Man cries during sex multiple times, foid stays with him

What looks level is Edouard?

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Debby's coming to steal BBC from Beryl
Jun 11, 2021
I wonder why.

As Edouard continues to sing, his breaths become shorter, each note a little more labored but no less beautiful. The effort of singing while moving seems to only enhance the emotional impact of his performance. His eyes, so close to Fran’s, are deep pools of emotion. They are a vibrant green color, alive with the passion of the moment. The intensity of his gaze adds to the intimacy of the experience, as if he's singing not just with his voice, but with his entire being.

The combination of his singing while having sex with Fran, the movements of his body, and the expressive look in his eyes creates an atmosphere that is both intimate and awe-inspiring. Edouard’s talent, his physical beauty, and the emotional depth he brings to the moment converge, creating an unforgettable experience. His eyes communicate more than just emotion; they tell a story of desire, connection, and a profound bond between the two of them. Each glance is filled with meaning, reinforcing the deep connection they share.

As the song reaches its climax, Edouard’s voice soars, filling the room with a sound that is both powerful and tender. The effort of singing so passionately begins to take its toll, his breaths growing more rapid and shallow, yet he continues, driven by the emotion of the moment. His dedication to expressing himself through song is not just impressive; it's a testament to his deep feelings for Fran.

The way Edouard’s body moves to the rhythm of his own melody, the contracting of his abs, the slight swaying of his hips, the slam of his dick in her, adds a physical dimension to his performance. It's as if his entire body is involved in the act of singing, making it an all-encompassing expression of his artistry and his love.

As Fran and Edouard begin to move together, the sound of moans fills the room, a symphony of desire that seems to echo off the walls. Their bodies glisten with sweat, a testament to the passion that now burns brightly between them. Edouard's body, slick with perspiration, moves with a grace that is both powerful and sensual, a dance of desire that seems to captivate them both.

His hair, drenched in sweat, falls around his face, framing it in a way that makes him look even more beautiful than before. The sight of him, his body moving in rhythm with Fran's, is a vision that seems to etch itself into her memory, a moment of pure, unadulterated passion that she will cherish for years to come.

Edouard's emotions reach a crescendo, tears beginning to stream down his face as he grapples with the intensity of his feelings. His cries, though not loud, are filled with emotion, each one a release of the pent-up fears and desires he holds within.

Drenched in sweat from the emotional and physical exertion, he clutches at the sheets, seeking something tangible to anchor him in this overwhelming moment. His grip on the fabric is tight, a physical manifestation of his inner turmoil.

The sight of Edouard in such a vulnerable state is both heart-wrenching and deeply moving. His display of raw emotion, unfiltered and sincere, speaks volumes about the depth of his feelings for Fran and the internal struggle he faces.


Their bodies move in a harmonious rhythm, every shift and shake a dance of pure emotion. As the crescendo builds, their voices mingle in a symphony of sighs and moans, each one a note in the melody of their shared ecstasy.

Edouard: (Breathlessly) "I'm... I'm there... with you..."

Fran: "Yes... yes, together... always..."

As the crescendo reaches its peak, their bodies and voices crescendo together, a powerful expression of their deep bond. The room echoes with the sound of their love, a love that is both physical and profoundly emotional.

Edouard and Fran: (In unison, as the crescendo breaks) "I love you!"

The room slowly calms as their breathing steadies, but the echoes of their shared climax linger, a reminder of the intense connection they've just reaffirmed. In the afterglow, they hold each other tightly, their bodies still entwined, as soft kisses and gentle caresses replace words. The intimacy of the moment is a profound testament to the depth and strength of their love.

In the tender aftermath, as Edouard's emotions overflow, Fran offers him a comforting touch, gently patting his back while his body experiences the aftershocks of the intense connection they've shared. His tears flow freely, a raw and honest expression of his profound feelings.

Fran: (Softly, while patting his back) "It's okay, Edouard... let it all out."

Edouard's body convulses gently with each sob, his tears a testament to the depth of his vulnerability and trust in Fran. She continues to hold him, providing a safe space for his emotional release.

Edouard: (Through his tears) "I just... feel so much... for you."

His tears are not just of joy or pleasure, but of a deep, heartfelt release of emotions that have been stirred by their profound connection. In this moment, he is not just physically bare, but emotionally exposed as well.

Fran: "I'm here, Edouard. I'm here with you."

As he cries, Fran feels the weight of his love and trust in her. Her gentle pats and soothing words help to ease his convulsions, offering him comfort and reassurance.

