Male outrage over foids being sluts going mainstream on social media has actually made things worse for dating.



Juggernaut Genes Possessor
Jul 12, 2019
I remember a video from JailbaitWarrior around 2012 where he spoke about Men as a whole needing to encourage women to be sluts and "domesticate" the slut by promoting slutty behaviour among women to make it easier to fuck them.
He said women are in a lose/lose situation when they meet up with a guy because if she doesn't put out she gets called a frigid cunt but if he does the guy brags and calls her a slut to slander her, he proposed that the word slut should be used with positive connotations or a new word with positive connotations should replace it.


What has happened since then is that we've gone in the opposite direction.
In the early 2010s women could boast about being sluts and receive little to no backlash because most interactions were still in person and guys weren't going to tell foids to their face that they have a problem with them being sluts, they will just try fuck them but ever LTR.

During the 2010s there was of course some mixing between males and foids in comment sections on social media but for the most part, men would browse content more geared towards them where they read a comment section full of men while foids do the same for foid tailored content.

With the explosion of tiktok in 2020, suddenly on a mass scale, normie males and females were ending up in the same comment sections of popular tiktoks which were usually relating to dating dynamics because that's 90% of what youngcel normies focus on.
The genders also tried trolling each other by saying shit like "dont tell the boys about xyz" making it seem like foids had some secret among them that is a mindfuck to males upon being revealed and visa versa.

Foids who would behave in the most slag like manner got pushed the most on tiktok. I was utterly disgusted by the tiktoks of normie foids I seen on there in 2021 and screenshotted all of the tiktoks I seen of normie foids being giga degen.
A few months later I went back to find all of these accounts and pretty much all of the foids had deleted their degen videos.
They wanted the attention that came with posting shit that got people emotional in response but it seems the stigma attached to looking like a slut online wasn't worth it to them.



I would say this was the peak shamelessness era I've seen online from foids but because of how triggering it is for sexless males to see this shit, comment sections were often full of guys calling out slut like behaviour with many getting thousands of likes
"Fatherless behaviour" became a common phrase.

We also had the rise of podcast bros and street interviews from 2020 onwards where every guy in this sphere was talking about why a high bodycount is a bad thing. Lots of street interview clips going viral where foids say slutty shit and the interviewer makes a joke about them then the comments are full of guys calling her degen/slut etc.
Foids have been exposed to the opinions of males on sluts more than they ever have before and they can see it's overwhelmingly negative.

If a foid was 15 in 2020 and started seeing all the hate sluts were getting on tiktok in the following years, it may have actually had some influence on her actions.
I'm not saying that younger foids are all innocent now but I think they realize that if they fuck around in their youth their chances of finding an LTR will diminish significantly whereas for foids who started college in 2013, it would never even cross their mind that fucking a load of guys as soon as they got to college would impact them down the line.
It may still be the case that foids entering college in 2024 are excited to fuck around and have no concept of it impacting them down the line, but I've seen a shift in attitude from younger foids on dating apps now where they're less sexually provocative whereas back in 2018 era, so many foids had bios with sexual innuendos to try get attention but now many put in their bios that they're seeking a husband. Doctorlooksmax said he noticed this also.

It was also a case of men of the older generations being more naive and more willing to LTR foids who were sluts and be the beta BF for them
Whereas nowadays men can see where they stand in the dating market due to their failures on dating apps if they're average and realize that every girl out there is fucking someone so if it's not them then why would they ever bother going for foids of their age bracket once they finally start to look appealing around 30 due to them being stable.

I dont know how any foids who are around 30 now and single are going to find a guy to settle down with, I genuinely think they're completely fucked and it will feel like just last week to them when they were 18 and carefree now they have basically no prospects of an LTR unless they find a guy who's pathetic which will be hard given they were the first generation of foids able to fuck tinder Chads that wouldn't be seen in public with them and wouldn't speak to them in a nightclub.
Young foids today may see their older foid relatives who never made any effort to find a relationship prior to 25 failing miserably and are thinking they dont want to end up like them so will seek a relationship while young

Another factor is that prior to apps when casual sex was found through clubbing and MTNs could partake in it, MTNs may actually be able to settle down with their looksmatch despite her fucking around a bit in college because he was the benefactor of other guys wives fucking around in college who he slayed.
Let's say a normie fucks 10 girls via clubbing then he marries a foid with a bodycount of 10, he can probably find a way of coping with that
Whereas if a normie now has a laycount of 1 or even 0 then his looksmatch wants to settle down with him at 30 but she has a bodycount of 30 with many being Chadlites and Chads, it's just way harder for him to cope with that so he will probably give up on trying to find a foid before some former slag tries latch onto him unless he's a legit oofy doody aka 0 self respect.

Where does this leave us now?

We are in a transition phase now where foids are less likely than ever to fuck a MTN or even HTN that they met in a club, yet because of the avenues for young people to socialize breaking down and people leaving their house less and less, it has never been less clear how to get a relationship if you dont just manage to fall into one through luck with a girl you're forced to be around due to school/work etc.
We have lost the conditions that allowed for MTNs to get causal sex and at least benefit something from women being sluts, but we haven't gained the conditions whereby women fucking less strangers actually leads to them being more pure (virgins) or easier to find a relationship with.
There is no turning back the clock to the pre sexual revolution days where the average woman seen the average man as a good catch (both in an economic sense and due to lower looks standards) and we aren't going to see young marriage ages again anytime soon which helps to prevent sexual inequality.

We are currently living in a "worst of both worlds" scenario
I intend to go on one final run of slaying once the conditions for such are there and if I encounter an 18 year old foid on a dating app looking for her first fuck I'll take the opportunity and LTR
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Reactions: Brus Wane, ltncurry, Always Stay You and 32 others
I dont think girls watch this content. They all have like 96% male audiences, and the 4% are definitely not thin blonde jb. If anything, it's having an effect on you, and making it seem like everything's going downhill. I have a suspicion that all your doom posting and nostalgia for the past is really just a reflection of the kind of content you're watching.
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Reactions: Metaphysical, Bitchwhipper2, LooksmaxxHopeful and 17 others
I remember a video from JailbaitWarrior around 2012 where he spoke about Men as a whole needing to encourage women to be sluts and "domesticate" the slut by promoting slutty behaviour among women to make it easier to fuck them.
He said women are in a lose/lose situation when they meet up with a guy because if she doesn't put out she gets called a frigid cunt but if he does the guy brags and calls her a slut to slander her, he proposed that the word slut should be used with positive connotations or a new word with positive connotations should replace it.

View attachment 3249100

What has happened since then is that we've gone in the opposite direction.
In the early 2010s women could boast about being sluts and receive little to no backlash because most interactions were still in person and guys weren't going to tell foids to their face that they have a problem with them being sluts, they will just try fuck them but ever LTR.

During the 2010s there was of course some mixing between males and foids in comment sections on social media but for the most part, men would browse content more geared towards them where they read a comment section full of men while foids do the same for foid tailored content.

With the explosion of tiktok in 2020, suddenly on a mass scale, normie males and females were ending up in the same comment sections of popular tiktoks which were usually relating to dating dynamics because that's 90% of what youngcel normies focus on.
The genders also tried trolling each other by saying shit like "dont tell the boys about xyz" making it seem like foids had some secret among them that is a mindfuck to males upon being revealed and visa versa.

