Lowering Cortisol | Cushing Syndrome Drugs or Something Similar?



Apr 7, 2019
I've used Ashwagandha, and I have tried drugs like Cyproheptadine (mainly for serotonin syndrome) and Cabergoline, also Lisuride and Meterogoline. But the results are negligible and I want to experiment with stronger cortisolminning drugs, like medications used for Cushing syndrome.

Basically I've been making some very poor lifestyle choices the past couple months. Been abusing very potent, illegal stimulants and going out drinking alot which has made me very high cortisol. Interested in trying Metyrapone (Metopirone) or Mitotane (Lysodren). Anyone have experience with these drugs or something else that has worked effectively?
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tongkat ali lowered my cortisol a bit, cistanche too i think

there s also another called photosphatyl something, its abbreviated PS, look it up
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I've used Ashwagandha, and I have tried drugs like Cyproheptadine (mainly for serotonin syndrome) and Cabergoline, also Lisuride and Meterogoline. But the results are negligible and I want to experiment with stronger cortisolminning drugs, like medications used for Cushing syndrome.

Basically I've been making some very poor lifestyle choices the past couple months. Been abusing very potent, illegal stimulants and going out drinking alot which has made me very high cortisol. Interested in trying Metyrapone (Metopirone) or Mitotane (Lysodren). Anyone have experience with these drugs or something else that has worked effectively?
why tha fuck do u want serotonin syndrome want a quick and easy way for this i gotchu fr fr

888mg bottle of polisterix dxm delsym
70mg prozac
have trip killer near by (not even sure trip killers work on dxm lol)

if u want to lower coristol lemon balm tea 3 times a day for like 2 weeks
and some mangenisium u dont need drugs bruh
also super low stress isnt good for the body
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  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 15827 and TrestIsBest
i have used, ashwagandha rhodiola and cordyceps all together and was working very good.
  • +1
Reactions: Cope
I've used Ashwagandha, and I have tried drugs like Cyproheptadine (mainly for serotonin syndrome) and Cabergoline, also Lisuride and Meterogoline. But the results are negligible and I want to experiment with stronger cortisolminning drugs, like medications used for Cushing syndrome.

Basically I've been making some very poor lifestyle choices the past couple months. Been abusing very potent, illegal stimulants and going out drinking alot which has made me very high cortisol. Interested in trying Metyrapone (Metopirone) or Mitotane (Lysodren). Anyone have experience with these drugs or something else that has worked effectively?
Thoughts on cistanche?

check pms bro
  • +1
Reactions: Cope
why tha fuck do u want serotonin syndrome want a quick and easy way for this i gotchu fr fr
No, I use it to remove serotonin syndrome...

888mg bottle of polisterix dxm delsym
70mg prozac
have trip killer near by (not even sure trip killers work on dxm lol)
lol Jesus Christ why would you ever do that, that's an ER visit waiting to happen

cistanche too i think
Thoughts on cistanche?

check pms bro
It's probably cope, might work with other adaptogens
@Seth Walsh @Bewusst @Soalian @HighTierNormie Any insight on this?
No, I use it to remove serotonin syndrome...

lol Jesus Christ why would you ever do that, that's an ER visit waiting to happen

It's probably cope, might work with other adaptogens
I tried plenty of them and cistanche is the best for test/cortisol calmness.

I cant use ashwangadha I tried the ksm-66 for 3 days and started to get anhedonia so I stopped it.

I've tried bromantane and is good but doesnt lower cortisol. Cistanche made me feel calm and confident as fuck, you should give it a try
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I tried plenty of them and cistanche is the best for test/cortisol calmness.

I cant use ashwangadha I tried the ksm-66 for 3 days and started to get anhedonia so I stopped it.

I've tried bromantane and is good but doesnt lower cortisol. Cistanche made me feel calm and confident as fuck, you should give it a try
Interesting, I see it's available on Nootropics Depot.

Did you find it effective for inflammation?
Interesting, I see it's available on Nootropics Depot.

Did you find it effective for inflammation?
I'm still trialing so I don't know but I'm taking a bunch of shit at the same time lately. But yeah it's working well, maybe too well, but I'm also using bromantane.

Yeah got it from ND, worth a try in my opinion, get the powder if you have a scale, the taste is not even that bad
  • +1
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I'm still trialing so I don't know but I'm taking a bunch of shit at the same time lately. But yeah it's working well, maybe too well, but I'm also using bromantane.

Yeah got it from ND, worth a try in my opinion, get the powder if you have a scale, the taste is not even that bad
Bromantane is derived from adamantine so it might also be something worth trying for cortisol, but I haven't seen any studies on it yet.


