Manlet beating the odds. Vampiremaxxing. Pics inside.

Deleted member 1383

Deleted member 1383

Apr 4, 2019

Lots of you brocels told me it's over. And it was over because I believed you.
"It's over for a manlet like you." I took some time to think about it and it didn't take long to make an eye opening discovery: What you guys are doing is ONLY talking. Only a hand full of people like @fatman0 for example are taking action. You only talk the talk but you don't walk the walk. Instead of trying new looksmaxxing techniques you guys chose to only talk about it and theorize about it. Why? Because it's convenient and easy and it doesn't require much and most of you guys are just lazy and some are very hateful. Lets face it.
It was time to get off of this page, it was time to take the useful information, create a collection and it was time to actually do some serious research, leave and take action. So that's what I did. Now I'm back one final time to tell you whats up. I'm back. Ascended, successful, happy but not satisfied and of course hungry for more.

This is will be my last post on this site. I know what works and what doesn't. Lookism has thought me a lot over the years. From looksmaxxing techniques to lookism itself. I'm fully educated. This is what I've learned and this is what has worked for me:

A few months ago I came across this picture:

In my opinion this is a pretty accurate representation of reality when it comes to the different Chad subtypes and categories. My goal was to ascend but I needed a vision, something that I was able to focus on. So I chose the Vampire-Chad-Subtype knowing that I'll never achieve this but eventually come close, close enough to no longer be a victim of lookism. This is how I started VAMPIREMAXXING!

If you want to vampiremaxx I recommend you go ahead and watch "The Vampire Diaries". You don't have to like the show but it will give you inspirations throughout your vampire looksmaxxing journey since almost all the actors are exceptionally good looking.

First things first: The body.

As you all know nothing boosts testosterone more than leg training does.

I train my legs everyday. I do cardio everyday in the morning. It burns fat and gets me lean, it helps me with staying focused, it trains my legs and raises t-levels. Despite that I follow a P/P/L workout routine. Compound movements first followed by isolations after. No rest days. Go to bed earlier and eat healthy. Your body will learn to recover faster over time. I have a smoothie maker and I eat all sorts of berries, apples, peaches, kiwis, bananas and other tasteful fruits on a daily basis.

After my morning run I eat oat meal with different sorts of nuts. My other meals usually contain chicken breasts, rice, broccoli, tomatoes and lots of other vegetables. No fast food, no alcohol, no cigarettes, NEVER. N.E.V.E.R!

This is me now after only a few months of working out and a consistent diet.

Make sure to stay lean. Your veins, jawline and zygomatic arch will only pop out if you have a six pack and a very low body fat percentage. Your goal should be to maintain that all year round. How? Eat healthy obviously, no junk food. Make sure you go to bed hungry, always. Do lots of cardio, everyday is ideal and if you eat unhealthy food do a workout while eating. Normally you should give your body time to digest the food but if you are only eating a snack like a protein latch it's fine to workout.

I love chocolate I have to admit. But only chocolate with 99% of cacao. Cacao itself isn't unhealthy so that doesn't count as junk food. So if I want to eat chocolate I break it into 20 little pieces. If I want a piece I have to do 80 squats, 50 push ups and 20 pull ups first. If I want another one I have to go for another round. This way I'm enjoying the food but not gaining unnecessary weight.
Like I said I only eat chocolate that contains 99% cacao. So there's only 1% left for unhealthy ingredients.

The only fat burning supplement I take is l-carnitine 30 minutes before a workout.

This is my stack:

For performance I take caffeine only if really needed, magnesium and creatine.

For mental power and focus I take omega 3 fish oil and phytopanmol a natural substance.

For facial aesthetics I take vitamin k2 to support the transportation of calcium into the bones, zinc for clear skin and higher T-levels, collagen peptides for healthier skin and biotin with copper for healthier hair. All in moderate dosages and not without carefully watching and counting my micros and macros and taking what I ate throughout the day into consideration.

Of course a protein shake after working out is something I'm not missing out on.

I have bioflorin peptides if I get a skin breakout and falim gum for the masseter muscles and facial width. Chewing gum for 8 hours a day will help with burning calories. Be careful about TMJ. Stop as soon as you feel any pain.

All the other stuff I only take if I have a problem with hitting my required nutrients throught the day. If it's rainy and I spend a lot of time inside I take vitamin D3. If I didn't eat enough fritus I take vitamin C and so on.

