally wear off. Driving a nice car is a great example of this. Besides that moneymaxxing also gives you sense of accomplishment + comfort.

23) Any other strategies that help make you get a lower blood pressure / more calm will also suffice.

24) Moving to an area where people are nicer or will accept you more will lower your inhib for the same reason I explained in #20.
Nicotine makes me nt
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