Edouard: (Sniffling) "Thank you... for being my everything."
Edouard, still reeling from the wave of emotions, clutches at the sheets with a grip that betrays his inner turmoil. Amidst labored breaths, his body tenses again, leading to another series of involuntary abdominal contractions. Accompanying these physical reactions are his visceral vocal expressions - a mix of screams, moans, and cries that echo his intense emotional state.

Through his tears, Edouard manages to speak, his voice trembling with raw emotion. "I just... I need to hold you, forever," he stammers, the words heavy with his desire for an eternal connection. His plea is one of deep commitment and longing, a reflection of his wish to be with Fran always.

His cries and moans continue, each sound a testament to the depth of his feelings. "I can't imagine a life without you," he confesses between sobs, his body still racked with spasms. The sight of him so vulnerable and openly emotional is both touching and heart-wrenching.

Edouard's expressions of sacrifice and eternal commitment underscore the sincerity of his love for Fran. His willingness to lay bare his deepest emotions, to show such raw vulnerability, speaks to a level of devotion that is rare and profound. He clings to the sheets as if they were a lifeline, a physical anchor in the midst of his emotional storm. "I would give everything, just to be with you," he murmurs, each word soaked in sincerity. His eyes, filled with tears, meet hers, conveying a depth of feeling that words alone cannot fully capture. In this moment, Edouard is more than just a lover; he is a soul laid bare, yearning for an unbreakable bond.

Edouard's grip on the sheets tightens as another wave of emotions hits him. His body convulses again, each contraction of his abs a visible sign of the turmoil within. Amidst this physical display, he cries out, a mix of moans and screams filling the room, each one echoing the depth of his feelings.

Between sobs, Edouard manages to speak, his voice laced with desperation. "I can't let go, I need you with me... always," he utters, each word punctuated by his labored breathing and the continued clenching of his muscles. His expression is one of pure sacrifice, willing to give everything for the sake of this deep connection he feels with Fran.

He turns his tear-streaked face towards her, his eyes searching for reassurance. "Stay with me, forever," he pleads, his voice breaking with emotion. The sincerity and intensity in his gaze convey the gravity of his request, a heartfelt desire for an eternal bond with Fran.

Through his tears and the ongoing tremors of his body, Edouard's commitment is apparent. He seems ready to sacrifice anything to maintain this bond, to hold onto the connection that he values so deeply. "I would do anything for us, for this love," Edouard continues, his voice a mixture of passion and vulnerability. Each word is underscored by the rhythmic contracting of his abs, a physical manifestation of the emotional intensity he's experiencing.

As he lies there, still clinging to the sheets, his body slowly begins to calm, though the occasional sob still escapes him. The raw openness of his emotions paints a picture of a man who loves deeply and without reservation. His willingness to be so vulnerable in front of Fran is a testament to the trust and connection he feels in their relationship.

Edouard reaches out for Fran, seeking comfort and connection in his moment of vulnerability. "I just need to be close to you, to feel you near me," he whispers, his voice still shaking. His eyes, though tearful, shine with a mix of love and hope, reflecting his deep yearning for a future together.

As Fran moves closer to him, Edouard's hold on the sheets loosens, and he extends his arms towards her, seeking her embrace. The moment she is within reach, he wraps his arms around her tightly, as if trying to merge their two beings into one. "With you, I feel complete," he murmurs into her neck, his breath warm against her skin. The sincerity and depth of his words, coupled with the closeness of their bodies and the warmth of their embrace, create a sanctuary of comfort and love. Edouard's body gradually relaxes in her arms, his breaths becoming more even as the emotional storm subsides. The intensity of his earlier display gives way to a gentle, rhythmic breathing that speaks of peace and contentment.

As he lies there with Fran, the tension in his muscles eases, and his face, previously marked by tears and emotion, now wears a look of serene gratitude. "Thank you for being here, for understanding me," he says softly, his voice imbued with a sense of relief and appreciation. His gaze meets hers, conveying a depth of emotion that words can scarcely capture.

In this moment of quiet intimacy, the bond between them feels unbreakable. Edouard's earlier expressions of raw emotion and vulnerability have deepened the connection they share, making it feel both sacred and profound. His earlier cries and moans, now replaced by soft whispers and gentle sighs, linger in the air as a reminder of the powerful journey they've both undertaken.

Edouard's hold on Fran remains firm yet tender, a physical manifestation of his deep emotional attachment. His body, still close to hers, radiates a warmth that is both comforting and reassuring. In the quiet of the room, with the dusk light fading outside, they both lie in a peaceful embrace, a moment of calm after the storm of intense emotions.
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JoinedJun 11, 2021Posts127,973Reputation104,965
bro u are crazy
@sub5c3l @TechnoBoss added a poll
Predict his looks level?
  • +1
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@tigrxs why HTN+
I wonder why.

