Manlets, listen up.

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Aug 27, 2018
I'm 5'7 and have banged three 6' women,one of whom was an amateur model, all three of which were hot as fuck. I'm not a Chad, I'm a pretty average looking guy. But guess what? I'm funny, charismatic, intelligent, confident, kind, well-dressed, and have an interesting career doing what I'm passionate about. My point is that height is honest to God not the limiting factor to whether or not you get laid. Am I saying any guy of any height can have any girl? Of course not. Everyone has preferences, even incels.

Pro tip : there are a TON of wholesome and very attractive black women into nerdy white guys.

You have two choices. You can vehemently reject this thread and my existence and project all of your repressed feelings onto someone trying to help you obtain what you desire, or you can use this as an opportunity to learn something from a dorky scrawny virgin HS kid that ended up slaying in his 20s.
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I guess you have a Chad face then ? Nice frame too? Which country?

Also obligatory "hi cucktears"
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I guess you have a Chad face then ? Nice frame too? Which country?

Also obligatory "hi cucktears"
Not a Chad face, but I do grow a pretty kickass beard. Quite an average frame. Not toned or muscular by any means. Usa. And I've never posted on incel tears, I don't even have an account on reddit.
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So what did you do to go from "dorky scrawny virgin HS kid " to "slaying" ?
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funny, charismatic, intelligent, confident, kind, well-dressed
Funny: Ability to make people laugh without lowering your status or demeaning yourself. You increase status with humour which is hard to do for some people. A black people who makes racist jokes about himself is not a funny guy.. he is sad and is a people-pleaser

Charismatic: People like being around you. And you give them the feeling that they are wanted.
Intelligent: Socially intelligent*. Intelligence on its own doesn't mean anything.
Confident: You mean like assertive? Not a bitch who doesn't dare to speak up? Just have moderate T levels for this one
Kind: You don't offend people over small things or trying to start fights when there is no reason to.
Well-dressed: Clothes that fit

There are many many many factors leading to sexual attractions. Factors we haven't discovered yet but your post is just a bunch of bullshit. It might be motivating to Incels who want to better themselves but this post just delivers poor expectations.
and have banged three 6' women,one of whom was an amateur model, all three of which were hot as fuck.
You give wrong expectations.. if you said that you fucked 2 women who were kind of OK then you'd motivate way more people here.
Also your bragging is not adding value to anything.

> Everyone has preferences, even incels.
> very attractive black women

Pick one.

You have two choices.
We have unlimited choices.

Why not post your body statistics? Weight/Bodyfat
Also important factors like status and your reputation around people.

You give the wrong expectations bud. Migth sound good to your fellow Inceltears users but here? This post is just demeaning and offensive
Not a Chad face, but I do grow a pretty kickass beard. Quite an average frame. Not toned or muscular by any means. Usa. And I've never posted on incel tears, I don't even have an account on reddit.

Why not tell us how you pull these women? How do you get to know them? Are you popular?
So what did you do to go from "dorky scrawny virgin HS kid " to "slaying" ?

He's a fake lmao.
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How much did you pay them op
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so basically you're statusmaxxed?
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Funny: Ability to make people laugh without lowering your status or demeaning yourself. You increase status with humour which is hard to do for some people.

Humor, like anything else in life can be learned.

Well-dressed: Clothes that fit

Of course. In virtually every photo I've seen that an incel posts of himself, he's wearing baggy dusty ass looking clothes that don't fit. I'm 5'7 and have a long torso, so my legs are super tiny (about a 28 inch inseam which doens't exist anywhere in the US) and my thighs are really skinny. I literally shop in the kids section of Target to find jeans that fit me and they look awesome. I also use as they have much smaller sizes available, and their prices are reasonable. Their ASOS brand skinny chinos are bomb.

Having a basic understanding of color theory helps as well. Know what colors look good together. Personally, I like earth tones so I wear a lot of dark green, navy blue, and burgundy. I wear wooden plugs (size 2G) with green stone inlays that match my eye color.

Grooming is also super important and not something I see a lot on these sites. Learn how to blow dry your hair to get it into the shape you want. Find a suitable hair product for your hair texture. Personally, I use a variety of pomades as they're pliable so they don't freeze up and get hard like gel. They come in a variety of thicknesses and have different amounts of oils depending on how shiny you want it to look.

I've also never seen anyone discuss growing beards. I don't have a super prominant chin or jawline. Growing a beard, and mostimportantly SHAPING and GROOMING your beard can drastically change the appearance of your face's shape, your perceived age, and your perceived maturity. I'm able to grow a pretty thick brown and red beard, and I keep the lines charp, and taper the sides down a bit shorter than the middle chin area to give the appearance of a more defined chin and jaw. This is also why I have the sides of my head shaved much shorter than the top, it suits the shape of my head.

You give wrong expectations.. if you said that you fucked 2 women who were kind of OK then you'd motivate way more people here.
Also your bragging is not adding value to anything.

This is nonsensical. I wouldn't post here and say " I've fucked 2 women who were kind of OK" because that has not been my personal experience.

> Everyone has preferences, even incels.
> very attractive black women

Pick one.

I don't even understand what contradiction you think there is here? Everyone has different preferences, and there are lots of black women into nerdy white guys. Both of those statements have shown themselves to be true to me through life experiences. I'm not sure why you think these are mutually exclusive concepts.

Why not post your body statistics? Weight/Bodyfat

Also important factors like status and your reputation around people.

I'm 5'7. About 140 pounds. I've never messured my body fat but I'm not muscular. I'm a bit "skinny fat". I have a thin frame but the beginnings of dad bod around my stomach, although recently I've been burning more fat.

You give the wrong expectations bud.

Migth sound good to your fellow Inceltears users but here? This post is just demeaning and offensive

I don't see how any of this is demeaning or offensive. I'm trying to show you that there's hope. I can't control how you perceive the world.

Why not tell us how you pull these women? How do you get to know them?

Sure. The vast majority of women I've dated, had sex with have been from Tinder and OKCupid. About 95% of the messages they get are from douchebags. I've probably met up with a dozen or so women from dating apps and they're all said they were turned off by what you would think of as typical "Chad" responses, ie, super aggressive, overly sexual, demanding, etc. I compliment their eyes or their smile. I speak like a respectful, decent human being, because I am one. And they like that. This doesn't mean they walk all over me or use me or any of that BS either.

Are you popular?

I have no real concept of what popular is as a 26 year old man. I understand how cliquey middle and high school can be, but where I am in life, there's just different people who do different things. There aren't groups of "popular" adults who co-mingle separately from "nerdy" adults.

He's a fake lmao.

I'm flattered you think my life is fictional :p
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Troll, mods get in here
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I call bullshit. Either you’re a Chad who is seriously lacking in self awareness, or you’re lying/trolling.
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I call bullshit. Either you’re a Chad who is seriously lacking in self awareness, or you’re lying/trolling.

What part of what I've said is so infeasible to you?
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Well, time to close this thread because it was intended to spark reactions from looksmax users.
This thread is a huge LARP, the user wrote "Like everyone else, I'm here to try and finally accend. Im 22 and never had a gf or even kissed a girl and I refuse to LDAR" in his registration application form.
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