Many many women are dating at or below their looksmatch



Feb 16, 2020
I see this all the time and it's becoming impossible to ignore tbh

Decent women (I won't say stacies or anything like that) are dating basically normie men. Usually in their social groups. The men do not have anything going for them in terms of sex appeal.

No great face, No great body (skinny fat, fat, or DYEL), nothing that strikes anyone. Basically walking batteries that you wouldn't look twice at in a crowd.

Now, the relationship might be cucked and all, but at the end of the day it's something.

If you're a normie man, an LTR through social circle like this is basically the best bet you have. The men in these relationships sure as fuck aren't slaying, but, they have something next to them when they sleep at night.

So, it's something to consider.

But you need to ascend hard if you have intentions of being wanted for FOR YOUR SEX APPEAL. That's a whole different story. I do think on the site we exaggerate what it takes to get most women, at least in terms of male appeal. Really attractive men are just too rare and most women give in and date below what they "want".
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Canada rn. But I travel to Western Europe and US and see same shit tbh.

Maybe different in some countries but i can't imagine it's a drastic change
  • JFL
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Canada rn. But I travel to Western Europe and US and see same shit tbh.

Maybe different in some countries but i can't imagine it's a drastic change
I thought this was the average social circle in Canada:

  • JFL
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Canada rn. But I travel to Western Europe and US and see same shit tbh.

Maybe different in some countries but i can't imagine it's a drastic change
@Biggdink bluepills

Everybody is looksmatched where I live or the guy mogs the girl facially/height.
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I see this all the time and it's becoming impossible to ignore tbh

Decent women (I won't say stacies or anything like that) are dating basically normie men. Usually in their social groups. The men do not have anything going for them in terms of sex appeal.

No great face, No great body (skinny fat, fat, or DYEL), nothing that strikes anyone. Basically walking batteries that you wouldn't look twice at in a crowd.

Now, the relationship might be cucked and all, but at the end of the day it's something.

If you're a normie man, an LTR through social circle like this is basically the best bet you have. The men in these relationships sure as fuck aren't slaying, but, they have something next to them when they sleep at night.

So, it's something to consider.

But you need to ascend hard if you have intentions of being wanted for FOR YOUR SEX APPEAL. That's a whole different story. I do think on the site we exaggerate what it takes to get most women, at least in terms of male appeal. Really attractive men are just too rare and most women give in and date below what they "want".
I know a few couples where the guy mogs the girl

What happened to the chads, too busy slaying and not settling?
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@Biggdink bluepills

Everybody is looksmatched where I live or the guy mogs the girl facially/height.
canada is bluepill central

reverse hypergamy is brutal here
  • JFL
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@volcelfatcel @gamma @AlexAP @Chadeep see another canadian user confirming my theories
  • JFL
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Yeah I mean blackpill is being wanted for sex based on your sex appeal. No shit there are men below 8/10 who have sex
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beckies can't get a relationship with a chad and hypergemy barley exists irl

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  • Hmm...
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Yeah I mean blackpill is being wanted for sex based on your sex appeal. No shit there are men below 8/10 who have sex
I'm confirmed chadroneliteridguez yet i haven't had sex in over 5 years
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Best city to slay is toronto?
its same everywhere in canada

toronto and montreal are very similar
toronto is considered hard for dating but montreal is considered easiest city in the world

difference is toronto is full of curries so theyre always complaining on the internet that dating is hard in toronto.... but its easy for everyone else
  • JFL
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@Latebloomer10 hmm
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I live in the suburbs in NYC

NYC large place, fair number of upper middle class people that are on average more attractive but not quite chad or really high sex appeal. I've seen and gone to school with such people. Thought they were chads and high SMV before blackpill. But after blackpill I realize many of the women and men are just well put together and frauding for halos.
I know a few couples where the guy mogs the girl

What happened to the chads, too busy slaying and not settling?
They are rare, but they can do whatever they want. Slay, settle, whatever. Attractive men don't feel a compulsion to do anything in particular. I mean i see them sometimes with attractive women, it's just that both are rare.

canada is bluepill central

reverse hypergamy is brutal here
@volcelfatcel @gamma @AlexAP @Chadeep see another canadian user confirming my theories

Yeah tbh But a lot of big cities i've been to have the same dynamics, maybe some differences depending on the specifics like overweight population