As Edouard continues to sing, his breaths become shorter, each note a little more labored but no less beautiful. The effort of singing while moving seems to only enhance the emotional impact of his performance. His eyes, so close to Fran’s, are deep pools of emotion. They are a vibrant green color, alive with the passion of the moment. The intensity of his gaze adds to the intimacy of the experience, as if he's singing not just with his voice, but with his entire being.

The combination of his singing while having sex with Fran, the movements of his body, and the expressive look in his eyes creates an atmosphere that is both intimate and awe-inspiring. Edouard’s talent, his physical beauty, and the emotional depth he brings to the moment converge, creating an unforgettable experience. His eyes communicate more than just emotion; they tell a story of desire, connection, and a profound bond between the two of them. Each glance is filled with meaning, reinforcing the deep connection they share.

As the song reaches its climax, Edouard’s voice soars, filling the room with a sound that is both powerful and tender. The effort of singing so passionately begins to take its toll, his breaths growing more rapid and shallow, yet he continues, driven by the emotion of the moment. His dedication to expressing himself through song is not just impressive; it's a testament to his deep feelings for Fran.

The way Edouard’s body moves to the rhythm of his own melody, the contracting of his abs, the slight swaying of his hips, the slam of his dick in her, adds a physical dimension to his performance. It's as if his entire body is involved in the act of singing, making it an all-encompassing expression of his artistry and his love.

As Fran and Edouard begin to move together, the sound of moans fills the room, a symphony of desire that seems to echo off the walls. Their bodies glisten with sweat, a testament to the passion that now burns brightly between them. Edouard's body, slick with perspiration, moves with a grace that is both powerful and sensual, a dance of desire that seems to captivate them both.

His hair, drenched in sweat, falls around his face, framing it in a way that makes him look even more beautiful than before. The sight of him, his body moving in rhythm with Fran's, is a vision that seems to etch itself into her memory, a moment of pure, unadulterated passion that she will cherish for years to come.

Edouard's emotions reach a crescendo, tears beginning to stream down his face as he grapples with the intensity of his feelings. His cries, though not loud, are filled with emotion, each one a release of the pent-up fears and desires he holds within.

Drenched in sweat from the emotional and physical exertion, he clutches at the sheets, seeking something tangible to anchor him in this overwhelming moment. His grip on the fabric is tight, a physical manifestation of his inner turmoil.

The sight of Edouard in such a vulnerable state is both heart-wrenching and deeply moving. His display of raw emotion, unfiltered and sincere, speaks volumes about the depth of his feelings for Fran and the internal struggle he faces.


Their bodies move in a harmonious rhythm, every shift and shake a dance of pure emotion. As the crescendo builds, their voices mingle in a symphony of sighs and moans, each one a note in the melody of their shared ecstasy.

Edouard: (Breathlessly) "I'm... I'm there... with you..."

Fran: "Yes... yes, together... always..."

As the crescendo reaches its peak, their bodies and voices crescendo together, a powerful expression of their deep bond. The room echoes with the sound of their love, a love that is both physical and profoundly emotional.

Edouard and Fran: (In unison, as the crescendo breaks) "I love you!"

The room slowly calms as their breathing steadies, but the echoes of their shared climax linger, a reminder of the intense connection they've just reaffirmed. In the afterglow, they hold each other tightly, their bodies still entwined, as soft kisses and gentle caresses replace words. The intimacy of the moment is a profound testament to the depth and strength of their love.

In the tender aftermath, as Edouard's emotions overflow, Fran offers him a comforting touch, gently patting his back while his body experiences the aftershocks of the intense connection they've shared. His tears flow freely, a raw and honest expression of his profound feelings.

Fran: (Softly, while patting his back) "It's okay, Edouard... let it all out."

Edouard's body convulses gently with each sob, his tears a testament to the depth of his vulnerability and trust in Fran. She continues to hold him, providing a safe space for his emotional release.

Edouard: (Through his tears) "I just... feel so much... for you."

His tears are not just of joy or pleasure, but of a deep, heartfelt release of emotions that have been stirred by their profound connection. In this moment, he is not just physically bare, but emotionally exposed as well.

Fran: "I'm here, Edouard. I'm here with you."

As he cries, Fran feels the weight of his love and trust in her. Her gentle pats and soothing words help to ease his convulsions, offering him comfort and reassurance.

