Major Ascension Post [FIELD RESULTS INCLUDED] 10/10



Popo Crew
Aug 11, 2018
Greetings to all my looksmax brethren.
I bring good news, as promised.

Warning long read. 10-20 minutes minimum.

You should be familiar with my ascension plan that i have been updating you with since the beginning of July first on .me and now in these blessed halls.

A little background. I decided one day on .me that I was tired of rotting and while knowing I'll eventually commit suicide, I thought I would try serious looksmaxxing before I call it quits. I began an 8 month ascension project as shown in my sig. I've always known I was a subhuman and that my looks negatively impacted my life so I will go on this adventure with you all and hopefully we can finish our quest and unlock the Ascension trophy.

I'll put the contents of this update here and put the tl;dr in bold if you are short on time. I would not skip any sections as there may be some content to help you.

+progress so far
+plans for the future
+my thoughts so far (new section)
+key lessons learnt

+wrist: 6 and 3/4. Unchanged (i suspect some minor tendon size increase at 1/16 of an inch but within the chance of measurement error)
+forearms: 11.5 inches. unchanged
+biceps: grew from 15 inches (flexed) to 15 and a quarter (flexed) (natural)
+bideltoid:from just under 20 inches to 21 1/4 inches (measured multiple times in varying ways. Growth is legit. Clothes do not fit anymore in shoulder region. I have shirts that i bought at the start of my ascension which were too big and i haven't worn them once and now are too small.)
+neck: 15" unchanged. Neck has decreased in size since I stopped neck training. I never measured whilst neck training but I am certain it has decreased by 3/4 of an inch, minimum.

+clothesmaxxing: I have completely updated my closet to match modern fashion and also fraud my frame. Spent min $500 in total
+NTmaxxing: i have absorbed normie media, exposure therapy, been involved in a fight and won(major test booster). Most importantly I took a break from looksmax/incel sphere. I aggromaxxed and became disagreeable leading me to getting banned on .me which has greatly improved my life. My aspie rating has dropped from 8/10 to 5/10. Will discuss more on this.
+used nofap for long periods, even hitting 6+ weeks. Will discuss my thoughts on nofap.
+i am certain my testosterone has increased by 25% minimum. My sexual dimorphic features, drive and aggression have greatly increased. Almost a 2nd puberty.
+hygienemaxxoper grooming will make you more respected.
+less bloating. Abs defined. Vascularity on chest, back, quads. Natty.Approx 10-13% bf imo.

Field success:
+before I began my ascension project, I would have 3-4 matches on Tinder in a week. Lq sub3 foids. Earlier in my ascension project I would have 1 or 2 matches a day. Low quality sub3 foids + bots+ girls that swipe right on everyone for validation. Now I get 6-12 matches a day on tinder. 3 girls messaged me first. 1 girl was dtf (2/10), another wanted to meet up(JB 3/10) (. My lack of NT and social skills and game (Chad has experience) made me ruin these chances.
+earlier today, a random girl tried hitting on me. Weak face, good character, ok body but post wall. She led the conversation. We walked and talked for 10 minutes. I was too awkward and low T to escalate. Also she was too old for my liking but she was very aggressive for a foid. Chad probably gets this every day. Good mental boost.
+i am treated better and females speak to me more frequently. This shows I am approachable.
+when in the streets girls make eyecontact with me and stare. Even when they have a bf.

next step:
+socialmaxxing: i will need to find hobbies that have a a small population of moggable males and high concentration of females. Ill build a social group and become AMOG.
+may begin neck training to get a 16 inch neck.
+need to smellmax. I'll need to improve my scent
+dominantmaxx: i will become more dominant socially, physically.

my thoughts so far:
3.5 months in, my life has changed but not as much as you believe. I know that no matter who you are or how much maxxing you do, you are still subject to hypergamy. I have certainly ascended 1PSL rating from 4 to 5 and can say I am borderline normie but I am still very blackpilled. I believe this little project has really been an eyeopener and I do not consider myself as much of a subhuman. The ultimate aim is to get a gf and anything short of that isn't true success. While I am close to getting acceptable looks, my social skills need substantial improvement if I am to ascend. I do wonder how I will do that. I guess I will have to find that outin the next half of my ascension project. I have reached the point where sub4 foids do not see me as below them so I feel that am a 5/10.
Nofap is a coping mechanism and while nutrient retention islegit, your body will adapt and the benefits of retention will stop. Fapping has advantages and I feel mentally better when i fap 2-3 times a week. Neck training gave me pains in my neck so i am hesitant to start training it again.
Becoming more NT and less aspie is almost impossible but I am researching methods on lookism that suggest the possible use of probiotics. Perhaps users on here could compile some data on this?

lessons learnt:
+it is possible to increase PSL without changing face by frauding frame
+21inch bideltoid is sufficient. Sub21 is simply too small. Ideal is 23"
+frauding a small waist is important. Belts, fitted shirts, stomach vacuums are all legit.
+training legs is important. Not bodybuilder size but david laid size legs (google it)
+the ideal physique is the oscars trophy award.
+wrist accessories are a secret maxx to fraud large wrists

