Masculine physiques are highly misunderstood

I guarantee you Bumstead could throw a spear further than that kid unless he specifically trained for it.

Like most bodybuilders, he is falling to pieces. I googled "cb injury" and got a laundry list of various ways he's fucked up.


Keep in mind, this is in the context of being in a gym while having 100% control over the stimulus, movement, reps and weight and zero dynamic or ballistic movements or reactions to contend with. If this guy had to chase gazelles in the woods, jumping over tree roots in a forest his hamstrings would literally explode, day 1. And then what? you don't make any calories for your tribe / family so your tribesmen bash your head in with a rock while you are sleeping for being a waste of resources, it's over, gg no re. Sounds harsh, but that's how brutal most of humanity's life was.
Like most bodybuilders, he is falling to pieces. I googled "cb injury" and got a laundry list of various ways he's fucked up.

View attachment 3189154

Keep in mind, this is in the context of being in a gym while having 100% control over the stimulus, movement, reps and weight and zero dynamic or ballistic movements or reactions to contend with. If this guy had to chase gazelles in the woods, jumping over tree roots in a forest his hamstrings would literally explode, day 1. And then what? you don't make any calories for your tribe / family so your tribesmen bash your head in with a rock while you are sleeping for being a waste of resources, it's over, gg no re. Sounds harsh, but that's how brutal most of humanity's life was.
There's a lot of issues here with your logic.

Firstly, you can Google anything about anyone and something will come up.

Secondly, what you said about the gym. Even though you have 100% control over everything, the goal itself makes injury a risk, which is progressive overload. You have all the control in the world on how much you load up the weight for bench but you're always going to want to put something that challenges you. So risk of injury is always there. Meanwhile the goal in catching gazelles is just to catch the gazelle. There isn't a goal of pushing yourself as close as you can to your limits without injury.

Imagine if Bumstead just went into the gym training at 70% intensity, 2 reps before failure, and never pushing his limits. I can guarantee you he'd never get injured.

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