Yeah I mean blackpill is being wanted for sex based on your sex appeal. No shit there are men below 8/10 who have sex
I feel like the site is really taking it to the extreme. The belief is that its also needed for LTRs.

beckies can't get a relationship with a chad and hypergemy barley exists irl

I would say if Chad was present in their social circle it would be over. I just think its important to be reminded of reality. But social circles rarely have chads to begin with.
I'm confirmed chadroneliteridguez yet i haven't had sex in over 5 years
Over. Sorry to hear this.
Best city to slay is toronto?
FILLED with curries and asians ngl. If u were legit chadlite with good sex appeal and muscular it would be easy cleanup. But then again, if u had all that, then what's the point of travelling to begin with? You'd be satisfied in ur home towns.
its same everywhere in canada

toronto and montreal are very similar
toronto is considered hard for dating but montreal is considered easiest city in the world

difference is toronto is full of curries so theyre always complaining on the internet that dating is hard in toronto.... but its easy for everyone else

Thing is, even if ur curry, i see them with looksmatched asians and sometimes whites too. This is unthinkable in other big cities, especially the white part.
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NYC large place, fair number of upper middle class people that are on average more attractive but not quite chad or really high sex appeal. I've seen and gone to school with such people. Thought they were chads and high SMV before blackpill. But after blackpill I realize many of the women and men are just well put together and frauding for halos.

They are rare, but they can do whatever they want. Slay, settle, whatever. Attractive men don't feel a compulsion to do anything in particular. I mean i see them sometimes with attractive women, it's just that both are rare.

Yeah tbh But a lot of big cities i've been to have the same dynamics, maybe some differences depending on the specifics like overweight population

I feel like the site is really taking it to the extreme. The belief is that its also needed for LTRs.

I would say if Chad was present in their social circle it would be over. I just think its important to be reminded of reality. But social circles rarely have chads to begin with.

Over. Sorry to hear this.

FILLED with curries and asians ngl. If u were legit chadlite with good sex appeal and muscular it would be easy cleanup. But then again, if u had all that, then what's the point of travelling to begin with? You'd be satisfied in ur home towns.

Thing is, even if ur curry, i see them with looksmatched asians and sometimes whites too. This is unthinkable in other big cities, especially the white part.
But why do I see chads with shaniquas? I saw a typical jock type of guy with a shaniqua in London. She was clinging onto him for dear life and the guy was ripped to oblivion. He was psl 6, white and prettyboy

Saw another Chad this time an RTT type with a mixed shaniqua.
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meanwhile in greece mostly chadlites get girlfriends and usually they're subhuman or average
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Thing is, even if ur curry, i see them with looksmatched asians and sometimes whites too. This is unthinkable in other big cities, especially the white part.
yea true but its just 10x harder for curries but not impossible

everyone can slay in canada... women here just dont care about looks
  • JFL
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But why do I see chads with shaniquas? I saw a typical jock type of guy with a shaniqua in London. She was clinging onto him for dear life and the guy was ripped to oblivion. He was psl 6, white and prettyboy

Saw another Chad this time an RTT type with a mixed shaniqua.
Probably the same reasons you see ugly guy with a girl out of his league - outliers, betabuxxing, personality, mental illness etc.

Most couples are around their looks level. There's not a lot of mogging going on.

meanwhile in greece mostly chadlites get girlfriends and usually they're subhuman or average
Can't speak about greece but i know i used to look for relationships like this when i was out and was extremely blackpilled. I probably selectively ignored the other kinds of LTRs that I am talking about now. A lot of it is just bias
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yea true but its just 10x harder for curries but not impossible

everyone can slay in canada... women here just dont care about looks

I will say a lot of the women are also on average less hot than other cities though.
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yea true but its just 10x harder for curries but not impossible

everyone can slay in canada... women here just dont care about looks
brb moving
  • JFL
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Probably the same reasons you see ugly guy with a girl out of his league - outliers, betabuxxing, personality, mental illness etc.

Most couples are around their looks level. There's not a lot of mogging going on.