After I am done with cardio in the morning I go to the bathroom, I take a shower and get ready for the day. This is were the real looksmaxxing process starts for me:

I'm not going to go over everything but as you can see the most important things in no particular order are:

Facial cleansers for sensitive skin, toners, teeth whitening tooth paste with natural ingredients and no fluoride, shaving creams with very little alcohol and BHT, vitamin E oil to keep my hair protected throughout the day, suncream with very little chemicals to make sure my skin stays clear while being protected from the UV-light, niacinamide serum with 10% zinc against blackheads, several natural beard oils like mintoil, castor oil and jojobaoil to stimulate the hair follicles and keep them healthy, a dermaroller for collagen production, vitamin C serum for collagen production, sun milk with natural beta carotine for a tanned skin tone, vaseline to keep my lips looking fresh, hairspray, wax, sea salt spray and the alternator from crew as optional pre-stylers, cleansing gels, cell nettoynats, micellar waters and lotions against irritations like pimples and anti-aging, different types of perfumes, a mouth wash, differin gel against major acne if needed, zindaclin 1% gel against the redness after an irritation, natural deodorants without aluminium, glycolic acid against skin aging and sun damage and for collagen production, retinol of course, multi-peptide-serums for hair density, a color protective shampoo etc... Look into the ingredients and understand the chemicals, always make sure there's no alcohol or at least very little inside of it.

Some of that stuff is part of my daily routine, some of it is only used when I have specific issues with my skin. Having a big equipment allows me to be flexible and exactly adapt to the problems, attacking them as soon as noticed so no scars or pigmentation spots will be left on my face. I have a morning routine, a midday routine and a night time routine for my skin and hair, yes every type of hair like also to improve thickness of the eyebrows for example.

This way I'm able to run stubble game despite having bad beard genetics with only my grandfather having a fuller beard than I do:

Of course another important part of vampiremaxxing is having very light eyes and dark hair to create a striking contrast including the stubble, the eyebrows, the eyelashes and the head hair.

This is my current pigmentation:

In order to maintain this I have to dye my naturally dark blonde hair every month. I use special hair dye for the head hair and natural/vegan hair dye for the eye lashes and the eyebrows to make sure I don't irritate my eyes and the very sensitive skin surrounding them.

This was me before I went fully dark. I was experimenting with different shades of dark brown first. My eyelashes and eyebrows are not dyed darker in this pic:

The benefits:

I am now going out every weekend, I found loyal friends and I'm having fun! I get a lot of compliments from girls for my eyes. I have my own apartment 2 minutes away from the local bars. You know what that means. To celebrate my success I've bought this picture and it's already hanging on the wall next to my bed so I can look at it every time I fall asleep:

It was a long and hard journey but it was all worth it. Stop saying it's over and start taking action. Take the useful stuff and ignore all the trash that's talked about on here especially the hateful and discriminating comments and content.

To you reading this: Good luck!


-Signing out.
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Reactions: WadlowMaxxing, Deleted member 6963, Deleted member 773 and 33 others
Fucking Imgur, I can’t see shit.
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Reactions: fiori, materialistic, WadlowMaxxing and 13 others
Holy fucking shit dude if that's you your a slayer who told you it's over ? fuck soycel's i'm guessing
  • +1
Reactions: WadlowMaxxing
Fucking Imgur, I can’t see shit.

It's a lot more convenient since it's still removable and not permanent in case someone on here goes ER and ruins this place like sluthate and redpilltalk was ruined. I've been there. Trust me. You don't want yourself on a page associated with someone like ER.
Holy fucking shit dude if that's you your a slayer who told you it's over ? fuck soycel's i'm guessing

I'm only 5ft6. Look at the title. Manlets have to work harder.
  • +1
Reactions: WadlowMaxxing, DidntRead and FailedNormie
You rewriting the bible bruh?
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  • JFL
Reactions: WadlowMaxxing, SayNoToRotting, Deleted member 470 and 7 others

Lots of you brocels told me it's over. And it was over because I believed you.
"It's over for a manlet like you." I took some time to think about it and it didn't take long to make an eye opening discovery: What you guys are doing is ONLY talking. Only a hand full of people like @fatman0 for example are taking action. You only talk the talk but you don't walk the walk. Instead of trying new looksmaxxing techniques you guys chose to only talk about it and theorize about it. Why? Because it's convenient and easy and it doesn't require much and most of you guys are just lazy and some are very hateful. Lets face it.
It was time to get off of this page, it was time to take the useful information, create a collection and it was time to actually do some serious research, leave and take action. So that's what I did. Now I'm back one final time to tell you whats up. I'm back. Ascended, successful, happy but not satisfied and of course hungry for more.