Edouard: (Sniffling) "Thank you... for being my everything."
Edouard, still reeling from the wave of emotions, clutches at the sheets with a grip that betrays his inner turmoil. Amidst labored breaths, his body tenses again, leading to another series of involuntary abdominal contractions. Accompanying these physical reactions are his visceral vocal expressions - a mix of screams, moans, and cries that echo his intense emotional state.

Through his tears, Edouard manages to speak, his voice trembling with raw emotion. "I just... I need to hold you, forever," he stammers, the words heavy with his desire for an eternal connection. His plea is one of deep commitment and longing, a reflection of his wish to be with Fran always.

His cries and moans continue, each sound a testament to the depth of his feelings. "I can't imagine a life without you," he confesses between sobs, his body still racked with spasms. The sight of him so vulnerable and openly emotional is both touching and heart-wrenching.

Edouard's expressions of sacrifice and eternal commitment underscore the sincerity of his love for Fran. His willingness to lay bare his deepest emotions, to show such raw vulnerability, speaks to a level of devotion that is rare and profound. He clings to the sheets as if they were a lifeline, a physical anchor in the midst of his emotional storm. "I would give everything, just to be with you," he murmurs, each word soaked in sincerity. His eyes, filled with tears, meet hers, conveying a depth of feeling that words alone cannot fully capture. In this moment, Edouard is more than just a lover; he is a soul laid bare, yearning for an unbreakable bond.

Edouard's grip on the sheets tightens as another wave of emotions hits him. His body convulses again, each contraction of his abs a visible sign of the turmoil within. Amidst this physical display, he cries out, a mix of moans and screams filling the room, each one echoing the depth of his feelings.

Between sobs, Edouard manages to speak, his voice laced with desperation. "I can't let go, I need you with me... always," he utters, each word punctuated by his labored breathing and the continued clenching of his muscles. His expression is one of pure sacrifice, willing to give everything for the sake of this deep connection he feels with Fran.

He turns his tear-streaked face towards her, his eyes searching for reassurance. "Stay with me, forever," he pleads, his voice breaking with emotion. The sincerity and intensity in his gaze convey the gravity of his request, a heartfelt desire for an eternal bond with Fran.

Through his tears and the ongoing tremors of his body, Edouard's commitment is apparent. He seems ready to sacrifice anything to maintain this bond, to hold onto the connection that he values so deeply. "I would do anything for us, for this love," Edouard continues, his voice a mixture of passion and vulnerability. Each word is underscored by the rhythmic contracting of his abs, a physical manifestation of the emotional intensity he's experiencing.

As he lies there, still clinging to the sheets, his body slowly begins to calm, though the occasional sob still escapes him. The raw openness of his emotions paints a picture of a man who loves deeply and without reservation. His willingness to be so vulnerable in front of Fran is a testament to the trust and connection he feels in their relationship.

Edouard reaches out for Fran, seeking comfort and connection in his moment of vulnerability. "I just need to be close to you, to feel you near me," he whispers, his voice still shaking. His eyes, though tearful, shine with a mix of love and hope, reflecting his deep yearning for a future together.

As Fran moves closer to him, Edouard's hold on the sheets loosens, and he extends his arms towards her, seeking her embrace. The moment she is within reach, he wraps his arms around her tightly, as if trying to merge their two beings into one. "With you, I feel complete," he murmurs into her neck, his breath warm against her skin. The sincerity and depth of his words, coupled with the closeness of their bodies and the warmth of their embrace, create a sanctuary of comfort and love. Edouard's body gradually relaxes in her arms, his breaths becoming more even as the emotional storm subsides. The intensity of his earlier display gives way to a gentle, rhythmic breathing that speaks of peace and contentment.

As he lies there with Fran, the tension in his muscles eases, and his face, previously marked by tears and emotion, now wears a look of serene gratitude. "Thank you for being here, for understanding me," he says softly, his voice imbued with a sense of relief and appreciation. His gaze meets hers, conveying a depth of emotion that words can scarcely capture.

In this moment of quiet intimacy, the bond between them feels unbreakable. Edouard's earlier expressions of raw emotion and vulnerability have deepened the connection they share, making it feel both sacred and profound. His earlier cries and moans, now replaced by soft whispers and gentle sighs, linger in the air as a reminder of the powerful journey they've both undertaken.

Edouard's hold on Fran remains firm yet tender, a physical manifestation of his deep emotional attachment. His body, still close to hers, radiates a warmth that is both comforting and reassuring. In the quiet of the room, with the dusk light fading outside, they both lie in a peaceful embrace, a moment of calm after the storm of intense emotions.