Can't speak about greece but i know i used to look for relationships like this when i was out and was extremely blackpilled. I probably selectively ignored the other kinds of LTRs that I am talking about now. A lot of it is just bias
So a guy who is 7 psl is in a relationship with a 7 psl stacy

No wonder why loads of women get plastic surgery so they think they could get a chance with Chad

Eventually they settle with their looksmatch
So a guy who is 7 psl is in a relationship with a 7 psl stacy
both would be super rare. So unless they're in the same social circle or proximity they'd have a hard time finding a looksmatch on their level. So, they'd prob settle below what they'd both get.
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both would be super rare. So unless they're in the same social circle or proximity they'd have a hard time finding a looksmatch on their level. So, they'd prob settle below what they'd both get.
I wonder if that's why I see stacies date subhuman tier men

I wonder why white chads rarely date Asian stacies. They're most often with stacies of other races. Just not Asian. Most Asian stacies date subhuman whites.
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I wonder if that's why I see stacies date subhuman tier men

I wonder why white chads rarely date Asian stacies. They're most often with stacies of other races. Just not Asian. Most Asian stacies date subhuman whites.
I don't usually see subhuman tier tbh

I don't know why that is. Maybe asian stacies are rare.
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I agree, this forum and the blackpill can be extremely delusional. I will finish my clubbing post tomorrow. I went out in a city and the reality outside the basement is different to the reality here. I am also in the UK where "hypergamy is at its worse". Looksmax reality:
> take a bunch of basement dwellers
> Pick cherrys from Tiktok, dating apps and other social media such as reddit. HINT THESE ARE THE MOST NARCY WOMEN THAT EXIST.
> "Its over all women are X only" "Muh hypergamy" "Muh X, muh Y, muh Z"

However I have recieved enough blackpills to be here. There are also numerous studies supporting looks theory, I do ultimately believe in looks theory but I don't believe that:
> Looks theory means you have to be 0.1% outlier gigachad turbomogger to recieve any sexual validation from women.
> I also don't believe in evolutionary psychology. Its mostly theoretical puesdo science and it ingores that males are bigger and stronger then women. It also ignores rape. Alot of copulation in the animal kindgom is rape. Women experience more orgasms during rape. The average male is subhuman because they are recessed and looksminned. You also have lots of race mixing and diversity which is bound to produce alot of losers. For example a 5ft 5 man may be a slayer in sri lanka, but he will be subhuman in germany.

Another one is the dual mating strategy. AFBB. It assumes "betas" will just LDAR. I don't want to talk about evolutionary psychology because if you actually sit down and think about it alot of the shit they say is fucking retarded. If you also have enough IQ to not act like a fucking monkey, you don't need to act on pure instinct.
> The consensus that women are low IQ dogs that provide no benefit to your life over then pussy. Just write off 50% of the population theory :feelsuhh:. They are all chadsexual (where is PSL chad again?) and will monkey branch and cuck you at any given opportunity. All women are sluts with triple digit body counts by the time they are 20. Better start spinning plates bro then act suprised when the "average woman" has a high notch count :redpill::feelsuhh:🤡.

I also have one other tales story about some normie guy who cheated on his stacylite gf. The whole relationshit was absurd and filled with blackpills. Its a circus show so I should write it up at some point.
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I agree, this forum and the blackpill can be extremely delusional. I will finish my clubbing post tomorrow. I went out in a city and the reality outside the basement is different to the reality here. I am also in the UK where "hypergamy is at its worse". Looksmax reality:
> take a bunch of basement dwellers
> Pick cherrys from Tiktok, dating apps and other social media such as reddit. HINT THESE ARE THE MOST NARCY WOMEN THAT EXIST.
> "Its over all women are X only" "Muh hypergamy" "Muh X, muh Y, muh Z"

However I have recieved enough blackpills to be here. There are also numerous studies supporting looks theory, I do ultimately believe in looks theory but I don't believe that:
> Looks theory means you have to be 0.1% outlier gigachad turbomogger to recieve any sexual validation from women.
> I also don't believe in evolutionary psychology. Its mostly theoretical puesdo science and it ingores that males are bigger and stronger then women. It also ignores rape. Alot of copulation in the animal kindgom is rape. Women experience more orgasms during rape. The average male is subhuman because they are recessed and looksminned. You also have lots of race mixing and diversity which is bound to produce alot of losers. For example a 5ft 5 man may be a slayer in sri lanka, but he will be subhuman in germany.