This is will be my last post on this site. I know what works and what doesn't. Lookism has thought me a lot over the years. From looksmaxxing techniques to lookism itself. I'm fully educated. This is what I've learned and this is what has worked for me:

A few months ago I came across this picture:

In my opinion this is a pretty accurate representation of reality when it comes to the different Chad subtypes and categories. My goal was to ascend but I needed a vision, something that I was able to focus on. So I chose the Vampire-Chad-Subtype knowing that I'll never achieve this but eventually come close, close enough to no longer be a victim of lookism. This is how I started VAMPIREMAXXING!

If you want to vampiremaxx I recommend you go ahead and watch "The Vampire Diaries". You don't have to like the show but it will give you inspirations throughout your vampire looksmaxxing journey since almost all the actors are exceptionally good looking.

First things first: The body.

As you all know nothing boosts testosterone more than leg training does.

I train my legs everyday. I do cardio everyday in the morning. It burns fat and gets me lean, it helps me with staying focused, it trains my legs and raises t-levels. Despite that I follow a P/P/L workout routine. Compound movements first followed by isolations after. No rest days. Go to bed earlier and eat healthy. Your body will learn to recover faster over time. I have a smoothie maker and I eat all sorts of berries, apples, peaches, kiwis, bananas and other tasteful fruits on a daily basis.

After my morning run I eat oat meal with different sorts of nuts. My other meals usually contain chicken breasts, rice, broccoli, tomatoes and lots of other vegetables. No fast food, no alcohol, no cigarettes, NEVER. N.E.V.E.R!

This is me now after only a few months of working out and a consistent diet.

Make sure to stay lean. Your veins, jawline and zygomatic arch will only pop out if you have a six pack and a very low body fat percentage. Your goal should be to maintain that all year round. How? Eat healthy obviously, no junk food. Make sure you go to bed hungry, always. Do lots of cardio, everyday is ideal and if you eat unhealthy food do a workout while eating. Normally you should give your body time to digest the food but if you are only eating a snack like a protein latch it's fine to workout.

I love chocolate I have to admit. But only chocolate with 99% of cacao. Cacao itself isn't unhealthy so that doesn't count as junk food. So if I want to eat chocolate I break it into 20 little pieces. If I want a piece I have to do 80 squats, 50 push ups and 20 pull ups first. If I want another one I have to go for another round. This way I'm enjoying the food but not gaining unnecessary weight.
Like I said I only eat chocolate that contains 99% cacao. So there's only 1% left for unhealthy ingredients.

The only fat burning supplement I take is l-carnitine 30 minutes before a workout.

This is my stack:

For performance I take caffeine only if really needed, magnesium and creatine.

For mental power and focus I take omega 3 fish oil and phytopanmol a natural substance.

For facial aesthetics I take vitamin k2 to support the transportation of calcium into the bones, zinc for clear skin and higher T-levels, collagen peptides for healthier skin and biotin with copper for healthier hair. All in moderate dosages and not without carefully watching and counting my micros and macros and taking what I ate throughout the day into consideration.

Of course a protein shake after working out is something I'm not missing out on.

I have bioflorin peptides if I get a skin breakout and falim gum for the masseter muscles and facial width. Chewing gum for 8 hours a day will help with burning calories. Be careful about TMJ. Stop as soon as you feel any pain.

All the other stuff I only take if I have a problem with hitting my required nutrients throught the day. If it's rainy and I spend a lot of time inside I take vitamin D3. If I didn't eat enough fritus I take vitamin C and so on.

After I am done with cardio in the morning I go to the bathroom, I take a shower and get ready for the day. This is were the real looksmaxxing process starts for me:

I'm not going to go over everything but as you can see the most important things in no particular order are:

Facial cleansers for sensitive skin, toners, teeth whitening tooth paste with natural ingredients and no fluoride, shaving creams with very little alcohol and BHT, vitamin E oil to keep my hair protected throughout the day, suncream with very little chemicals to make sure my skin stays clear while being protected from the UV-light, niacinamide serum with 10% zinc against blackheads, several natural beard oils like mintoil, castor oil and jojobaoil to stimulate the hair follicles and keep them healthy, a dermaroller for collagen production, vitamin C serum for collagen production, sun milk with natural beta carotine for a tanned skin tone, vaseline to keep my lips looking fresh, hairspray, wax, sea salt spray and the alternator from crew as optional pre-stylers, cleansing gels, cell nettoynats, micellar waters and lotions against irritations like pimples and anti-aging, different types of perfumes, a mouth wash, differin gel against major acne if needed, zindaclin 1% gel against the redness after an irritation, natural deodorants without aluminium, glycolic acid against skin aging and sun damage and for collagen production, retinol of course, multi-peptide-serums for hair density, a color protective shampoo etc... Look into the ingredients and understand the chemicals, always make sure there's no alcohol or at least very little inside of it.