This nigga writing erotica in this shithole.
  • JFL
Reactions: ROPEBYATHOUSANDMOGS, Hottaco34, BigJimsWornOutTires and 1 other person
@sub5c3l @TechnoBoss added a poll
Predict his looks level?
my brain is fried
aint reading all that
but Ill give you some pats
pat pat!
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Cage at the new comers who are surprised by xangsanes behavior
  • JFL
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@wollet2 why subhuman
@smallgromp123 why HTN or above

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Total: 44 (Looksmaxers: 37, Bluepillers: 7)
I wonder why.

As Edouard continues to sing, his breaths become shorter, each note a little more labored but no less beautiful. The effort of singing while moving seems to only enhance the emotional impact of his performance. His eyes, so close to Fran’s, are deep pools of emotion. They are a vibrant green color, alive with the passion of the moment. The intensity of his gaze adds to the intimacy of the experience, as if he's singing not just with his voice, but with his entire being.

The combination of his singing while having sex with Fran, the movements of his body, and the expressive look in his eyes creates an atmosphere that is both intimate and awe-inspiring. Edouard’s talent, his physical beauty, and the emotional depth he brings to the moment converge, creating an unforgettable experience. His eyes communicate more than just emotion; they tell a story of desire, connection, and a profound bond between the two of them. Each glance is filled with meaning, reinforcing the deep connection they share.

As the song reaches its climax, Edouard’s voice soars, filling the room with a sound that is both powerful and tender. The effort of singing so passionately begins to take its toll, his breaths growing more rapid and shallow, yet he continues, driven by the emotion of the moment. His dedication to expressing himself through song is not just impressive; it's a testament to his deep feelings for Fran.

The way Edouard’s body moves to the rhythm of his own melody, the contracting of his abs, the slight swaying of his hips, the slam of his dick in her, adds a physical dimension to his performance. It's as if his entire body is involved in the act of singing, making it an all-encompassing expression of his artistry and his love.

As Fran and Edouard begin to move together, the sound of moans fills the room, a symphony of desire that seems to echo off the walls. Their bodies glisten with sweat, a testament to the passion that now burns brightly between them. Edouard's body, slick with perspiration, moves with a grace that is both powerful and sensual, a dance of desire that seems to captivate them both.

His hair, drenched in sweat, falls around his face, framing it in a way that makes him look even more beautiful than before. The sight of him, his body moving in rhythm with Fran's, is a vision that seems to etch itself into her memory, a moment of pure, unadulterated passion that she will cherish for years to come.

Edouard's emotions reach a crescendo, tears beginning to stream down his face as he grapples with the intensity of his feelings. His cries, though not loud, are filled with emotion, each one a release of the pent-up fears and desires he holds within.

Drenched in sweat from the emotional and physical exertion, he clutches at the sheets, seeking something tangible to anchor him in this overwhelming moment. His grip on the fabric is tight, a physical manifestation of his inner turmoil.

The sight of Edouard in such a vulnerable state is both heart-wrenching and deeply moving. His display of raw emotion, unfiltered and sincere, speaks volumes about the depth of his feelings for Fran and the internal struggle he faces.


Their bodies move in a harmonious rhythm, every shift and shake a dance of pure emotion. As the crescendo builds, their voices mingle in a symphony of sighs and moans, each one a note in the melody of their shared ecstasy.

Edouard: (Breathlessly) "I'm... I'm there... with you..."

Fran: "Yes... yes, together... always..."

As the crescendo reaches its peak, their bodies and voices crescendo together, a powerful expression of their deep bond. The room echoes with the sound of their love, a love that is both physical and profoundly emotional.

Edouard and Fran: (In unison, as the crescendo breaks) "I love you!"

The room slowly calms as their breathing steadies, but the echoes of their shared climax linger, a reminder of the intense connection they've just reaffirmed. In the afterglow, they hold each other tightly, their bodies still entwined, as soft kisses and gentle caresses replace words. The intimacy of the moment is a profound testament to the depth and strength of their love.

In the tender aftermath, as Edouard's emotions overflow, Fran offers him a comforting touch, gently patting his back while his body experiences the aftershocks of the intense connection they've shared. His tears flow freely, a raw and honest expression of his profound feelings.

Fran: (Softly, while patting his back) "It's okay, Edouard... let it all out."

Edouard's body convulses gently with each sob, his tears a testament to the depth of his vulnerability and trust in Fran. She continues to hold him, providing a safe space for his emotional release.

Edouard: (Through his tears) "I just... feel so much... for you."

His tears are not just of joy or pleasure, but of a deep, heartfelt release of emotions that have been stirred by their profound connection. In this moment, he is not just physically bare, but emotionally exposed as well.

Fran: "I'm here, Edouard. I'm here with you."