Foids who would behave in the most slag like manner got pushed the most on tiktok. I was utterly disgusted by the tiktoks of normie foids I seen on there in 2021 and screenshotted all of the tiktoks I seen of normie foids being giga degen.
A few months later I went back to find all of these accounts and pretty much all of the foids had deleted their degen videos.
They wanted the attention that came with posting shit that got people emotional in response but it seems the stigma attached to looking like a slut online wasn't worth it to them.

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I would say this was the peak shamelessness era I've seen online from foids but because of how triggering it is for sexless males to see this shit, comment sections were often full of guys called out slut like behaviour with many getting thousands of likes
"Fatherless behaviour" became a common phrase.

We also had the rise of podcast bros and street interviews from 2020 onwards where every guy in this sphere was talking about way a high bodycount is a bad thing. Lots of street interview clips going viral where foids say slutty shit and the interviewer makes a joke about them then the comments are full of guys calling her degen/slut etc.
Foids have been exposed to the opinions of males on sluts more than they ever have before and they can see it's overwhelmingly negative.

If a foid was 15 in 2020 and started seeing all the hate sluts were getting on tiktok in the following years, it may have actually had some influence on her actions.
I'm not saying that younger foids are all innocent now but I think they realize that if they fuck around in their youth their chances of finding an LTR will diminish significantly whereas for foids who started college in 2013, it would never even cross their mind that fucking a load of guys as soon as they got to college would impact them down the line.
It may still be the case that foids entering college in 2024 are excited to fuck around and have no concept of it impacting them down the line, but I've seen a shift in attitude from younger foids on dating apps now where they're less sexually provocative whereas back in 2018 era, so many foids had bios with sexual innuendos to try get attention. Doctorlooksmax said he noticed this also.

It is also a case of men of the older generations being more naive and more willing to LTR foids who were sluts and be the beta BF for them
Whereas nowadays men can see where they stand in the dating market due to their failures on dating apps if they're average and realize that every girl out there is fucking someone so if it's not them then why would they ever bother going for foids of their age bracket once they finally start to look appealing around 30 due to them being stable.

I dont know how any foids who are around 30 now and single are going to find a guy to settle down with, I genuinely think they're completely fucked and it will feel like just last week to them when they were 18 and carefree now they have basically no prospects of an LTR unless they find a guy who's pathetic which will be hard given they were the first generation of foids able to fuck tinder Chads that wouldn't be seen in public with them and wouldn't speak to them in a nightclub.
Young foids today may see their older foid relatives who never made any effort to find a relationship prior to 25 failing miserably and are thinking they dont want to end up like them so will seek a relationship while young

Another factor is that before apps when casual sex was found through clubbing and MTNs could partake in it, MTNs may actually be able to settle down with their looksmatch despite her fucking around a bit in college because he was the benefactor of other guys wives fucking around in college who he slayed.
Let's say a normie fucks 10 girls via clubbing then he marries a foid with a bodycount of 10, he can probably find a way of coping with that
Whereas if a normie now has a laycount of 1 or even 0 then his looksmatch wants to settle down with him at 30 but she has a bodycount of 30 with many being Chadlites and Chads, it's just way harder for him to cope with that so he will probably give up on trying to find a foid before some former slag tries latch onto him unless he's a legit oofy doody aka 0 self respect.

Where does this leave us now?

We are in a transition phase now where foids are less likely than ever to fuck a MTN or even HTN that they met in a club, yet because of the avenues for young people to socialize breaking down and people leaving their house less and less, it has never been less clear how to get a relationship if you dont just manage to fall into one through luck with a girl you're forced to be around due to school/work etc.
We have lost the conditions that allowed for MTNs to get causal sex and at least benefit something from women being sluts, but we haven't gained the conditions whereby women fucking less strangers actually leads to them being more pure (virgins) or easier to find a relationship with.
There is no turning back the clock to the pre sexual revolution days where the average woman seen the average man as a good catch (both in an economic sense and due to lower looks standards) and we aren't going to see young marriage ages again anytime soon which helps to prevent sexual inequality.

We are currently living in a "worst of both worlds" scenario
I intend to go on one final run of slaying once the conditions for such are there and if I encounter an 18 year old foid on a dating app looking for her first fuck I'll take the opportunity and LTR

Nothing will happen
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Not a bad summary.
  • +1
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>ban yoga pants
>ban clothes that let women sexualize themselves
>ban dating apps
>ban women from working most jobs
>ban women drinking/drugs

problem solved
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Reactions: Baldingman1998, jadasea, ilikecats123 and 12 others
How can I love a foid inside whom some man literally dumped his semen inside ?
It's practically impossible for me to do that .

Ik you will hate on me because of this reply but It was not at all like that when Islam ruled a nation by sharia .

It was insanely rare for a foid to do adultery,
Cheating (else they will be stoned to death ) .
99 percent of foids used to be virgins before marriage .

Western society has failed us.

Inb4 'go to Afghanistan and leave the west then deathnic'
Yes I will actually permanently go to a sh@ria ruled place in Syri@ once I turn 25.
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Reactions: h111, LooksmaxxHopeful, Pikabro and 6 others
Just pit a hijab on
>ban yoga pants
>ban clothes that let women sexualize themselves
>ban dating apps
>ban women from working most jobs
>ban women drinking/drugs

problem solved
As a truecel, this doesn't really affect me tbh. I was never on the dating/sex market.
95% of women age 23+ are unsuitable for LTR.

there's nothing we can do.
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Reactions: TiktokUser, jadasea, Kao and 12 others
I remember a video from JailbaitWarrior around 2012 where he spoke about Men as a whole needing to encourage women to be sluts and "domesticate" the slut by promoting slutty behaviour among women to make it easier to fuck them.
He said women are in a lose/lose situation when they meet up with a guy because if she doesn't put out she gets called a frigid cunt but if he does the guy brags and calls her a slut to slander her, he proposed that the word slut should be used with positive connotations or a new word with positive connotations should replace it.

View attachment 3249100

What has happened since then is that we've gone in the opposite direction.
In the early 2010s women could boast about being sluts and receive little to no backlash because most interactions were still in person and guys weren't going to tell foids to their face that they have a problem with them being sluts, they will just try fuck them but ever LTR.

During the 2010s there was of course some mixing between males and foids in comment sections on social media but for the most part, men would browse content more geared towards them where they read a comment section full of men while foids do the same for foid tailored content.

With the explosion of tiktok in 2020, suddenly on a mass scale, normie males and females were ending up in the same comment sections of popular tiktoks which were usually relating to dating dynamics because that's 90% of what youngcel normies focus on.
The genders also tried trolling each other by saying shit like "dont tell the boys about xyz" making it seem like foids had some secret among them that is a mindfuck to males upon being revealed and visa versa.

Foids who would behave in the most slag like manner got pushed the most on tiktok. I was utterly disgusted by the tiktoks of normie foids I seen on there in 2021 and screenshotted all of the tiktoks I seen of normie foids being giga degen.
A few months later I went back to find all of these accounts and pretty much all of the foids had deleted their degen videos.
They wanted the attention that came with posting shit that got people emotional in response but it seems the stigma attached to looking like a slut online wasn't worth it to them.