Another one is the dual mating strategy. AFBB. It assumes "betas" will just LDAR. I don't want to talk about evolutionary psychology because if you actually sit down and think about it alot of the shit they say is fucking retarded. If you also have enough IQ to not act like a fucking monkey, you don't need to act on pure instinct.
> The consensus that women are low IQ dogs that provide no benefit to your life over then pussy. Just write off 50% of the population theory :feelsuhh:. They are all chadsexual (where is PSL chad again?) and will monkey branch and cuck you at any given opportunity. All women are sluts with triple digit body counts by the time they are 20. Better start spinning plates bro then act suprised when the "average woman" has a high notch count :redpill::feelsuhh:🤡.

I also have one other tales story about some normie guy who cheated on his stacylite gf. The whole relationshit was absurd and filled with blackpills. Its a circus show so I should write it up at some point.
Good comment, I'm looking up to your clubbing post.
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same for France
Female hypergamy involves both SMV and RMV.
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It's called settling contrary to what most guys here believe most women don't want to be part of chad's harem.
  • JFL
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No, it’s the stacys dating normie men. The beckies date above their looksmatch.
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Stacies date rich men (that often aren't gl)
Beckies date chads
Ugly women date normies
And men below average date nothing
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I see this all the time and it's becoming impossible to ignore tbh

Decent women (I won't say stacies or anything like that) are dating basically normie men. Usually in their social groups. The men do not have anything going for them in terms of sex appeal.

No great face, No great body (skinny fat, fat, or DYEL), nothing that strikes anyone. Basically walking batteries that you wouldn't look twice at in a crowd.

Now, the relationship might be cucked and all, but at the end of the day it's something.

If you're a normie man, an LTR through social circle like this is basically the best bet you have. The men in these relationships sure as fuck aren't slaying, but, they have something next to them when they sleep at night.

So, it's something to consider.

But you need to ascend hard if you have intentions of being wanted for FOR YOUR SEX APPEAL. That's a whole different story. I do think on the site we exaggerate what it takes to get most women, at least in terms of male appeal. Really attractive men are just too rare and most women give in and date below what they "want".
They still got good collagen thats the key
Cope. These girlfriends will not truly love their boyfriends, and guys would be surely cucked any time the girl had an opportunity to cuck them. Also betabuxx is probably related to it, and chad will rarely commit to some girl. Do not forget that women are constantly in fear because of the social pressure, so they date a nice guy just to have stable social life (in their circle) and have a good relationships with parents/relatives. Finally, every girl is aware of the brutal wallpill and agepill, so they do not want to end up alone next decades of life///
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Well I have an anecdotal thread saying the opposite JFL. We cancel eachother out I guess.

The thing is I think people fail to take into account the heightpill when talking about "bluepill looksmatch." If the guy is 4 PSL but 6ft his looksmatch is not an average female.

  • +1
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I see this all the time and it's becoming impossible to ignore tbh

Decent women (I won't say stacies or anything like that) are dating basically normie men. Usually in their social groups. The men do not have anything going for them in terms of sex appeal.

No great face, No great body (skinny fat, fat, or DYEL), nothing that strikes anyone. Basically walking batteries that you wouldn't look twice at in a crowd.

Now, the relationship might be cucked and all, but at the end of the day it's something.

If you're a normie man, an LTR through social circle like this is basically the best bet you have. The men in these relationships sure as fuck aren't slaying, but, they have something next to them when they sleep at night.

So, it's something to consider.

But you need to ascend hard if you have intentions of being wanted for FOR YOUR SEX APPEAL. That's a whole different story. I do think on the site we exaggerate what it takes to get most women, at least in terms of male appeal. Really attractive men are just too rare and most women give in and date below what they "want".
The men in these relationships sure as fuck aren't slaying, but, they have something next to them when they sleep at night.

So, it's something to consider."

This is one of the saddest things I've seen written on this site. You cannot live like that. If you do you'll be miserable for the rest of your life and full of regret at the end of it. It's truly better to be alone than to endure thas kind of situation.

A man should never have to seduce, or behave in a certain way, in order to have sex with his wife. A woman shouldn't have to "be in the mood" in order to have sex with her husband.

What kind of man will you be after years of being denied something that you're biologically entitled to in such a domestic living arrangement?
Not true and are look for the highest smv man they can ltr
normie girls are in relationships with normie men 99% of the time, anything else is an outlier. (You can tell it’s an outlier because guys like to hyperventilate and freak out whenever they see it, if they saw it everyday they’d be desensitized)

most people date their looksmatch, incels like to cope that everyone struggles like they do, nope sorry, you’re a minority.

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