As he cries, Fran feels the weight of his love and trust in her. Her gentle pats and soothing words help to ease his convulsions, offering him comfort and reassurance.

Edouard: (Sniffling) "Thank you... for being my everything."
Edouard, still reeling from the wave of emotions, clutches at the sheets with a grip that betrays his inner turmoil. Amidst labored breaths, his body tenses again, leading to another series of involuntary abdominal contractions. Accompanying these physical reactions are his visceral vocal expressions - a mix of screams, moans, and cries that echo his intense emotional state.

Through his tears, Edouard manages to speak, his voice trembling with raw emotion. "I just... I need to hold you, forever," he stammers, the words heavy with his desire for an eternal connection. His plea is one of deep commitment and longing, a reflection of his wish to be with Fran always.

His cries and moans continue, each sound a testament to the depth of his feelings. "I can't imagine a life without you," he confesses between sobs, his body still racked with spasms. The sight of him so vulnerable and openly emotional is both touching and heart-wrenching.

Edouard's expressions of sacrifice and eternal commitment underscore the sincerity of his love for Fran. His willingness to lay bare his deepest emotions, to show such raw vulnerability, speaks to a level of devotion that is rare and profound. He clings to the sheets as if they were a lifeline, a physical anchor in the midst of his emotional storm. "I would give everything, just to be with you," he murmurs, each word soaked in sincerity. His eyes, filled with tears, meet hers, conveying a depth of feeling that words alone cannot fully capture. In this moment, Edouard is more than just a lover; he is a soul laid bare, yearning for an unbreakable bond.

Edouard's grip on the sheets tightens as another wave of emotions hits him. His body convulses again, each contraction of his abs a visible sign of the turmoil within. Amidst this physical display, he cries out, a mix of moans and screams filling the room, each one echoing the depth of his feelings.

Between sobs, Edouard manages to speak, his voice laced with desperation. "I can't let go, I need you with me... always," he utters, each word punctuated by his labored breathing and the continued clenching of his muscles. His expression is one of pure sacrifice, willing to give everything for the sake of this deep connection he feels with Fran.

He turns his tear-streaked face towards her, his eyes searching for reassurance. "Stay with me, forever," he pleads, his voice breaking with emotion. The sincerity and intensity in his gaze convey the gravity of his request, a heartfelt desire for an eternal bond with Fran.

Through his tears and the ongoing tremors of his body, Edouard's commitment is apparent. He seems ready to sacrifice anything to maintain this bond, to hold onto the connection that he values so deeply. "I would do anything for us, for this love," Edouard continues, his voice a mixture of passion and vulnerability. Each word is underscored by the rhythmic contracting of his abs, a physical manifestation of the emotional intensity he's experiencing.

As he lies there, still clinging to the sheets, his body slowly begins to calm, though the occasional sob still escapes him. The raw openness of his emotions paints a picture of a man who loves deeply and without reservation. His willingness to be so vulnerable in front of Fran is a testament to the trust and connection he feels in their relationship.

Edouard reaches out for Fran, seeking comfort and connection in his moment of vulnerability. "I just need to be close to you, to feel you near me," he whispers, his voice still shaking. His eyes, though tearful, shine with a mix of love and hope, reflecting his deep yearning for a future together.

As Fran moves closer to him, Edouard's hold on the sheets loosens, and he extends his arms towards her, seeking her embrace. The moment she is within reach, he wraps his arms around her tightly, as if trying to merge their two beings into one. "With you, I feel complete," he murmurs into her neck, his breath warm against her skin. The sincerity and depth of his words, coupled with the closeness of their bodies and the warmth of their embrace, create a sanctuary of comfort and love. Edouard's body gradually relaxes in her arms, his breaths becoming more even as the emotional storm subsides. The intensity of his earlier display gives way to a gentle, rhythmic breathing that speaks of peace and contentment.

As he lies there with Fran, the tension in his muscles eases, and his face, previously marked by tears and emotion, now wears a look of serene gratitude. "Thank you for being here, for understanding me," he says softly, his voice imbued with a sense of relief and appreciation. His gaze meets hers, conveying a depth of emotion that words can scarcely capture.

In this moment of quiet intimacy, the bond between them feels unbreakable. Edouard's earlier expressions of raw emotion and vulnerability have deepened the connection they share, making it feel both sacred and profound. His earlier cries and moans, now replaced by soft whispers and gentle sighs, linger in the air as a reminder of the powerful journey they've both undertaken.