Some of that stuff is part of my daily routine, some of it is only used when I have specific issues with my skin. Having a big equipment allows me to be flexible and exactly adapt to the problems, attacking them as soon as noticed so no scars or pigmentation spots will be left on my face. I have a morning routine, a midday routine and a night time routine for my skin and hair, yes every type of hair like also to improve thickness of the eyebrows for example.

This way I'm able to run stubble game despite having bad beard genetics with only my grandfather having a fuller beard than I do:

Of course another important part of vampiremaxxing is having very light eyes and dark hair to create a striking contrast including the stubble, the eyebrows, the eyelashes and the head hair.

This is my current pigmentation:

In order to maintain this I have to dye my naturally dark blonde hair every month. I use special hair dye for the head hair and natural/vegan hair dye for the eye lashes and the eyebrows to make sure I don't irritate my eyes and the very sensitive skin surrounding them.

This was me before I went fully dark. I was experimenting with different shades of dark brown first. My eyelashes and eyebrows are not dyed darker in this pic:

The benefits:

I am now going out every weekend, I found loyal friends and I'm having fun! I get a lot of compliments from girls for my eyes. I have my own apartment 2 minutes away from the local bars. You know what that means. To celebrate my success I've bought this picture and it's already hanging on the wall next to my bed so I can look at it every time I fall asleep:

It was a long and hard journey but it was all worth it. Stop saying it's over and start taking action. Take the useful stuff and ignore all the trash that's talked about on here especially the hateful and discriminating comments and content.

To you reading this: Good luck!


-Signing out.

Fucking awesome man. Honestly. mirin the dedication and attitude. Max out!
  • +1
Reactions: WadlowMaxxing, DidntRead, SikKunt and 2 others
Inspirational man, really.
  • +1
Reactions: WadlowMaxxing, Deleted member 2012 and Deleted member 1383
Wow u inspired me to live in disbelief blisful ignorance mode when I think I can change somethinf about myself. Fuckin cope, u were already decent looking, just got leaner which worked for u, congrats though
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: SikKunt, Mansnob, Dude420 and 1 other person
Wow u inspired me to live in disbelief blisful ignorance mode when I think I can change somethinf about myself. Fuckin cope, u were already decent looking, just got leaner which worked for u, congrats though
I've gained more mass and I'm heavier despite being leaner, I didn't have facial hair, I had pimples and small acne scars, my jaw was less pronounced, I felt like shit and low energy, I wasn't able to run a marathon, I didn't have that pigmentation and skin tone etc...

But ok.
  • +1
Reactions: Pendejo
I finally found someone with curly eyebrows like me
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 1383
Before pics, tinder match rate with height?
I've gained more mass and I'm heavier despite being leaner, I didn't have facial hair, I had pimples and small acne scars, my jaw was less pronounced, I felt like shit and low energy, I wasn't able to run a marathon, I didn't have that pigmentation and skin tone etc...

But ok.
Wow it matters a lot, while u cope some dudes are just bad looking thats why they cant get a gf, so its a cope. U were already ok for foids
Respect for putting in the effort.
Even though you're a manlet, you didn't play life on super hard mode.
Your facial bones are good.
To fix a truly ugly face, you'd need a lot of money which is sometimes not possible. So for some it's over, but not for the people on this site whining that it's over.
Love you bro #nohomo, keep your attitude. Inspirational, I guess one of biggest inspirations of the all time on incels forum.
bro you ascended. Good job, are you still gong to dr sailer?
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  • JFL
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Before pics, tinder match rate with height?

I don't use tinder anymore and I had like 30 matches in 2 days WITHOUT height. The local bars are 2 minutes away from my apartment. I get ready and meet them outside. The girl I'm currently "dating" is 5ft9. I'm 5ft6.
bro you ascended. Good job, are you still gong to dr sailer?

I think so yes but for now I'm doing good. Rhinoplasty and the jaw implant is going to get me to another level.
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Reactions: DidntRead and The Dude Abides
I don't use tinder anymore and I had like 30 matches in 2 days WITHOUT height. The local bars are 2 minutes away from my apartment. I get ready and meet them outside. The girl I'm currently "dating" is 5ft9. I'm 5ft6.
pics of the girl?
  • +1
Reactions: Dude420
Its never over only retards take those jokes seriously
  • +1
Reactions: The Dude Abides
I don't use tinder anymore and I had like 30 matches in 2 days WITHOUT height. The local bars are 2 minutes away from my apartment. I get ready and meet them outside. The girl I'm currently "dating" is 5ft9. I'm 5ft6.