View attachment 3249047View attachment 3249048View attachment 3249049
View attachment 3249050View attachment 3249051

I would say this was the peak shamelessness era I've seen online from foids but because of how triggering it is for sexless males to see this shit, comment sections were often full of guys calling out slut like behaviour with many getting thousands of likes
"Fatherless behaviour" became a common phrase.

We also had the rise of podcast bros and street interviews from 2020 onwards where every guy in this sphere was talking about why a high bodycount is a bad thing. Lots of street interview clips going viral where foids say slutty shit and the interviewer makes a joke about them then the comments are full of guys calling her degen/slut etc.
Foids have been exposed to the opinions of males on sluts more than they ever have before and they can see it's overwhelmingly negative.

If a foid was 15 in 2020 and started seeing all the hate sluts were getting on tiktok in the following years, it may have actually had some influence on her actions.
I'm not saying that younger foids are all innocent now but I think they realize that if they fuck around in their youth their chances of finding an LTR will diminish significantly whereas for foids who started college in 2013, it would never even cross their mind that fucking a load of guys as soon as they got to college would impact them down the line.
It may still be the case that foids entering college in 2024 are excited to fuck around and have no concept of it impacting them down the line, but I've seen a shift in attitude from younger foids on dating apps now where they're less sexually provocative whereas back in 2018 era, so many foids had bios with sexual innuendos to try get attention but now many put in their bios that they're seeking a husband. Doctorlooksmax said he noticed this also.

It was also a case of men of the older generations being more naive and more willing to LTR foids who were sluts and be the beta BF for them
Whereas nowadays men can see where they stand in the dating market due to their failures on dating apps if they're average and realize that every girl out there is fucking someone so if it's not them then why would they ever bother going for foids of their age bracket once they finally start to look appealing around 30 due to them being stable.

I dont know how any foids who are around 30 now and single are going to find a guy to settle down with, I genuinely think they're completely fucked and it will feel like just last week to them when they were 18 and carefree now they have basically no prospects of an LTR unless they find a guy who's pathetic which will be hard given they were the first generation of foids able to fuck tinder Chads that wouldn't be seen in public with them and wouldn't speak to them in a nightclub.
Young foids today may see their older foid relatives who never made any effort to find a relationship prior to 25 failing miserably and are thinking they dont want to end up like them so will seek a relationship while young

Another factor is that prior to apps when casual sex was found through clubbing and MTNs could partake in it, MTNs may actually be able to settle down with their looksmatch despite her fucking around a bit in college because he was the benefactor of other guys wives fucking around in college who he slayed.
Let's say a normie fucks 10 girls via clubbing then he marries a foid with a bodycount of 10, he can probably find a way of coping with that
Whereas if a normie now has a laycount of 1 or even 0 then his looksmatch wants to settle down with him at 30 but she has a bodycount of 30 with many being Chadlites and Chads, it's just way harder for him to cope with that so he will probably give up on trying to find a foid before some former slag tries latch onto him unless he's a legit oofy doody aka 0 self respect.

Where does this leave us now?

We are in a transition phase now where foids are less likely than ever to fuck a MTN or even HTN that they met in a club, yet because of the avenues for young people to socialize breaking down and people leaving their house less and less, it has never been less clear how to get a relationship if you dont just manage to fall into one through luck with a girl you're forced to be around due to school/work etc.
We have lost the conditions that allowed for MTNs to get causal sex and at least benefit something from women being sluts, but we haven't gained the conditions whereby women fucking less strangers actually leads to them being more pure (virgins) or easier to find a relationship with.
There is no turning back the clock to the pre sexual revolution days where the average woman seen the average man as a good catch (both in an economic sense and due to lower looks standards) and we aren't going to see young marriage ages again anytime soon which helps to prevent sexual inequality.

We are currently living in a "worst of both worlds" scenario
I intend to go on one final run of slaying once the conditions for such are there and if I encounter an 18 year old foid on a dating app looking for her first fuck I'll take the opportunity and LTR

Dnr most of it +

Cope, Chad doesn't need to think about any of these dynamics. Chad doesn't need to think about the "dating climate".

Either do something or accept your fate as a normie liberal eternal wageslaveceller.
  • +1
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Reactions: LooksmaxxHopeful, XtrovertNTnormalfag, Dominicoon and 2 others
Excellent thread

Jay Z Applause GIF

In the early 2010s women could boast about being sluts and receive little to no backlash because most interactions were still in person and guys weren't going to tell foids to their face that they have a problem with them being sluts, they will just try fuck them but ever LTR.

I hadn't even considered this. Everyone these days is a low inhb keyboard brute behind an anonymous social media account. Back in the day, guys wouldn't even dream of calling girls out to their faces as this would diminish their chances of potentially slaying that girl, or anybody in that immediate circle as the other girls would stick up for their friend. Guys would keep their mouths shut and only slag them off behind their backs to other males.

If a foid was 15 in 2020 and started seeing all the hate sluts were getting on tiktok in the following years, it may have actually had some influence on her actions.
I'm not saying that younger foids are all innocent now but I think they realize that if they fuck around in their youth their chances of finding an LTR will diminish significantly whereas for foids who started college in 2013, it would never even cross their mind that fucking a load of guys as soon as they got to college would impact them down the line.
It may still be the case that foids entering college in 2024 are excited to fuck around and have no concept of it impacting them down the line, but I've seen a shift in attitude from younger foids on dating apps now where they're less sexually provocative whereas back in 2018 era, so many foids had bios with sexual innuendos to try get attention but now many put in their bios that they're seeking a husband. Doctorlooksmax said he noticed this also.

I do disagree with this part though. I think girls are still fucking regularly, the only difference is they do it in secret with guys who are superior in looks or status, often both. Girls are still getting horny, they're still getting drunk/high and still fucking under the influence. Only difference is she recognizes that having a ONS or FWB will lower her value, so she will only do it with guys she deems worth it in case she is exposed. AKA Chads, or high status influencer types. Where as 10 years ago this would've been some random MTN from her class or the club. Foids don't have the discipline to practice celibacy for years for a chance at a higher value LTR, they will just fuck in the shadows and take every measure to ensure nobody finds out.

Reminds me of a time I matched a 'good girl' medicine student who invited me straight round to her house from Tinder (we had only facetimed once before that so she could see that I was real). Once I got to her house she made me wait outside for 10 mins because she had to verify that none of her housemates (who were also medicine students) were in the kitchen / wandering around. She wanted me to sneak in unnoticed. This was back in 2017 so imagine now.
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Also jfl at the beef between jailbaitwarrior and chestbrah :lul:


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I do disagree with this part though. I think girls are still fucking regularly, the only difference is they do it in secret with guys who are superior in looks. Girls are still getting horny, they're still getting drunk/high and still fucking under the influence. Only difference is she recognizes that having a ONS or FWB will lower her value, so she will only do it with guys she deems worth it. AKA Chads, or high status influencer types. Where as 10 years ago this would've been some random MTN from her class or the club. Foids don't have to discipline to practice celibacy for years for a chance at a higher value LTR, they will just fuck in the shadows and take every measure to ensure nobody finds out.
Which is so retarded because the MTB could actually get a LTR from having sex with MTNs.
She will get feelings for the chad, get pump n dumped, and now you have another bitter feminist whore in her late 20s.