Edouard's hold on Fran remains firm yet tender, a physical manifestation of his deep emotional attachment. His body, still close to hers, radiates a warmth that is both comforting and reassuring. In the quiet of the room, with the dusk light fading outside, they both lie in a peaceful embrace, a moment of calm after the storm of intense emotions.
Sleep Yawn GIF
  • JFL
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u didn't pat me so dnrd..
  • JFL
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this never happened btw :what::feelsgood:
  • WTF
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I wonder why.

As Edouard continues to sing, his breaths become shorter, each note a little more labored but no less beautiful. The effort of singing while moving seems to only enhance the emotional impact of his performance. His eyes, so close to Fran’s, are deep pools of emotion. They are a vibrant green color, alive with the passion of the moment. The intensity of his gaze adds to the intimacy of the experience, as if he's singing not just with his voice, but with his entire being.

The combination of his singing while having sex with Fran, the movements of his body, and the expressive look in his eyes creates an atmosphere that is both intimate and awe-inspiring. Edouard’s talent, his physical beauty, and the emotional depth he brings to the moment converge, creating an unforgettable experience. His eyes communicate more than just emotion; they tell a story of desire, connection, and a profound bond between the two of them. Each glance is filled with meaning, reinforcing the deep connection they share.

As the song reaches its climax, Edouard’s voice soars, filling the room with a sound that is both powerful and tender. The effort of singing so passionately begins to take its toll, his breaths growing more rapid and shallow, yet he continues, driven by the emotion of the moment. His dedication to expressing himself through song is not just impressive; it's a testament to his deep feelings for Fran.

The way Edouard’s body moves to the rhythm of his own melody, the contracting of his abs, the slight swaying of his hips, the slam of his dick in her, adds a physical dimension to his performance. It's as if his entire body is involved in the act of singing, making it an all-encompassing expression of his artistry and his love.

As Fran and Edouard begin to move together, the sound of moans fills the room, a symphony of desire that seems to echo off the walls. Their bodies glisten with sweat, a testament to the passion that now burns brightly between them. Edouard's body, slick with perspiration, moves with a grace that is both powerful and sensual, a dance of desire that seems to captivate them both.

His hair, drenched in sweat, falls around his face, framing it in a way that makes him look even more beautiful than before. The sight of him, his body moving in rhythm with Fran's, is a vision that seems to etch itself into her memory, a moment of pure, unadulterated passion that she will cherish for years to come.

Edouard's emotions reach a crescendo, tears beginning to stream down his face as he grapples with the intensity of his feelings. His cries, though not loud, are filled with emotion, each one a release of the pent-up fears and desires he holds within.

Drenched in sweat from the emotional and physical exertion, he clutches at the sheets, seeking something tangible to anchor him in this overwhelming moment. His grip on the fabric is tight, a physical manifestation of his inner turmoil.

The sight of Edouard in such a vulnerable state is both heart-wrenching and deeply moving. His display of raw emotion, unfiltered and sincere, speaks volumes about the depth of his feelings for Fran and the internal struggle he faces.


Their bodies move in a harmonious rhythm, every shift and shake a dance of pure emotion. As the crescendo builds, their voices mingle in a symphony of sighs and moans, each one a note in the melody of their shared ecstasy.

Edouard: (Breathlessly) "I'm... I'm there... with you..."

Fran: "Yes... yes, together... always..."

As the crescendo reaches its peak, their bodies and voices crescendo together, a powerful expression of their deep bond. The room echoes with the sound of their love, a love that is both physical and profoundly emotional.

Edouard and Fran: (In unison, as the crescendo breaks) "I love you!"

The room slowly calms as their breathing steadies, but the echoes of their shared climax linger, a reminder of the intense connection they've just reaffirmed. In the afterglow, they hold each other tightly, their bodies still entwined, as soft kisses and gentle caresses replace words. The intimacy of the moment is a profound testament to the depth and strength of their love.

In the tender aftermath, as Edouard's emotions overflow, Fran offers him a comforting touch, gently patting his back while his body experiences the aftershocks of the intense connection they've shared. His tears flow freely, a raw and honest expression of his profound feelings.

Fran: (Softly, while patting his back) "It's okay, Edouard... let it all out."

Edouard's body convulses gently with each sob, his tears a testament to the depth of his vulnerability and trust in Fran. She continues to hold him, providing a safe space for his emotional release.

Edouard: (Through his tears) "I just... feel so much... for you."

His tears are not just of joy or pleasure, but of a deep, heartfelt release of emotions that have been stirred by their profound connection. In this moment, he is not just physically bare, but emotionally exposed as well.

Fran: "I'm here, Edouard. I'm here with you."

As he cries, Fran feels the weight of his love and trust in her. Her gentle pats and soothing words help to ease his convulsions, offering him comfort and reassurance.