I think so yes but for now I'm doing good. Rhinoplasty and the jaw implant is going to get me to another level.
Btw how many kgs did u gain.
  • JFL
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Reactions: Usum, DidntRead, SikKunt and 7 others
Hope he lives alone lol. I had to justify buying castor oil and an eyelash curler to my mom. She now probably thinks I'm gay
I do live alone lol.
This should be pinned.

Perfect example of what we as a community should strive towards. Positivity, hard work, routines, action and then more action. No coping or autistic bullshit.
  • +1
Reactions: swedecel, LM4sixten, DidntRead and 13 others
This should be pinned.

Perfect example of what we as a community should strive towards. Positivity, hard work, routines, action and then more action. No coping or autistic bullshit.
Thank you man!
  • +1
Reactions: The Dude Abides and MadMong
This should be pinned.

Perfect example of what we as a community should strive towards. Positivity, hard work, routines, action and then more action. No coping or autistic bullshit.
Its cope in fact, u like to see threads where someone got leaner and bought a face cream and then "ascended", cuz ur low T, same applies for others
  • Ugh..
Reactions: DidntRead and The Dude Abides
This should be pinned.

Perfect example of what we as a community should strive towards. Positivity, hard work, routines, action and then more action. No coping or autistic bullshit.
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: LostYouth, Deleted member 1464, vin and 3 others
Bro congrats the autistic discipline to the looksmaxing journey make it look like a well respected vocation.


Standing ovation for you OP. Here, take all the dopamine you deserve it. High iq, high T, low inhib, high autism and high effort thread, bravo good sir!
  • +1
Reactions: LostYouth, AspiringChad, DidntRead and 4 others
Beautiful work my man. Vampire-type is the best phenotype there is tbh
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 1383
Next time try Chicomaxing, it also works u just mew and do vitamin C overdose, my friend got a gf after ascending using this method, its legit
  • JFL
Reactions: Dude420
are you an exact 5'6?
Didn't read but nice progress
All that shit you have laying around didn't do shit. It's the clean diet and exercise lol why waste your money like that
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 656
How old are you?
Next time try Chicomaxing, it also works u just mew and do vitamin C overdose, my friend got a gf after ascending using this method, its legit
Well I would need to do more to successfully chicomaxx. Stubble game, haircolor (red undertones), I would need to reshape my eyebrows and maybe even try to induce a change of growth pattern throught minoxmaxxing. A lip lift and rhino also. I'm getting into plastic surgery soon just need to save a little bit more money.
  • +1
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Well I would need to do more to successfully chicomaxx. Stubble game, haircolor (red undertones), I would need to reshape my eyebrows and maybe even try to induce a change of growth pattern throught minoaxxing. A lip lift and rhino also. I'm getting in plastic surgery soon just need to save a little bit more money.
No surgery for ur delusional brain
No surgery for ur delusional brain
You are just jealous because I'm ascending while you keep on rotting. Jaw implants and rhino will bring me to the next level.
How can you afford your own place at 20?
Parents support me financially and I'm working but mainly focussing on education, looksmaxxing and girls atm.
  • +1
Reactions: Pendejo and The Dude Abides
You are just jealous because I'm ascending while you keep on rotting. Jaw implants and rhino will bring me to the next level.
I am jealous, but not cuz u ascended. I am jealous cuz u look decent though u got a face from birth and just coping hard here about looksmaxing stuff. While I didnt get anything close to it.
Neither I reply to thread cuz I am jealous, I reply just for fun.
I am jealous, but not cuz u ascended. I am jealous cuz u look decent though u got a face from birth and just coping hard here about looksmaxing stuff. While I didnt get anything close to it.
Neither I reply to thread cuz I am jealous, I reply just for fun.
Lol. This was me at 16 when I started:

Of course it was all magically "given" to me. Stop coping.
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Reactions: DidntRead, Pendejo, The Dude Abides and 1 other person
Lol. This was me at 16 when I started:

Of course it was all magically "given" to me. Stop coping.

No u worked hard and got a face while ur bones havent altered.
What a cope. I know it makes u feel worthy or smth but its a cope.
  • Ugh..
  • JFL
Reactions: DidntRead, The Dude Abides and Deleted member 1383

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