Whose looksmatch will have to suffer her wrath despite being incel :lul::lul:
  • +1
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Reactions: Brus Wane, LooksmaxxHopeful, JovenCansao and 3 others
Dnr most of it +

Cope, Chad doesn't need to think about any of these dynamics. Chad doesn't need to think about the "dating climate".

Either do something or accept your fate as a normie liberal eternal wageslaveceller.
1. What relevance does it have what Chad does when nobody on this forum is Chad and this thread was made for people to discuss the shift in modern dating who aren't 1/10000 genetic lottery winners

2. You shit on my thread by setting the tone in your post that Chad doesn't have to make any effort to get what he wants, then in the next line you say "either do something about it or" which implies that you're advocating for making an effort as a sub Chad.
So you're trying to deny my thread by saying Chad doesn't have to try, then you immediately say to take action to combat the dating difficulties I've outlined in this thread.
Every thread I make is with the aim of finding the solution whether I type it within that thread or a follow up whereas you're incapable of ever finding any solution or taking action.

3. Inb4 DNR, You're a braindead clown and I've put you on ignore
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Reactions: Brus Wane, NZb6Air, ltncurry and 5 others
The acceleration of all of this was Andrew Tate. As much as you like or dislike him. In 2022 he was everywhere. There is not a single NPC in real life who doesn’t know who he is, if they are between 17-30.

His huge fan base initially was what told young men it’s alright to be disgusted with promiscuity and it notified women that men are very disgusted by them having sex.

Additionally; your post isn’t detrimental to the female sexual strategy. Women lie. Either blatantly or by omission. A classmate of mine has had a girlfriend for 2 years and through lies of omission she made it seem like her body count was way lower than it was (he told me she said 15 was very high in passing). Then a month ago she confessed to him her body count was 30.

Women have and always will lie. Not a lot have the backbone to live through the consequences of their actions and it’s easier to just move to a new location and/or lie about your partner count.
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didnt read but dating and relationships was always a disney meme, no slut is worth any of it
  • +1
Reactions: bloomercel
Excellent thread

Jay Z Applause GIF

I hadn't even considered this. Everyone these days is a low inhb keyboard brute behind an anonymous social media account. Back in the day, guys wouldn't even dream of calling girls out to their faces as this would diminish their chances of potentially slaying that girl, or anybody in that immediate circle as the other girls would stick up for their friend. Guys would keep their mouths shut and only slag them off behind their backs to other males.

I do disagree with this part though. I think girls are still fucking regularly, the only difference is they do it in secret with guys who are superior in looks or status, often both. Girls are still getting horny, they're still getting drunk/high and still fucking under the influence. Only difference is she recognizes that having a ONS or FWB will lower her value, so she will only do it with guys she deems worth it in case she is exposed. AKA Chads, or high status influencer types. Where as 10 years ago this would've been some random MTN from her class or the club. Foids don't have the discipline to practice celibacy for years for a chance at a higher value LTR, they will just fuck in the shadows and take every measure to ensure nobody finds out.

Reminds me of a time I matched a 'good girl' medicine student who invited me straight round to her house from Tinder (we had only facetimed once before that so she could see that I was real). Once I got to her house she made me wait outside for 10 mins because she had to verify that none of her housemates (who were also medicine students) were in the kitchen / wandering around. She wanted me to sneak in unnoticed. This was back in 2017 so imagine now.
Yeah legit point
1. What relevance does it have what Chad does when nobody on this forum is Chad and this thread was made for people to discuss the shift in modern dating who aren't 1/10000 genetic lottery winners

2. You shit on my thread by setting the tone in your post that Chad doesn't have to make any effort to get what he wants, then in the next line you say "either do something about it or" which implies that you're advocating for making an effort as a sub Chad.
So you're trying to deny my thread by saying Chad doesn't have to try, then you immediately say to take action to combat the dating difficulties I've outlined in this thread.
Every thread I make is with the aim of finding the solution whether I type it within that thread or a follow up whereas you're incapable of ever finding any solution or taking action.

3. Inb4 DNR, You're a braindead clown and I've put you on ignore
Sorry man I was genuinely just being facetious and a troll. It wasn't personal at all and didn't mean to be a dick. I'd love to talk about the shifts in dynamics and how to go about dating as a sub Chad. I know you won't see this since you put me on ignore but hope you accept my apology. My post was just off hand and unserious. I really should've made that clear or just not posted it at all.
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Which is so retarded because the MTB could actually get a LTR from having sex with MTNs.
She will get feelings for the chad, get pump n dumped, and now you have another bitter feminist whore in her late 20s.

Whose looksmatch will have to suffer her wrath despite being incel :lul::lul:
Thing is, MTNs these days are full of bitter rage, and rightfully so. They've been exposed to how sluts behave around Chads, how Chads are treated on Tinder, how influencers are cucking guys through DMs

Before social media all of this shit was done in private. Female nature was unknown to the average shmuck.

But now they've seen what they're missing out on and they're furious

MTNs know what is happening behind the curtain and they're not apart of it. Their trust levels are at all time lows. They think every foid is a high n count slut. Most are unwilling to trust MTBs anymore because they think they're being settled for by a slut.

Theres a reddit comment I saw 10 mins ago, I'll find it and tag you
  • +1
Reactions: ezio6, Brus Wane, LooksmaxxHopeful and 10 others
I'll have to admit theres some good analysis in this thread , but anyways:

Try men
  • Hmm...
Reactions: bloomercel
Thing is, MTNs these days are full of bitter rage, and rightfully so. They've been exposed to how sluts behave around Chads, how Chads are treated on Tinder, how influencers are cucking guys through DMs

Before social media all of this shit was done in private. Female nature was unknown to the average shmuck.

But now they've seen what they're missing out on and they're furious

MTNs know what is happening behind the curtain and they're not apart of it. Their trust levels are at all time lows. They think every foid is a high n count slut. Most are unwilling to trust MTBs anymore because they think they're being settled for by a slut.

Theres a reddit comment I saw 10 mins ago, I'll find it and tag you

There's some good girls out there. Have OP and yourself considered CBT? I don't think slaying is fulfilling nor practical. Was it actually possible in 2017? Like you'd go to a nightclub and bring a chick back to a hotel? If it's stability and relationship that you really want then I'd say just try to control your thinking and focus on looksmaxxing, meeting new women and keeping your mental wellbeing up. It's no ones job to monitor what some of the lousy girls are doing.

And I agree with @New Poster. A lot of social media consumption can exaggerate black and white thinking and I think OP has been lead to believe that there are no girls out there who are relationship material. I'm pretty concerned I've upset @6ft4.
  • Hmm...
Reactions: Brus Wane
There's some good girls out there. Have OP and yourself considered CBT? I don't think slaying is fulfilling nor practical. Was it actually possible in 2017. Like you'd go to a nightclub and bring a chick back to a hotel? If it's stability and relationship that you really want then I'd say just try to control your thinking and focus on looksmaxxing, meeting new women and keeping your mental wellbeing up. It's no ones job to monitor what some of the lousy girls are doing.