In all seriousness tho, just make healthier lifestyle choices and get plenty of sleep
Kinda worried about Osilodrostat since it can cause hypokalemia and edema (most likely due to lowering of potassium), seems like a last resort treatment.
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@Seth Walsh @Bewusst @Soalian @HighTierNormie Any insight on this?
Idk man, getting more restful sleep and waking up later would help lower it. Eating more in general and more eggs and cholesterol. Time management, if you're stressed with deadlines and shit etc. Cistanche *might* help but not on it's own.
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Carbs and cyproheptadine.
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Yup, simply making sure not to ever go hypoglycemic (doesn't mean you need to stuff your face all the face) helps a lot with cortisol reduction
phosphoidylerne lower ACTH which lower cortsiol
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Skip to 4:43
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No, I use it to remove serotonin syndrome...

lol Jesus Christ why would you ever do that, that's an ER visit waiting to happen

It's probably cope, might work with other adaptogens
you gave yourself serotonin syndrome and are now trying to self-medicate to fix it?
also careful with ashwaganda it supposedly works through the GABA system meaning you could set yourself up for withdrawal if you use it for multiple weeks continuously
Please just drop your skincare routine please
  • JFL
Reactions: PYT
you gave yourself serotonin syndrome and are now trying to self-medicate to fix it?
also careful with ashwaganda it supposedly works through the GABA system meaning you could set yourself up for withdrawal if you use it for multiple weeks continuously
Nah, I only get slight SS when I've taken high doses of a serotonergic substance and Cyproheptadine fixes it.

Ashwagandha's effect on GABA is very weak. I currently take much more potent GABAergic substances such as Lyrica and Clonazepam, but not daily obviously.
Please just drop your skincare routine please
It's constantly changing but the core of it is:

- Curology Cleanser
- Timeless Vitamin C E Ferulic Serum
- Curology Rich Moisturizer
- Skin Aqua UV Super Moisture Gel

- Curology Cleanser
- Curology Tretinoin (with Clindamycin and Azelaic Acid)
Nah, I only get slight SS when I've taken high doses of a serotonergic substance and Cyproheptadine fixes it.

Ashwagandha's effect on GABA is very weak. I currently take much more potent GABAergic substances such as Lyrica and Clonazepam, but not daily obviously.
my dude I don't think its a good idea to run too many compounds at once, psychiatry is in its infancy no one really knows how these compounds work that's why there are so many different frameworks for depression, schizophrenia etc and the drugs all have unforeseen effects which is why they literally guinea pig you to see what works best.
you could accidentally give yourself some kind of mental disorder like schizophrenia etc and fuck up your life. IMO don't take so many drugs that you have to counter the side effects of one drug with another and then counter those side effects with another drug etc etc.

you can even use the experimental or discontinued stuff like MAOI's but dont add Adderall and benzos to the list at the same time
It's constantly changing but the core of it is:

- Curology Cleanser
- Timeless Vitamin C E Ferulic Serum
- Curology Rich Moisturizer
- Skin Aqua UV Super Moisture Gel

- Curology Cleanser
- Curology Tretinoin (with Clindamycin and Azelaic Acid)
wheres all that shit that was in your guide
my dude I don't think its a good idea to run too many compounds at once, psychiatry is in its infancy no one really knows how these compounds work that's why there are so many different frameworks for depression, schizophrenia etc and the drugs all have unforeseen effects which is why they literally guinea pig you to see what works best.
you could accidentally give yourself some kind of mental disorder like schizophrenia etc and fuck up your life. IMO don't take so many drugs that you have to counter the side effects of one drug with another and then counter those side effects with another drug etc etc.

you can even use the experimental or discontinued stuff like MAOI's but dont add Adderall and benzos to the list at the same time
I'm extremely obsessive when it comes to using pharmaceuticals. I've used Nardil with benzos and stimulants and haven't had any major issues. Trust me brah, I'm very cautious.

wheres all that shit that was in your guide
I'll PM later
I'm extremely obsessive when it comes to using pharmaceuticals. I've used Nardil with benzos and stimulants and haven't had any major issues. Trust me brah, I'm very cautious.

I'll PM later
God bless you
I'm extremely obsessive when it comes to using pharmaceuticals. I've used Nardil with benzos and stimulants and haven't had any major issues. Trust me brah, I'm very cautious.

I'll PM later
I have come for it cope
I've used Ashwagandha, and I have tried drugs like Cyproheptadine (mainly for serotonin syndrome) and Cabergoline, also Lisuride and Meterogoline. But the results are negligible and I want to experiment with stronger cortisolminning drugs, like medications used for Cushing syndrome.

Basically I've been making some very poor lifestyle choices the past couple months. Been abusing very potent, illegal stimulants and going out drinking alot which has made me very high cortisol. Interested in trying Metyrapone (Metopirone) or Mitotane (Lysodren). Anyone have experience with these drugs or something else that has worked effectively?
is it possible to reverse Cushing's syndrome?
i have a hypertrophic scarring problem from fue transplant and was thinking if mesotherapy with a steroid like Kenalog could flatten the scars since it is a large area but im also concerned doing that would give me Cushing syndrome if i use too much Kenalog or the method of application could make it more likely etc etc
is it possible to reverse Cushing's syndrome?
i have a hypertrophic scarring problem from fue transplant and was thinking if mesotherapy with a steroid like Kenalog could flatten the scars since it is a large area but im also concerned doing that would give me Cushing syndrome if i use too much Kenalog or the method of application could make it more likely etc etc
Yea, like I mentioned in my other post I'm considering corticosteroid injections for a hypertrophic scar I have but am somewhat worried about Cushing's syndrome. I think Cyproheptadine would work really well for any possible side effects, that and Shoden Ashwagandha.

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