Looksmaxxed from 4PSL to 5PSL. Aim is 7PSL. Need to NTmaxx and reduce aspie rating. Game is a meme but being NT is legit. Nearly halfway through my looksmaxxing journey and finally getting real results.
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  • +1
Reactions: Aero, Kasanova, Xangsane and 8 others
Congrats bro. I can tell you're very dedicated to looksmaxing from you how you actually set goals for yourself and set-out to achieve them. Some people just expect themselves to wake up and get whatever they without working for it. I'm geneuinley happy for you. It's always good to see fellow bros ascend. I can also attest to the fact that you'll get way more female attention when you looksmax so GJ. I hope you get you're desired 7/10. I'm looking forward to your next post and seeing the different reactions etc that will happen, keep us updated bro. Keep going and ascend to the top. Good luck.
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 6401, LooksJourney and Afrikancel
Congrats bro. I can tell you're very dedicated to looksmaxing from you how you actually set goals for yourself and set-out to achieve them. Some people just expect themselves to wake up and get whatever they without working for it. I'm geneuinley happy for you. It's always good to see fellow bros ascend. I can also attest to the fact that you'll get way more female attention when you looksmax so GJ. I hope you get you're desired 7/10. I'm looking forward to your next post and seeing the different reactions etc that will happen, keep us updated bro. Keep going and ascend to the top. Good luck.
Thank you. Gaining 1 PSL point changes everything tbh. Your life improves so much. If PSL5 is this good, PSL6/7 must be like winning the lottery.
  • +1
Reactions: Chadelite and Deleted member 6401
Didn't you already get like 90 at everything in photofeeler?
  • +1
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Didn't you already get like 90 at everything in photofeeler?
Please don't bring up fake news. I consistently get 80% on PF, not 90%. PF is horseshit anyway. @Nibba. I wouldn't be here if i was a chad.
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 6401
Thank you. Gaining 1 PSL point changes everything tbh. Your life improves so much. If PSL5 is this good, PSL6/7 must be like winning the lottery.

Consider that break man. Sites like .me fuck you over mentally, especially when you actually get into a relationship.
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 6401 and Afrikancel
21inch bideltoid is sufficient. Sub21 is simply too small. Ideal is 23
Bro 23" is so rare man. Only the biggest guys have 22+ inch shoulders.

Mine are 22" and I think I look small...idk

Also really good arm size man. Mine are around the same size but they look so small on me but we can keep ascending bro.

Really good work but don't dwell on things you can't change like frame and stuff. But yeah good job man
  • +1
Reactions: diggbicc, Deleted member 6401 and Afrikancel
This is motivating as hell man, glad to hear your progress is going well. Keep looksmaxxing.
  • +1
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pm me pics and I'll give u a rating.
  • +1
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What situation were you in when a girl tried to hit on you?
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 6401
What situation were you in when a girl tried to hit on you?
Was in elevator listening to music. She spoke to me and we walked together for 10+ minutes about the city. Not really going anywhere and just enjoying the moment. She was gaugung my compatability but not being NT meant I was quickly discarded.
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 6401
Greetings to all my looksmax brethren.
I bring good news, as promised.

Warning long read. 10-20 minutes minimum.

Read this in 3 minutes
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 6401
Im proud of you @Afrikancel .

I have to agree with you on some points and I would be glad to start disucussing them:

+socialmaxxing: i will need to find hobbies that have a a small population of moggable males and high concentration of females. Ill build a social group and become AMOG ;

For me this seems neccesary for everyone in this fórum. Its better to stay away from groups who already have Chadz in them. Make groups in which you are either the best looking or if not posible amongs the best looking men. But to mitigate this be the one whos the best in that groups. For example, be the best musician in the enssemble, the fittest/fastest in the running group , etc

The ultimate aim is to get a gf and anything short of that isn't true success:
You might get a gf but she cant escape from her hypermagy instict. In my opinión, the best you can get out of a woman is an accesory to your journey. Get a girlfriend for a certain period of your life (not time, think about one for college, other for living abroad a couple of years, etc) who can offer you sex, confort, pleaasure, company, food, relax, and related things , See how I didnt mention emotional support or related stuff, because women dont think they are borderline children. They just want to feel safe and opening up to them wil just pop up their bubble.
If not posible, get multiple FWB

+NTmaxxing: i have absorbed normie media, exposure therapy, been involved in a fight and won(major test booster). Most importantly I took a break from looksmax/incel sphere. I aggromaxxed and became disagreeable leading me to getting banned on .me which has greatly improved my life:

I think youre coping hard bro. Getting too aggressive and cocky is pua advice and in my opinión is bs. Chadz can go away with it because their confidence is LEGIT. Theyre not acting cocky or aggresive. Its confidence, that just makes them act like that naturally bc they dont fear any kind of repercussions from their behaviour. Dont be a beta nice guy either, but I feel like unless you are Chad, the best balance would be to get good at something that makes you feel you are good at it (in my case, music) . Also being proud and confident that your body looks good helps a ton IM GUESSING, I hope to confirm in the future.

Im also thinking about getting out of the sphere for a while. Im probably stressing too much over llooks by looking incels and this site (which I like but its probably time for a break) Id like to have more opinions on this

Nofap is a coping mechanism and while nutrient retention islegit, your body will adapt and the benefits of retention will stop. Fapping has advantages and I feel mentally better when i fap 2-3 times a week. Neck training gave me pains in my neck so i am hesitant to start training it again.

True, true. I think nofap is not good. Less fap is definetly better. If I go on no fap I feel good for a while but then I start getting anxious about the fact that Im at home with no plans, gf or stuff to do on weekends. I crave sexual reléase but have no money for escortcelling. So fapping takes that stuff away from my mind. On the other hand (hehe) if I do it daily or abuse it I feel deppressed, lonely and pathetic.
The best thing is balance. Plus you can practice lasting longer while fapping every now and then.
I started neck training last week and until now Ive just done it with 2.5kg and 5kg plates. I do it slowly and gently to avoid injuries. Seems like its starting to work but I still have a long road to go.

All in all, well done Afrikano
  • +1
Reactions: AscendingHero, Deleted member 6401 and Afrikancel
How it is going so far?
Wtf is this

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