And I agree with @New Poster. A lot of social media consumption can exaggerate black and white thinking and I think OP has been lead to believe that there are no girls out there who are relationship material. I'm pretty concerned I've upset @6ft4.
Something like 70% of new young couples met through the internet (dating apps).
That's incredibly concerning when you are blackpilled about dating-apps.

sure it may be possible to find a girl at university, church, work, at the gym, who isn't on the apps. But those odds are incredibly slim when you consider the 70% figure.
  • +1
Reactions: TiktokUser, stamaster21, Brus Wane and 4 others
Something like 70% of new young couples met through the internet (dating apps).
That's incredibly concerning when you are blackpilled about dating-apps.

sure it may be possible to find a girl at university, church, work, at the gym, who isn't on the apps. But those odds are incredibly slim when you consider the 70% figure.
Why is it concerning?
There's some good girls out there. Have OP and yourself considered CBT? I don't think slaying is fulfilling nor practical. Was it actually possible in 2017? Like you'd go to a nightclub and bring a chick back to a hotel? If it's stability and relationship that you really want then I'd say just try to control your thinking and focus on looksmaxxing, meeting new women and keeping your mental wellbeing up. It's no ones job to monitor what some of the lousy girls are doing.

And I agree with @New Poster. A lot of social media consumption can exaggerate black and white thinking and I think OP has been lead to believe that there are no girls out there who are relationship material. I'm pretty concerned I've upset @6ft4.
99% of women are not suitable for a LTR

To my standards at least

I managed to find one that is but if we break up I will never LTR again. I’m lucky I can slay whenever or pay for escorts if I want to. But some guys aren’t so fortunate and don’t have any other options. Before my ascension I was incel as fuck and living in a constant state of bitterness and rage, so I completely understand it.

Most women under 30 are utter trash. I can explain why this is the case but it’s gonna be a long write up
  • +1
Reactions: Brus Wane, ChickenAndRiceBrah, thereallegend and 4 others
99% of women are not suitable for a LTR

To my standards at least

I managed to find one that is but if we break up I will never LTR again. I’m lucky I can slay whenever or pay for escorts if I want to. But some guys aren’t so fortunate and don’t have any other options. Before my ascension I was incel as fuck and living in a constant state of bitterness and rage, so I completely understand it.

Most women under 30 are utter trash. I can explain why this is the case but it’s gonna be a long write up
What's preventing you from focusing on your current relationship and what's in your control? I understand the blackpill but I also care about people ngl so I don't want some of my baity posts to upset anyone. I think when it comes to actually spending time on things, looking at what irresponsible women are doing is just a waste of mental energy. IRL most women are alright, and most people in general are just alright.

There are extremes for sure but I need guys to stay up. I understand you completely.
I remember a video from JailbaitWarrior around 2012 where he spoke about Men as a whole needing to encourage women to be sluts and "domesticate" the slut by promoting slutty behaviour among women to make it easier to fuck them.
He said women are in a lose/lose situation when they meet up with a guy because if she doesn't put out she gets called a frigid cunt but if he does the guy brags and calls her a slut to slander her, he proposed that the word slut should be used with positive connotations or a new word with positive connotations should replace it.

View attachment 3249100

What has happened since then is that we've gone in the opposite direction.
In the early 2010s women could boast about being sluts and receive little to no backlash because most interactions were still in person and guys weren't going to tell foids to their face that they have a problem with them being sluts, they will just try fuck them but ever LTR.

During the 2010s there was of course some mixing between males and foids in comment sections on social media but for the most part, men would browse content more geared towards them where they read a comment section full of men while foids do the same for foid tailored content.

With the explosion of tiktok in 2020, suddenly on a mass scale, normie males and females were ending up in the same comment sections of popular tiktoks which were usually relating to dating dynamics because that's 90% of what youngcel normies focus on.
The genders also tried trolling each other by saying shit like "dont tell the boys about xyz" making it seem like foids had some secret among them that is a mindfuck to males upon being revealed and visa versa.

Foids who would behave in the most slag like manner got pushed the most on tiktok. I was utterly disgusted by the tiktoks of normie foids I seen on there in 2021 and screenshotted all of the tiktoks I seen of normie foids being giga degen.
A few months later I went back to find all of these accounts and pretty much all of the foids had deleted their degen videos.
They wanted the attention that came with posting shit that got people emotional in response but it seems the stigma attached to looking like a slut online wasn't worth it to them.

View attachment 3249047View attachment 3249048View attachment 3249049
View attachment 3249050View attachment 3249051

I would say this was the peak shamelessness era I've seen online from foids but because of how triggering it is for sexless males to see this shit, comment sections were often full of guys calling out slut like behaviour with many getting thousands of likes
"Fatherless behaviour" became a common phrase.

We also had the rise of podcast bros and street interviews from 2020 onwards where every guy in this sphere was talking about why a high bodycount is a bad thing. Lots of street interview clips going viral where foids say slutty shit and the interviewer makes a joke about them then the comments are full of guys calling her degen/slut etc.
Foids have been exposed to the opinions of males on sluts more than they ever have before and they can see it's overwhelmingly negative.

If a foid was 15 in 2020 and started seeing all the hate sluts were getting on tiktok in the following years, it may have actually had some influence on her actions.
I'm not saying that younger foids are all innocent now but I think they realize that if they fuck around in their youth their chances of finding an LTR will diminish significantly whereas for foids who started college in 2013, it would never even cross their mind that fucking a load of guys as soon as they got to college would impact them down the line.
It may still be the case that foids entering college in 2024 are excited to fuck around and have no concept of it impacting them down the line, but I've seen a shift in attitude from younger foids on dating apps now where they're less sexually provocative whereas back in 2018 era, so many foids had bios with sexual innuendos to try get attention but now many put in their bios that they're seeking a husband. Doctorlooksmax said he noticed this also.

It was also a case of men of the older generations being more naive and more willing to LTR foids who were sluts and be the beta BF for them
Whereas nowadays men can see where they stand in the dating market due to their failures on dating apps if they're average and realize that every girl out there is fucking someone so if it's not them then why would they ever bother going for foids of their age bracket once they finally start to look appealing around 30 due to them being stable.

I dont know how any foids who are around 30 now and single are going to find a guy to settle down with, I genuinely think they're completely fucked and it will feel like just last week to them when they were 18 and carefree now they have basically no prospects of an LTR unless they find a guy who's pathetic which will be hard given they were the first generation of foids able to fuck tinder Chads that wouldn't be seen in public with them and wouldn't speak to them in a nightclub.
Young foids today may see their older foid relatives who never made any effort to find a relationship prior to 25 failing miserably and are thinking they dont want to end up like them so will seek a relationship while young

Another factor is that prior to apps when casual sex was found through clubbing and MTNs could partake in it, MTNs may actually be able to settle down with their looksmatch despite her fucking around a bit in college because he was the benefactor of other guys wives fucking around in college who he slayed.
Let's say a normie fucks 10 girls via clubbing then he marries a foid with a bodycount of 10, he can probably find a way of coping with that
Whereas if a normie now has a laycount of 1 or even 0 then his looksmatch wants to settle down with him at 30 but she has a bodycount of 30 with many being Chadlites and Chads, it's just way harder for him to cope with that so he will probably give up on trying to find a foid before some former slag tries latch onto him unless he's a legit oofy doody aka 0 self respect.

Where does this leave us now?