Edouard: (Sniffling) "Thank you... for being my everything."
Edouard, still reeling from the wave of emotions, clutches at the sheets with a grip that betrays his inner turmoil. Amidst labored breaths, his body tenses again, leading to another series of involuntary abdominal contractions. Accompanying these physical reactions are his visceral vocal expressions - a mix of screams, moans, and cries that echo his intense emotional state.

Through his tears, Edouard manages to speak, his voice trembling with raw emotion. "I just... I need to hold you, forever," he stammers, the words heavy with his desire for an eternal connection. His plea is one of deep commitment and longing, a reflection of his wish to be with Fran always.

His cries and moans continue, each sound a testament to the depth of his feelings. "I can't imagine a life without you," he confesses between sobs, his body still racked with spasms. The sight of him so vulnerable and openly emotional is both touching and heart-wrenching.

Edouard's expressions of sacrifice and eternal commitment underscore the sincerity of his love for Fran. His willingness to lay bare his deepest emotions, to show such raw vulnerability, speaks to a level of devotion that is rare and profound. He clings to the sheets as if they were a lifeline, a physical anchor in the midst of his emotional storm. "I would give everything, just to be with you," he murmurs, each word soaked in sincerity. His eyes, filled with tears, meet hers, conveying a depth of feeling that words alone cannot fully capture. In this moment, Edouard is more than just a lover; he is a soul laid bare, yearning for an unbreakable bond.

Edouard's grip on the sheets tightens as another wave of emotions hits him. His body convulses again, each contraction of his abs a visible sign of the turmoil within. Amidst this physical display, he cries out, a mix of moans and screams filling the room, each one echoing the depth of his feelings.

Between sobs, Edouard manages to speak, his voice laced with desperation. "I can't let go, I need you with me... always," he utters, each word punctuated by his labored breathing and the continued clenching of his muscles. His expression is one of pure sacrifice, willing to give everything for the sake of this deep connection he feels with Fran.

He turns his tear-streaked face towards her, his eyes searching for reassurance. "Stay with me, forever," he pleads, his voice breaking with emotion. The sincerity and intensity in his gaze convey the gravity of his request, a heartfelt desire for an eternal bond with Fran.

Through his tears and the ongoing tremors of his body, Edouard's commitment is apparent. He seems ready to sacrifice anything to maintain this bond, to hold onto the connection that he values so deeply. "I would do anything for us, for this love," Edouard continues, his voice a mixture of passion and vulnerability. Each word is underscored by the rhythmic contracting of his abs, a physical manifestation of the emotional intensity he's experiencing.

As he lies there, still clinging to the sheets, his body slowly begins to calm, though the occasional sob still escapes him. The raw openness of his emotions paints a picture of a man who loves deeply and without reservation. His willingness to be so vulnerable in front of Fran is a testament to the trust and connection he feels in their relationship.

Edouard reaches out for Fran, seeking comfort and connection in his moment of vulnerability. "I just need to be close to you, to feel you near me," he whispers, his voice still shaking. His eyes, though tearful, shine with a mix of love and hope, reflecting his deep yearning for a future together.

As Fran moves closer to him, Edouard's hold on the sheets loosens, and he extends his arms towards her, seeking her embrace. The moment she is within reach, he wraps his arms around her tightly, as if trying to merge their two beings into one. "With you, I feel complete," he murmurs into her neck, his breath warm against her skin. The sincerity and depth of his words, coupled with the closeness of their bodies and the warmth of their embrace, create a sanctuary of comfort and love. Edouard's body gradually relaxes in her arms, his breaths becoming more even as the emotional storm subsides. The intensity of his earlier display gives way to a gentle, rhythmic breathing that speaks of peace and contentment.

As he lies there with Fran, the tension in his muscles eases, and his face, previously marked by tears and emotion, now wears a look of serene gratitude. "Thank you for being here, for understanding me," he says softly, his voice imbued with a sense of relief and appreciation. His gaze meets hers, conveying a depth of emotion that words can scarcely capture.

In this moment of quiet intimacy, the bond between them feels unbreakable. Edouard's earlier expressions of raw emotion and vulnerability have deepened the connection they share, making it feel both sacred and profound. His earlier cries and moans, now replaced by soft whispers and gentle sighs, linger in the air as a reminder of the powerful journey they've both undertaken.

Edouard's hold on Fran remains firm yet tender, a physical manifestation of his deep emotional attachment. His body, still close to hers, radiates a warmth that is both comforting and reassuring. In the quiet of the room, with the dusk light fading outside, they both lie in a peaceful embrace, a moment of calm after the storm of intense emotions.
@aesthetic beauty would fran leave him?
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