We are in a transition phase now where foids are less likely than ever to fuck a MTN or even HTN that they met in a club, yet because of the avenues for young people to socialize breaking down and people leaving their house less and less, it has never been less clear how to get a relationship if you dont just manage to fall into one through luck with a girl you're forced to be around due to school/work etc.
We have lost the conditions that allowed for MTNs to get causal sex and at least benefit something from women being sluts, but we haven't gained the conditions whereby women fucking less strangers actually leads to them being more pure (virgins) or easier to find a relationship with.
There is no turning back the clock to the pre sexual revolution days where the average woman seen the average man as a good catch (both in an economic sense and due to lower looks standards) and we aren't going to see young marriage ages again anytime soon which helps to prevent sexual inequality.

We are currently living in a "worst of both worlds" scenario
I intend to go on one final run of slaying once the conditions for such are there and if I encounter an 18 year old foid on a dating app looking for her first fuck I'll take the opportunity and LTR

They’re only sluts for CL anyway so who cares
Something like 70% of new young couples met through the internet (dating apps).
That's incredibly concerning when you are blackpilled about dating-apps.

sure it may be possible to find a girl at university, church, work, at the gym, who isn't on the apps. But those odds are incredibly slim when you consider the 70% figure.

I don’t trust that 70% number, I’ve seen it as low as like 9%. This is difficult to get numbers on but for sure people are getting tired of the apps, even the mainstream media is reporting on this:

Most attractive girls use them for virtual attention and validation only, they have more than enough guys in their proximity to LTR. 100% there is a problem if she’s on the apps.
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: XtrovertNTnormalfag, MoggerGaston and Ken
I don’t trust that 70% number, I’ve seen it as low as like 9%. This is difficult to get numbers on but for sure people are getting tired of the apps, even the mainstream media is reporting on this:

Most attractive girls use them for virtual attention and validation only, they have more than enough guys in their proximity to LTR. 100% there is a problem if she’s on the apps.

The online figure includes Instagram and snapchat. That makes it a lot more believable. Only the slutty, desperate, low-self esteem girls get on dating apps but all girls have social media. Every time I see an above average looking girl open up snapchat or instagram they have hundreds of message notifications.
  • +1
Reactions: Always Stay You, thereallegend, bloomercel and 3 others
The online figure includes Instagram and snapchat. That makes it a lot more believable. Only the slutty, desperate, low-self esteem girls get on dating apps but all girls have social media. Every time I see an above average looking girl open up snapchat or instagram they have hundreds of message notifications.
because instagram/snapchat is any better?
those places are even more degenerate if anything.

9% is a complete lie btw @Whatever
  • +1
Reactions: Brus Wane and Ken
What's preventing you from focusing on your current relationship and what's in your control? I understand the blackpill but I also care about people ngl so I don't want some of my baity posts to upset anyone. I think when it comes to actually spending time on things, looking at what irresponsible women are doing is just a waste of mental energy. IRL most women are alright, and most people in general are just alright.

There are extremes for sure but I need guys to stay up. I understand you completely.
I am, I've just gotten a new job with a huge payrise while working on a new YT channel. Me and my gf go away a lot, do shit together most weekends and I'd say I have a better relationship than anyone I know irl

Yeah I agree most women are 'alright', I get along with anyone, have female friends and coworkers ect. It's not like I'm gonna treat them any differently.

But for a LTR I need someone who's better than 'alright'. If I'm going to commit to someone and give up slaying, I have to know that my time isn't being wasted while in my prime. I don't want to invest in a relationship just to get cheated on years down the line or end up in a dead bedroom situation.

I am 100% fine being alone as I can still have sex and spend time with friends. I don't need a girlfriend. If I choose to have a girlfriend, the LTR has to be near perfect for me to give everything up else. And that's probably why we've been together for 7 years without any problems

All of the guys I know irl who LTRd a girl who was alright, ended up like this

  • +1
  • Love it
Reactions: Brus Wane, Huge غرور, ChickenAndRiceBrah and 2 others
The online figure includes Instagram and snapchat. That makes it a lot more believable. Only the slutty, desperate, low-self esteem girls get on dating apps but all girls have social media. Every time I see an above average looking girl open up snapchat or instagram they have hundreds of message notifications.
Maybe it's cause I'm used to it but I don't think I could LTR a girl with social media. It's just way too much stress

And that factor alone disqualifies 99% of women for me
  • +1
Reactions: Huge غرور, bloomercel and Ken
I am, I've just gotten a new job with a huge payrise while working on a new YT channel. Me and my gf go away a lot, do shit together most weekends and I'd say I have a better relationship than anyone I know irl

Yeah I agree most women are 'alright', I get along with anyone, have female friends and coworkers ect. It's not like I'm gonna treat them any differently.

But for a LTR I need someone who's better than 'alright'. If I'm going to commit to someone and give up slaying, I have to know that my time isn't being wasted while in my prime. I don't want to invest in a relationship just to get cheated on years down the line or end up in a dead bedroom situation.

I am 100% fine being alone as I can still have sex and spend time with friends. I don't need a girlfriend. If I choose to have a girlfriend, the LTR has to be near perfect for me to give everything up else. And that's probably why we've been together for 7 years without any problems

All of the guys I know irl who LTRd a girl who was alright, ended up like this

Caged at the linked thread.

I guess everything in life is a trade off. Gotta stay in the present.
I remember a video from JailbaitWarrior around 2012 where he spoke about Men as a whole needing to encourage women to be sluts and "domesticate" the slut by promoting slutty behaviour among women to make it easier to fuck them.
He said women are in a lose/lose situation when they meet up with a guy because if she doesn't put out she gets called a frigid cunt but if he does the guy brags and calls her a slut to slander her, he proposed that the word slut should be used with positive connotations or a new word with positive connotations should replace it.

View attachment 3249100

What has happened since then is that we've gone in the opposite direction.
In the early 2010s women could boast about being sluts and receive little to no backlash because most interactions were still in person and guys weren't going to tell foids to their face that they have a problem with them being sluts, they will just try fuck them but ever LTR.

During the 2010s there was of course some mixing between males and foids in comment sections on social media but for the most part, men would browse content more geared towards them where they read a comment section full of men while foids do the same for foid tailored content.

With the explosion of tiktok in 2020, suddenly on a mass scale, normie males and females were ending up in the same comment sections of popular tiktoks which were usually relating to dating dynamics because that's 90% of what youngcel normies focus on.
The genders also tried trolling each other by saying shit like "dont tell the boys about xyz" making it seem like foids had some secret among them that is a mindfuck to males upon being revealed and visa versa.

Foids who would behave in the most slag like manner got pushed the most on tiktok. I was utterly disgusted by the tiktoks of normie foids I seen on there in 2021 and screenshotted all of the tiktoks I seen of normie foids being giga degen.
A few months later I went back to find all of these accounts and pretty much all of the foids had deleted their degen videos.
They wanted the attention that came with posting shit that got people emotional in response but it seems the stigma attached to looking like a slut online wasn't worth it to them.

View attachment 3249047View attachment 3249048View attachment 3249049
View attachment 3249050View attachment 3249051

I would say this was the peak shamelessness era I've seen online from foids but because of how triggering it is for sexless males to see this shit, comment sections were often full of guys calling out slut like behaviour with many getting thousands of likes
"Fatherless behaviour" became a common phrase.

We also had the rise of podcast bros and street interviews from 2020 onwards where every guy in this sphere was talking about why a high bodycount is a bad thing. Lots of street interview clips going viral where foids say slutty shit and the interviewer makes a joke about them then the comments are full of guys calling her degen/slut etc.
Foids have been exposed to the opinions of males on sluts more than they ever have before and they can see it's overwhelmingly negative.

If a foid was 15 in 2020 and started seeing all the hate sluts were getting on tiktok in the following years, it may have actually had some influence on her actions.
I'm not saying that younger foids are all innocent now but I think they realize that if they fuck around in their youth their chances of finding an LTR will diminish significantly whereas for foids who started college in 2013, it would never even cross their mind that fucking a load of guys as soon as they got to college would impact them down the line.
It may still be the case that foids entering college in 2024 are excited to fuck around and have no concept of it impacting them down the line, but I've seen a shift in attitude from younger foids on dating apps now where they're less sexually provocative whereas back in 2018 era, so many foids had bios with sexual innuendos to try get attention but now many put in their bios that they're seeking a husband. Doctorlooksmax said he noticed this also.

It was also a case of men of the older generations being more naive and more willing to LTR foids who were sluts and be the beta BF for them
Whereas nowadays men can see where they stand in the dating market due to their failures on dating apps if they're average and realize that every girl out there is fucking someone so if it's not them then why would they ever bother going for foids of their age bracket once they finally start to look appealing around 30 due to them being stable.

I dont know how any foids who are around 30 now and single are going to find a guy to settle down with, I genuinely think they're completely fucked and it will feel like just last week to them when they were 18 and carefree now they have basically no prospects of an LTR unless they find a guy who's pathetic which will be hard given they were the first generation of foids able to fuck tinder Chads that wouldn't be seen in public with them and wouldn't speak to them in a nightclub.
Young foids today may see their older foid relatives who never made any effort to find a relationship prior to 25 failing miserably and are thinking they dont want to end up like them so will seek a relationship while young

Another factor is that prior to apps when casual sex was found through clubbing and MTNs could partake in it, MTNs may actually be able to settle down with their looksmatch despite her fucking around a bit in college because he was the benefactor of other guys wives fucking around in college who he slayed.
Let's say a normie fucks 10 girls via clubbing then he marries a foid with a bodycount of 10, he can probably find a way of coping with that
Whereas if a normie now has a laycount of 1 or even 0 then his looksmatch wants to settle down with him at 30 but she has a bodycount of 30 with many being Chadlites and Chads, it's just way harder for him to cope with that so he will probably give up on trying to find a foid before some former slag tries latch onto him unless he's a legit oofy doody aka 0 self respect.

Where does this leave us now?

We are in a transition phase now where foids are less likely than ever to fuck a MTN or even HTN that they met in a club, yet because of the avenues for young people to socialize breaking down and people leaving their house less and less, it has never been less clear how to get a relationship if you dont just manage to fall into one through luck with a girl you're forced to be around due to school/work etc.
We have lost the conditions that allowed for MTNs to get causal sex and at least benefit something from women being sluts, but we haven't gained the conditions whereby women fucking less strangers actually leads to them being more pure (virgins) or easier to find a relationship with.
There is no turning back the clock to the pre sexual revolution days where the average woman seen the average man as a good catch (both in an economic sense and due to lower looks standards) and we aren't going to see young marriage ages again anytime soon which helps to prevent sexual inequality.

We are currently living in a "worst of both worlds" scenario
I intend to go on one final run of slaying once the conditions for such are there and if I encounter an 18 year old foid on a dating app looking for her first fuck I'll take the opportunity and LTR

Extremely uber high iq thread. We need people like you
  • +1
Reactions: Brus Wane and forevergymcelling
The online figure includes Instagram and snapchat. That makes it a lot more believable. Only the slutty, desperate, low-self esteem girls get on dating apps but all girls have social media. Every time I see an above average looking girl open up snapchat or instagram they have hundreds of message notifications

I guess this is the difference between how zoomers use Insta and Snap. I’m 30 and when I was in high school and college Insta and Snap were not really ways of meeting new people and Tinder was only supplemental to your options in real life, all attractive girls and most attractive guys had more than enough options through social circle so they would only use the apps for validation and maybe the occasional Chad (for girls) or desperate lay (for guys).

I’m out of the loop but I just can’t believe that that’s changed, the only couples I know in real life or see in videos who met online are either foids looking for a betabuxxer which is much later in life, or if they’re younger it’s couples with a normie looking guy and a truly ugly girl. Almost every attractive girl is around more than enough guys at school, work, parties, it’s inevitable that she’ll get a crush on one and pursue them there.

because instagram/snapchat is any better?
those places are even more degenerate if anything.

9% is a complete lie btw @Whatever

I said that it could be as low as 9%, not that it is 9%.
  • +1
Reactions: XtrovertNTnormalfag, Ken and MoggerGaston
It's giga ultra mega over, and it's only the beginning..














Last edited:
  • +1
  • So Sad
  • JFL
Reactions: Huge غرور, LooksmaxxHopeful, pookieslove and 5 others
Ltrs and dating is somewhat screwed now because of all the delusional women and men now waking up to the truth , as man now its just better to get casual sex while working on your purpose and doing what you want in life until you can find a quality women worthy of ltr .
  • +1
Reactions: autistic_tendencies, Huge غرور, LooksmaxxHopeful and 4 others
The acceleration of all of this was Andrew Tate. As much as you like or dislike him. In 2022 he was everywhere. There is not a single NPC in real life who doesn’t know who he is, if they are between 17-30.

His huge fan base initially was what told young men it’s alright to be disgusted with promiscuity and it notified women that men are very disgusted by them having sex.

Additionally; your post isn’t detrimental to the female sexual strategy. Women lie. Either blatantly or by omission. A classmate of mine has had a girlfriend for 2 years and through lies of omission she made it seem like her body count was way lower than it was (he told me she said 15 was very high in passing). Then a month ago she confessed to him her body count was 30.

Women have and always will lie. Not a lot have the backbone to live through the consequences of their actions and it’s easier to just move to a new location and/or lie about your partner count.
Low body count is cope anyway. She's a virgin or she isn't.
Only option is to leave cucked countries which obsess over age gaps, go for 17yr olds. If they bleed then consider an LTR with them
  • +1
Reactions: LooksmaxxHopeful and bloomercel
I remember a video from JailbaitWarrior around 2012 where he spoke about Men as a whole needing to encourage women to be sluts and "domesticate" the slut by promoting slutty behaviour among women to make it easier to fuck them.
He said women are in a lose/lose situation when they meet up with a guy because if she doesn't put out she gets called a frigid cunt but if he does the guy brags and calls her a slut to slander her, he proposed that the word slut should be used with positive connotations or a new word with positive connotations should replace it.

View attachment 3249100

What has happened since then is that we've gone in the opposite direction.
In the early 2010s women could boast about being sluts and receive little to no backlash because most interactions were still in person and guys weren't going to tell foids to their face that they have a problem with them being sluts, they will just try fuck them but ever LTR.

During the 2010s there was of course some mixing between males and foids in comment sections on social media but for the most part, men would browse content more geared towards them where they read a comment section full of men while foids do the same for foid tailored content.

With the explosion of tiktok in 2020, suddenly on a mass scale, normie males and females were ending up in the same comment sections of popular tiktoks which were usually relating to dating dynamics because that's 90% of what youngcel normies focus on.
The genders also tried trolling each other by saying shit like "dont tell the boys about xyz" making it seem like foids had some secret among them that is a mindfuck to males upon being revealed and visa versa.

Foids who would behave in the most slag like manner got pushed the most on tiktok. I was utterly disgusted by the tiktoks of normie foids I seen on there in 2021 and screenshotted all of the tiktoks I seen of normie foids being giga degen.
A few months later I went back to find all of these accounts and pretty much all of the foids had deleted their degen videos.
They wanted the attention that came with posting shit that got people emotional in response but it seems the stigma attached to looking like a slut online wasn't worth it to them.

View attachment 3249047View attachment 3249048View attachment 3249049
View attachment 3249050View attachment 3249051

I would say this was the peak shamelessness era I've seen online from foids but because of how triggering it is for sexless males to see this shit, comment sections were often full of guys calling out slut like behaviour with many getting thousands of likes
"Fatherless behaviour" became a common phrase.

We also had the rise of podcast bros and street interviews from 2020 onwards where every guy in this sphere was talking about why a high bodycount is a bad thing. Lots of street interview clips going viral where foids say slutty shit and the interviewer makes a joke about them then the comments are full of guys calling her degen/slut etc.
Foids have been exposed to the opinions of males on sluts more than they ever have before and they can see it's overwhelmingly negative.

If a foid was 15 in 2020 and started seeing all the hate sluts were getting on tiktok in the following years, it may have actually had some influence on her actions.
I'm not saying that younger foids are all innocent now but I think they realize that if they fuck around in their youth their chances of finding an LTR will diminish significantly whereas for foids who started college in 2013, it would never even cross their mind that fucking a load of guys as soon as they got to college would impact them down the line.
It may still be the case that foids entering college in 2024 are excited to fuck around and have no concept of it impacting them down the line, but I've seen a shift in attitude from younger foids on dating apps now where they're less sexually provocative whereas back in 2018 era, so many foids had bios with sexual innuendos to try get attention but now many put in their bios that they're seeking a husband. Doctorlooksmax said he noticed this also.

It was also a case of men of the older generations being more naive and more willing to LTR foids who were sluts and be the beta BF for them
Whereas nowadays men can see where they stand in the dating market due to their failures on dating apps if they're average and realize that every girl out there is fucking someone so if it's not them then why would they ever bother going for foids of their age bracket once they finally start to look appealing around 30 due to them being stable.

I dont know how any foids who are around 30 now and single are going to find a guy to settle down with, I genuinely think they're completely fucked and it will feel like just last week to them when they were 18 and carefree now they have basically no prospects of an LTR unless they find a guy who's pathetic which will be hard given they were the first generation of foids able to fuck tinder Chads that wouldn't be seen in public with them and wouldn't speak to them in a nightclub.
Young foids today may see their older foid relatives who never made any effort to find a relationship prior to 25 failing miserably and are thinking they dont want to end up like them so will seek a relationship while young

Another factor is that prior to apps when casual sex was found through clubbing and MTNs could partake in it, MTNs may actually be able to settle down with their looksmatch despite her fucking around a bit in college because he was the benefactor of other guys wives fucking around in college who he slayed.
Let's say a normie fucks 10 girls via clubbing then he marries a foid with a bodycount of 10, he can probably find a way of coping with that
Whereas if a normie now has a laycount of 1 or even 0 then his looksmatch wants to settle down with him at 30 but she has a bodycount of 30 with many being Chadlites and Chads, it's just way harder for him to cope with that so he will probably give up on trying to find a foid before some former slag tries latch onto him unless he's a legit oofy doody aka 0 self respect.

Where does this leave us now?

We are in a transition phase now where foids are less likely than ever to fuck a MTN or even HTN that they met in a club, yet because of the avenues for young people to socialize breaking down and people leaving their house less and less, it has never been less clear how to get a relationship if you dont just manage to fall into one through luck with a girl you're forced to be around due to school/work etc.
We have lost the conditions that allowed for MTNs to get causal sex and at least benefit something from women being sluts, but we haven't gained the conditions whereby women fucking less strangers actually leads to them being more pure (virgins) or easier to find a relationship with.
There is no turning back the clock to the pre sexual revolution days where the average woman seen the average man as a good catch (both in an economic sense and due to lower looks standards) and we aren't going to see young marriage ages again anytime soon which helps to prevent sexual inequality.

We are currently living in a "worst of both worlds" scenario
I intend to go on one final run of slaying once the conditions for such are there and if I encounter an 18 year old foid on a dating app looking for her first fuck I'll take the opportunity and LTR

Cage you want normies to accept used up cum dumpsters it's literally better for men to be aware of the truth I thank fuck men are waking up I can't till 2050
  • +1
Reactions: bloomercel
Sorry man I was genuinely just being facetious and a troll. It wasn't personal at all and didn't mean to be a dick. I'd love to talk about the shifts in dynamics and how to go about dating as a sub Chad. I know you won't see this since you put me on ignore but hope you accept my apology. My post was just off hand and unserious. I really should've made that clear or just not posted it at all.
it's alright
  • +1
Reactions: Seth Walsh
any woman that thinks they are a "boss" makes decisions based on astrology and other such magical thinking nonsense, worships the state religion of gay race communism and dei needs to be physically harmed to disincentivize bad female behavior
  • +1
Reactions: reptiles and boxface34
@MakinItHappen thought on this thread?
Also jfl at the beef between jailbaitwarrior and chestbrah :lul:


this faggot was on that gay "whatever" podcast last night jfl
nearly 40 years old and he hasn't changed in the slightest
  • JFL
Reactions: forevergymcelling
Very factual thread, imo the slut era peaked around 2012-15 right before all this culture war bs kicked off and just as tinder and instagram etc were coming about but since about 2020 it fell off a cliff

  • JFL
Reactions: 6ft4
Very factual thread, imo the slut era peaked around 2012-15 right before all this culture war bs kicked off and just as tinder and instagram etc were coming about but since about 2020 it fell off a cliff

Do you think women are insecure to even date HTN+ these days?
Do you think women are insecure to even date HTN+ these days?
MTB and below might still date HTN in a LTR context but little chance they'd have casual sex with them
  • +1
Reactions: Xangsane
MTB and below might still date HTN in a LTR context but little chance they'd have casual sex with them
1) Why so?
2) I've seen Chads actually LTRing MTBs/weak HTBs these days, and Stacies rarely are with anyone above a HTN in an LTR (not STR or hookup)
How can I love a foid inside whom some man literally dumped his semen inside ?
It's practically impossible for me to do that .

Ik you will hate on me because of this reply but It was not at all like that when Islam ruled a nation by sharia .

It was insanely rare for a foid to do adultery,
Cheating (else they will be stoned to death ) .
99 percent of foids used to be virgins before marriage .

Western society has failed us.

Inb4 'go to Afghanistan and leave the west then deathnic'
Yes I will actually permanently go to a sh@ria ruled place in Syri@ once I turn 25.
Learn Dari and go live the Afghan dream

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